
143 lines
3.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-10-03 01:11:28 +02:00
%option enable_floats
~ irq {
word global_time
byte time_changed
sub irq() {
time_changed = 1
~ main {
const word width = 320
const word height = 200
; vertices
float[8] xcoor = [ -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
float[8] ycoor = [ -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]
float[8] zcoor = [ -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0 ]
; edges (msb=from vertex, lsb=to vertex)
word[12] edges = [$0001, $0103, $0302, $0200, $0405, $0507, $0706, $0604, $0004, $0105, $0206, $0307]
; storage for rotated coordinates
float[len(xcoor)] rotatedx
float[len(ycoor)] rotatedy
float[len(zcoor)] rotatedz
; general index var
byte i
sub start() {
if irq.time_changed {
irq.time_changed = 0
_vm_gfx_text(14, 5, 5, "Spin to Win !!!")
for i in 0 to width//10 {
_vm_gfx_line(i*2+width//2-width//10, 130, i*10, 199, 6)
rotate_vertices(flt(irq.global_time) / 30.0)
goto start
sub rotate_vertices(t: float) {
; rotate around origin (0,0,0)
; set up the 3d rotation matrix values
float cosa
float sina
float cosb
float sinb
float cosc
float sinc
float Axx
float Axy
float Axz
float Ayx
float Ayy
float Ayz
float Azx
float Azy
float Azz
cosa = cos(t)
sina = sin(t)
cosb = cos(t*0.33)
sinb = sin(t*0.33)
cosc = cos(t*0.78)
sinc = sin(t*0.78)
Axx = cosa*cosb
Axy = cosa*sinb*sinc - sina*cosc
Axz = cosa*sinb*cosc + sina*sinc
Ayx = sina*cosb
Ayy = sina*sinb*sinc + cosa*cosc
Ayz = sina*sinb*cosc - cosa*sinc
Azx = -sinb
Azy = cosb*sinc
Azz = cosb*cosc
for i in 0 to len(xcoor)-1 {
rotatedx[i] = Axx*xcoor[i] + Axy*ycoor[i] + Axz*zcoor[i]
rotatedy[i] = Ayx*xcoor[i] + Ayy*ycoor[i] + Ayz*zcoor[i]
rotatedz[i] = Azx*xcoor[i] + Azy*ycoor[i] + Azz*zcoor[i]
sub draw_edges() {
word edge
byte e_from
byte e_to
sub toscreenx(x: float, z: float) -> word {
return floor(x/(4.2+z) * height) + width // 2
sub toscreeny(y: float, z: float) -> word {
return floor(y/(4.2+z) * height) + height // 2
; draw all edges of the object
for edge in edges {
e_from = msb(edge)
e_to = lsb(edge)
_vm_gfx_line(toscreenx(rotatedx[e_from], rotatedz[e_from]), toscreeny(rotatedy[e_from], rotatedz[e_from]),
toscreenx(rotatedx[e_to], rotatedz[e_to]), toscreeny(rotatedy[e_to], rotatedz[e_to]), e_from+e_to)
; accentuate the vertices a bit with small boxes
word sx
word sy
byte col
for i in 0 to len(xcoor)-1 {
sx = toscreenx(rotatedx[i], rotatedz[i])
sy = toscreeny(rotatedy[i], rotatedz[i])
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx-1, sy-1, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx, sy-1, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx+1, sy-1, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx-1, sy, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx, sy, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx+1, sy, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx-1, sy+1, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx, sy+1, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx+1, sy+1, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx, sy-2, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx+2, sy, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx, sy+2, col)
_vm_gfx_pixel(sx-2, sy, col)