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package prog8tests
import io.kotest.assertions.withClue
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain
import io.kotest.matchers.types.instanceOf
import prog8.ast.base.DataType
import prog8.ast.base.Position
2022-02-11 00:21:40 +01:00
import prog8.ast.expressions.ArrayLiteral
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
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import prog8.ast.expressions.NumericLiteral
import prog8.ast.expressions.RangeExpression
import prog8.ast.statements.ForLoop
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
2021-12-28 14:23:36 +01:00
import prog8.compilerinterface.Encoding
import prog8tests.helpers.*
* ATTENTION: this is just kludge!
* They are not really unit tests, but rather tests of the whole process,
* from source file loading all the way through to running 64tass.
class TestCompilerOnRanges: FunSpec({
test("testUByteArrayInitializerWithRange_char_to_char") {
val platform = Cx16Target()
2021-11-11 03:03:21 +01:00
val result = compileText(platform, false, """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte[] cs = sc:'a' to 'z' ; values are computed at compile time
cs[0] = 23 ; keep optimizer from removing it
2021-10-30 00:25:34 +02:00
val program = result.program
val startSub = program.entrypoint
val decl = startSub
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val rhsValues = (decl.value as ArrayLiteral)
.value // Array<Expression>
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.map { (it as NumericLiteral).number.toInt() }
val expectedStart = platform.encodeString("a", Encoding.SCREENCODES)[0].toInt()
val expectedEnd = platform.encodeString("z", Encoding.PETSCII)[0].toInt()
val expectedStr = "$expectedStart .. $expectedEnd"
val actualStr = "${rhsValues.first()} .. ${rhsValues.last()}"
withClue(".first .. .last") {
actualStr shouldBe expectedStr
withClue("rangeExpr.size()") {
(rhsValues.last() - rhsValues.first() + 1) shouldBe (expectedEnd - expectedStart + 1)
test("testFloatArrayInitializerWithRange_char_to_char") {
val platform = C64Target()
val result = compileText(platform, optimize = false, """
%import floats
main {
sub start() {
float[] cs = 'a' to 'z' ; values are computed at compile time
cs[0] = 23 ; keep optimizer from removing it
2021-10-30 00:25:34 +02:00
val program = result.program
val startSub = program.entrypoint
val decl = startSub
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val rhsValues = (decl.value as ArrayLiteral)
.value // Array<Expression>
2022-02-11 00:21:40 +01:00
.map { (it as NumericLiteral).number.toInt() }
val expectedStart = platform.encodeString("a", Encoding.PETSCII)[0].toInt()
val expectedEnd = platform.encodeString("z", Encoding.PETSCII)[0].toInt()
val expectedStr = "$expectedStart .. $expectedEnd"
val actualStr = "${rhsValues.first()} .. ${rhsValues.last()}"
withClue(".first .. .last") {
actualStr shouldBe expectedStr
withClue("rangeExpr.size()") {
rhsValues.size shouldBe (expectedEnd - expectedStart + 1)
context("floatArrayInitializerWithRange") {
val combos = cartesianProduct(
listOf("", "42", "41"), // sizeInDecl
listOf("%import floats", ""), // optEnableFloats
listOf(Cx16Target(), C64Target()), // platform
listOf(false, true) // optimize
combos.forEach {
val (sizeInDecl, optEnableFloats, platform, optimize) = it
val displayName =
when (sizeInDecl) {
"" -> "no"
"42" -> "correct"
else -> "wrong"
} + " array size given" +
", " + (if (optEnableFloats == "") "without" else "with") + " %option enable_floats" +
", ${}, optimize: $optimize"
test(displayName) {
val result = compileText(platform, optimize, """
main {
sub start() {
float[$sizeInDecl] cs = 1 to 42 ; values are computed at compile time
cs[0] = 23 ; keep optimizer from removing it
if (optEnableFloats != "" && (sizeInDecl=="" || sizeInDecl=="42"))
test("testForLoopWithRange_char_to_char") {
val platform = Cx16Target()
val result = compileText(platform, optimize = true, """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte i
for i in sc:'a' to 'f' {
i += i ; keep optimizer from removing it
2021-10-30 00:25:34 +02:00
val program = result.program
val startSub = program.entrypoint
val iterable = startSub
.map { it.iterable }[0]
val rangeExpr = iterable as RangeExpression
val expectedStart = platform.encodeString("a", Encoding.SCREENCODES)[0].toInt()
val expectedEnd = platform.encodeString("f", Encoding.PETSCII)[0].toInt()
val expectedStr = "$expectedStart .. $expectedEnd"
val intProgression = rangeExpr.toConstantIntegerRange()
val actualStr = "${intProgression?.first} .. ${intProgression?.last}"
withClue(".first .. .last") {
actualStr shouldBe expectedStr
withClue("rangeExpr.size()") {
rangeExpr.size() shouldBe (expectedEnd - expectedStart + 1)
test("testForLoopWithRange_bool_to_bool") {
val platform = Cx16Target()
val result = compileText(platform, optimize = true, """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte i
for i in false to true {
i += i ; keep optimizer from removing it
2021-10-30 00:25:34 +02:00
val program = result.program
val startSub = program.entrypoint
val rangeExpr = startSub
.map { it.iterable }
rangeExpr.size() shouldBe 2
val intProgression = rangeExpr.toConstantIntegerRange()
intProgression?.first shouldBe 0
intProgression?.last shouldBe 1
test("testForLoopWithRange_ubyte_to_ubyte") {
val platform = Cx16Target()
val result = compileText(platform, optimize = true, """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte i
for i in 1 to 9 {
i += i ; keep optimizer from removing it
2021-10-30 00:25:34 +02:00
val program = result.program
val startSub = program.entrypoint
val rangeExpr = startSub
.map { it.iterable }
rangeExpr.size() shouldBe 9
val intProgression = rangeExpr.toConstantIntegerRange()
intProgression?.first shouldBe 1
intProgression?.last shouldBe 9
test("testForLoopWithRange_str_downto_str") {
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests()
compileText(Cx16Target(), true, """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte i
for i in "start" downto "end" {
i += i ; keep optimizer from removing it
""", errors, false).assertFailure()
errors.errors.size shouldBe 2
2022-02-27 16:27:02 +01:00
errors.errors[0] shouldContain ".p8:5:30: range expression from value must be integer"
errors.errors[1] shouldContain ".p8:5:45: range expression to value must be integer"
test("testForLoopWithIterable_str") {
val result = compileText(Cx16Target(), false, """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte i
for i in "something" {
i += i ; keep optimizer from removing it
2021-10-30 00:25:34 +02:00
val program = result.program
val startSub = program.entrypoint
val iterable = startSub
.map { it.iterable }
iterable.inferType(program).getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED) shouldBe DataType.STR
test("testRangeExprNumericSize") {
val expr = RangeExpression(
2022-02-11 00:21:40 +01:00
NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(10, Position.DUMMY),
NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(20, Position.DUMMY),
NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(2, Position.DUMMY),
expr.size() shouldBe 6
test("range with negative step should be constvalue") {
val result = compileText(C64Target(), false, """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte[] array = 100 to 50 step -2
ubyte xx
for xx in 100 to 50 step -2 {
val statements = result.program.entrypoint.statements
val array = (statements[0] as VarDecl).value
2022-02-11 00:21:40 +01:00
array shouldBe instanceOf<ArrayLiteral>()
(array as ArrayLiteral).value.size shouldBe 26
val forloop = (statements.dropLast(1).last() as ForLoop)
forloop.iterable shouldBe instanceOf<RangeExpression>()
2022-02-11 00:21:40 +01:00
(forloop.iterable as RangeExpression).step shouldBe NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, -2.0, Position.DUMMY)
test("range with start/end variables should be ok") {
val result = compileText(C64Target(), false, """
main {
sub start() {
byte from = 100
byte end = 50
byte xx
for xx in from to end step -2 {
val statements = result.program.entrypoint.statements
val forloop = (statements.dropLast(1).last() as ForLoop)
forloop.iterable shouldBe instanceOf<RangeExpression>()
2022-02-11 00:21:40 +01:00
(forloop.iterable as RangeExpression).step shouldBe NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, -2.0, Position.DUMMY)
test("for statement on all possible iterable expressions") {
compileText(C64Target(), false, """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte xx
uword ww
str name = "irmen"
ubyte[] values = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
uword[] wvalues = [1000,2000,3000]
for xx in name {
for xx in values {
for xx in 10 to 20 step 3 {
for xx in "abcdef" {
for xx in [2,4,6,8] {
for ww in [9999,8888,7777] {
for ww in wvalues {
}""", writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()
test("if containment check on all possible iterable expressions") {
compileText(C64Target(), false, """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte xx
uword ww
str name = "irmen"
ubyte[] values = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
uword[] wvalues = [1000,2000,3000]
if 'm' in name {
if 5 in values {
if 16 in 10 to 20 step 3 {
if 'b' in "abcdef" {
if 8 in [2,4,6,8] {
if xx in name {
if xx in values {
if xx in 10 to 20 step 3 {
if xx in "abcdef" {
if xx in [2,4,6,8] {
if ww in [9999,8888,7777] {
if ww in wvalues {
}""", writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()
test("containment check in expressions") {
compileText(C64Target(), false, """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte xx
uword ww
str name = "irmen"
ubyte[] values = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
uword[] wvalues = [1000,2000,3000]
xx = 'm' in name
xx = 5 in values
xx = 16 in 10 to 20 step 3
xx = 'b' in "abcdef"
xx = 8 in [2,4,6,8]
xx = xx in name
xx = xx in values
xx = xx in 10 to 20 step 3
xx = xx in "abcdef"
xx = xx in [2,4,6,8]
xx = ww in [9000,8000,7000]
xx = ww in wvalues
}""", writeAssembly = true).assertSuccess()