mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 01:30:23 +00:00
clear messages about slow expression code generation points
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
when (assign.value) {
is PrefixExpression -> {
// A = -A , A = +A, A = ~A
// A = -A , A = +A, A = ~A, A = not A
val px = assign.value as PrefixExpression
val type = px.inferType(program).typeOrElse(DataType.STRUCT)
when (px.operator) {
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
val arrayIdx = target.arrayindexed
val identifier = target.identifier
val memory = target.memoryAddress
val valueLv = (value as? NumericLiteralValue)?.number?.toDouble()
val valueLv = (value as? NumericLiteralValue)?.number
val ident = value as? IdentifierReference
when {
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
when (dt) {
in ByteDatatypes -> {
when {
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_variable(name, dt, operator, valueLv)
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_variable(name, dt, operator, valueLv.toInt())
ident != null -> inplaceModification_byte_variable_to_variable(name, dt, operator, ident)
// TODO more specialized code for types such as memory read etc.
else -> inplaceModification_byte_value_to_variable(name, dt, operator, value)
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
in WordDatatypes -> {
when {
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_word_litval_to_variable(name, operator, valueLv, origAssign)
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_word_litval_to_variable(name, operator, valueLv.toInt(), origAssign)
ident != null -> inplaceModification_word_variable_to_variable(name, operator, ident)
// TODO more specialized code for types such as memory read etc.
else -> inplaceModification_word_value_to_variable(name, operator, value)
@ -132,16 +132,13 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
DataType.FLOAT -> {
when {
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_float_litval_to_variable(name, operator, valueLv)
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_float_litval_to_variable(name, operator, valueLv.toDouble())
ident != null -> inplaceModification_float_variable_to_variable(name, operator, ident)
// TODO more specialized code for types such as memory read etc.
else -> inplaceModification_float_value_to_variable(name, operator, value)
else -> {
println("TODO 1c optimize simple inplace assignment [$dt] $name $operator= $value")
assignmentAsmGen.translateOtherAssignment(origAssign) // TODO get rid of this fallback
else -> throw AssemblyError("weird type to do in-place modification on $dt")
memory != null -> {
@ -150,7 +147,7 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
val addr = (memory.addressExpression as NumericLiteralValue).number.toInt()
// re-use code to assign a variable, instead this time, use a direct memory address
when {
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_variable(addr.toHex(), DataType.UBYTE, operator, valueLv)
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_variable(addr.toHex(), DataType.UBYTE, operator, valueLv.toInt())
ident != null -> inplaceModification_byte_variable_to_variable(addr.toHex(), DataType.UBYTE, operator, ident)
// TODO more specialized code for types such as memory read etc.
else -> inplaceModification_byte_value_to_variable(addr.toHex(), DataType.UBYTE, operator, value)
@ -159,18 +156,19 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
is IdentifierReference -> {
val name = asmgen.asmIdentifierName(memory.addressExpression as IdentifierReference)
when {
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_memory(name, operator, valueLv)
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_memory(name, operator, valueLv.toInt())
ident != null -> inplaceModification_byte_variable_to_memory(name, operator, ident)
// TODO more specialized code for types such as memory read etc.
else -> inplaceModification_byte_value_to_memory(name, operator, value, origAssign)
else -> {
asmgen.errors.warn("slow stack evaluation used (1): ${memory.addressExpression::class.simpleName}", memory.addressExpression.position) // TODO
asmgen.out(" jsr prog8_lib.read_byte_from_address_on_stack | sta ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1}")
// the original memory byte's value is now in the scratch B1 location.
when {
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_variable(C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1.toHex(), DataType.UBYTE, operator, valueLv)
valueLv != null -> inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_variable(C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1.toHex(), DataType.UBYTE, operator, valueLv.toInt())
ident != null -> inplaceModification_byte_variable_to_variable(C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1.toHex(), DataType.UBYTE, operator, ident)
// TODO more specialized code for types such as memory read etc.
else -> inplaceModification_byte_value_to_variable(C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1.toHex(), DataType.UBYTE, operator, value)
@ -180,8 +178,8 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
arrayIdx != null -> {
println("TODO 3 optimize simple inplace array assignment $arrayIdx $operator= $value")
assignmentAsmGen.translateOtherAssignment(origAssign) // TODO get rid of this fallback
println("*** TODO optimize simple inplace array assignment $arrayIdx $operator= $value")
assignmentAsmGen.translateOtherAssignment(origAssign) // TODO get rid of this fallback for the most common cases here
@ -189,6 +187,7 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
private fun inplaceModification_float_value_to_variable(name: String, operator: String, value: Expression) {
// this should be the last resort for code generation for this,
// because the value is evaluated onto the eval stack (=slow).
asmgen.errors.warn("slow stack evaluation used (2): $name $operator= ${value::class.simpleName}", value.position) // TODO
when (operator) {
"**" -> TODO("pow")
@ -298,13 +297,9 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
private fun inplaceModification_byte_value_to_memory(pointername: String, operator: String, value: Expression, origAssign: Assignment) {
assignmentAsmGen.translateOtherAssignment(origAssign) // TODO get rid of this fallback
private fun inplaceModification_byte_variable_to_memory(pointername: String, operator: String, ident: IdentifierReference) {
val otherName = asmgen.asmIdentifierName(ident)
fun loadByteFromPointerInA() {
asmgen.errors.warn("slow stack evaluation used (3): @($pointername) $operator= ${value::class.simpleName}", value.position) // TODO
fun loadByteFromPointerIntoA() {
lda $pointername
ldy $pointername+1
@ -316,11 +311,59 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
when (operator) {
// note: ** (power) operator requires floats.
"+" -> {
asmgen.out(" clc | adc $ESTACK_LO_PLUS1_HEX,x | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
"-" -> {
asmgen.out(" sec | sbc $ESTACK_LO_PLUS1_HEX,x | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
"*" -> TODO()// asmgen.out(" jsr prog8_lib.mul_byte") // the optimized routines should have been checked earlier
"/" -> TODO()// asmgen.out(if(types==DataType.UBYTE) " jsr prog8_lib.idiv_ub" else " jsr prog8_lib.idiv_b")
"%" -> {
TODO("byte remainder")
// if(types==DataType.BYTE)
// throw AssemblyError("remainder of signed integers is not properly defined/implemented, use unsigned instead")
// asmgen.out(" jsr prog8_lib.remainder_ub")
"<<" -> TODO("byte asl")
">>" -> TODO("byte lsr")
"&" -> {
asmgen.out(" and $ESTACK_LO_PLUS1_HEX,x | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
"^" -> {
asmgen.out(" xor $ESTACK_LO_PLUS1_HEX,x | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
"|" -> {
asmgen.out(" ora $ESTACK_LO_PLUS1_HEX,x | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid operator for in-place modification $operator")
asmgen.out(" inx")
private fun inplaceModification_byte_variable_to_memory(pointername: String, operator: String, ident: IdentifierReference) {
val otherName = asmgen.asmIdentifierName(ident)
fun loadByteFromPointerIntoA() {
lda $pointername
ldy $pointername+1
sta ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}
sty ${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1 + 1}
ldy #0
lda (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y""")
when (operator) {
// note: ** (power) operator requires floats.
"+" -> {
asmgen.out(" clc | adc $otherName | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
"-" -> {
asmgen.out(" sec | sbc $otherName | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
"*" -> TODO()// asmgen.out(" jsr prog8_lib.mul_byte") // the optimized routines should have been checked earlier
@ -334,22 +377,22 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
"<<" -> TODO("byte asl")
">>" -> TODO("byte lsr")
"&" -> {
asmgen.out(" and $otherName | (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
asmgen.out(" and $otherName | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
"^" -> {
asmgen.out(" xor $otherName | (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
asmgen.out(" xor $otherName | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
"|" -> {
asmgen.out(" ora $otherName | (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
asmgen.out(" ora $otherName | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid operator for in-place modification $operator")
private fun inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_memory(pointername: String, operator: String, value: Double) {
private fun inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_memory(pointername: String, operator: String, value: Int) {
fun loadByteFromPointerInA() {
lda $pointername
@ -393,25 +436,72 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
"&" -> {
asmgen.out(" and #$value | (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
asmgen.out(" and #$value | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
"^" -> {
asmgen.out(" xor #$value | (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
asmgen.out(" xor #$value | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
"|" -> {
asmgen.out(" ora #$value | (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
asmgen.out(" ora #$value | sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y")
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid operator for in-place modification $operator")
private fun inplaceModification_word_litval_to_variable(name: String, operator: String, value: Double, origAssign: Assignment) {
private fun inplaceModification_word_litval_to_variable(name: String, operator: String, value: Int, origAssign: Assignment) {
when (operator) {
// note: ** (power) operator requires floats.
"+" -> asmgen.out(" lda $name | clc | adc #<$value | sta $name | lda $name+1 | adc #>$value | sta $name+1")
"-" -> asmgen.out(" lda $name | sec | sbc #<$value | sta $name | lda $name+1 | sbc #>$value | sta $name+1")
// TODO use the + and - optimizations in the expression asm code as well.
"+" -> {
when {
value<0x0100 -> asmgen.out("""
lda $name
adc #$value
sta $name
bcc +
inc $name+1
+ """)
value==0x0100 -> asmgen.out(" inc $name+1")
value==0x0200 -> asmgen.out(" inc $name+1 | inc $name+1")
value==0x0300 -> asmgen.out(" inc $name+1 | inc $name+1 | inc $name+1")
value and 255==0 -> asmgen.out(" lda $name+1 | clc | adc #>$value | sta $name+1")
else -> asmgen.out("""
lda $name
adc #<$value
sta $name
lda $name+1
adc #>$value
sta $name+1""")
"-" -> {
when {
value<0x0100 -> asmgen.out("""
lda $name
sbc #$value
sta $name
bcs +
dec $name+1
+ """)
value==0x0100 -> asmgen.out(" dec $name+1")
value==0x0200 -> asmgen.out(" dec $name+1 | dec $name+1")
value==0x0300 -> asmgen.out(" dec $name+1 | dec $name+1 | dec $name+1")
value and 255==0 -> asmgen.out(" lda $name+1 | sec | sbc #>$value | sta $name+1")
else -> asmgen.out("""
lda $name
sbc #<$value
sta $name
lda $name+1
sbc #>$value
sta $name+1""")
"*" -> {
// TODO what about the optimized routines?
@ -448,9 +538,24 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
asmgen.out(" sta $name")
"&" -> asmgen.out(" lda $name | and #<$value | sta $name | lda $name+1 | and #>$value | sta $name+1")
"^" -> asmgen.out(" lda $name | xor #<$value | sta $name | lda $name+1 | xor #>$value | sta $name+1")
"|" -> asmgen.out(" lda $name | ora #<$value | sta $name | lda $name+1 | ora #>$value | sta $name+1")
"&" -> {
if (value and 255 == 0)
TODO("only high byte")
asmgen.out(" lda $name | and #<$value | sta $name | lda $name+1 | and #>$value | sta $name+1")
"^" -> {
if (value and 255 == 0)
TODO("only high byte")
asmgen.out(" lda $name | xor #<$value | sta $name | lda $name+1 | xor #>$value | sta $name+1")
"|" -> {
if (value and 255 == 0)
TODO("only high byte")
asmgen.out(" lda $name | ora #<$value | sta $name | lda $name+1 | ora #>$value | sta $name+1")
else -> throw AssemblyError("invalid operator for in-place modification $operator")
@ -481,6 +586,7 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
private fun inplaceModification_word_value_to_variable(name: String, operator: String, value: Expression) {
// this should be the last resort for code generation for this,
// because the value is evaluated onto the eval stack (=slow).
asmgen.errors.warn("slow stack evaluation used (4): $name $operator= ${value::class.simpleName}", value.position) // TODO
when (operator) {
// note: ** (power) operator requires floats.
@ -507,6 +613,7 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
private fun inplaceModification_byte_value_to_variable(name: String, dt: DataType, operator: String, value: Expression) {
// this should be the last resort for code generation for this,
// because the value is evaluated onto the eval stack (=slow).
asmgen.errors.warn("slow stack evaluation used (5): $name $operator= ${value::class.simpleName}", value.position) // TODO
when (operator) {
// note: ** (power) operator requires floats.
@ -553,7 +660,7 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
private fun inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_variable(name: String, dt: DataType, operator: String, value: Double) {
private fun inplaceModification_byte_litval_to_variable(name: String, dt: DataType, operator: String, value: Int) {
when (operator) {
// note: ** (power) operator requires floats.
"+" -> asmgen.out(" lda $name | clc | adc #$value | sta $name")
@ -688,6 +795,7 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y""")
else -> {
asmgen.errors.warn("slow stack evaluation used (6): ${memory.addressExpression::class.simpleName}", memory.addressExpression.position) // TODO
jsr prog8_lib.read_byte_from_address_on_stack
@ -763,6 +871,7 @@ internal class AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen(private val program: Program,
sta (${C64Zeropage.SCRATCH_W1}),y""")
else -> {
asmgen.errors.warn("slow stack evaluation used (7): ${memory.addressExpression::class.simpleName}", memory.addressExpression.position) // TODO
jsr prog8_lib.read_byte_from_address_on_stack
@ -7,14 +7,38 @@ main {
sub start() {
uword addr = $c002
ubyte A =$22
uword addr = $c080
@(addr-2) = $f8
@(addr-2) = not @(addr-2)
c64scr.print_ubhex(@($c000), true)
c64scr.print_uwhex(addr, true)
@(addr-2) = not @(addr-2)
c64scr.print_ubhex(@($c000), true)
addr += $21
c64scr.print_uwhex(addr, true)
addr += $21
c64scr.print_uwhex(addr, true)
addr += $21
c64scr.print_uwhex(addr, true)
addr += $21
c64scr.print_uwhex(addr, true)
addr += $21
c64scr.print_uwhex(addr, true)
addr -= $21
c64scr.print_uwhex(addr, true)
addr -= $21
c64scr.print_uwhex(addr, true)
addr -= $21
c64scr.print_uwhex(addr, true)
addr -= $21
c64scr.print_uwhex(addr, true)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user