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synced 2025-02-18 05:30:34 +00:00
x16 r39: add new keyboard apis and more vector location definitions
This commit is contained in:
@ -88,10 +88,23 @@ asmsub RDTIM16() -> uword @AY {
cx16 {
cx16 {
; irq and hardware vectors:
; irq, system and hardware vectors:
&uword CINV = $0314 ; IRQ vector (in ram)
&uword CINV = $0314 ; IRQ vector (in ram)
&uword CBINV = $0316 ; BRK vector (in ram)
&uword CBINV = $0316 ; BRK vector (in ram)
&uword NMINV = $0318 ; NMI vector (in ram)
&uword NMINV = $0318 ; NMI vector (in ram)
&uword IOPEN = $031a
&uword ICLOSE = $031c
&uword ICHKIN = $031e
&uword ICKOUT = $0320
&uword ICLRCH = $0322
&uword IBASIN = $0324
&uword IBSOUT = $0326
&uword ISTOP = $0328
&uword IGETIN = $032a
&uword ICLALL = $032c
&uword KEYHDL = $032e ; keyboard scan code handler
&uword ILOAD = $0330
&uword ISAVE = $0332
&uword NMI_VEC = $FFFA ; 65c02 nmi vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
&uword NMI_VEC = $FFFA ; 65c02 nmi vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
&uword RESET_VEC = $FFFC ; 65c02 reset vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
&uword RESET_VEC = $FFFC ; 65c02 reset vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
&uword IRQ_VEC = $FFFE ; 65c02 interrupt vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
&uword IRQ_VEC = $FFFE ; 65c02 interrupt vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
@ -303,41 +316,6 @@ romsub $ff77 = stash(ubyte data @A, ubyte bank @X, ubyte index @Y) clobbers(X)
romsub $ff7a = cmpare(ubyte data @A, ubyte bank @X, ubyte index @Y) clobbers(X)
romsub $ff7a = cmpare(ubyte data @A, ubyte bank @X, ubyte index @Y) clobbers(X)
romsub $ff7d = primm()
romsub $ff7d = primm()
; X16 additions
romsub $ff44 = macptr() clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $ff47 = enter_basic(ubyte cold_or_warm @Pc) clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $ff68 = mouse_config(ubyte shape @A, ubyte resX @X, ubyte resY @Y) clobbers (A, X, Y)
romsub $ff6b = mouse_get(ubyte zpdataptr @X) -> ubyte @A
romsub $ff71 = mouse_scan() clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $ff53 = joystick_scan() clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $ff56 = joystick_get(ubyte joynr @A) -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Y
romsub $ff56 = joystick_get2(ubyte joynr @A) clobbers(Y) -> uword @AX ; alternative to don't have the hassle to deal with multiple return values
romsub $ff4d = clock_set_date_time(uword yearmonth @R0, uword dayhours @R1, uword minsecs @R2, ubyte jiffies @R3) clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $ff50 = clock_get_date_time() clobbers(A, X, Y) -> uword @R0, uword @R1, uword @R2, ubyte @R3 ; result registers see clock_set_date_time()
asmsub mouse_config2(ubyte shape @A) clobbers (A, X, Y) {
; -- convenience wrapper function that handles the screen resolution for mouse_config() for you
%asm {{
jsr cx16.screen_mode ; set current screen mode and res in A, X, Y
lda #1
jmp cx16.mouse_config
asmsub mouse_pos() -> ubyte @A {
; -- short wrapper around mouse_get() kernal routine:
; -- gets the position of the mouse cursor in cx16.r0 and cx16.r1 (x/y coordinate), returns mouse button status.
%asm {{
ldx #cx16.r0
jsr cx16.mouse_get
; It's not documented what registers are clobbered, so we assume the worst for all following kernal routines...:
; It's not documented what registers are clobbered, so we assume the worst for all following kernal routines...:
; high level graphics & fonts
; high level graphics & fonts
@ -386,10 +364,49 @@ romsub $fede = console_put_char(ubyte char @A, ubyte wrapping @Pc) clobbers(A,X
romsub $fee1 = console_get_char() clobbers(X,Y) -> ubyte @A
romsub $fee1 = console_get_char() clobbers(X,Y) -> ubyte @A
romsub $fed8 = console_put_image(uword pointer @R0, uword width @R1, uword height @R2) clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $fed8 = console_put_image(uword pointer @R0, uword width @R1, uword height @R2) clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $fed5 = console_set_paging_message(uword msgptr @R0) clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $fed5 = console_set_paging_message(uword msgptr @R0) clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $fed2 = kbdbuf_put(ubyte key @A) clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $fecf = entropy_get() -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Y
romsub $fecf = entropy_get() -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Y
romsub $fecc = monitor() clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $fecc = monitor() clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $ff44 = macptr() clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $ff47 = enter_basic(ubyte cold_or_warm @Pc) clobbers(A,X,Y)
romsub $ff4d = clock_set_date_time(uword yearmonth @R0, uword dayhours @R1, uword minsecs @R2, ubyte jiffies @R3) clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $ff50 = clock_get_date_time() clobbers(A, X, Y) -> uword @R0, uword @R1, uword @R2, ubyte @R3 ; result registers see clock_set_date_time()
; keyboard, mouse, joystick
romsub $febd = kbdbuf_peek() -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Pz ; key in A, queue length in X
romsub $febd = kbdbuf_peek2() -> uword @AX, ubyte @Pz ; alternative to above to not have the hassle to deal with multiple return values
romsub $fec0 = kbdbuf_get_modifiers() -> ubyte @A
romsub $fec3 = kbdbuf_put(ubyte key @A) clobbers(X)
romsub $ff68 = mouse_config(ubyte shape @A, ubyte resX @X, ubyte resY @Y) clobbers (A, X, Y)
romsub $ff6b = mouse_get(ubyte zpdataptr @X) -> ubyte @A
romsub $ff71 = mouse_scan() clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $ff53 = joystick_scan() clobbers(A, X, Y)
romsub $ff56 = joystick_get(ubyte joynr @A) -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X, ubyte @Y
romsub $ff56 = joystick_get2(ubyte joynr @A) clobbers(Y) -> uword @AX ; alternative to above to not have the hassle to deal with multiple return values
asmsub mouse_config2(ubyte shape @A) clobbers (A, X, Y) {
; -- convenience wrapper function that handles the screen resolution for mouse_config() for you
%asm {{
jsr cx16.screen_mode ; set current screen mode and res in A, X, Y
lda #1
jmp cx16.mouse_config
asmsub mouse_pos() -> ubyte @A {
; -- short wrapper around mouse_get() kernal routine:
; -- gets the position of the mouse cursor in cx16.r0 and cx16.r1 (x/y coordinate), returns mouse button status.
%asm {{
ldx #cx16.r0
jsr cx16.mouse_get
; ---- end of kernal routines ----
; ---- end of kernal routines ----
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ TODO
For next release
For next release
- x16: add new keyboard APIs https://github.com/commanderx16/x16-docs/blob/master/Commander%20X16%20Programmer%27s%20Reference%20Guide.md#keyboard
- x16: optimize diskio load_raw because headerless files are now supported https://github.com/commanderx16/x16-rom/pull/216
- x16: optimize diskio load_raw because headerless files are now supported https://github.com/commanderx16/x16-rom/pull/216
note: must still work on c64/c128 that don't have this!
note: must still work on c64/c128 that don't have this!
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