add monogfx lib to virtual target

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2023-10-24 00:16:25 +02:00
parent 34aa21f7d9
commit 32becdbced
4 changed files with 355 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ multiply_words .proc
; - unrolled the two inner loops once
; 16 bit x 16 bit unsigned multiply, 32 bit result
; Average cycles:
; Average cycles: ~442 ?
; 93 bytes
_multiplicand = P8ZP_SCRATCH_W2 ; 2 bytes

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@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
; Monochrome Bitmap pixel graphics routines for the Virtual Machine
; Using the full-screen 640x480 and 320x240 screen modes, but just black/white.
monogfx {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
; read-only control variables:
uword width = 0
uword height = 0
bool dont_stipple_flag = true ; set to false to enable stippling mode
sub lores() {
; enable 320*240 bitmap mode
width = 320
height = 240
sub hires() {
; enable 640*480 bitmap mode
width = 640
height = 480
sub textmode() {
; back to normal text mode
sub clear_screen(ubyte color) {
if color
sub stipple(bool enable) {
dont_stipple_flag = not enable
sub rect(uword xx, uword yy, uword rwidth, uword rheight, bool draw) {
if rwidth==0 or rheight==0
horizontal_line(xx, yy, rwidth, draw)
if rheight==1
horizontal_line(xx, yy+rheight-1, rwidth, draw)
vertical_line(xx, yy+1, rheight-2, draw)
if rwidth==1
vertical_line(xx+rwidth-1, yy+1, rheight-2, draw)
sub fillrect(uword xx, uword yy, uword rwidth, uword rheight, bool draw) {
; Draw a filled rectangle of the given size and color.
; To fill the whole screen, use clear_screen(color) instead - it is much faster.
if rwidth==0
repeat rheight {
horizontal_line(xx, yy, rwidth, draw)
sub horizontal_line(uword xx, uword yy, uword length, bool draw) {
ubyte color = 0
if draw
color = 255
uword xpos
for xpos in xx to xx+length-1
plot(xpos, yy, color)
sub vertical_line(uword xx, uword yy, uword lheight, bool draw) {
ubyte color = 0
if draw
color = 255
uword ypos
for ypos in yy to yy+lheight-1
plot(xx, ypos, color)
sub line(uword @zp x1, uword @zp y1, uword @zp x2, uword @zp y2, bool draw) {
; Bresenham algorithm.
; This code special-cases various quadrant loops to allow simple ++ and -- operations.
if y1>y2 {
; make sure dy is always positive to have only 4 instead of 8 special cases
cx16.r0 = x1
x1 = x2
x2 = cx16.r0
cx16.r0 = y1
y1 = y2
y2 = cx16.r0
word @zp dx = (x2 as word)-x1
word @zp dy = (y2 as word)-y1
if dx==0 {
vertical_line(x1, y1, abs(dy) as uword +1, draw)
if dy==0 {
if x1>x2
horizontal_line(x1, y1, abs(dx) as uword +1, draw)
word @zp d = 0
cx16.r1L = true ; 'positive_ix'
if dx < 0 {
dx = -dx
cx16.r1L = false
word @zp dx2 = dx*2
word @zp dy2 = dy*2
cx16.r14 = x1 ; internal plot X
if dx >= dy {
if cx16.r1L {
repeat {
plot(cx16.r14, y1, draw)
if cx16.r14==x2
d += dy2
if d > dx {
d -= dx2
} else {
repeat {
plot(cx16.r14, y1, draw)
if cx16.r14==x2
d += dy2
if d > dx {
d -= dx2
else {
if cx16.r1L {
repeat {
plot(cx16.r14, y1, draw)
if y1 == y2
d += dx2
if d > dy {
d -= dy2
} else {
repeat {
plot(cx16.r14, y1, draw)
if y1 == y2
d += dx2
if d > dy {
d -= dy2
sub circle(uword @zp xcenter, uword @zp ycenter, ubyte radius, bool draw) {
; Midpoint algorithm.
if radius==0
ubyte @zp xx = radius
ubyte @zp yy = 0
word @zp decisionOver2 = (1 as word)-xx
; R14 = internal plot X
; R15 = internal plot Y
while xx>=yy {
cx16.r14 = xcenter + xx
cx16.r15 = ycenter + yy
plot(cx16.r14, cx16.r15, draw)
cx16.r14 = xcenter - xx
plot(cx16.r14, cx16.r15, draw)
cx16.r14 = xcenter + xx
cx16.r15 = ycenter - yy
plot(cx16.r14, cx16.r15, draw)
cx16.r14 = xcenter - xx
plot(cx16.r14, cx16.r15, draw)
cx16.r14 = xcenter + yy
cx16.r15 = ycenter + xx
plot(cx16.r14, cx16.r15, draw)
cx16.r14 = xcenter - yy
plot(cx16.r14, cx16.r15, draw)
cx16.r14 = xcenter + yy
cx16.r15 = ycenter - xx
plot(cx16.r14, cx16.r15, draw)
cx16.r14 = xcenter - yy
plot(cx16.r14, cx16.r15, draw)
if decisionOver2<=0
decisionOver2 += (yy as word)*2+1
else {
decisionOver2 += (yy as word -xx)*2+1
sub disc(uword @zp xcenter, uword @zp ycenter, ubyte @zp radius, bool draw) {
; Midpoint algorithm, filled
if radius==0
ubyte @zp yy = 0
word @zp decisionOver2 = (1 as word)-radius
while radius>=yy {
horizontal_line(xcenter-radius, ycenter+yy, radius*$0002+1, draw)
horizontal_line(xcenter-radius, ycenter-yy, radius*$0002+1, draw)
horizontal_line(xcenter-yy, ycenter+radius, yy*$0002+1, draw)
horizontal_line(xcenter-yy, ycenter-radius, yy*$0002+1, draw)
if decisionOver2<=0
decisionOver2 += (yy as word)*2+1
else {
decisionOver2 += (yy as word -radius)*2+1
sub plot(uword @zp xx, uword @zp yy, bool @zp draw) {
if draw {
if dont_stipple_flag
sys.gfx_plot(xx, yy, 255)
else {
if (xx ^ yy)&1
sys.gfx_plot(xx, yy, 255)
sys.gfx_plot(xx, yy, 0)
sys.gfx_plot(xx, yy, 0)
sub pget(uword @zp xx, uword yy) -> ubyte {
return sys.gfx_getpixel(xx, yy)
sub fill(word @zp xx, word @zp yy, bool draw) {
; Non-recursive scanline flood fill.
; based loosely on code found here
; with the fixes applied to the seedfill_4 routine as mentioned in the comments.
const ubyte MAXDEPTH = 48
word[MAXDEPTH] @split @shared stack_xl
word[MAXDEPTH] @split @shared stack_xr
word[MAXDEPTH] @split @shared stack_y
byte[MAXDEPTH] @shared stack_dy
cx16.r12L = 0 ; stack pointer
word x1
word x2
byte dy
cx16.r10L = draw as ubyte
sub push_stack(word sxl, word sxr, word sy, byte sdy) {
if cx16.r12L==MAXDEPTH
cx16.r0s = sy+sdy
if cx16.r0s>=0 and cx16.r0s<=height-1 {
stack_xl[cx16.r12L] = sxl
stack_xr[cx16.r12L] = sxr
stack_y[cx16.r12L] = sy
stack_dy[cx16.r12L] = sdy
sub pop_stack() {
x1 = stack_xl[cx16.r12L]
x2 = stack_xr[cx16.r12L]
yy = stack_y[cx16.r12L]
dy = stack_dy[cx16.r12L]
cx16.r11L = pget(xx as uword, yy as uword) ; old_color
if cx16.r11L == cx16.r10L
if xx<0 or xx>width-1 or yy<0 or yy>height-1
push_stack(xx, xx, yy, 1)
push_stack(xx, xx, yy + 1, -1)
word left = 0
while cx16.r12L {
xx = x1
while xx >= 0 and pget(xx as uword, yy as uword) == cx16.r11L
if x1!=xx
horizontal_line(xx as uword+1, yy as uword, x1-xx as uword, cx16.r10L)
goto skip
left = xx + 1
if left < x1
push_stack(left, x1 - 1, yy, -dy)
xx = x1 + 1
do {
cx16.r9 = xx
while xx <= width-1 and pget(xx as uword, yy as uword) == cx16.r11L
if cx16.r9!=xx
horizontal_line(cx16.r9, yy as uword, (xx as uword)-cx16.r9, cx16.r10L)
push_stack(left, xx - 1, yy, dy)
if xx > x2 + 1
push_stack(x2 + 1, xx - 1, yy, -dy)
while xx <= x2 and pget(xx as uword, yy as uword) != cx16.r11L
left = xx
} until xx>x2
sub text_charset(ubyte charset) {
; -- select the text charset to use with the text() routine
; the charset number is the same as for the cx16.screen_set_charset() ROM function.
; 1 = ISO charset, 2 = PETSCII uppercase+graphs, 3= PETSCII uppercase+lowercase.
; TODO vm has no bitmap charset
sub text(uword @zp xx, uword yy, bool draw, uword sctextptr) {
; -- Write some text at the given pixel position. The text string must be in screencode encoding (not petscii!).
; You must also have called text_charset() first to select and prepare the character set to use.
; TODO vm has no bitmap charset

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@ -452,8 +452,8 @@ to see what's in there.
Information about the exposed debug registers is in the `emulator's documentation <>`_.
monogfx (cx16 only)
monogfx (cx16 and virtual)
Full-screen lores or hires monochrome bitmap graphics routines, available on the Cx16 machine only.
Same interface as gfx2, but is optimized for monochrome (1 bpp) screens.

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@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ Compiler:
- gfx2 cs_innerloop640() extend number of bytes cleared, and use vera fx cached writes
- gfx2 cs_innerloop640() extend number of bytes cleared, and use vera fx cached writes (speed up screen clear)
- gfx2 horizontal_line and vertical_line: use vera fx cached writes
- port monogfx, gf2, graphics to the vm
- use verafx transparent writes to speed up pixel plotting in gfx2 and monogfx modules (avoids read/mask/write)
- port gfx2 to the vm? First add colors to the vm?
- fix the problems in atari target, and flesh out its libraries.
- c128 target: make syslib more complete (missing kernal routines)?
- pet32 target: make syslib more complete (missing kernal routines)?