added options -bytes2float and -float2bytes to be able to do float conversions from the command line

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2024-04-09 23:59:54 +02:00
parent f4b50368ba
commit 42f4b06ac8
12 changed files with 121 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,9 @@ interface IMachineDefinition {
fun initializeMemoryAreas(compilerOptions: CompilationOptions)
fun getFloatAsmBytes(num: Number): String
fun convertFloatToBytes(num: Double): List<UByte>
fun convertBytesToFloat(bytes: List<UByte>): Double
fun importLibs(compilerOptions: CompilationOptions, compilationTargetName: String): List<String>
fun launchEmulator(selectedEmulator: Int, programNameWithPath: Path)
fun isIOAddress(address: UInt): Boolean

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@ -19,3 +19,15 @@ class C64Target: ICompilationTarget, IStringEncoding by Encoder, IMemSizer by Cb
fun viceMonListName(baseFilename: String) = "$baseFilename.vice-mon-list"
fun getCompilationTargetByName(name: String) = when(name.lowercase()) {
C64Target.NAME -> C64Target()
C128Target.NAME -> C128Target()
Cx16Target.NAME -> Cx16Target()
PETTarget.NAME -> PETTarget()
AtariTarget.NAME -> AtariTarget()
VMTarget.NAME -> VMTarget()
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid compilation target")

View File

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ class AtariMachineDefinition: IMachineDefinition {
override lateinit var golden: GoldenRam
override fun getFloatAsmBytes(num: Number) = TODO("atari float asm bytes from number")
override fun convertFloatToBytes(num: Double): List<UByte> = TODO("atari float to bytes")
override fun convertBytesToFloat(bytes: List<UByte>): Double = TODO("atari bytes to float")
override fun importLibs(compilerOptions: CompilationOptions, compilationTargetName: String): List<String> {
return if (compilerOptions.output == OutputType.XEX)

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@ -25,6 +25,17 @@ class C128MachineDefinition: IMachineDefinition {
override fun getFloatAsmBytes(num: Number) = Mflpt5.fromNumber(num).makeFloatFillAsm()
override fun convertFloatToBytes(num: Double): List<UByte> {
val m5 = Mflpt5.fromNumber(num)
return listOf(m5.b0, m5.b1, m5.b2, m5.b3, m5.b4)
override fun convertBytesToFloat(bytes: List<UByte>): Double {
require(bytes.size==5) { "need 5 bytes" }
val m5 = Mflpt5(bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3], bytes[4])
return m5.toDouble()
override fun importLibs(compilerOptions: CompilationOptions, compilationTargetName: String): List<String> {
return if (compilerOptions.launcher == CbmPrgLauncherType.BASIC || compilerOptions.output == OutputType.PRG)

View File

@ -26,6 +26,17 @@ class C64MachineDefinition: IMachineDefinition {
override fun getFloatAsmBytes(num: Number) = Mflpt5.fromNumber(num).makeFloatFillAsm()
override fun convertFloatToBytes(num: Double): List<UByte> {
val m5 = Mflpt5.fromNumber(num)
return listOf(m5.b0, m5.b1, m5.b2, m5.b3, m5.b4)
override fun convertBytesToFloat(bytes: List<UByte>): Double {
require(bytes.size==5) { "need 5 bytes" }
val m5 = Mflpt5(bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3], bytes[4])
return m5.toDouble()
override fun importLibs(compilerOptions: CompilationOptions, compilationTargetName: String): List<String> {
return if (compilerOptions.launcher == CbmPrgLauncherType.BASIC || compilerOptions.output == OutputType.PRG)

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@ -24,6 +24,18 @@ class CX16MachineDefinition: IMachineDefinition {
override lateinit var golden: GoldenRam
override fun getFloatAsmBytes(num: Number) = Mflpt5.fromNumber(num).makeFloatFillAsm()
override fun convertFloatToBytes(num: Double): List<UByte> {
val m5 = Mflpt5.fromNumber(num)
return listOf(m5.b0, m5.b1, m5.b2, m5.b3, m5.b4)
override fun convertBytesToFloat(bytes: List<UByte>): Double {
require(bytes.size==5) { "need 5 bytes" }
val m5 = Mflpt5(bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3], bytes[4])
return m5.toDouble()
override fun importLibs(compilerOptions: CompilationOptions, compilationTargetName: String): List<String> {
return if (compilerOptions.launcher == CbmPrgLauncherType.BASIC || compilerOptions.output == OutputType.PRG)

View File

@ -25,6 +25,17 @@ class PETMachineDefinition: IMachineDefinition {
override fun getFloatAsmBytes(num: Number) = Mflpt5.fromNumber(num).makeFloatFillAsm()
override fun convertFloatToBytes(num: Double): List<UByte> {
val m5 = Mflpt5.fromNumber(num)
return listOf(m5.b0, m5.b1, m5.b2, m5.b3, m5.b4)
override fun convertBytesToFloat(bytes: List<UByte>): Double {
require(bytes.size==5) { "need 5 bytes" }
val m5 = Mflpt5(bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3], bytes[4])
return m5.toDouble()
override fun importLibs(compilerOptions: CompilationOptions, compilationTargetName: String): List<String> {
return if (compilerOptions.launcher == CbmPrgLauncherType.BASIC || compilerOptions.output == OutputType.PRG)

View File

@ -30,6 +30,26 @@ class VirtualMachineDefinition: IMachineDefinition {
return parts.joinToString(", ")
override fun convertFloatToBytes(num: Double): List<UByte> {
val bits = num.toBits().toULong()
val hexStr = bits.toString(16).padStart(16, '0')
val parts = hexStr.chunked(2).map { it.toInt(16).toUByte() }
return parts
override fun convertBytesToFloat(bytes: List<UByte>): Double {
require(bytes.size==8) { "need 8 bytes" }
val b0 = bytes[0].toLong() shl (8*7)
val b1 = bytes[1].toLong() shl (8*6)
val b2 = bytes[2].toLong() shl (8*5)
val b3 = bytes[3].toLong() shl (8*4)
val b4 = bytes[4].toLong() shl (8*3)
val b5 = bytes[5].toLong() shl (8*2)
val b6 = bytes[6].toLong() shl (8*1)
val b7 = bytes[7].toLong() shl (8*0)
return Double.fromBits(b0 or b1 or b2 or b3 or b4 or b5 or b6 or b7)
override fun importLibs(compilerOptions: CompilationOptions, compilationTargetName: String): List<String> {
return listOf("syslib")

View File

@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ private fun compileMain(args: Array<String>): Boolean {
val printAst2 by cli.option(ArgType.Boolean, fullName = "printast2", description = "print out the intermediate AST that is used for code generation")
val breakpointCpuInstruction by cli.option(ArgType.Choice(listOf("brk", "stp"), { it }), fullName = "breakinstr", description = "the CPU instruction to use as well for %breakpoint")
val compilationTarget by cli.option(ArgType.String, fullName = "target", description = "target output of the compiler (one of '${C64Target.NAME}', '${C128Target.NAME}', '${Cx16Target.NAME}', '${AtariTarget.NAME}', '${PETTarget.NAME}', '${VMTarget.NAME}') (required)")
val bytes2float by cli.option(ArgType.String, fullName = "bytes2float", description = "convert a comma separated list of bytes from the target system to a float value. NOTE: you need to supply a target option too, and also still have to supply a dummy module file name as well!")
val float2bytes by cli.option(ArgType.String, fullName = "float2bytes", description = "convert floating point number to a list of bytes for the target system. NOTE: you need to supply a target option too, and also still have to supply a dummy module file name as well!")
val startVm by cli.option(ArgType.Boolean, fullName = "vm", description = "load and run a .p8ir IR source file in the VM")
val watchMode by cli.option(ArgType.Boolean, fullName = "watch", description = "continuous compilation mode (watch for file changes)")
val varsGolden by cli.option(ArgType.Boolean, fullName = "varsgolden", description = "put uninitialized variables in 'golden ram' memory area instead of at the end of the program. On the cx16 target this is $0400-07ff. This is unavailable on other systems.")
@ -100,6 +102,11 @@ private fun compileMain(args: Array<String>): Boolean {
return convertBytesToFloat(bytes2float!!, compilationTarget!!)
return convertFloatToBytes(float2bytes!!, compilationTarget!!)
if(varsHighBank==0 && compilationTarget==Cx16Target.NAME) {
System.err.println("On the Commander X16, HiRAM bank 0 is used by the kernal and can't be used.")
return false
@ -290,6 +297,23 @@ private fun compileMain(args: Array<String>): Boolean {
return true
fun convertFloatToBytes(number: String, target: String): Boolean {
val tgt = getCompilationTargetByName(target)
val dbl = number.toDouble()
val bytes = tgt.machine.convertFloatToBytes(dbl)
print("$dbl in bytes on '$target': ")
return true
fun convertBytesToFloat(bytelist: String, target: String): Boolean {
val tgt = getCompilationTargetByName(target)
val bytes = bytelist.split(',').map { it.trim().toUByte() }
val number = tgt.machine.convertBytesToFloat(bytes)
println("floating point value on '$target': $number")
return true
private fun processSymbolDefs(symbolDefs: List<String>): Map<String, String>? {
val result = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
val defPattern = """(.+)\s*=\s*(.+)""".toRegex()

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@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ import prog8.code.ast.PtProgram
import prog8.code.ast.printAst
import prog8.code.core.*
import prog8.code.optimize.optimizeIntermediateAst
import prog8.codegen.vm.VmCodeGen
import prog8.compiler.astprocessing.*
import prog8.optimizer.*
@ -60,17 +63,7 @@ class CompilerArguments(val filepath: Path,
fun compileProgram(args: CompilerArguments): CompilationResult? {
val compTarget =
when(args.compilationTarget) {
C64Target.NAME -> C64Target()
C128Target.NAME -> C128Target()
Cx16Target.NAME -> Cx16Target()
PETTarget.NAME -> PETTarget()
AtariTarget.NAME -> AtariTarget()
VMTarget.NAME -> VMTarget()
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid compilation target")
val compTarget = getCompilationTargetByName(args.compilationTarget)
var compilationOptions: CompilationOptions
var ast: PtProgram? = null
var resultingProgram: Program? = null

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@ -260,6 +260,13 @@ One or more .p8 module files
put memory() slabs in 'golden ram' memory area instead of at the end of the program.
On the cx16 target this is $0400-07ff. This is unavailable on other systems.
``-bytes2float <bytes>``
convert a comma separated list of bytes from the target system to a float value.
NOTE: you need to supply a target option too, and also still have to supply a dummy module file name as well!
``-float2bytes <number>``
convert floating point number to a list of bytes for the target system.
NOTE: you need to supply a target option too, and also still have to supply a dummy module file name as well!
Module source code files

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@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ package prog8.intermediate
import prog8.code.*
import prog8.code.ast.PtVariable
import prog8.code.core.*
import java.nio.file.Path
@ -95,16 +96,7 @@ class IRFileReader {
text.lineSequence().forEach { line ->
val (name, value) = line.split('=', limit=2)
when(name) {
"compTarget" -> {
target = when(value) {
VMTarget.NAME -> VMTarget()
C64Target.NAME -> C64Target()
C128Target.NAME -> C128Target()
AtariTarget.NAME -> AtariTarget()
Cx16Target.NAME -> Cx16Target()
else -> throw IRParseException("invalid target $value")
"compTarget" -> target = getCompilationTargetByName(value)
"output" -> outputType = OutputType.valueOf(value)
"launcher" -> launcher = CbmPrgLauncherType.valueOf(value)
"zeropage" -> zeropage = ZeropageType.valueOf(value)