mirror of https://github.com/irmen/prog8.git synced 2025-03-27 21:33:58 +00:00

vm/math.p8: complete the sin and cos routines

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2022-09-22 15:49:19 +02:00
parent b1e4347e10
commit 46dac909ef
6 changed files with 201 additions and 13 deletions

@ -44,11 +44,49 @@ math {
sub sin8(ubyte angle) -> byte {
return 42 ; TODO
ubyte[256] sintab = [
$00, $03, $06, $09,
$0c, $0f, $12, $15, $18, $1b, $1e, $21, $24, $27, $2a, $2d, $30, $33, $36, $39,
$3b, $3e, $41, $43, $46, $49, $4b, $4e, $50, $52, $55, $57, $59, $5b, $5e, $60,
$62, $64, $66, $67, $69, $6b, $6c, $6e, $70, $71, $72, $74, $75, $76, $77, $78,
$79, $7a, $7b, $7b, $7c, $7d, $7d, $7e, $7e, $7e, $7e, $7e, $7f, $7e, $7e, $7e,
$7e, $7e, $7d, $7d, $7c, $7b, $7b, $7a, $79, $78, $77, $76, $75, $74, $72, $71,
$70, $6e, $6c, $6b, $69, $67, $66, $64, $62, $60, $5e, $5b, $59, $57, $55, $52,
$50, $4e, $4b, $49, $46, $43, $41, $3e, $3b, $39, $36, $33, $30, $2d, $2a, $27,
$24, $21, $1e, $1b, $18, $15, $12, $0f, $0c, $09, $06, $03, $00, $fd, $fa, $f7,
$f4, $f1, $ee, $eb, $e8, $e5, $e2, $df, $dc, $d9, $d6, $d3, $d0, $cd, $ca, $c7,
$c5, $c2, $bf, $bd, $ba, $b7, $b5, $b2, $b0, $ae, $ab, $a9, $a7, $a5, $a2, $a0,
$9e, $9c, $9a, $99, $97, $95, $94, $92, $90, $8f, $8e, $8c, $8b, $8a, $89, $88,
$87, $86, $85, $85, $84, $83, $83, $82, $82, $82, $82, $82, $81, $82, $82, $82,
$82, $82, $83, $83, $84, $85, $85, $86, $87, $88, $89, $8a, $8b, $8c, $8e, $8f,
$90, $92, $94, $95, $97, $99, $9a, $9c, $9e, $a0, $a2, $a5, $a7, $a9, $ab, $ae,
$b0, $b2, $b5, $b7, $ba, $bd, $bf, $c2, $c5, $c7, $ca, $cd, $d0, $d3, $d6, $d9,
$dc, $df, $e2, $e5, $e8, $eb, $ee, $f1, $f4, $f7, $fa, $fd
return sintab[angle] as byte
sub cos8(ubyte angle) -> byte {
return 42 ; TODO
ubyte[256] costab = [
$7f, $7e, $7e, $7e,
$7e, $7e, $7d, $7d, $7c, $7b, $7b, $7a, $79, $78, $77, $76, $75, $74, $72, $71,
$70, $6e, $6c, $6b, $69, $67, $66, $64, $62, $60, $5e, $5b, $59, $57, $55, $52,
$50, $4e, $4b, $49, $46, $43, $41, $3e, $3b, $39, $36, $33, $30, $2d, $2a, $27,
$24, $21, $1e, $1b, $18, $15, $12, $0f, $0c, $09, $06, $03, $00, $fd, $fa, $f7,
$f4, $f1, $ee, $eb, $e8, $e5, $e2, $df, $dc, $d9, $d6, $d3, $d0, $cd, $ca, $c7,
$c5, $c2, $bf, $bd, $ba, $b7, $b5, $b2, $b0, $ae, $ab, $a9, $a7, $a5, $a2, $a0,
$9e, $9c, $9a, $99, $97, $95, $94, $92, $90, $8f, $8e, $8c, $8b, $8a, $89, $88,
$87, $86, $85, $85, $84, $83, $83, $82, $82, $82, $82, $82, $81, $82, $82, $82,
$82, $82, $83, $83, $84, $85, $85, $86, $87, $88, $89, $8a, $8b, $8c, $8e, $8f,
$90, $92, $94, $95, $97, $99, $9a, $9c, $9e, $a0, $a2, $a5, $a7, $a9, $ab, $ae,
$b0, $b2, $b5, $b7, $ba, $bd, $bf, $c2, $c5, $c7, $ca, $cd, $d0, $d3, $d6, $d9,
$dc, $df, $e2, $e5, $e8, $eb, $ee, $f1, $f4, $f7, $fa, $fd, $00, $03, $06, $09,
$0c, $0f, $12, $15, $18, $1b, $1e, $21, $24, $27, $2a, $2d, $30, $33, $36, $39,
$3b, $3e, $41, $43, $46, $49, $4b, $4e, $50, $52, $55, $57, $59, $5b, $5e, $60,
$62, $64, $66, $67, $69, $6b, $6c, $6e, $70, $71, $72, $74, $75, $76, $77, $78,
$79, $7a, $7b, $7b, $7c, $7d, $7d, $7e, $7e, $7e, $7e, $7e
return costab[angle] as byte
sub sinr8u(ubyte radians) -> ubyte {
@ -86,11 +124,39 @@ math {
sub sinr8(ubyte radians) -> byte {
return 42 ; TODO
ubyte[180] sintab = [
$00, $04, $08, $0d,
$11, $16, $1a, $1e, $23, $27, $2b, $2f, $33, $37, $3b, $3f, $43, $47, $4a, $4e,
$51, $54, $58, $5b, $5e, $61, $64, $66, $69, $6b, $6d, $70, $72, $74, $75, $77,
$78, $7a, $7b, $7c, $7d, $7d, $7e, $7e, $7e, $7f, $7e, $7e, $7e, $7d, $7d, $7c,
$7b, $7a, $78, $77, $75, $74, $72, $70, $6d, $6b, $69, $66, $64, $61, $5e, $5b,
$58, $54, $51, $4e, $4a, $47, $43, $3f, $3b, $37, $33, $2f, $2b, $27, $23, $1e,
$1a, $16, $11, $0d, $08, $04, $00, $fc, $f8, $f3, $ef, $ea, $e6, $e2, $dd, $d9,
$d5, $d1, $cd, $c9, $c5, $c1, $bd, $b9, $b6, $b2, $af, $ac, $a8, $a5, $a2, $9f,
$9c, $9a, $97, $95, $93, $90, $8e, $8c, $8b, $89, $88, $86, $85, $84, $83, $83,
$82, $82, $82, $81, $82, $82, $82, $83, $83, $84, $85, $86, $88, $89, $8b, $8c,
$8e, $90, $93, $95, $97, $9a, $9c, $9f, $a2, $a5, $a8, $ac, $af, $b2, $b6, $b9,
$bd, $c1, $c5, $c9, $cd, $d1, $d5, $d9, $dd, $e2, $e6, $ea, $ef, $f3, $f8, $fc
return sintab[radians] as byte
sub cosr8(ubyte radians) -> byte {
return 42 ; TODO
ubyte[180] costab = [
$7f, $7e, $7e, $7e, $7d, $7d, $7c,
$7b, $7a, $78, $77, $75, $74, $72, $70, $6d, $6b, $69, $66, $64, $61, $5e, $5b,
$58, $54, $51, $4e, $4a, $47, $43, $3f, $3b, $37, $33, $2f, $2b, $27, $23, $1e,
$1a, $16, $11, $0d, $08, $04, $00, $fc, $f8, $f3, $ef, $ea, $e6, $e2, $dd, $d9,
$d5, $d1, $cd, $c9, $c5, $c1, $bd, $b9, $b6, $b2, $af, $ac, $a8, $a5, $a2, $9f,
$9c, $9a, $97, $95, $93, $90, $8e, $8c, $8b, $89, $88, $86, $85, $84, $83, $83,
$82, $82, $82, $81, $82, $82, $82, $83, $83, $84, $85, $86, $88, $89, $8b, $8c,
$8e, $90, $93, $95, $97, $9a, $9c, $9f, $a2, $a5, $a8, $ac, $af, $b2, $b6, $b9,
$bd, $c1, $c5, $c9, $cd, $d1, $d5, $d9, $dd, $e2, $e6, $ea, $ef, $f3, $f8, $fc,
$00, $04, $08, $0d, $11, $16, $1a, $1e, $23, $27, $2b, $2f, $33, $37, $3b, $3f,
$43, $47, $4a, $4e, $51, $54, $58, $5b, $5e, $61, $64, $66, $69, $6b, $6d, $70,
$72, $74, $75, $77, $78, $7a, $7b, $7c, $7d, $7d, $7e, $7e, $7e
return costab[radians] as byte

@ -87,6 +87,13 @@ sys {
sub gfx_clear(ubyte color) {
%asm {{
loadm.b r0,sys.gfx_clear.color
syscall 9
sub gfx_plot(uword xx, uword yy, ubyte color) {
%asm {{
loadm.w r0,sys.gfx_plot.xx

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ TODO
For next release
- vm: implement remaining sin/cos functions in virtual/math.p8 and merge tables

@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ main {
for pixelxb in 0 to 255 {
pixelys = math.cos8(pixelxb) / 2
graphics.plot(pixelxb, pixelys+90 as uword)
graphics.plot(pixelxb, pixelys as uword + 90)
pixelys = math.sin8(pixelxb) / 2
graphics.plot(pixelxb, pixelys+90 as uword)
graphics.plot(pixelxb, pixelys as uword + 90)
@ -69,9 +69,9 @@ main {
for pixelxb in 0 to 179 {
pixelys = math.cosr8(pixelxb) / 2
graphics.plot(pixelxb, pixelys+90 as uword)
graphics.plot(pixelxb, pixelys as uword + 90)
pixelys = math.sinr8(pixelxb) / 2
graphics.plot(pixelxb, pixelys+90 as uword)
graphics.plot(pixelxb, pixelys as uword + 90)
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ main {
; circle with "degrees" from 0 to 255
for r in 0 to 255 {
pixelxw = ((math.sin8(r)/2 as word) + 80) as uword
pixelyb = (math.cos8(r)/2 + height/2) as ubyte
pixelxw = (math.sin8(r)/2 as uword) + 80
pixelyb = (math.cos8(r)/2 as uword + height/2) as ubyte
graphics.plot(pixelxw, pixelyb)

examples/vm/sincos.p8 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
%import math
%import textio
; Draw sine and cosine graphs. The sine and cosine functions are table lookups
; where the tables are generated by 64tass list functions.
; Note: this program is compatible with CX16 only.
; it doesn't work correctly on C64 because the bitmap screen data overlaps
; the program itself in memory $2000-...
main {
const uword width = 320
const ubyte height = 200
sub start() {
sys.gfx_enable(0) ; enable lo res screen
repeat {
sub sincos255() {
ubyte pixelyb
ubyte pixelxb
byte pixelys
for pixelxb in 0 to 255 {
pixelyb = math.cos8u(pixelxb) / 2
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxb, pixelyb+20, 255)
pixelyb = math.sin8u(pixelxb) / 2
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxb, pixelyb+20, 255)
for pixelxb in 0 to 255 {
pixelys = math.cos8(pixelxb) / 2
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxb, pixelys as uword + 90, 255)
pixelys = math.sin8(pixelxb) / 2
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxb, pixelys as uword + 90, 255)
sub sincos180() {
ubyte pixelyb
ubyte pixelxb
byte pixelys
for pixelxb in 0 to 179 {
pixelyb = math.cosr8u(pixelxb) / 2
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxb, pixelyb+20, 255)
pixelyb = math.sinr8u(pixelxb) / 2
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxb, pixelyb+20, 255)
for pixelxb in 0 to 179 {
pixelys = math.cosr8(pixelxb) / 2
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxb, pixelys as uword + 90, 255)
pixelys = math.sinr8(pixelxb) / 2
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxb, pixelys as uword + 90, 255)
sub circles() {
ubyte pixelyb
uword pixelxw
ubyte r
; circle with "degrees" from 0 to 255
for r in 0 to 255 {
pixelxw = (math.sin8(r)/2 as uword) + 80
pixelyb = (math.cos8(r)/2 as uword + height/2) as ubyte
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxw, pixelyb, 255)
for r in 0 to 255 {
pixelxw = math.sin8u(r)/2
pixelyb = math.cos8u(r)/2
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxw + 16, pixelyb+50, 255)
; circle with half-degrees from 0 to 179 (=full degrees 0..358 with steps of 2 degrees)
for r in 0 to 179 {
pixelxw = (math.sinr8(r) as word /2 + 220) as uword
pixelyb = (math.cosr8(r)/2 + height/2) as ubyte
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxw, pixelyb, 255)
for r in 0 to 179 {
pixelxw = math.sinr8u(r)/2
pixelyb = math.cosr8u(r)/2
sys.gfx_plot(pixelxw + 156, pixelyb+50, 255)
sub graphics_line(uword x) {
uword y
for y in 0 to height-1 {
sys.gfx_plot(x, y, 100)