This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2018-01-01 23:46:33 +01:00
parent 4be632ae33
commit 6511283bb8
11 changed files with 800 additions and 696 deletions

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@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
Programming Language for 6502/6510 microprocessors
These are the Abstract Syntax Tree node classes that form the Parse Tree.
Written by Irmen de Jong (
License: GNU GPL 3.0, see LICENSE
from .symbols import SourceRef, SymbolTable, SubroutineDef, SymbolDefinition, SymbolError, DataType, \
from typing import Dict, Set, List, Tuple, Optional, Union, Generator, Any
__all__ = ["_AstNode", "Block", "Value", "IndirectValue", "IntegerValue", "FloatValue", "StringValue", "RegisterValue",
"MemMappedValue", "Comment", "Label", "AssignmentStmt", "AugmentedAssignmentStmt", "ReturnStmt",
"InplaceIncrStmt", "InplaceDecrStmt", "IfCondition", "CallStmt", "InlineAsm", "BreakpointStmt"]
class _AstNode:
def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
self.sourceref = sourceref.copy()
def lineref(self) -> str:
return "src l. " + str(self.sourceref.line)
class Block(_AstNode):
_unnamed_block_labels = {} # type: Dict[Block, str]
def __init__(self, name: str, sourceref: SourceRef, parent_scope: SymbolTable, preserve_registers: bool=False) -> None:
self.address = 0 = name
self.statements = [] # type: List[_AstNode]
self.symbols = SymbolTable(name, parent_scope, self)
self.preserve_registers = preserve_registers
def ignore(self) -> bool:
return not and not self.address
def label_names(self) -> Set[str]:
return { for symbol in self.symbols.iter_labels()}
def label(self) -> str:
if self in self._unnamed_block_labels:
return self._unnamed_block_labels[self]
label = "il65_block_{:d}".format(len(self._unnamed_block_labels))
self._unnamed_block_labels[self] = label
return label
def lookup(self, dottedname: str) -> Tuple[Optional['Block'], Optional[Union[SymbolDefinition, SymbolTable]]]:
# Searches a name in the current block or globally, if the name is scoped (=contains a '.').
# Does NOT utilize a symbol table from a preprocessing parse phase, only looks in the current.
scope, result = self.symbols.lookup(dottedname)
return scope.owning_block, result
except (SymbolError, LookupError):
return None, None
def all_statements(self) -> Generator[Tuple['Block', Optional[SubroutineDef], _AstNode], None, None]:
for stmt in self.statements:
yield self, None, stmt
for sub in self.symbols.iter_subroutines(True):
for stmt in sub.sub_block.statements:
yield sub.sub_block, sub, stmt
class Value(_AstNode):
def __init__(self, datatype: DataType, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None, constant: bool = False) -> None:
self.datatype = datatype = name
self.constant = constant
def assignable_from(self, other: 'Value') -> Tuple[bool, str]:
if self.constant:
return False, "cannot assign to a constant"
return False, "incompatible value for assignment"
class IndirectValue(Value):
# only constant integers, memmapped and register values are wrapped in this.
def __init__(self, value: Value, type_modifier: DataType, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
assert type_modifier
super().__init__(type_modifier, sourceref,, False)
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return "<IndirectValue {} itype={} name={}>".format(self.value, self.datatype,
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype,, self.value))
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, IndirectValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
vvo = getattr(other.value, "value", getattr(other.value, "address", None))
vvs = getattr(self.value, "value", getattr(self.value, "address", None))
return (other.datatype,,, other.value.datatype, other.value.constant, vvo) == \
(self.datatype,,, self.value.datatype, self.value.constant, vvs)
def assignable_from(self, other: Value) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
if self.constant:
return False, "cannot assign to a constant"
if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
if other.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
return True, ""
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
if other.datatype in {DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD} | STRING_DATATYPES:
return True, ""
if self.datatype == DataType.FLOAT:
if other.datatype in {DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT}:
return True, ""
if isinstance(other, (IntegerValue, FloatValue, StringValue)):
rangefault = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, "", 1, other.value)
if rangefault:
return False, rangefault
return True, ""
return False, "incompatible value for indirect assignment (need byte, word, float or string)"
class IntegerValue(Value):
def __init__(self, value: Optional[int], sourceref: SourceRef, *, datatype: DataType = None, name: str = None) -> None:
if type(value) is int:
if datatype is None:
if 0 <= value < 0x100:
datatype = DataType.BYTE
elif value < 0x10000:
datatype = DataType.WORD
raise OverflowError("value too big: ${:x}".format(value))
faultreason = check_value_in_range(datatype, "", 1, value)
if faultreason:
raise OverflowError(faultreason)
super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, True)
self.value = value
elif value is None:
if not name:
raise ValueError("when integer value is not given, the name symbol should be speicified")
super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, True)
self.value = None
raise TypeError("invalid data type")
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype, self.value,
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, IntegerValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
return (other.datatype, other.value, == (self.datatype, self.value,
def __str__(self):
return "<IntegerValue {} name={}>".format(self.value,
def negative(self) -> 'IntegerValue':
return IntegerValue(-self.value, self.sourceref, datatype=self.datatype,
class FloatValue(Value):
def __init__(self, value: float, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None) -> None:
if type(value) is float:
super().__init__(DataType.FLOAT, sourceref, name, True)
self.value = value
raise TypeError("invalid data type")
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype, self.value,
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, FloatValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
return (other.datatype, other.value, == (self.datatype, self.value,
def __str__(self):
return "<FloatValue {} name={}>".format(self.value,
def negative(self) -> 'FloatValue':
return FloatValue(-self.value, self.sourceref,
class StringValue(Value):
def __init__(self, value: str, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None, constant: bool = False) -> None:
super().__init__(DataType.STRING, sourceref, name, constant)
self.value = value
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype, self.value,, self.constant))
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, StringValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
return (other.datatype, other.value,, other.constant) == (self.datatype, self.value,, self.constant)
def __str__(self):
return "<StringValue {!r:s} name={} constant={}>".format(self.value,, self.constant)
class RegisterValue(Value):
def __init__(self, register: str, datatype: DataType, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None) -> None:
assert datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD)
assert register in REGISTER_SYMBOLS
super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, False)
self.register = register
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype, self.register,
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, RegisterValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
return (other.datatype, other.register, == (self.datatype, self.register,
def __str__(self):
return "<RegisterValue {:s} type {:s} name={}>".format(self.register, self.datatype,
def assignable_from(self, other: Value) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
if isinstance(other, IndirectValue):
if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
if other.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
return True, ""
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
if other.datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD):
return True, ""
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
return False, "incompatible indirect value for register assignment"
if self.register in ("SC", "SI"):
if isinstance(other, IntegerValue) and other.value in (0, 1):
return True, ""
return False, "can only assign an integer constant value of 0 or 1 to SC and SI"
if self.constant:
return False, "cannot assign to a constant"
if isinstance(other, RegisterValue):
if other.register in {"SI", "SC", "SZ"}:
return False, "cannot explicitly assign from a status bit register alias"
if len(self.register) < len(other.register):
return False, "register size mismatch"
if isinstance(other, StringValue) and self.register in REGISTER_BYTES | REGISTER_SBITS:
return False, "string address requires 16 bits combined register"
if isinstance(other, IntegerValue):
if other.value is not None:
range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, self.register, 1, other.value)
if range_error:
return False, range_error
return True, ""
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
return True, ""
return False, "cannot assign address to single register"
if isinstance(other, FloatValue):
range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, self.register, 1, other.value)
if range_error:
return False, range_error
return True, ""
if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
if other.datatype != DataType.BYTE:
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
return True, ""
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
if other.datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD) or other.datatype in STRING_DATATYPES:
return True, ""
return False, "(unsigned) byte, word or string required"
return False, "incompatible value for register assignment"
class MemMappedValue(Value):
def __init__(self, address: Optional[int], datatype: DataType, length: int,
sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None, constant: bool = False) -> None:
super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, constant)
self.address = address
self.length = length
assert address is None or type(address) is int
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype, self.address, self.length,, self.constant))
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, MemMappedValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
return (other.datatype, other.address, other.length,, other.constant) == \
(self.datatype, self.address, self.length,, self.constant)
def __str__(self):
addr = "" if self.address is None else "${:04x}".format(self.address)
return "<MemMappedValue {:s} type={:s} #={:d} name={} constant={}>" \
.format(addr, self.datatype, self.length,, self.constant)
def assignable_from(self, other: Value) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
if self.constant:
return False, "cannot assign to a constant"
if isinstance(other, IndirectValue):
if self.datatype == other.datatype:
return True, ""
return False, "data type of value and target are not the same"
if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
if isinstance(other, (IntegerValue, RegisterValue, MemMappedValue)):
if other.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
return True, ""
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
elif isinstance(other, FloatValue):
range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, "", 1, other.value)
if range_error:
return False, range_error
return True, ""
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
elif self.datatype in (DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT):
if isinstance(other, (IntegerValue, FloatValue)):
range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, "", 1, other.value)
if range_error:
return False, range_error
return True, ""
elif isinstance(other, (RegisterValue, MemMappedValue)):
if other.datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT):
return True, ""
return False, "byte or word or float required"
elif isinstance(other, StringValue):
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
return True, ""
return False, "string address requires 16 bits (a word)"
if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
return False, "(unsigned) word required"
return False, "incompatible value for assignment"
class Comment(_AstNode):
def __init__(self, text: str, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
self.text = text
class Label(_AstNode):
def __init__(self, name: str, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
super().__init__(sourceref) = name
class AssignmentStmt(_AstNode):
def __init__(self, leftvalues: List[Value], right: Value, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
self.leftvalues = leftvalues
self.right = right
def __str__(self):
return "<Assign {:s} to {:s}>".format(str(self.right), ",".join(str(lv) for lv in self.leftvalues))
_immediate_string_vars = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]]
def desugar_immediate_string(self, containing_block: Block) -> None:
if or not isinstance(self.right, StringValue):
if self.right.value in self._immediate_string_vars:
blockname, stringvar_name = self._immediate_string_vars[self.right.value]
if blockname: = blockname + '.' + stringvar_name
else: = stringvar_name
stringvar_name = "il65_str_{:d}".format(id(self))
value = self.right.value
containing_block.symbols.define_constant(stringvar_name, self.sourceref, DataType.STRING, value=value) = stringvar_name
self._immediate_string_vars[self.right.value] = (, stringvar_name)
def remove_identity_lvalues(self) -> None:
for lv in self.leftvalues:
if lv == self.right:
print("{}: removed identity assignment".format(self.sourceref))
remaining_leftvalues = [lv for lv in self.leftvalues if lv != self.right]
self.leftvalues = remaining_leftvalues
def is_identity(self) -> bool:
return all(lv == self.right for lv in self.leftvalues)
class AugmentedAssignmentStmt(AssignmentStmt):
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS = {"+=", "-=", "&=", "|=", "^=", ">>=", "<<="}
# full set: {"+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "//=", "**=", "&=", "|=", "^=", ">>=", "<<="}
def __init__(self, left: Value, operator: str, right: Value, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
assert operator in self.SUPPORTED_OPERATORS
super().__init__([left], right, sourceref)
self.operator = operator
def __str__(self):
return "<AugAssign {:s} {:s} {:s}>".format(str(self.leftvalues[0]), self.operator, str(self.right))
class ReturnStmt(_AstNode):
def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef, a: Optional[Value] = None,
x: Optional[Value] = None,
y: Optional[Value] = None) -> None:
self.a = a
self.x = x
self.y = y
class InplaceIncrStmt(_AstNode):
def __init__(self, what: Value, value: Union[IntegerValue, FloatValue], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
assert value.constant
assert (value.value is None and or value.value > 0
self.what = what
self.value = value
class InplaceDecrStmt(_AstNode):
def __init__(self, what: Value, value: Union[IntegerValue, FloatValue], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
assert value.constant
assert (value.value is None and or value.value > 0
self.what = what
self.value = value
class IfCondition(_AstNode):
SWAPPED_OPERATOR = {"==": "==",
"!=": "!=",
"<=": ">=",
">=": "<=",
"<": ">",
">": "<"}
IF_STATUSES = {"cc", "cs", "vc", "vs", "eq", "ne", "true", "not", "zero", "pos", "neg", "lt", "gt", "le", "ge"}
def __init__(self, ifstatus: str, leftvalue: Optional[Value],
operator: str, rightvalue: Optional[Value], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
assert ifstatus in self.IF_STATUSES
assert operator in (None, "") or operator in self.SWAPPED_OPERATOR
if operator:
assert ifstatus in ("true", "not", "zero")
self.ifstatus = ifstatus
self.lvalue = leftvalue
self.comparison_op = operator
self.rvalue = rightvalue
def __str__(self):
return "<IfCondition if_{:s} {} {:s} {}>".format(self.ifstatus, self.lvalue, self.comparison_op, self.rvalue)
def make_if_true(self) -> bool:
# makes a condition of the form if_not a < b into: if a > b (gets rid of the not)
# returns whether the change was made or not
if self.ifstatus == "not" and self.comparison_op:
self.ifstatus = "true"
self.comparison_op = self.SWAPPED_OPERATOR[self.comparison_op]
return True
return False
def swap(self) -> Tuple[Value, str, Value]:
self.lvalue, self.comparison_op, self.rvalue = self.rvalue, self.SWAPPED_OPERATOR[self.comparison_op], self.lvalue
return self.lvalue, self.comparison_op, self.rvalue
class CallStmt(_AstNode):
def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef, target: Optional[Value] = None, *,
address: Optional[int] = None, arguments: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = None,
outputs: List[Tuple[str, Value]] = None, is_goto: bool = False,
preserve_regs: Set[str] = None, condition: IfCondition = None) -> None:
if not is_goto:
assert condition is None
super().__init__(sourceref) = target
self.address = address
self.arguments = arguments
self.outputvars = outputs
self.is_goto = is_goto
self.condition = condition
self.preserve_regs = preserve_regs
self.desugared_call_arguments = [] # type: List[AssignmentStmt]
self.desugared_output_assignments = [] # type: List[AssignmentStmt]
class InlineAsm(_AstNode):
def __init__(self, asmlines: List[str], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
self.asmlines = asmlines
class BreakpointStmt(_AstNode):
def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:

View File

@ -8,16 +8,13 @@ License: GNU GPL 3.0, see LICENSE
import io
import re
import math
import datetime
import subprocess
import contextlib
from functools import partial
from typing import TextIO, Set, Union, List, Callable
from typing import TextIO, Callable
from .parse import ProgramFormat, ParseResult, Parser
from .astdefs import *
from .symbols import Zeropage, DataType, ConstantDef, VariableDef, SubroutineDef, \
from .symbols import *
class CodeError(Exception):
@ -353,7 +350,7 @@ class CodeGenerator:
self.p("{:s}\n\t\t.ptext {:s}".format(, self.output_string(str(vardef.value), True)))
self.p(".enc 'none'")
def generate_statement(self, stmt: _AstNode) -> None:
def generate_statement(self, stmt: AstNode) -> None:
if isinstance(stmt, ReturnStmt):
if stmt.a:
if isinstance(stmt.a, IntegerValue):

View File

@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ import time
import os
import argparse
import subprocess
from .parse import Parser, Optimizer
from .parse import Parser
from .optimize import Optimizer
from .preprocess import PreprocessingParser
from .codegen import CodeGenerator, Assembler64Tass

il65/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
Programming Language for 6502/6510 microprocessors
This is the code to optimize the parse tree.
Written by Irmen de Jong (
License: GNU GPL 3.0, see LICENSE
from typing import List
from .parse import ParseResult
from .symbols import Block, AugmentedAssignmentStmt, IntegerValue, FloatValue, AssignmentStmt, CallStmt, \
Value, MemMappedValue, RegisterValue, AstNode
class Optimizer:
def __init__(self, parseresult: ParseResult) -> None:
self.parsed = parseresult
def optimize(self) -> ParseResult:
print("\noptimizing parse tree")
for block in self.parsed.all_blocks():
return self.parsed
def remove_augmentedassign_incrdecr_nops(self, block: Block) -> None:
have_removed_stmts = False
for index, stmt in enumerate(list(block.statements)):
if isinstance(stmt, AugmentedAssignmentStmt):
if isinstance(stmt.right, (IntegerValue, FloatValue)):
if stmt.right.value == 0 and stmt.operator in ("+=", "-=", "|=", "<<=", ">>=", "^="):
print("{}: removed statement that has no effect".format(stmt.sourceref))
have_removed_stmts = True
block.statements[index] = None
if stmt.right.value >= 8 and stmt.operator in ("<<=", ">>="):
print("{}: shifting that many times always results in zero".format(stmt.sourceref))
new_stmt = AssignmentStmt(stmt.leftvalues, IntegerValue(0, stmt.sourceref), stmt.sourceref)
block.statements[index] = new_stmt
if have_removed_stmts:
# remove the Nones
block.statements = [s for s in block.statements if s is not None]
def optimize_compare_with_zero(self, block: Block) -> None:
# a conditional goto that compares a value to zero will be simplified
# the comparison operator and rvalue (0) will be removed and the if-status changed accordingly
for stmt in block.statements:
if isinstance(stmt, CallStmt):
cond = stmt.condition
if cond and isinstance(cond.rvalue, (IntegerValue, FloatValue)) and cond.rvalue.value == 0:
simplified = False
if cond.ifstatus in ("true", "ne"):
if cond.comparison_op == "==":
# if_true something == 0 -> if_not something
cond.ifstatus = "not"
cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
simplified = True
elif cond.comparison_op == "!=":
# if_true something != 0 -> if_true something
cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
simplified = True
elif cond.ifstatus in ("not", "eq"):
if cond.comparison_op == "==":
# if_not something == 0 -> if_true something
cond.ifstatus = "true"
cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
simplified = True
elif cond.comparison_op == "!=":
# if_not something != 0 -> if_not something
cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
simplified = True
if simplified:
print("{}: simplified comparison with zero".format(stmt.sourceref))
def combine_assignments_into_multi(self, block: Block) -> None:
# fold multiple consecutive assignments with the same rvalue into one multi-assignment
statements = [] # type: List[AstNode]
multi_assign_statement = None
for stmt in block.statements:
if isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt) and not isinstance(stmt, AugmentedAssignmentStmt):
if multi_assign_statement and multi_assign_statement.right == stmt.right:
print("{}: joined with previous line into multi-assign statement".format(stmt.sourceref))
if multi_assign_statement:
multi_assign_statement = stmt
if multi_assign_statement:
multi_assign_statement = None
if multi_assign_statement:
block.statements = statements
def optimize_multiassigns(self, block: Block) -> None:
# optimize multi-assign statements.
for stmt in block.statements:
if isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt) and len(stmt.leftvalues) > 1:
# remove duplicates
lvalues = list(set(stmt.leftvalues))
if len(lvalues) != len(stmt.leftvalues):
print("{}: removed duplicate assignment targets".format(stmt.sourceref))
# change order: first registers, then zp addresses, then non-zp addresses, then the rest (if any)
stmt.leftvalues = list(sorted(lvalues, key=_value_sortkey))
def remove_identity_assigns(self, block: Block) -> None:
have_removed_stmts = False
for index, stmt in enumerate(list(block.statements)):
if isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt):
if not stmt.leftvalues:
print("{}: removed identity assignment statement".format(stmt.sourceref))
have_removed_stmts = True
block.statements[index] = None
if have_removed_stmts:
# remove the Nones
block.statements = [s for s in block.statements if s is not None]
def remove_unused_subroutines(self, block: Block) -> None:
# some symbols are used by the emitted assembly code from the code generator,
# and should never be removed or the assembler will fail
never_remove = {"c64.FREADUY", "c64.FTOMEMXY", "c64.FADD", "c64.FSUB",
"c64flt.GIVUAYF", "c64flt.copy_mflt", "c64flt.float_add_one", "c64flt.float_sub_one",
"c64flt.float_add_SW1_to_XY", "c64flt.float_sub_SW1_from_XY"}
discarded = []
for sub in list(block.symbols.iter_subroutines()):
usages = self.parsed.subroutine_usage[(sub.blockname,]
if not usages and sub.blockname + '.' + not in never_remove:
if discarded:
print("{}: discarded {:d} unused subroutines from block '{:s}'".format(block.sourceref, len(discarded),
def _value_sortkey(value: Value) -> int:
if isinstance(value, RegisterValue):
num = 0
for char in value.register:
num *= 100
num += ord(char)
return num
elif isinstance(value, MemMappedValue):
if value.address is None:
return 99999999
if value.address < 0x100:
return 10000 + value.address
return 20000 + value.address
return 99999999

View File

@ -6,21 +6,15 @@ Written by Irmen de Jong (
License: GNU GPL 3.0, see LICENSE
import math
import re
import os
import sys
import shutil
import enum
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Set, List, Tuple, Optional, Dict, Union, Generator
from .exprparse import ParseError, parse_expr_as_int, parse_expr_as_number, parse_expr_as_primitive,\
parse_expr_as_string, parse_arguments, parse_expr_as_comparison
from .astdefs import *
from .symbols import SourceRef, SymbolTable, DataType, SymbolDefinition, SubroutineDef, LabelDef, \
Zeropage, char_to_bytevalue, \
PrimitiveType, VariableDef, ConstantDef, SymbolError, STRING_DATATYPES, \
from .symbols import *
class ProgramFormat(enum.Enum):
@ -222,6 +216,8 @@ class Parser:
if isinstance(stmt, InlineAsm):
# check that the last asm line is a jmp or a rts
for asmline in reversed(stmt.asmlines):
if asmline.strip().replace(' ', '').startswith(";returns"):
if asmline.lstrip().startswith(';'):
if " rts" in asmline or "\trts" in asmline or " jmp" in asmline or "\tjmp" in asmline:
@ -234,6 +230,7 @@ class Parser:
self.print_warning("{:s} doesn't end with a return statement".format(message), block.sourceref)
_immediate_floats = {} # type: Dict[float, Tuple[str, str]]
_immediate_string_vars = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]]
def _parse_2(self) -> None:
# parsing pass 2 (not done during preprocessing!)
@ -241,19 +238,35 @@ class Parser:
self.sourceref.line = -1
self.sourceref.column = 0
def desugar_immediate_strings(stmt: _AstNode, containing_block: Block) -> None:
def imm_string_to_var(stmt: AssignmentStmt, containing_block: Block) -> None:
if or not isinstance(stmt.right, StringValue):
if stmt.right.value in self._immediate_string_vars:
blockname, stringvar_name = self._immediate_string_vars[stmt.right.value]
if blockname: = blockname + '.' + stringvar_name
else: = stringvar_name
stringvar_name = "il65_str_{:d}".format(id(stmt))
value = stmt.right.value
containing_block.symbols.define_constant(stringvar_name, stmt.sourceref, DataType.STRING, value=value) = stringvar_name
self._immediate_string_vars[stmt.right.value] = (, stringvar_name)
def desugar_immediate_strings(stmt: AstNode, containing_block: Block) -> None:
if isinstance(stmt, CallStmt):
for s in stmt.desugared_call_arguments:
self.sourceref = s.sourceref.copy()
imm_string_to_var(s, containing_block)
for s in stmt.desugared_output_assignments:
self.sourceref = s.sourceref.copy()
imm_string_to_var(s, containing_block)
if isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt):
self.sourceref = stmt.sourceref.copy()
imm_string_to_var(stmt, containing_block)
def desugar_immediate_floats(stmt: _AstNode, containing_block: Block) -> None:
def desugar_immediate_floats(stmt: AstNode, containing_block: Block) -> None:
if isinstance(stmt, (InplaceIncrStmt, InplaceDecrStmt)):
howmuch = stmt.value.value
if howmuch is None:
@ -815,7 +828,7 @@ class Parser:
datatype, length, matrix_dimensions = self.get_datatype(args[1])
return varname, datatype, length, matrix_dimensions, valuetext
def parse_statement(self, line: str) -> _AstNode:
def parse_statement(self, line: str) -> AstNode:
match = re.fullmatch(r"(?P<if>if(_[a-z]+)?)\s+(?P<cond>.+)?goto\s+(?P<subname>[\S]+?)\s*(\((?P<arguments>.*)\))?\s*", line)
if match:
# conditional goto
@ -1337,146 +1350,3 @@ class Parser:
return False
return True
class Optimizer:
def __init__(self, parseresult: ParseResult) -> None:
self.parsed = parseresult
def optimize(self) -> ParseResult:
print("\noptimizing parse tree")
for block in self.parsed.all_blocks():
return self.parsed
def remove_augmentedassign_incrdecr_nops(self, block: Block) -> None:
have_removed_stmts = False
for index, stmt in enumerate(list(block.statements)):
if isinstance(stmt, AugmentedAssignmentStmt):
if isinstance(stmt.right, (IntegerValue, FloatValue)):
if stmt.right.value == 0 and stmt.operator in ("+=", "-=", "|=", "<<=", ">>=", "^="):
print("{}: removed statement that has no effect".format(stmt.sourceref))
have_removed_stmts = True
block.statements[index] = None
if stmt.right.value >= 8 and stmt.operator in ("<<=", ">>="):
print("{}: shifting that many times always results in zero".format(stmt.sourceref))
new_stmt = AssignmentStmt(stmt.leftvalues, IntegerValue(0, stmt.sourceref), stmt.sourceref)
block.statements[index] = new_stmt
if have_removed_stmts:
# remove the Nones
block.statements = [s for s in block.statements if s is not None]
def optimize_compare_with_zero(self, block: Block) -> None:
# a conditional goto that compares a value to zero will be simplified
# the comparison operator and rvalue (0) will be removed and the if-status changed accordingly
for stmt in block.statements:
if isinstance(stmt, CallStmt):
cond = stmt.condition
if cond and isinstance(cond.rvalue, (IntegerValue, FloatValue)) and cond.rvalue.value == 0:
simplified = False
if cond.ifstatus in ("true", "ne"):
if cond.comparison_op == "==":
# if_true something == 0 -> if_not something
cond.ifstatus = "not"
cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
simplified = True
elif cond.comparison_op == "!=":
# if_true something != 0 -> if_true something
cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
simplified = True
elif cond.ifstatus in ("not", "eq"):
if cond.comparison_op == "==":
# if_not something == 0 -> if_true something
cond.ifstatus = "true"
cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
simplified = True
elif cond.comparison_op == "!=":
# if_not something != 0 -> if_not something
cond.comparison_op, cond.rvalue = "", None
simplified = True
if simplified:
print("{}: simplified comparison with zero".format(stmt.sourceref))
def combine_assignments_into_multi(self, block: Block) -> None:
# fold multiple consecutive assignments with the same rvalue into one multi-assignment
statements = [] # type: List[_AstNode]
multi_assign_statement = None
for stmt in block.statements:
if isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt) and not isinstance(stmt, AugmentedAssignmentStmt):
if multi_assign_statement and multi_assign_statement.right == stmt.right:
print("{}: joined with previous line into multi-assign statement".format(stmt.sourceref))
if multi_assign_statement:
multi_assign_statement = stmt
if multi_assign_statement:
multi_assign_statement = None
if multi_assign_statement:
block.statements = statements
def optimize_multiassigns(self, block: Block) -> None:
# optimize multi-assign statements.
for stmt in block.statements:
if isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt) and len(stmt.leftvalues) > 1:
# remove duplicates
lvalues = list(set(stmt.leftvalues))
if len(lvalues) != len(stmt.leftvalues):
print("{}: removed duplicate assignment targets".format(stmt.sourceref))
# change order: first registers, then zp addresses, then non-zp addresses, then the rest (if any)
stmt.leftvalues = list(sorted(lvalues, key=_value_sortkey))
def remove_identity_assigns(self, block: Block) -> None:
have_removed_stmts = False
for index, stmt in enumerate(list(block.statements)):
if isinstance(stmt, AssignmentStmt):
if not stmt.leftvalues:
print("{}: removed identity assignment statement".format(stmt.sourceref))
have_removed_stmts = True
block.statements[index] = None
if have_removed_stmts:
# remove the Nones
block.statements = [s for s in block.statements if s is not None]
def remove_unused_subroutines(self, block: Block) -> None:
# some symbols are used by the emitted assembly code from the code generator,
# and should never be removed or the assembler will fail
never_remove = {"c64.FREADUY", "c64.FTOMEMXY", "c64.FADD", "c64.FSUB",
"c64flt.GIVUAYF", "c64flt.copy_mflt", "c64flt.float_add_one", "c64flt.float_sub_one",
"c64flt.float_add_SW1_to_XY", "c64flt.float_sub_SW1_from_XY"}
discarded = []
for sub in list(block.symbols.iter_subroutines()):
usages = self.parsed.subroutine_usage[(sub.blockname,]
if not usages and sub.blockname + '.' + not in never_remove:
if discarded:
print("{}: discarded {:d} unused subroutines from block '{:s}'".format(block.sourceref, len(discarded),
def _value_sortkey(value: Value) -> int:
if isinstance(value, RegisterValue):
num = 0
for char in value.register:
num *= 100
num += ord(char)
return num
elif isinstance(value, MemMappedValue):
if value.address is None:
return 99999999
if value.address < 0x100:
return 10000 + value.address
return 20000 + value.address
return 99999999

View File

@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ License: GNU GPL 3.0, see LICENSE
from typing import List, Tuple, Set
from .parse import Parser, ParseResult, SymbolTable, SymbolDefinition
from .symbols import SourceRef
from .astdefs import _AstNode, InlineAsm
from .symbols import SourceRef, AstNode, InlineAsm
class PreprocessingParser(Parser):
@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ class PreprocessingParser(Parser):
def parse_asminclude(self, line: str) -> InlineAsm:
return InlineAsm([], self.sourceref)
def parse_statement(self, line: str) -> _AstNode:
def parse_statement(self, line: str) -> AstNode:
return None
def parse_var_def(self, line: str) -> None:

View File

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ import math
import enum
import builtins
from functools import total_ordering
from typing import Optional, Set, Union, Tuple, Dict, Iterable, Sequence, Any, List
from typing import Optional, Set, Union, Tuple, Dict, Iterable, Sequence, Any, List, Generator
PrimitiveType = Union[int, float, str]
@ -170,10 +171,10 @@ class ConstantDef(SymbolDefinition):
class SubroutineDef(SymbolDefinition):
def __init__(self, blockname: str, name: str, sourceref: SourceRef,
parameters: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], returnvalues: Sequence[str],
address: Optional[int]=None, sub_block: Any=None) -> None:
address: Optional[int]=None, sub_block: 'Block'=None) -> None:
super().__init__(blockname, name, sourceref, False)
self.address = address
self.sub_block = sub_block # this is a ParseResult.Block
self.sub_block = sub_block
self.parameters = parameters
self.clobbered_registers = set() # type: Set[str]
self.return_registers = [] # type: List[str] # ordered!
@ -269,7 +270,7 @@ class Zeropage:
class SymbolTable:
def __init__(self, name: str, parent: Optional['SymbolTable'], owning_block: Any) -> None:
def __init__(self, name: str, parent: Optional['SymbolTable'], owning_block: 'Block') -> None: = name
self.symbols = {} # type: Dict[str, Union[SymbolDefinition, SymbolTable]]
self.parent = parent
@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ class SymbolTable:
if isinstance(scope, SymbolTable):
return scope.lookup(nameparts[-1])
elif isinstance(scope, SubroutineDef):
return scope.sub_block.symbols.lookup_with_ppsymbols(nameparts[-1])
return scope.sub_block.symbols.lookup(nameparts[-1])
raise SymbolError("invalid block name '{:s}' in dotted name".format(namepart))
@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ class SymbolTable:
raise SymbolError("can only take address of memory mapped variables")
return symbol.address
def as_eval_dict(self, ppsymbols: 'SymbolTable') -> Dict[str, Any]:
def as_eval_dict(self, ppsymbols: 'SymbolTable') -> Dict[str, Any]: # @todo type
# return a dictionary suitable to be passed as locals or globals to eval()
if self.eval_dict is None:
d = EvalSymbolDict(self, ppsymbols)
@ -430,7 +431,7 @@ class SymbolTable:
def define_sub(self, name: str, sourceref: SourceRef,
parameters: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]], returnvalues: Sequence[str],
address: Optional[int], sub_block: Any) -> None:
address: Optional[int], sub_block: 'Block') -> None:
self.check_identifier_valid(name, sourceref)
self.symbols[name] = SubroutineDef(, name, sourceref, parameters, returnvalues, address, sub_block)
@ -691,3 +692,481 @@ ascii_to_petscii_trans = str.maketrans({
'': 162, # lower half
'': 230, # raster
class AstNode:
def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
self.sourceref = sourceref.copy()
def lineref(self) -> str:
return "src l. " + str(self.sourceref.line)
class Block(AstNode):
_unnamed_block_labels = {} # type: Dict[Block, str]
def __init__(self, name: str, sourceref: SourceRef, parent_scope: SymbolTable, preserve_registers: bool=False) -> None:
self.address = 0 = name
self.statements = [] # type: List[AstNode]
self.symbols = SymbolTable(name, parent_scope, self)
self.preserve_registers = preserve_registers
def ignore(self) -> bool:
return not and not self.address
def label_names(self) -> Set[str]:
return { for symbol in self.symbols.iter_labels()}
def label(self) -> str:
if self in self._unnamed_block_labels:
return self._unnamed_block_labels[self]
label = "il65_block_{:d}".format(len(self._unnamed_block_labels))
self._unnamed_block_labels[self] = label
return label
def lookup(self, dottedname: str) -> Tuple[Optional['Block'], Optional[Union[SymbolDefinition, SymbolTable]]]:
# Searches a name in the current block or globally, if the name is scoped (=contains a '.').
# Does NOT utilize a symbol table from a preprocessing parse phase, only looks in the current.
scope, result = self.symbols.lookup(dottedname)
return scope.owning_block, result
except (SymbolError, LookupError):
return None, None
def all_statements(self) -> Generator[Tuple['Block', Optional[SubroutineDef], AstNode], None, None]:
for stmt in self.statements:
yield self, None, stmt
for sub in self.symbols.iter_subroutines(True):
for stmt in sub.sub_block.statements:
yield sub.sub_block, sub, stmt
class Value(AstNode):
def __init__(self, datatype: DataType, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None, constant: bool = False) -> None:
self.datatype = datatype = name
self.constant = constant
def assignable_from(self, other: 'Value') -> Tuple[bool, str]:
if self.constant:
return False, "cannot assign to a constant"
return False, "incompatible value for assignment"
class IndirectValue(Value):
# only constant integers, memmapped and register values are wrapped in this.
def __init__(self, value: Value, type_modifier: DataType, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
assert type_modifier
super().__init__(type_modifier, sourceref,, False)
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return "<IndirectValue {} itype={} name={}>".format(self.value, self.datatype,
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype,, self.value))
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, IndirectValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
vvo = getattr(other.value, "value", getattr(other.value, "address", None))
vvs = getattr(self.value, "value", getattr(self.value, "address", None))
return (other.datatype,,, other.value.datatype, other.value.constant, vvo) == \
(self.datatype,,, self.value.datatype, self.value.constant, vvs)
def assignable_from(self, other: Value) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
if self.constant:
return False, "cannot assign to a constant"
if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
if other.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
return True, ""
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
if other.datatype in {DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD} | STRING_DATATYPES:
return True, ""
if self.datatype == DataType.FLOAT:
if other.datatype in {DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT}:
return True, ""
if isinstance(other, (IntegerValue, FloatValue, StringValue)):
rangefault = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, "", 1, other.value)
if rangefault:
return False, rangefault
return True, ""
return False, "incompatible value for indirect assignment (need byte, word, float or string)"
class IntegerValue(Value):
def __init__(self, value: Optional[int], sourceref: SourceRef, *, datatype: DataType = None, name: str = None) -> None:
if type(value) is int:
if datatype is None:
if 0 <= value < 0x100:
datatype = DataType.BYTE
elif value < 0x10000:
datatype = DataType.WORD
raise OverflowError("value too big: ${:x}".format(value))
faultreason = check_value_in_range(datatype, "", 1, value)
if faultreason:
raise OverflowError(faultreason)
super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, True)
self.value = value
elif value is None:
if not name:
raise ValueError("when integer value is not given, the name symbol should be speicified")
super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, True)
self.value = None
raise TypeError("invalid data type")
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype, self.value,
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, IntegerValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
return (other.datatype, other.value, == (self.datatype, self.value,
def __str__(self):
return "<IntegerValue {} name={}>".format(self.value,
def negative(self) -> 'IntegerValue':
return IntegerValue(-self.value, self.sourceref, datatype=self.datatype,
class FloatValue(Value):
def __init__(self, value: float, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None) -> None:
if type(value) is float:
super().__init__(DataType.FLOAT, sourceref, name, True)
self.value = value
raise TypeError("invalid data type")
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype, self.value,
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, FloatValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
return (other.datatype, other.value, == (self.datatype, self.value,
def __str__(self):
return "<FloatValue {} name={}>".format(self.value,
def negative(self) -> 'FloatValue':
return FloatValue(-self.value, self.sourceref,
class StringValue(Value):
def __init__(self, value: str, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None, constant: bool = False) -> None:
super().__init__(DataType.STRING, sourceref, name, constant)
self.value = value
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype, self.value,, self.constant))
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, StringValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
return (other.datatype, other.value,, other.constant) == (self.datatype, self.value,, self.constant)
def __str__(self):
return "<StringValue {!r:s} name={} constant={}>".format(self.value,, self.constant)
class RegisterValue(Value):
def __init__(self, register: str, datatype: DataType, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None) -> None:
assert datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD)
assert register in REGISTER_SYMBOLS
super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, False)
self.register = register
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype, self.register,
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, RegisterValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
return (other.datatype, other.register, == (self.datatype, self.register,
def __str__(self):
return "<RegisterValue {:s} type {:s} name={}>".format(self.register, self.datatype,
def assignable_from(self, other: Value) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
if isinstance(other, IndirectValue):
if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
if other.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
return True, ""
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
if other.datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD):
return True, ""
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
return False, "incompatible indirect value for register assignment"
if self.register in ("SC", "SI"):
if isinstance(other, IntegerValue) and other.value in (0, 1):
return True, ""
return False, "can only assign an integer constant value of 0 or 1 to SC and SI"
if self.constant:
return False, "cannot assign to a constant"
if isinstance(other, RegisterValue):
if other.register in {"SI", "SC", "SZ"}:
return False, "cannot explicitly assign from a status bit register alias"
if len(self.register) < len(other.register):
return False, "register size mismatch"
if isinstance(other, StringValue) and self.register in REGISTER_BYTES | REGISTER_SBITS:
return False, "string address requires 16 bits combined register"
if isinstance(other, IntegerValue):
if other.value is not None:
range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, self.register, 1, other.value)
if range_error:
return False, range_error
return True, ""
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
return True, ""
return False, "cannot assign address to single register"
if isinstance(other, FloatValue):
range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, self.register, 1, other.value)
if range_error:
return False, range_error
return True, ""
if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
if other.datatype != DataType.BYTE:
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
return True, ""
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
if other.datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD) or other.datatype in STRING_DATATYPES:
return True, ""
return False, "(unsigned) byte, word or string required"
return False, "incompatible value for register assignment"
class MemMappedValue(Value):
def __init__(self, address: Optional[int], datatype: DataType, length: int,
sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None, constant: bool = False) -> None:
super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, constant)
self.address = address
self.length = length
assert address is None or type(address) is int
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.datatype, self.address, self.length,, self.constant))
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, MemMappedValue):
return NotImplemented
elif self is other:
return True
return (other.datatype, other.address, other.length,, other.constant) == \
(self.datatype, self.address, self.length,, self.constant)
def __str__(self):
addr = "" if self.address is None else "${:04x}".format(self.address)
return "<MemMappedValue {:s} type={:s} #={:d} name={} constant={}>" \
.format(addr, self.datatype, self.length,, self.constant)
def assignable_from(self, other: Value) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
if self.constant:
return False, "cannot assign to a constant"
if isinstance(other, IndirectValue):
if self.datatype == other.datatype:
return True, ""
return False, "data type of value and target are not the same"
if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
if isinstance(other, (IntegerValue, RegisterValue, MemMappedValue)):
if other.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
return True, ""
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
elif isinstance(other, FloatValue):
range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, "", 1, other.value)
if range_error:
return False, range_error
return True, ""
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
elif self.datatype in (DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT):
if isinstance(other, (IntegerValue, FloatValue)):
range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, "", 1, other.value)
if range_error:
return False, range_error
return True, ""
elif isinstance(other, (RegisterValue, MemMappedValue)):
if other.datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT):
return True, ""
return False, "byte or word or float required"
elif isinstance(other, StringValue):
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
return True, ""
return False, "string address requires 16 bits (a word)"
if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE:
return False, "(unsigned) byte required"
if self.datatype == DataType.WORD:
return False, "(unsigned) word required"
return False, "incompatible value for assignment"
class Comment(AstNode):
def __init__(self, text: str, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
self.text = text
class Label(AstNode):
def __init__(self, name: str, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
super().__init__(sourceref) = name
class AssignmentStmt(AstNode):
def __init__(self, leftvalues: List[Value], right: Value, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
self.leftvalues = leftvalues
self.right = right
def __str__(self):
return "<Assign {:s} to {:s}>".format(str(self.right), ",".join(str(lv) for lv in self.leftvalues))
def remove_identity_lvalues(self) -> None:
for lv in self.leftvalues:
if lv == self.right:
print("{}: removed identity assignment".format(self.sourceref))
remaining_leftvalues = [lv for lv in self.leftvalues if lv != self.right]
self.leftvalues = remaining_leftvalues
def is_identity(self) -> bool:
return all(lv == self.right for lv in self.leftvalues)
class AugmentedAssignmentStmt(AssignmentStmt):
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS = {"+=", "-=", "&=", "|=", "^=", ">>=", "<<="}
# full set: {"+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "//=", "**=", "&=", "|=", "^=", ">>=", "<<="}
def __init__(self, left: Value, operator: str, right: Value, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
assert operator in self.SUPPORTED_OPERATORS
super().__init__([left], right, sourceref)
self.operator = operator
def __str__(self):
return "<AugAssign {:s} {:s} {:s}>".format(str(self.leftvalues[0]), self.operator, str(self.right))
class ReturnStmt(AstNode):
def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef, a: Optional[Value] = None,
x: Optional[Value] = None,
y: Optional[Value] = None) -> None:
self.a = a
self.x = x
self.y = y
class InplaceIncrStmt(AstNode):
def __init__(self, what: Value, value: Union[IntegerValue, FloatValue], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
assert value.constant
assert (value.value is None and or value.value > 0
self.what = what
self.value = value
class InplaceDecrStmt(AstNode):
def __init__(self, what: Value, value: Union[IntegerValue, FloatValue], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
assert value.constant
assert (value.value is None and or value.value > 0
self.what = what
self.value = value
class IfCondition(AstNode):
SWAPPED_OPERATOR = {"==": "==",
"!=": "!=",
"<=": ">=",
">=": "<=",
"<": ">",
">": "<"}
IF_STATUSES = {"cc", "cs", "vc", "vs", "eq", "ne", "true", "not", "zero", "pos", "neg", "lt", "gt", "le", "ge"}
def __init__(self, ifstatus: str, leftvalue: Optional[Value],
operator: str, rightvalue: Optional[Value], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
assert ifstatus in self.IF_STATUSES
assert operator in (None, "") or operator in self.SWAPPED_OPERATOR
if operator:
assert ifstatus in ("true", "not", "zero")
self.ifstatus = ifstatus
self.lvalue = leftvalue
self.comparison_op = operator
self.rvalue = rightvalue
def __str__(self):
return "<IfCondition if_{:s} {} {:s} {}>".format(self.ifstatus, self.lvalue, self.comparison_op, self.rvalue)
def make_if_true(self) -> bool:
# makes a condition of the form if_not a < b into: if a > b (gets rid of the not)
# returns whether the change was made or not
if self.ifstatus == "not" and self.comparison_op:
self.ifstatus = "true"
self.comparison_op = self.SWAPPED_OPERATOR[self.comparison_op]
return True
return False
def swap(self) -> Tuple[Value, str, Value]:
self.lvalue, self.comparison_op, self.rvalue = self.rvalue, self.SWAPPED_OPERATOR[self.comparison_op], self.lvalue
return self.lvalue, self.comparison_op, self.rvalue
class CallStmt(AstNode):
def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef, target: Optional[Value] = None, *,
address: Optional[int] = None, arguments: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = None,
outputs: List[Tuple[str, Value]] = None, is_goto: bool = False,
preserve_regs: Set[str] = None, condition: IfCondition = None) -> None:
if not is_goto:
assert condition is None
super().__init__(sourceref) = target
self.address = address
self.arguments = arguments
self.outputvars = outputs
self.is_goto = is_goto
self.condition = condition
self.preserve_regs = preserve_regs
self.desugared_call_arguments = [] # type: List[AssignmentStmt]
self.desugared_output_assignments = [] # type: List[AssignmentStmt]
class InlineAsm(AstNode):
def __init__(self, asmlines: List[str], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:
self.asmlines = asmlines
class BreakpointStmt(AstNode):
def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None:

View File

@ -173,4 +173,76 @@ remainder = SCRATCH_ZP1
sub randbyte () -> (A) {
; ---- 8-bit pseudo random number generator into A
%asm {
lda _seed
beq +
asl a
beq ++ ;if the input was $80, skip the EOR
bcc ++
+ eor _magic ; #$1d ; could be self-modifying code to set new magic
+ sta _seed
_seed .byte $3a
_magic .byte $1d
_magiceors .byte $1d, $2b, $2d, $4d, $5f, $63, $65, $69
.byte $71, $87, $8d, $a9, $c3, $cf, $e7, $f5
;returns - this comment avoids compiler warning
sub randword () -> (XY) {
; ---- 16 bit pseudo random number generator into XY
%asm {
lda _seed
beq _lowZero ; $0000 and $8000 are special values to test for
; Do a normal shift
asl _seed
lda _seed+1
rol a
bcc _noEor
_doEor ; high byte is in A
eor _magic+1 ; #>magic ; could be self-modifying code to set new magic
sta _seed+1
lda _seed
eor _magic ; #<magic ; could be self-modifying code to set new magic
sta _seed
ldy _seed+1
_lowZero lda _seed+1
beq _doEor ; High byte is also zero, so apply the EOR
; For speed, you could store 'magic' into 'seed' directly
; instead of running the EORs
; wasn't zero, check for $8000
asl a
beq _noEor ; if $00 is left after the shift, then it was $80
bcs _doEor ; else, do the EOR based on the carry bit as usual
_noEor sta _seed+1
ldx _seed
_seed .word $2c9e
_magic .word $3f1d
_magiceors .word $3f1d, $3f81, $3fa5, $3fc5, $4075, $409d, $40cd, $4109
.word $413f, $414b, $4153, $4159, $4193, $4199, $41af, $41bb
;returns - this comment avoids compiler warning

View File

@ -364,8 +364,8 @@ to store those values somewhere:
The output variables must occur in the correct sequence of return registers as specified
in the subroutine's definiton. It is possible to not specify any of them but the compiler
will issue a warning then if the result values of a subroutine call are discarded.
Even if the subroutine returns something in a register that already is the correct one
you want to keep, you'll have to explicitly assign the return value to that register.
If you don't have a variable to store the output register in, it's then required
to list the register itself instead as output variable.
Arguments should match the subroutine definition. You are allowed to omit the parameter names.
If no definition is available (because you're directly calling memory or a label or something else),

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%output prg,basic
%import "c64lib"
%import "mathlib"
~ main {
var .text name = '?' * 80
@ -27,13 +27,17 @@ start
; create a secret random number from 1-100
c64.RNDA(0) ; fac = rnd(0)
c64.MUL10() ; fac *= 10
c64.MUL10() ; .. and now *100
c64.FADDH() ; add 0.5..
c64.FADDH() ; and again, so +1 total
AY = c64flt.GETADRAY()
;X,secretnumber=math.divmod_bytes(A, 99)
c64scr.print_string("I am thinking of a number from 1 to 100!You'll have to guess it!\n")

View File

@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
%output prg,basic
%preserve_registers no
%import "c64lib"
%import "mathlib"
~ main {
%preserve_registers false
const num = 2
@ -12,6 +10,46 @@
var .word wvar1 = 2
X,A=math.divmod_bytes(A, 99)
XY = math.randword()
%asm {
sta $0400,y
sta $0500,x
;[wvar1] = 81 ; @todo implement pointers like this
goto rndloop
A = math.randbyte()
%asm {
sta $0400,y
if_ne goto rndloop
%asm {
sty math.randbyte._seed
goto rndloop
goto start
X <<= var1
X >>= var1