mirror of
synced 2025-02-15 00:32:09 +00:00
boolean not expression tweaks and optimizations
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class AtariTarget: ICompilationTarget, IStringEncoding by Encoder, IMemSizer {
in ByteDatatypes -> 1
in WordDatatypes, in PassByReferenceDatatypes -> 2
DataType.FLOAT -> machine.FLOAT_MEM_SIZE
else -> Int.MIN_VALUE
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid datatype")
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class VMTarget: ICompilationTarget, IStringEncoding by Encoder, IMemSizer {
in ByteDatatypes -> 1
in WordDatatypes, in PassByReferenceDatatypes -> 2
DataType.FLOAT -> machine.FLOAT_MEM_SIZE
else -> Int.MIN_VALUE
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid datatype")
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ internal object CbmMemorySizer: IMemSizer {
in ByteDatatypes -> 1
in WordDatatypes, in PassByReferenceDatatypes -> 2
else -> Int.MIN_VALUE
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("invalid datatype")
@ -67,14 +67,12 @@ class ExpressionSimplifier(private val program: Program,
if(elsepart.statements.singleOrNull() is Jump) {
val invertedCondition = invertCondition(ifElse.condition)
if(invertedCondition!=null) {
return listOf(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(ifElse.condition, invertedCondition, ifElse),
IAstModification.InsertAfter(ifElse, truepart, parent as IStatementContainer),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(elsepart, AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), elsepart.position), ifElse),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(truepart, elsepart, ifElse)
return listOf(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(ifElse.condition, invertedCondition, ifElse),
IAstModification.InsertAfter(ifElse, truepart, parent as IStatementContainer),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(elsepart, AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), elsepart.position), ifElse),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(truepart, elsepart, ifElse)
@ -319,23 +317,13 @@ class ExpressionSimplifier(private val program: Program,
if(rightVal!=null && leftDt==DataType.BOOL) {
// see if we can replace comparison against true/1 with simpler comparison against zero
if (expr.operator == "==") {
if (rightVal.number == 1.0) {
val zero = NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, 0.0, expr.right.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.SetExpression({expr.operator="!="}, expr, parent),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.right, zero, expr)
if (expr.operator == "!=") {
if (rightVal.number == 1.0) {
val zero = NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, 0.0, expr.right.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.SetExpression({expr.operator="=="}, expr, parent),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr.right, zero, expr)
// boolean compare against a number -> just keep the boolean, no compare
if(expr.operator=="==" || expr.operator=="!=") {
val test = if (expr.operator == "==") rightVal.asBooleanValue else !rightVal.asBooleanValue
return if (test) {
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, expr.left, parent))
} else {
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, invertCondition(expr.left), parent))
@ -117,11 +117,10 @@ class StatementOptimizer(private val program: Program,
if(jump is Jump) {
val newTruePart = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(jump), ifElse.elsepart.position)
val newElsePart = AnonymousScope(ifElse.truepart.statements, ifElse.truepart.position)
val invertedCondition = PrefixExpression("not", ifElse.condition, ifElse.condition.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(ifElse.elsepart, newElsePart, ifElse),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(ifElse.truepart, newTruePart, ifElse),
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(ifElse.condition, invertedCondition, ifElse)
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(ifElse.condition, invertCondition(ifElse.condition), ifElse)
@ -91,17 +91,15 @@ do { STUFF } until CONDITION
goto _loop
val pos = untilLoop.position
val loopLabel = program.makeLabel("untilloop", pos)
val ifCondition = invertCondition(untilLoop.condition)
?: BinaryExpression(untilLoop.condition, "==", NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, 0.0, pos), pos)
val replacement = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(
AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(program.jumpLabel(loopLabel)), pos),
AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), pos),
@ -130,7 +128,7 @@ if CONDITION==0
if not CONDITION goto _after
goto _whileloop
@ -138,11 +136,9 @@ _after:
val pos = whileLoop.position
val loopLabel = program.makeLabel("whileloop", pos)
val afterLabel = program.makeLabel("afterwhile", pos)
val ifCondition = invertCondition(whileLoop.condition)
?: BinaryExpression(whileLoop.condition, "==", NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, 0.0, pos), pos)
val replacement = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(
AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(program.jumpLabel(afterLabel)), pos),
AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), pos),
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.expressions.BinaryExpression
import prog8.ast.expressions.NumericLiteral
import prog8.ast.expressions.PrefixExpression
import prog8.ast.expressions.invertCondition
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.code.core.DataType
@ -44,8 +45,7 @@ internal class NotExpressionAndIfComparisonExprChanger(val program: Program, val
if(expr.operator=="^" && expr.left.inferType(program) istype DataType.BOOL && expr.right.constValue(program)?.number == 1.0) {
// boolean ^ 1 --> not boolean
val notExpr = PrefixExpression("not", expr.left, expr.position)
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, notExpr, parent))
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(expr, invertCondition(expr.left), parent))
@ -987,22 +987,18 @@ main {
val result = compileText(Cx16Target(), true, src, writeAssembly = false)!!
val st = result.compilerAst.entrypoint.statements
st.size shouldBe 8
val if1c = (st[4] as IfElse).condition as BinaryExpression
val if2c = (st[5] as IfElse).condition as BinaryExpression
val if3c = (st[6] as IfElse).condition as BinaryExpression
val if4c = (st[7] as IfElse).condition as BinaryExpression
if1c.operator shouldBe "=="
(if1c.right as NumericLiteral).number shouldBe 0.0
(if1c.left as BinaryExpression).operator shouldBe "or"
if2c.operator shouldBe "=="
(if2c.right as NumericLiteral).number shouldBe 0.0
(if2c.left as BinaryExpression).operator shouldBe "and"
if3c.operator shouldBe "=="
(if3c.right as NumericLiteral).number shouldBe 0.0
(if3c.left as BinaryExpression).operator shouldBe "and"
if4c.operator shouldBe "=="
(if4c.right as NumericLiteral).number shouldBe 0.0
(if4c.left as BinaryExpression).operator shouldBe "or"
val if1c = (st[4] as IfElse).condition as PrefixExpression
val if2c = (st[5] as IfElse).condition as PrefixExpression
val if3c = (st[6] as IfElse).condition as PrefixExpression
val if4c = (st[7] as IfElse).condition as PrefixExpression
if1c.operator shouldBe "not"
if2c.operator shouldBe "not"
if3c.operator shouldBe "not"
if4c.operator shouldBe "not"
(if1c.expression as BinaryExpression).operator shouldBe "or"
(if2c.expression as BinaryExpression).operator shouldBe "and"
(if3c.expression as BinaryExpression).operator shouldBe "and"
(if4c.expression as BinaryExpression).operator shouldBe "or"
test("absorption laws") {
@ -475,17 +475,17 @@ main {
st.size shouldBe 7
val ifCond = (st[4] as IfElse).condition as BinaryExpression
ifCond.operator shouldBe "=="
(ifCond.right as NumericLiteral).number shouldBe 0.0
(ifCond.left as BinaryExpression).operator shouldBe "<"
ifCond.operator shouldBe ">="
(ifCond.left as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("n")
(ifCond.right as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("x")
val assign1 = (st[5] as Assignment).value as BinaryExpression
val assign2 = (st[6] as Assignment).value as BinaryExpression
assign1.operator shouldBe "=="
(assign1.right as NumericLiteral).number shouldBe 0.0
(assign1.left as BinaryExpression).operator shouldBe "<"
assign2.operator shouldBe "=="
(assign2.right as NumericLiteral).number shouldBe 0.0
(assign2.left as BinaryExpression).operator shouldBe "<"
assign1.operator shouldBe ">="
(assign1.left as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("n")
(assign1.right as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("x")
assign2.operator shouldBe ">="
(assign1.left as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("n")
(assign1.right as IdentifierReference).nameInSource shouldBe listOf("x")
test("modulo is not directive") {
@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ class AstToSourceTextConverter(val output: (text: String) -> Unit, val program:
private fun datatypeString(dt: DataType): String {
return when (dt) {
in NumericDatatypes -> dt.toString().lowercase()
DataType.STR -> dt.toString().lowercase()
DataType.BOOL -> "bool"
DataType.STR -> "str"
DataType.ARRAY_UB -> "ubyte["
DataType.ARRAY_B -> "byte["
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> "uword["
@ -226,10 +226,10 @@ class BinaryExpression(
"&", "|", "^" -> if(leftDt istype DataType.BOOL) InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.UBYTE) else leftDt
"and", "or", "xor", "not" -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.BOOL)
"and", "or", "xor", "not", "in", "not in",
"<", ">",
"<=", ">=",
"==", "!=", "in", "not in" -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.BOOL)
"==", "!=" -> InferredTypes.knownFor(DataType.BOOL)
"<<", ">>" -> leftDt
else -> throw FatalAstException("resulting datatype check for invalid operator $operator")
@ -550,137 +550,137 @@ class NumericLiteral(val type: DataType, // only numerical types allowed
operator fun compareTo(other: NumericLiteral): Int = number.compareTo(other.number)
class CastValue(val isValid: Boolean, val whyFailed: String?, private val value: NumericLiteral?) {
class ValueAfterCast(val isValid: Boolean, val whyFailed: String?, private val value: NumericLiteral?) {
fun valueOrZero() = if(isValid) value!! else NumericLiteral(DataType.UBYTE, 0.0, Position.DUMMY)
fun linkParent(parent: Node) {
fun cast(targettype: DataType): CastValue {
fun cast(targettype: DataType): ValueAfterCast {
val result = internalCast(targettype)
return result
private fun internalCast(targettype: DataType): CastValue {
private fun internalCast(targettype: DataType): ValueAfterCast {
return CastValue(true, null, this)
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, this)
when(type) {
DataType.UBYTE -> {
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toByte().toDouble(), position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toByte().toDouble(), position))
if(targettype==DataType.WORD || targettype==DataType.UWORD)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
DataType.BYTE -> {
if(targettype==DataType.UBYTE) {
if(number in -128.0..0.0)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toUByte().toDouble(), position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toUByte().toDouble(), position))
else if(number in 0.0..255.0)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype==DataType.UWORD) {
if(number in -32768.0..0.0)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toUShort().toDouble(), position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toUShort().toDouble(), position))
else if(number in 0.0..65535.0)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
DataType.UWORD -> {
if(targettype==DataType.BYTE && number <= 127)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype==DataType.UBYTE && number <= 255)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toShort().toDouble(), position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toShort().toDouble(), position))
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
DataType.WORD -> {
if(targettype==DataType.BYTE && number >= -128 && number <=127)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype==DataType.UBYTE) {
if(number in -128.0..0.0)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toUByte().toDouble(), position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toUByte().toDouble(), position))
else if(number in 0.0..255.0)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype==DataType.UWORD) {
if(number in -32768.0 .. 0.0)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toUShort().toDouble(), position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number.toInt().toUShort().toDouble(), position))
else if(number in 0.0..65535.0)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
DataType.FLOAT -> {
try {
if (targettype == DataType.BYTE && number >= -128 && number <= 127)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if (targettype == DataType.UBYTE && number >= 0 && number <= 255)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if (targettype == DataType.WORD && number >= -32768 && number <= 32767)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if (targettype == DataType.UWORD && number >= 0 && number <= 65535)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if(targettype==DataType.LONG && number >=0 && number <= 2147483647)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
} catch (x: ExpressionError) {
return CastValue(false, x.message,null)
return ValueAfterCast(false, x.message,null)
DataType.BOOL -> {
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
DataType.LONG -> {
try {
if (targettype == DataType.BYTE && number >= -128 && number <= 127)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if (targettype == DataType.UBYTE && number >= 0 && number <= 255)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if (targettype == DataType.WORD && number >= -32768 && number <= 32767)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
if (targettype == DataType.UWORD && number >= 0 && number <= 65535)
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return CastValue(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, fromBoolean(number!=0.0, position))
return CastValue(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
return ValueAfterCast(true, null, NumericLiteral(targettype, number, position))
} catch (x: ExpressionError) {
return CastValue(false, x.message, null)
return ValueAfterCast(false, x.message, null)
else -> {
throw FatalAstException("type cast of weird type $type")
return CastValue(false, "no cast available between these types", null)
return ValueAfterCast(false, "no cast available between these types", null)
@ -1257,11 +1257,12 @@ class BuiltinFunctionCall(override var target: IdentifierReference,
override fun inferType(program: Program) = program.builtinFunctions.returnType(name)
fun invertCondition(cond: Expression): BinaryExpression? {
fun invertCondition(cond: Expression): Expression {
if(cond is BinaryExpression) {
val invertedOperator = invertedComparisonOperator(cond.operator)
if (invertedOperator != null)
return BinaryExpression(cond.left, invertedOperator, cond.right, cond.position)
return null
return PrefixExpression("not", cond, cond.position)
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
[on branch 'booleans']: keep Bool alive longer until codegen? (don't replace by UBYTE so quickly?)
consolidate the various type-to-string tables, look for: DataType.BOOL -> "bool"
"all other not(x) --> x==0" SOMETIMES if removed, improves code, sometimes it makes it worse.
Find out what is what! (paint)
ALSO: when adding a expr.issimple to that, it crashes with a parent node mismatch error. FIX THAT.
@ -683,7 +683,13 @@ class FunctionCallArgs(
val returns: RegSpec?
) {
class RegSpec(val dt: IRDataType, val registerNum: Int, val cpuRegister: RegisterOrStatusflag?)
class ArgumentSpec(val name: String, val address: Int?, val reg: RegSpec)
class ArgumentSpec(val name: String, val address: Int?, val reg: RegSpec) {
init {
require(address==null || address>=0) {
"address must be >=0"
data class IRInstruction(
@ -759,6 +765,9 @@ data class IRInstruction(
require(immediate != null || immediateFp != null) { "missing immediate value" }
require(address==null || address>=0) {
"address must be >=0"
reg1direction = format.reg1
reg2direction = format.reg2
@ -165,17 +165,18 @@ class IRStMemVar(name: String,
val typeString: String
get() = when (dt) {
DataType.BOOL -> "bool"
DataType.UBYTE -> "ubyte"
DataType.BYTE -> "byte"
DataType.UWORD -> "uword"
DataType.WORD -> "word"
DataType.FLOAT -> "float"
DataType.BOOL, DataType.ARRAY_BOOL -> throw InternalCompilerException("bool should have been converted to ubyte")
DataType.ARRAY_UB, DataType.STR -> "ubyte[${length}]"
DataType.ARRAY_B -> "byte[${length}]"
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> "uword[${length}]"
DataType.ARRAY_W -> "word[${length}]"
DataType.ARRAY_F -> "float[${length}]"
DataType.ARRAY_BOOL -> "bool[$length]"
DataType.ARRAY_UB, DataType.STR -> "ubyte[$length]"
DataType.ARRAY_B -> "byte[$length]"
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> "uword[$length]"
DataType.ARRAY_W -> "word[$length]"
DataType.ARRAY_F -> "float[$length]"
in SplitWordArrayTypes -> throw InternalCompilerException("@split can't be used on memory mapped arrays")
else -> throw InternalCompilerException("weird dt")
@ -221,17 +222,18 @@ class IRStStaticVariable(name: String,
val typeString: String
get() = when (dt) {
DataType.BOOL -> "bool"
DataType.UBYTE -> "ubyte"
DataType.BYTE -> "byte"
DataType.UWORD -> "uword"
DataType.WORD -> "word"
DataType.FLOAT -> "float"
DataType.BOOL, DataType.ARRAY_BOOL -> throw InternalCompilerException("bool should have been converted to ubyte")
DataType.ARRAY_UB, DataType.STR -> "ubyte[${length}]"
DataType.ARRAY_B -> "byte[${length}]"
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> "uword[${length}]"
DataType.ARRAY_W -> "word[${length}]"
DataType.ARRAY_F -> "float[${length}]"
DataType.ARRAY_BOOL -> "bool[$length]"
DataType.ARRAY_UB, DataType.STR -> "ubyte[$length]"
DataType.ARRAY_B -> "byte[$length]"
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> "uword[$length]"
DataType.ARRAY_W -> "word[$length]"
DataType.ARRAY_F -> "float[$length]"
in SplitWordArrayTypes -> throw InternalCompilerException("split array should have been converted to 2 ubyte arrays")
else -> throw InternalCompilerException("weird dt")
@ -7,12 +7,13 @@ import prog8.code.right
fun getTypeString(dt : DataType): String = when(dt) {
DataType.BOOL -> "bool"
DataType.UBYTE -> "ubyte"
DataType.BYTE -> "byte"
DataType.UWORD -> "uword"
DataType.WORD -> "word"
DataType.FLOAT -> "float"
DataType.BOOL, DataType.ARRAY_BOOL -> throw InternalCompilerException("bool should have been converted to ubyte")
DataType.ARRAY_BOOL -> "bool[]"
DataType.ARRAY_UB, DataType.STR -> "ubyte[]"
DataType.ARRAY_B -> "byte[]"
DataType.ARRAY_UW -> "uword[]"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user