added sprites library module (cx16 only)

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2023-09-01 16:56:46 +02:00
parent 09a7a4bbe5
commit 9cc0cda0fb
6 changed files with 186 additions and 79 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
; Simple routines to control sprites.
; They're not written for high performance, but for simplicity.
; That's why they control 1 sprite at a time. The exception is pos_batch().
; which is quite efficient to update sprite positions of multiple sprites in one go.
; note: sprites z-order will be in front of all layers.
; note: collision mask is not supported here yet.
sprites {
const uword VERA_SPRITEREGS = $fc00 ; $1fc00
const ubyte PALETTE_OFFSET = 16 ; color palette indices 16-31
const ubyte SIZE_8 = 0
const ubyte SIZE_16 = 1
const ubyte SIZE_32 = 2
const ubyte SIZE_64 = 3
const ubyte COLORS_16 = 0
const ubyte COLORS_256 = 128
uword @zp sprite_reg
sub init(ubyte spritenum,
ubyte databank, uword dataaddr,
ubyte width_flag, ubyte height_flag,
ubyte colors_flag) {
cx16.VERA_DC_VIDEO |= %01000000 ; enable sprites globally
dataaddr >>= 5
dataaddr |= (databank as uword)<<11
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + spritenum*$0008
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg, lsb(dataaddr)) ; address 12:5
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+1, colors_flag | msb(dataaddr)) ; 4 bpp + address 16:13
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+6, %00001100) ; z depth %11 = in front of both layers, no flips
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+7, height_flag<<6 | width_flag<<4 | PALETTE_OFFSET>>4) ; 64x64 pixels, palette offset
sub pos(ubyte spritenum, word xpos, word ypos) {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 2 + spritenum*$0008
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg, lsb(xpos))
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+1, msb(xpos))
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+2, lsb(ypos))
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+3, msb(ypos))
sub pos_batch(ubyte first_spritenum, ubyte num_sprites, uword xpositions_ptr, uword ypositions_ptr) {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 2 + first_spritenum*$0008
cx16.vaddr_autoincr(1, sprite_reg, 0, 8)
cx16.vaddr_autoincr(1, sprite_reg+1, 1, 8)
repeat num_sprites {
cx16.VERA_DATA0 = @(xpositions_ptr)
xpositions_ptr ++
cx16.VERA_DATA1 = @(xpositions_ptr)
xpositions_ptr ++
sprite_reg += 2
cx16.vaddr_autoincr(1, sprite_reg, 0, 8)
cx16.vaddr_autoincr(1, sprite_reg+1, 1, 8)
repeat num_sprites {
cx16.VERA_DATA0 = @(ypositions_ptr)
ypositions_ptr ++
cx16.VERA_DATA1 = @(ypositions_ptr)
ypositions_ptr ++
sub setx(ubyte spritenum, word xpos) {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 2 + spritenum*$0008
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg, lsb(xpos))
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+1, msb(xpos))
sub sety(ubyte spritenum, word ypos) {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 4 + spritenum*$0008
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg, lsb(ypos))
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+1, msb(ypos))
sub getx(ubyte spritenum) -> word {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 2 + spritenum*$0008
return mkword(cx16.vpeek(1, sprite_reg+1), cx16.vpeek(1, sprite_reg)) as word
sub gety(ubyte spritenum) -> word {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 4 + spritenum*$0008
return mkword(cx16.vpeek(1, sprite_reg+1), cx16.vpeek(1, sprite_reg)) as word
sub hide(ubyte spritenum) {
pos(spritenum, -64, -64)
sub flipx(ubyte spritenum, bool flipped) {
cx16.vpoke_mask(1, VERA_SPRITEREGS + 6 + spritenum*$0008, %11111110, flipped)
sub flipy(ubyte spritenum, bool flipped) {
cx16.vpoke_mask(1, VERA_SPRITEREGS + 6 + spritenum*$0008, %11111101, flipped<<1)
sub set_palette_offset(ubyte spritenum, ubyte offset) {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 7 + spritenum*$0008
cx16.vpoke_mask(1, sprite_reg, %11110000, offset>>4)

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@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ class TestCompilerOnExamplesCx16: FunSpec({

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@ -472,5 +472,17 @@ It includes an interrupt routine to handle simple Attack/Release envelopes as we
See the examples/cx16/bdmusic.p8 program for ideas how to use it.
Read the `source code <>`_
to see what's in there. (Note: slight variations for different compiler targets)
to see what's in there.
sprites (cx16 only)
Available for the Cx16 target. Simple routines to manipulate sprites.
They're not written for high performance, but for simplicity.
That's why they control one sprite at a time. The exception is the ``pos_batch`` routine,
which is quite efficient to update sprite positions of multiple sprites in one go.
See the examples/cx16/sprites/dragon.p8 and dragons.p8 programs for ideas how to use it.
Read the `source code <>`_
to see what's in there.

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@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ TODO
- optimize assembly output for ( word1 & word2 ==0) ... (no need for stack pushes)
- opimize assembly where pha/pla can be converted into tax/txa (saves 2 cycles, clobbers X)
- prefix prog8 subroutines with p8s_ instead of p8_ to not let them clash with variables in the asm?
- allow 'chained' array indexing for expressions: value = ptrarray[0][0]

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@ -1,20 +1,27 @@
%import diskio
%import textio
%import sprites
%zeropage basicsafe
%option no_sysinit
; an example that displays and moves a single dragon (actually 2 sprites).
main {
; we choose arbitrary unused vram location for sprite data: $12000
const ubyte SPRITE_DATA_BANK = 1
const uword SPRITE_DATA_ADDR = $2000
sub start() {
txt.print("there be dragons!")
; load the sprite data and color palette directly into Vera ram
void diskio.vload_raw("dragonsprite.bin", sprites.DATA_BANK, sprites.DATA_ADDR)
void diskio.vload_raw("dragonsprite.bin", SPRITE_DATA_BANK, SPRITE_DATA_ADDR)
void diskio.vload_raw("dragonsprite.pal", 1, $fa00 + sprites.PALETTE_OFFSET*2)
; initialize the dragon sprites
sprites.init(1, sprites.DATA_BANK, sprites.DATA_ADDR, sprites.SIZE_64, sprites.SIZE_64) ; top half of dragon
sprites.init(2, sprites.DATA_BANK, sprites.DATA_ADDR + 64*64/2, sprites.SIZE_64, sprites.SIZE_64) ; bottom half of dragon
sprites.init(1, SPRITE_DATA_BANK, SPRITE_DATA_ADDR, sprites.SIZE_64, sprites.SIZE_64, sprites.COLORS_16) ; top half of dragon
sprites.init(2, SPRITE_DATA_BANK, SPRITE_DATA_ADDR + 64*64/2, sprites.SIZE_64, sprites.SIZE_64, sprites.COLORS_16) ; bottom half of dragon
ubyte tt = 0
word xpos = -64
@ -48,78 +55,3 @@ main {
sprites {
; sprite registers base in VRAM: $1fc00
; Sprite 0: $1FC00 - $1FC07 ; used by the kernal for mouse pointer
; Sprite 1: $1FC08 - $1FC0F
; Sprite 2: $1FC10 - $1FC17
; …
; Sprite 127: $1FFF8 - $1FFFF
const uword VERA_SPRITEREGS = $fc00 ; $1fc00
const ubyte PALETTE_OFFSET = 16 ; color palette indices 16-31
const ubyte SIZE_8 = 0
const ubyte SIZE_16 = 1
const ubyte SIZE_32 = 2
const ubyte SIZE_64 = 3
; we choose arbitrary unused vram location for sprite data: $12000
const ubyte DATA_BANK = 1
const uword DATA_ADDR = $2000
uword @zp sprite_reg
sub init(ubyte sprite_num, ubyte data_bank, uword data_addr, ubyte width_flag, ubyte height_flag) {
cx16.VERA_DC_VIDEO |= %01000000 ; enable sprites globally
data_addr >>= 5
data_addr |= (data_bank as uword)<<11
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + sprite_num*$0008
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg, lsb(data_addr)) ; address 12:5
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+1, %00000000 | msb(data_addr)) ; 4 bpp + address 16:13
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+6, %00001100) ; z depth %11 = in front of both layers, no flips
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+7, height_flag<<6 | width_flag<<4 | PALETTE_OFFSET>>4) ; 64x64 pixels, palette offset
sub hide(ubyte sprite_num) {
pos(sprite_num, -64, -64)
sub flipx(ubyte sprite_num, bool flipped) {
cx16.vpoke_mask(1, VERA_SPRITEREGS + 6 + sprite_num*$0008, %11111110, flipped)
sub flipy(ubyte sprite_num, bool flipped) {
cx16.vpoke_mask(1, VERA_SPRITEREGS + 6 + sprite_num*$0008, %11111101, flipped<<1)
sub pos(ubyte sprite_num, word xpos, word ypos) {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 2 + sprite_num*$0008
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg, lsb(xpos))
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+1, msb(xpos))
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+2, lsb(ypos))
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+3, msb(ypos))
sub setx(ubyte sprite_num, word xpos) {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 2 + sprite_num*$0008
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg, lsb(xpos))
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+1, msb(xpos))
sub sety(ubyte sprite_num, word ypos) {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 4 + sprite_num*$0008
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg, lsb(ypos))
cx16.vpoke(1, sprite_reg+1, msb(ypos))
sub getx(ubyte sprite_num) -> word {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 2 + sprite_num*$0008
return mkword(cx16.vpeek(1, sprite_reg+1), cx16.vpeek(1, sprite_reg)) as word
sub gety(ubyte sprite_num) -> word {
sprite_reg = VERA_SPRITEREGS + 4 + sprite_num*$0008
return mkword(cx16.vpeek(1, sprite_reg+1), cx16.vpeek(1, sprite_reg)) as word

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
%import diskio
%import textio
%import sprites
%zeropage basicsafe
%option no_sysinit
; an example that displays and then moves many sprites at once.
main {
; we choose arbitrary unused vram location for sprite data: $12000
const ubyte SPRITE_DATA_BANK = 1
const uword SPRITE_DATA_ADDR = $2000
const ubyte NUM_DRAGONS = 25
word[NUM_DRAGONS*2] xpositions
word[NUM_DRAGONS*2] ypositions
sub start() {
txt.print("there be many dragons!")
; load the sprite data and color palette directly into Vera ram
void diskio.vload_raw("dragonsprite.bin", SPRITE_DATA_BANK, SPRITE_DATA_ADDR)
void diskio.vload_raw("dragonsprite.pal", 1, $fa00 + sprites.PALETTE_OFFSET*2)
; initialize the dragon sprites (every dragon needs 2 sprites)
ubyte sprite_num
for sprite_num in 0 to NUM_DRAGONS*2-2 step 2 {
sprites.init(sprite_num+1, SPRITE_DATA_BANK, SPRITE_DATA_ADDR, sprites.SIZE_64, sprites.SIZE_64, sprites.COLORS_16) ; top half of dragon
sprites.init(sprite_num+2, SPRITE_DATA_BANK, SPRITE_DATA_ADDR + 64*64/2, sprites.SIZE_64, sprites.SIZE_64, sprites.COLORS_16) ; bottom half of dragon
xpositions[sprite_num] = math.rndw() % (640-64) as word
xpositions[sprite_num+1] = xpositions[sprite_num]
ypositions[sprite_num] = sprite_num * $0008 as word
ypositions[sprite_num+1] = ypositions[sprite_num]+64
repeat {
; move all dragons (remember each one consists of a top and a bottom sprite)
for sprite_num in 0 to NUM_DRAGONS*2-2 step 2 {
if sprite_num & 2 {
if xpositions[sprite_num] >= 640
xpositions[sprite_num] = -64
if xpositions[sprite_num+1] >= 640
xpositions[sprite_num+1] = -64
sprites.pos_batch(1, NUM_DRAGONS*2, &xpositions, &ypositions)