mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 07:29:12 +00:00
omit more redundant 0-initializations ("stz's")
This commit is contained in:
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ class AstPreprocessor(val program: Program,
override fun after(decl: VarDecl, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val nextAssignment = decl.nextSibling() as? Assignment
if(nextAssignment!=null && nextAssignment.origin!=AssignmentOrigin.VARINIT) {
// check if it's a proper initializer assignment for the variable
// check if the following assignment initializes the variable
if(decl.value==null && nextAssignment.target.identifier?.targetVarDecl(program)===decl) {
nextAssignment.origin = AssignmentOrigin.VARINIT
@ -52,11 +52,8 @@ internal class StatementReorderer(
// This allows you to restart the program and have the same starting values of the variables
// So basically consider 'ubyte xx' as a short form for 'ubyte xx; xx=0'
decl.value = null
return noModifications // an initializer assignment for a vardecl is already here
val nextFor = decl.nextSibling() as? ForLoop
val hasNextForWithThisLoopvar = nextFor?.loopVar?.nameInSource==listOf(decl.name)
if (!hasNextForWithThisLoopvar) {
val canskip = canSkipInitializationWith0(decl)
if (!canskip) {
// Add assignment to initialize with zero
// Note: for block-level vars, this will introduce assignments in the block scope. These have to be dealt with correctly later.
val identifier = IdentifierReference(listOf(decl.name), decl.position)
@ -106,6 +103,62 @@ internal class StatementReorderer(
return noModifications
private fun canSkipInitializationWith0(decl: VarDecl): Boolean {
// if there is an assignment to the variable below it (regular assign, or For loop),
// and there is nothing important in between,
// we can skip the initialization.
val statements = (decl.parent as? IStatementContainer)?.statements ?: return false
val following = statements.asSequence().dropWhile { it!==decl }.drop(1)
for(stmt in following) {
when(stmt) {
is Assignment -> {
if (!stmt.isAugmentable) {
val assignTgt = stmt.target.identifier?.targetVarDecl(program)
if (assignTgt == decl)
return true
return false
is ChainedAssignment -> {
var chained: ChainedAssignment? = stmt
while(chained!=null) {
val assignTgt = chained.target.identifier?.targetVarDecl(program)
if (assignTgt == decl)
return true
if(chained.nested is Assignment) {
if ((chained.nested as Assignment).target.identifier?.targetVarDecl(program) == decl)
return true
chained = chained.nested as? ChainedAssignment
is ForLoop -> return stmt.loopVar.nameInSource == listOf(decl.name)
is IFunctionCall,
is Jump,
is Break,
is BuiltinFunctionPlaceholder,
is ConditionalBranch,
is Continue,
is Return,
is Subroutine,
is InlineAssembly,
is Block,
is AnonymousScope,
is IfElse,
is RepeatLoop,
is UnrollLoop,
is UntilLoop,
is When,
is WhileLoop -> return false
else -> {}
return false
private fun directivesToTheTop(statements: MutableList<Statement>) {
val directives = statements.filterIsInstance<Directive>().filter {it.directive in directivesToMove}
@ -6,8 +6,13 @@ import io.kotest.core.spec.style.FunSpec
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import io.kotest.matchers.types.instanceOf
import prog8.ast.IFunctionCall
import prog8.ast.IStatementContainer
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.expressions.NumericLiteral
import prog8.ast.statements.Assignment
import prog8.ast.statements.AssignmentOrigin
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDeclType
import prog8.code.core.DataType
import prog8.code.core.Encoding
@ -22,6 +27,13 @@ import prog8tests.helpers.compileText
class TestCompilerOnCharLit: FunSpec({
fun findInitializer(vardecl: VarDecl, program: Program): Assignment? =
(vardecl.parent as IStatementContainer).statements
.singleOrNull { it.origin== AssignmentOrigin.VARINIT && it.target.identifier?.targetVarDecl(program) === vardecl }
test("testCharLitAsRomsubArg") {
val platform = Cx16Target()
val result = compileText(platform, false, """
@ -70,7 +82,7 @@ class TestCompilerOnCharLit: FunSpec({
withClue("initializer value should have been moved to separate assignment"){
decl.value shouldBe null
val assignInitialValue = decl.findInitializer(program)!!
val assignInitialValue = findInitializer(decl, program)!!
assignInitialValue.target.identifier!!.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("ch")
withClue("char literal should have been replaced by ubyte literal") {
assignInitialValue.value shouldBe instanceOf<NumericLiteral>()
@ -504,9 +504,9 @@ main {
xx += 6
val stmts = result.compilerAst.entrypoint.statements
stmts.size shouldBe 7
stmts.size shouldBe 6
stmts.filterIsInstance<VarDecl>().size shouldBe 3
stmts.filterIsInstance<Assignment>().size shouldBe 4
stmts.filterIsInstance<Assignment>().size shouldBe 3
test("only substitue assignments with 0 after a =0 initializer if it is the same variable") {
@ -15,61 +15,6 @@ import prog8tests.helpers.compileText
class TestIntermediateAst: FunSpec({
test("creation") {
val text="""
%import textio
%import graphics
main {
sub start() {
bool cc
ubyte dd
ubyte[] array = [1,2,3]
cc = 11 in array
dd = sqrt(lsb(dd))
val target = C64Target()
val errors = ErrorReporterForTests()
val result = compileText(target, false, text, writeAssembly = false)!!
val ast = IntermediateAstMaker(result.compilerAst, errors).transform()
ast.name shouldBe result.compilerAst.name
ast.allBlocks().any() shouldBe true
val entry = ast.entrypoint() ?: fail("no main.start() found")
entry.children.size shouldBe 7
entry.name shouldBe "start"
entry.scopedName shouldBe "main.start"
val blocks = ast.allBlocks().toList()
blocks.size shouldBeGreaterThan 1
blocks[0].name shouldBe "main"
blocks[0].scopedName shouldBe "main"
val ccInit = entry.children[3] as PtAssignment
ccInit.target.identifier?.name shouldBe "main.start.cc"
(ccInit.value as PtBool).value shouldBe false
val ddInit = entry.children[4] as PtAssignment
ddInit.target.identifier?.name shouldBe "main.start.dd"
(ddInit.value as PtNumber).number shouldBe 0.0
val ccdecl = entry.children[0] as PtVariable
ccdecl.name shouldBe "cc"
ccdecl.scopedName shouldBe "main.start.cc"
ccdecl.type shouldBe DataType.BOOL
val dddecl = entry.children[1] as PtVariable
dddecl.name shouldBe "dd"
dddecl.scopedName shouldBe "main.start.dd"
dddecl.type shouldBe DataType.UBYTE
val arraydecl = entry.children[2] as IPtVariable
arraydecl.name shouldBe "array"
arraydecl.type shouldBe DataType.ARRAY_UB
val ccAssignV = (entry.children[5] as PtAssignment).value
ccAssignV shouldBe instanceOf<PtContainmentCheck>()
val ddAssignV = (entry.children[6] as PtAssignment).value
ddAssignV shouldBe instanceOf<PtFunctionCall>()
test("isSame on binaryExpressions") {
val expr1 = PtBinaryExpression("/", DataType.UBYTE, Position.DUMMY)
expr1.add(PtNumber(DataType.UBYTE, 1.0, Position.DUMMY))
@ -194,11 +194,11 @@ main {
val result = compileText(Cx16Target(), false, src, errors, true)!!
errors.errors.size shouldBe 0
val start = result.codegenAst!!.entrypoint()!!
start.children.size shouldBe 10
val a1_1 = start.children[5] as PtAssignment
val a1_2 = start.children[6] as PtAssignment
val a1_3 = start.children[7] as PtAssignment
val a1_4 = start.children[8] as PtAssignment
start.children.size shouldBe 9
val a1_1 = start.children[4] as PtAssignment
val a1_2 = start.children[5] as PtAssignment
val a1_3 = start.children[6] as PtAssignment
val a1_4 = start.children[7] as PtAssignment
a1_1.multiTarget shouldBe true
a1_2.multiTarget shouldBe true
a1_3.multiTarget shouldBe true
@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ import io.kotest.core.spec.style.FunSpec
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe
import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe
import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain
import io.kotest.matchers.types.instanceOf
import prog8.ast.statements.Assignment
import prog8.ast.statements.AssignmentOrigin
import prog8.code.ast.PtAssignment
import prog8.ast.statements.ForLoop
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
import prog8.code.target.C64Target
import prog8tests.helpers.ErrorReporterForTests
import prog8tests.helpers.compileText
@ -189,4 +191,35 @@ main {
assigns[5].value.constValue(result) shouldBe null
assigns[6].value.constValue(result) shouldBe null
test("not inserting redundant 0-initializations") {
val src="""
main {
sub start() {
ubyte v0
ubyte v1
ubyte v2
ubyte v3
v0 = v1 = v2 = 99
for v3 in 10 to 20 {
val result = compileText(C64Target(), false, src, writeAssembly = false)!!.compilerAst
val st = result.entrypoint.statements
st.size shouldBe 8
st[0] shouldBe instanceOf<VarDecl>()
st[1] shouldBe instanceOf<VarDecl>()
st[2] shouldBe instanceOf<VarDecl>()
st[3] shouldBe instanceOf<VarDecl>()
st[4] shouldBe instanceOf<Assignment>()
st[5] shouldBe instanceOf<Assignment>()
st[6] shouldBe instanceOf<Assignment>()
st[7] shouldBe instanceOf<ForLoop>()
(st[4] as Assignment).target.identifier?.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("v2")
(st[5] as Assignment).target.identifier?.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("v1")
(st[6] as Assignment).target.identifier?.nameInSource shouldBe listOf("v0")
@ -290,12 +290,6 @@ class VarDecl(val type: VarDeclType,
return copy
fun findInitializer(program: Program): Assignment? =
(parent as IStatementContainer).statements
.singleOrNull { it.origin==AssignmentOrigin.VARINIT && it.target.identifier?.targetVarDecl(program) === this }
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>): Boolean =
value?.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource)==true ||
@ -9,15 +9,13 @@ Maybe this routine can be made more intelligent. See usesOtherRegistersWhileEva
Future Things and Ideas
- improve detection that a variable is not read before being written so that initializing it to zero can be omitted
(only happens now if a vardecl is immediately followed by a for loop for instance) BUT this may break stuff if the variable is read from a function call for instance in between?
- Improve the SublimeText syntax file for prog8, you can also install this for 'bat': https://github.com/sharkdp/bat?tab=readme-ov-file#adding-new-syntaxes--language-definitions
- Can we support signed % (remainder) somehow?
- Don't add "random" rts to %asm blocks but instead give a warning about it? (but this breaks existing behavior that others already depend on... command line switch? block directive?)
- IR: implement missing operators in AssignmentGen (array shifts etc)
- instead of copy-pasting inline asmsubs, make them into a 64tass macro and use that instead.
that will allow them to be reused from custom user written assembly code as well.
- Multidimensional arrays and chained indexing, purely as syntactic sugar over regular arrays.
- Multidimensional arrays and chained indexing, purely as syntactic sugar over regular arrays. Probaby only useful if we have typed pointers.
- make a form of "manual generics" possible like: varsub routine(T arg)->T where T is expanded to a specific type
(this is already done hardcoded for several of the builtin functions)
@ -48,6 +46,7 @@ Future Things and Ideas
But all library code written in asm uses .proc already..... (textual search/replace when writing the actual asm?)
Once new codegen is written that is based on the IR, this point is mostly moot anyway as that will have its own dead code removal on the IR level.
- Zig-like try-based error handling where the V flag could indicate error condition? and/or BRK to jump into monitor on failure? (has to set BRK vector for that) But the V flag is also set on certain normal instructions
- Zig-like defer to clean up stuff when leaving the scope. But as we don't have closures, it's more limited. Still useful?
@ -3,37 +3,14 @@
%zeropage basicsafe
main {
bool[] barray = [true, false, true, false]
uword[] warray = [&value1, &barray, &value5, 4242]
ubyte @shared integer = 99
bool @shared value1
bool @shared value2 = barray[2] ; should be const!
bool @shared value3 = true
bool @shared value4 = false
bool @shared value5 = barray[cx16.r0L] ; cannot be const
uword @shared value6 = warray[3] ; should be const!
uword @shared value7 = warray[2] ; cannot be const
sub start() {
ubyte v0
ubyte v1
ubyte v2
ubyte v3
v0 = v1 = v2 = 99
for v3 in 10 to 20 {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user