mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 05:30:34 +00:00
removed the memory keyword instead use & now (reuse the address-of operator to reduce the number of different concepts in the grammar)
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,21 +20,21 @@
; floats in memory (and rom) are stored in 5-byte MFLPT packed format.
; constants in five-byte "mflpt" format in the BASIC ROM
memory float FL_PIVAL = $aea8 ; 3.1415926...
memory float FL_N32768 = $b1a5 ; -32768
memory float FL_FONE = $b9bc ; 1
memory float FL_SQRHLF = $b9d6 ; SQR(2) / 2
memory float FL_SQRTWO = $b9db ; SQR(2)
memory float FL_NEGHLF = $b9e0 ; -.5
memory float FL_LOG2 = $b9e5 ; LOG(2)
memory float FL_TENC = $baf9 ; 10
memory float FL_NZMIL = $bdbd ; 1e9 (1 billion)
memory float FL_FHALF = $bf11 ; .5
memory float FL_LOGEB2 = $bfbf ; 1 / LOG(2)
memory float FL_PIHALF = $e2e0 ; PI / 2
memory float FL_TWOPI = $e2e5 ; 2 * PI
memory float FL_FR4 = $e2ea ; .25
float FL_ZERO = 0.0 ; oddly enough 0.0 isn't available in the kernel
&float FL_PIVAL = $aea8 ; 3.1415926...
&float FL_N32768 = $b1a5 ; -32768
&float FL_FONE = $b9bc ; 1
&float FL_SQRHLF = $b9d6 ; SQR(2) / 2
&float FL_SQRTWO = $b9db ; SQR(2)
&float FL_NEGHLF = $b9e0 ; -.5
&float FL_LOG2 = $b9e5 ; LOG(2)
&float FL_TENC = $baf9 ; 10
&float FL_NZMIL = $bdbd ; 1e9 (1 billion)
&float FL_FHALF = $bf11 ; .5
&float FL_LOGEB2 = $bfbf ; 1 / LOG(2)
&float FL_PIHALF = $e2e0 ; PI / 2
&float FL_TWOPI = $e2e5 ; 2 * PI
&float FL_FR4 = $e2ea ; .25
float FL_ZERO = 0.0 ; oddly enough 0.0 isn't available in the kernel
; note: fac1/2 might get clobbered even if not mentioned in the function's name.
@ -7,178 +7,178 @@
~ c64 {
memory ubyte SCRATCH_ZPB1 = $02 ; scratch byte 1 in ZP
memory ubyte SCRATCH_ZPREG = $03 ; scratch register in ZP
memory ubyte SCRATCH_ZPREGX = $fa ; temp storage for X register (stack pointer)
memory uword SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 = $fb ; scratch word in ZP ($fb/$fc)
memory uword SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 = $fd ; scratch word in ZP ($fd/$fe)
const uword ESTACK_LO = $ce00 ; evaluation stack (lsb)
const uword ESTACK_HI = $cf00 ; evaluation stack (msb)
&ubyte SCRATCH_ZPB1 = $02 ; scratch byte 1 in ZP
&ubyte SCRATCH_ZPREG = $03 ; scratch register in ZP
&ubyte SCRATCH_ZPREGX = $fa ; temp storage for X register (stack pointer)
&uword SCRATCH_ZPWORD1 = $fb ; scratch word in ZP ($fb/$fc)
&uword SCRATCH_ZPWORD2 = $fd ; scratch word in ZP ($fd/$fe)
memory ubyte TIME_HI = $a0 ; software jiffy clock, hi byte
memory ubyte TIME_MID = $a1 ; .. mid byte
memory ubyte TIME_LO = $a2 ; .. lo byte. Updated by IRQ every 1/60 sec
memory ubyte STKEY = $91 ; various keyboard statuses (updated by IRQ)
memory ubyte SFDX = $cb ; current key pressed (matrix value) (updated by IRQ)
memory ubyte COLOR = $0286 ; cursor color
memory ubyte HIBASE = $0288 ; screen base address / 256 (hi-byte of screen memory address)
memory uword CINV = $0314 ; IRQ vector
memory uword NMI_VEC = $FFFA ; 6502 nmi vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
memory uword RESET_VEC = $FFFC ; 6502 reset vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
memory uword IRQ_VEC = $FFFE ; 6502 interrupt vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
&ubyte TIME_HI = $a0 ; software jiffy clock, hi byte
&ubyte TIME_MID = $a1 ; .. mid byte
&ubyte TIME_LO = $a2 ; .. lo byte. Updated by IRQ every 1/60 sec
&ubyte STKEY = $91 ; various keyboard statuses (updated by IRQ)
&ubyte SFDX = $cb ; current key pressed (matrix value) (updated by IRQ)
&ubyte COLOR = $0286 ; cursor color
&ubyte HIBASE = $0288 ; screen base address / 256 (hi-byte of screen memory address)
&uword CINV = $0314 ; IRQ vector
&uword NMI_VEC = $FFFA ; 6502 nmi vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
&uword RESET_VEC = $FFFC ; 6502 reset vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
&uword IRQ_VEC = $FFFE ; 6502 interrupt vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
; the default addresses for the character screen chars and colors
const uword Screen = $0400 ; to have this as an array[40*25] the compiler would have to support array size > 255
const uword Colors = $d800 ; to have this as an array[40*25] the compiler would have to support array size > 255
; the default locations of the 8 sprite pointers (store address of sprite / 64)
memory ubyte SPRPTR0 = 2040
memory ubyte SPRPTR1 = 2041
memory ubyte SPRPTR2 = 2042
memory ubyte SPRPTR3 = 2043
memory ubyte SPRPTR4 = 2044
memory ubyte SPRPTR5 = 2045
memory ubyte SPRPTR6 = 2046
memory ubyte SPRPTR7 = 2047
memory ubyte[8] SPRPTR = 2040 ; the 8 sprite pointers as an array.
&ubyte SPRPTR0 = 2040
&ubyte SPRPTR1 = 2041
&ubyte SPRPTR2 = 2042
&ubyte SPRPTR3 = 2043
&ubyte SPRPTR4 = 2044
&ubyte SPRPTR5 = 2045
&ubyte SPRPTR6 = 2046
&ubyte SPRPTR7 = 2047
&ubyte[8] SPRPTR = 2040 ; the 8 sprite pointers as an array.
; ---- VIC-II 6567/6569/856x registers ----
memory ubyte SP0X = $d000
memory ubyte SP0Y = $d001
memory ubyte SP1X = $d002
memory ubyte SP1Y = $d003
memory ubyte SP2X = $d004
memory ubyte SP2Y = $d005
memory ubyte SP3X = $d006
memory ubyte SP3Y = $d007
memory ubyte SP4X = $d008
memory ubyte SP4Y = $d009
memory ubyte SP5X = $d00a
memory ubyte SP5Y = $d00b
memory ubyte SP6X = $d00c
memory ubyte SP6Y = $d00d
memory ubyte SP7X = $d00e
memory ubyte SP7Y = $d00f
memory ubyte[16] SPXY = $d000 ; the 8 sprite X and Y registers as an array.
memory uword[8] SPXYW = $d000 ; the 8 sprite X and Y registers as a combined xy word array.
&ubyte SP0X = $d000
&ubyte SP0Y = $d001
&ubyte SP1X = $d002
&ubyte SP1Y = $d003
&ubyte SP2X = $d004
&ubyte SP2Y = $d005
&ubyte SP3X = $d006
&ubyte SP3Y = $d007
&ubyte SP4X = $d008
&ubyte SP4Y = $d009
&ubyte SP5X = $d00a
&ubyte SP5Y = $d00b
&ubyte SP6X = $d00c
&ubyte SP6Y = $d00d
&ubyte SP7X = $d00e
&ubyte SP7Y = $d00f
&ubyte[16] SPXY = $d000 ; the 8 sprite X and Y registers as an array.
&uword[8] SPXYW = $d000 ; the 8 sprite X and Y registers as a combined xy word array.
memory ubyte MSIGX = $d010
memory ubyte SCROLY = $d011
memory ubyte RASTER = $d012
memory ubyte LPENX = $d013
memory ubyte LPENY = $d014
memory ubyte SPENA = $d015
memory ubyte SCROLX = $d016
memory ubyte YXPAND = $d017
memory ubyte VMCSB = $d018
memory ubyte VICIRQ = $d019
memory ubyte IREQMASK = $d01a
memory ubyte SPBGPR = $d01b
memory ubyte SPMC = $d01c
memory ubyte XXPAND = $d01d
memory ubyte SPSPCL = $d01e
memory ubyte SPBGCL = $d01f
&ubyte MSIGX = $d010
&ubyte SCROLY = $d011
&ubyte RASTER = $d012
&ubyte LPENX = $d013
&ubyte LPENY = $d014
&ubyte SPENA = $d015
&ubyte SCROLX = $d016
&ubyte YXPAND = $d017
&ubyte VMCSB = $d018
&ubyte VICIRQ = $d019
&ubyte IREQMASK = $d01a
&ubyte SPBGPR = $d01b
&ubyte SPMC = $d01c
&ubyte XXPAND = $d01d
&ubyte SPSPCL = $d01e
&ubyte SPBGCL = $d01f
memory ubyte EXTCOL = $d020 ; border color
memory ubyte BGCOL0 = $d021 ; screen color
memory ubyte BGCOL1 = $d022
memory ubyte BGCOL2 = $d023
memory ubyte BGCOL4 = $d024
memory ubyte SPMC0 = $d025
memory ubyte SPMC1 = $d026
memory ubyte SP0COL = $d027
memory ubyte SP1COL = $d028
memory ubyte SP2COL = $d029
memory ubyte SP3COL = $d02a
memory ubyte SP4COL = $d02b
memory ubyte SP5COL = $d02c
memory ubyte SP6COL = $d02d
memory ubyte SP7COL = $d02e
memory ubyte[8] SPCOL = $d027
&ubyte EXTCOL = $d020 ; border color
&ubyte BGCOL0 = $d021 ; screen color
&ubyte BGCOL1 = $d022
&ubyte BGCOL2 = $d023
&ubyte BGCOL4 = $d024
&ubyte SPMC0 = $d025
&ubyte SPMC1 = $d026
&ubyte SP0COL = $d027
&ubyte SP1COL = $d028
&ubyte SP2COL = $d029
&ubyte SP3COL = $d02a
&ubyte SP4COL = $d02b
&ubyte SP5COL = $d02c
&ubyte SP6COL = $d02d
&ubyte SP7COL = $d02e
&ubyte[8] SPCOL = $d027
; ---- end of VIC-II registers ----
; ---- CIA 6526 1 & 2 registers ----
memory ubyte CIA1PRA = $DC00 ; CIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive (and joystick control port #2)
memory ubyte CIA1PRB = $DC01 ; CIA 1 DRB, keyboard row port (and joystick control port #1)
memory ubyte CIA1DDRA = $DC02 ; CIA 1 DDRA, keyboard column
memory ubyte CIA1DDRB = $DC03 ; CIA 1 DDRB, keyboard row
memory ubyte CIA1TAL = $DC04 ; CIA 1 timer A low byte
memory ubyte CIA1TAH = $DC05 ; CIA 1 timer A high byte
memory ubyte CIA1TBL = $DC06 ; CIA 1 timer B low byte
memory ubyte CIA1TBH = $DC07 ; CIA 1 timer B high byte
memory ubyte CIA1TOD10 = $DC08 ; time of day, 1/10 sec.
memory ubyte CIA1TODSEC = $DC09 ; time of day, seconds
memory ubyte CIA1TODMMIN = $DC0A ; time of day, minutes
memory ubyte CIA1TODHR = $DC0B ; time of day, hours
memory ubyte CIA1SDR = $DC0C ; Serial Data Register
memory ubyte CIA1ICR = $DC0D
memory ubyte CIA1CRA = $DC0E
memory ubyte CIA1CRB = $DC0F
&ubyte CIA1PRA = $DC00 ; CIA 1 DRA, keyboard column drive (and joystick control port #2)
&ubyte CIA1PRB = $DC01 ; CIA 1 DRB, keyboard row port (and joystick control port #1)
&ubyte CIA1DDRA = $DC02 ; CIA 1 DDRA, keyboard column
&ubyte CIA1DDRB = $DC03 ; CIA 1 DDRB, keyboard row
&ubyte CIA1TAL = $DC04 ; CIA 1 timer A low byte
&ubyte CIA1TAH = $DC05 ; CIA 1 timer A high byte
&ubyte CIA1TBL = $DC06 ; CIA 1 timer B low byte
&ubyte CIA1TBH = $DC07 ; CIA 1 timer B high byte
&ubyte CIA1TOD10 = $DC08 ; time of day, 1/10 sec.
&ubyte CIA1TODSEC = $DC09 ; time of day, seconds
&ubyte CIA1TODMMIN = $DC0A ; time of day, minutes
&ubyte CIA1TODHR = $DC0B ; time of day, hours
&ubyte CIA1SDR = $DC0C ; Serial Data Register
&ubyte CIA1ICR = $DC0D
&ubyte CIA1CRA = $DC0E
&ubyte CIA1CRB = $DC0F
memory ubyte CIA2PRA = $DD00 ; CIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
memory ubyte CIA2PRB = $DD01 ; CIA 2 DRB, RS232 port / USERPORT
memory ubyte CIA2DDRA = $DD02 ; CIA 2 DDRA, serial port and video address
memory ubyte CIA2DDRB = $DD03 ; CIA 2 DDRB, RS232 port / USERPORT
memory ubyte CIA2TAL = $DD04 ; CIA 2 timer A low byte
memory ubyte CIA2TAH = $DD05 ; CIA 2 timer A high byte
memory ubyte CIA2TBL = $DD06 ; CIA 2 timer B low byte
memory ubyte CIA2TBH = $DD07 ; CIA 2 timer B high byte
memory ubyte CIA2TOD10 = $DD08 ; time of day, 1/10 sec.
memory ubyte CIA2TODSEC = $DD09 ; time of day, seconds
memory ubyte CIA2TODMIN = $DD0A ; time of day, minutes
memory ubyte CIA2TODHR = $DD0B ; time of day, hours
memory ubyte CIA2SDR = $DD0C ; Serial Data Register
memory ubyte CIA2ICR = $DD0D
memory ubyte CIA2CRA = $DD0E
memory ubyte CIA2CRB = $DD0F
&ubyte CIA2PRA = $DD00 ; CIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
&ubyte CIA2PRB = $DD01 ; CIA 2 DRB, RS232 port / USERPORT
&ubyte CIA2DDRA = $DD02 ; CIA 2 DDRA, serial port and video address
&ubyte CIA2DDRB = $DD03 ; CIA 2 DDRB, RS232 port / USERPORT
&ubyte CIA2TAL = $DD04 ; CIA 2 timer A low byte
&ubyte CIA2TAH = $DD05 ; CIA 2 timer A high byte
&ubyte CIA2TBL = $DD06 ; CIA 2 timer B low byte
&ubyte CIA2TBH = $DD07 ; CIA 2 timer B high byte
&ubyte CIA2TOD10 = $DD08 ; time of day, 1/10 sec.
&ubyte CIA2TODSEC = $DD09 ; time of day, seconds
&ubyte CIA2TODMIN = $DD0A ; time of day, minutes
&ubyte CIA2TODHR = $DD0B ; time of day, hours
&ubyte CIA2SDR = $DD0C ; Serial Data Register
&ubyte CIA2ICR = $DD0D
&ubyte CIA2CRA = $DD0E
&ubyte CIA2CRB = $DD0F
; ---- end of CIA registers ----
; ---- SID 6581/8580 registers ----
memory ubyte FREQLO1 = $D400 ; channel 1 freq lo
memory ubyte FREQHI1 = $D401 ; channel 1 freq hi
memory uword FREQ1 = $D400 ; channel 1 freq (word)
memory ubyte PWLO1 = $D402 ; channel 1 pulse width lo (7-0)
memory ubyte PWHI1 = $D403 ; channel 1 pulse width hi (11-8)
memory uword PW1 = $D402 ; channel 1 pulse width (word)
memory ubyte CR1 = $D404 ; channel 1 voice control register
memory ubyte AD1 = $D405 ; channel 1 attack & decay
memory ubyte SR1 = $D406 ; channel 1 sustain & release
memory ubyte FREQLO2 = $D407 ; channel 2 freq lo
memory ubyte FREQHI2 = $D408 ; channel 2 freq hi
memory uword FREQ2 = $D407 ; channel 2 freq (word)
memory ubyte PWLO2 = $D409 ; channel 2 pulse width lo (7-0)
memory ubyte PWHI2 = $D40A ; channel 2 pulse width hi (11-8)
memory uword PW2 = $D409 ; channel 2 pulse width (word)
memory ubyte CR2 = $D40B ; channel 2 voice control register
memory ubyte AD2 = $D40C ; channel 2 attack & decay
memory ubyte SR2 = $D40D ; channel 2 sustain & release
memory ubyte FREQLO3 = $D40E ; channel 3 freq lo
memory ubyte FREQHI3 = $D40F ; channel 3 freq hi
memory uword FREQ3 = $D40E ; channel 3 freq (word)
memory ubyte PWLO3 = $D410 ; channel 3 pulse width lo (7-0)
memory ubyte PWHI3 = $D411 ; channel 3 pulse width hi (11-8)
memory uword PW3 = $D410 ; channel 3 pulse width (word)
memory ubyte CR3 = $D412 ; channel 3 voice control register
memory ubyte AD3 = $D413 ; channel 3 attack & decay
memory ubyte SR3 = $D414 ; channel 3 sustain & release
memory ubyte FCLO = $D415 ; filter cutoff lo (2-0)
memory ubyte FCHI = $D416 ; filter cutoff hi (10-3)
memory uword FC = $D415 ; filter cutoff (word)
memory ubyte RESFILT = $D417 ; filter resonance and routing
memory ubyte MVOL = $D418 ; filter mode and main volume control
memory ubyte POTX = $D419 ; potentiometer X
memory ubyte POTY = $D41A ; potentiometer Y
memory ubyte OSC3 = $D41B ; channel 3 oscillator value read
memory ubyte ENV3 = $D41C ; channel 3 envelope value read
&ubyte FREQLO1 = $D400 ; channel 1 freq lo
&ubyte FREQHI1 = $D401 ; channel 1 freq hi
&uword FREQ1 = $D400 ; channel 1 freq (word)
&ubyte PWLO1 = $D402 ; channel 1 pulse width lo (7-0)
&ubyte PWHI1 = $D403 ; channel 1 pulse width hi (11-8)
&uword PW1 = $D402 ; channel 1 pulse width (word)
&ubyte CR1 = $D404 ; channel 1 voice control register
&ubyte AD1 = $D405 ; channel 1 attack & decay
&ubyte SR1 = $D406 ; channel 1 sustain & release
&ubyte FREQLO2 = $D407 ; channel 2 freq lo
&ubyte FREQHI2 = $D408 ; channel 2 freq hi
&uword FREQ2 = $D407 ; channel 2 freq (word)
&ubyte PWLO2 = $D409 ; channel 2 pulse width lo (7-0)
&ubyte PWHI2 = $D40A ; channel 2 pulse width hi (11-8)
&uword PW2 = $D409 ; channel 2 pulse width (word)
&ubyte CR2 = $D40B ; channel 2 voice control register
&ubyte AD2 = $D40C ; channel 2 attack & decay
&ubyte SR2 = $D40D ; channel 2 sustain & release
&ubyte FREQLO3 = $D40E ; channel 3 freq lo
&ubyte FREQHI3 = $D40F ; channel 3 freq hi
&uword FREQ3 = $D40E ; channel 3 freq (word)
&ubyte PWLO3 = $D410 ; channel 3 pulse width lo (7-0)
&ubyte PWHI3 = $D411 ; channel 3 pulse width hi (11-8)
&uword PW3 = $D410 ; channel 3 pulse width (word)
&ubyte CR3 = $D412 ; channel 3 voice control register
&ubyte AD3 = $D413 ; channel 3 attack & decay
&ubyte SR3 = $D414 ; channel 3 sustain & release
&ubyte FCLO = $D415 ; filter cutoff lo (2-0)
&ubyte FCHI = $D416 ; filter cutoff hi (10-3)
&uword FC = $D415 ; filter cutoff (word)
&ubyte RESFILT = $D417 ; filter resonance and routing
&ubyte MVOL = $D418 ; filter mode and main volume control
&ubyte POTX = $D419 ; potentiometer X
&ubyte POTY = $D41A ; potentiometer Y
&ubyte OSC3 = $D41B ; channel 3 oscillator value read
&ubyte ENV3 = $D41C ; channel 3 envelope value read
; ---- end of SID registers ----
@ -281,13 +281,13 @@ You'll have to specify the initial value expression. This value is then used
by the compiler everywhere you refer to the constant (and no storage is allocated
for the constant itself). This is only valid for the simple numeric types (byte, word, float).
When using ``memory``, the variable will point to specific location in memory,
When using ``&`` (the address-of operator but now applied to a datatype), the variable will point to specific location in memory,
rather than being newly allocated. The initial value (mandatory) must be a valid
memory address. Reading the variable will read the given data type from the
address you specified, and setting the varible will directly modify that memory location(s)::
const byte max_age = 2000 - 1974 ; max_age will be the constant value 26
memory word SCREENCOLORS = $d020 ; a 16-bit word at the addres $d020-$d021
&word SCREENCOLORS = $d020 ; a 16-bit word at the addres $d020-$d021
.. note::
@ -291,11 +291,11 @@ for example ``ubyte ub = floatvalue as ubyte`` will convert the floating point v
Memory mapped variables
The ``memory`` keyword is used in front of a data type keyword, to say that no storage
The ``&`` (address-of operator) used in front of a data type keyword, indicates that no storage
should be allocated by the compiler. Instead, the (mandatory) value assigned to the variable
should be the *memory address* where the value is located::
memory byte BORDER = $d020
&byte BORDERCOLOR = $d020
Direct access to memory locations
@ -405,6 +405,8 @@ address of: ``&``
It results in the memory address (UWORD) of that string or array in memory: ``uword a = &stringvar``
Sometimes the compiler silently inserts this operator to make it easier for instance
to pass strings or arrays as subroutine call arguments.
This operator can also be used as a prefix to a variable's data type keyword to indicate that
it is a memory mapped variable (for instance: ``&ubyte screencolor = $d021``)
precedence grouping in expressions, or subroutine parameter list: ``(`` *expression* ``)``
Parentheses are used to group parts of an expression to change the order of evaluation.
@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ of values together (and use it multiple times). Something like::
- replace ``memory`` keyword in vardecls by just ``&``
- implement %asmbinary
- make the array size optional in the var decl if an initialization array is given
- are there any other missing instructions in the code generator?
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ NAME : [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* ;
DEC_INTEGER : ('0'..'9') | (('1'..'9')('0'..'9')+);
HEX_INTEGER : '$' (('a'..'f') | ('A'..'F') | ('0'..'9'))+ ;
BIN_INTEGER : '%' ('0' | '1')+ ;
FLOAT_NUMBER : FNUMBER (('E'|'e') ('+' | '-')? FNUMBER)? ; // sign comes later from unary expression
fragment FNUMBER : ('0' .. '9') + ('.' ('0' .. '9') +)? ;
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ varinitializer : vardecl '=' expression ;
constdecl: 'const' varinitializer ;
memoryvardecl: 'memory' varinitializer; // TODO replace 'memory' by '&'
memoryvardecl: ADDRESS_OF varinitializer;
datatype: 'ubyte' | 'byte' | 'uword' | 'word' | 'float' | 'str' | 'str_s' ;
@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ arrayindexed : scoped_identifier arrayspec ;
directmemory : '@' '(' expression ')';
addressof : <assoc=right> '&' scoped_identifier ;
addressof : <assoc=right> ADDRESS_OF scoped_identifier ;
functioncall : scoped_identifier '(' expression_list? ')' ;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Generated from /home/irmen/Projects/prog8/parser/antlr/prog8.g4 by ANTLR 4.7.2
// Generated from ./parser/antlr/prog8.g4 by ANTLR 4.7.2
package prog8.parser;
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
T__87=88, T__88=89, T__89=90, T__90=91, T__91=92, T__92=93, T__93=94,
T__94=95, T__95=96, T__96=97, T__97=98, T__98=99, T__99=100, T__100=101,
T__101=102, T__102=103, T__103=104, T__104=105, T__105=106, T__106=107,
T__107=108, T__108=109, T__109=110, LINECOMMENT=111, COMMENT=112, WS=113,
T__107=108, LINECOMMENT=109, COMMENT=110, WS=111, EOL=112, NAME=113, DEC_INTEGER=114,
public static String[] channelNames = {
@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
"T__81", "T__82", "T__83", "T__84", "T__85", "T__86", "T__87", "T__88",
"T__89", "T__90", "T__91", "T__92", "T__93", "T__94", "T__95", "T__96",
"T__97", "T__98", "T__99", "T__100", "T__101", "T__102", "T__103", "T__104",
"T__105", "T__106", "T__107", "T__108", "T__109", "LINECOMMENT", "COMMENT",
"T__105", "T__106", "T__107", "LINECOMMENT", "COMMENT", "WS", "EOL",
@ -72,20 +72,19 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
return new String[] {
null, "'~'", "':'", "'goto'", "'%output'", "'%launcher'", "'%zeropage'",
"'%zpreserved'", "'%address'", "'%import'", "'%breakpoint'", "'%asminclude'",
"'%asmbinary'", "'%option'", "','", "'='", "'const'", "'memory'", "'ubyte'",
"'byte'", "'uword'", "'word'", "'float'", "'str'", "'str_s'", "'['",
"']'", "'+='", "'-='", "'/='", "'*='", "'**='", "'&='", "'|='", "'^='",
"'%='", "'<<='", "'>>='", "'++'", "'--'", "'+'", "'-'", "'**'", "'*'",
"'/'", "'%'", "'<<'", "'>>'", "'<'", "'>'", "'<='", "'>='", "'=='", "'!='",
"'&'", "'^'", "'|'", "'to'", "'step'", "'and'", "'or'", "'xor'", "'not'",
"'('", "')'", "'as'", "'@'", "'return'", "'break'", "'continue'", "'.'",
"'A'", "'X'", "'Y'", "'AX'", "'AY'", "'XY'", "'Pc'", "'Pz'", "'Pn'",
"'Pv'", "'.w'", "'true'", "'false'", "'%asm'", "'sub'", "'->'", "'{'",
"'}'", "'asmsub'", "'clobbers'", "'stack'", "'if'", "'else'", "'if_cs'",
"'if_cc'", "'if_eq'", "'if_z'", "'if_ne'", "'if_nz'", "'if_pl'", "'if_pos'",
"'if_mi'", "'if_neg'", "'if_vs'", "'if_vc'", "'for'", "'in'", "'while'",
"'repeat'", "'until'", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, "'@zp'"
"'%asmbinary'", "'%option'", "','", "'='", "'const'", "'ubyte'", "'byte'",
"'uword'", "'word'", "'float'", "'str'", "'str_s'", "'['", "']'", "'+='",
"'-='", "'/='", "'*='", "'**='", "'&='", "'|='", "'^='", "'%='", "'<<='",
"'>>='", "'++'", "'--'", "'+'", "'-'", "'**'", "'*'", "'/'", "'%'", "'<<'",
"'>>'", "'<'", "'>'", "'<='", "'>='", "'=='", "'!='", "'^'", "'|'", "'to'",
"'step'", "'and'", "'or'", "'xor'", "'not'", "'('", "')'", "'as'", "'@'",
"'return'", "'break'", "'continue'", "'.'", "'A'", "'X'", "'Y'", "'AX'",
"'AY'", "'XY'", "'Pc'", "'Pz'", "'Pn'", "'Pv'", "'.w'", "'true'", "'false'",
"'%asm'", "'sub'", "'->'", "'{'", "'}'", "'asmsub'", "'clobbers'", "'stack'",
"'if'", "'else'", "'if_cs'", "'if_cc'", "'if_eq'", "'if_z'", "'if_ne'",
"'if_nz'", "'if_pl'", "'if_pos'", "'if_mi'", "'if_neg'", "'if_vs'", "'if_vc'",
"'for'", "'in'", "'while'", "'repeat'", "'until'", null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, "'&'", null, null, null, null, "'@zp'"
private static final String[] _LITERAL_NAMES = makeLiteralNames();
@ -100,8 +99,8 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, "LINECOMMENT", "COMMENT", "WS", "EOL", "NAME", "DEC_INTEGER",
@ -166,13 +165,13 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
public void action(RuleContext _localctx, int ruleIndex, int actionIndex) {
switch (ruleIndex) {
case 121:
case 120:
STRING_action((RuleContext)_localctx, actionIndex);
case 122:
case 121:
INLINEASMBLOCK_action((RuleContext)_localctx, actionIndex);
case 123:
case 122:
SINGLECHAR_action((RuleContext)_localctx, actionIndex);
@ -212,7 +211,7 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
public static final String _serializedATN =
@ -225,279 +224,277 @@ public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
"\36\3\37\3\37\3\37\3 \3 \3 \3 \3!\3!\3!\3\"\3\"\3\"\3#\3#\3#\3$\3$\3$"+
"/\31\61\32\63\33\65\34\67\359\36;\37= ?!A\"C#E$G%I&K\'M(O)Q*S+U,W-Y.["+
"\2\2\2\u016a\u016b\7.\2\2\u016b\36\3\2\2\2\u016c\u016d\7?\2\2\u016d \3"+
" \3 \3 \3!\3!\3!\3\"\3\"\3\"\3#\3#\3#\3$\3$\3$\3$\3%\3%\3%\3%\3&\3&\3"+
";\37= ?!A\"C#E$G%I&K\'M(O)Q*S+U,W-Y.[/]\60_\61a\62c\63e\64g\65i\66k\67"+
"\7?\2\2\u016b \3\2\2\2\u016c\u016d\7e\2\2\u016d\u016e\7q\2\2\u016e\u016f"+
public static final ATN _ATN =
new ATNDeserializer().deserialize(_serializedATN.toCharArray());
static {
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