mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 03:29:22 +00:00
Merge branch 'prefixing'
This commit is contained in:
@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ class SymbolTableMaker(private val program: PtProgram, private val options: Comp
initialString = null
numElements = node.arraySize?.toInt()
// if(node.type in SplitWordArrayTypes) {
// TODO("split array also add _lsb and _msb to symboltable")
// }
StStaticVariable(node.name, node.type, initialNumeric, initialString, initialArray, numElements, node.zeropage, node)
is PtBuiltinFunctionCall -> {
@ -37,16 +37,17 @@ class PtNodeGroup : PtNode(Position.DUMMY)
sealed class PtNamedNode(var name: String, position: Position): PtNode(position) {
// Note that as an exception, the 'name' is not read-only
// but a var. This is to allow for cheap node renames.
val scopedName: String by lazy {
var namedParent: PtNode = this.parent
if(namedParent is PtProgram)
else {
while (namedParent !is PtNamedNode)
namedParent = namedParent.parent
namedParent.scopedName + "." + name
val scopedName: String
get() {
var namedParent: PtNode = this.parent
return if(namedParent is PtProgram)
else {
while (namedParent !is PtNamedNode)
namedParent = namedParent.parent
namedParent.scopedName + "." + name
@ -63,7 +64,9 @@ class PtProgram(
fun entrypoint(): PtSub? =
allBlocks().firstOrNull { it.name == "main" }?.children?.firstOrNull { it is PtSub && (it.name == "start" || it.name=="main.start") } as PtSub?
allBlocks().firstOrNull { it.name == "main" || it.name=="p8_main" }
?.firstOrNull { it is PtSub && (it.name == "start" || it.name=="main.start" || it.name=="p8_start" || it.name=="p8_main.p8_start") } as PtSub?
@ -71,6 +74,7 @@ class PtBlock(name: String,
val address: UInt?,
val library: Boolean,
val forceOutput: Boolean,
val noSymbolPrefixing: Boolean,
val alignment: BlockAlignment,
val source: SourceCode, // taken from the module the block is defined in.
position: Position
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ class CompilationOptions(val output: OutputType,
var asmListfile: Boolean = false,
var experimentalCodegen: Boolean = false,
var varsHighBank: Int? = null,
var useNewExprCode: Boolean = false,
var splitWordArrays: Boolean = false,
var evalStackBaseAddress: UInt? = null,
var outputDir: Path = Path(""),
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package prog8.codegen.cpu6502
import com.github.michaelbull.result.fold
import prog8.code.StNodeType
import prog8.code.SymbolTable
import prog8.code.SymbolTableMaker
import prog8.code.ast.*
import prog8.code.core.*
import prog8.codegen.cpu6502.assignment.*
@ -14,18 +15,180 @@ import kotlin.io.path.writeLines
internal const val subroutineFloatEvalResultVar1 = "prog8_float_eval_result1"
internal const val subroutineFloatEvalResultVar2 = "prog8_float_eval_result2"
class AsmGen6502: ICodeGeneratorBackend {
class AsmGen6502(val prefixSymbols: Boolean): ICodeGeneratorBackend {
override fun generate(
program: PtProgram,
symbolTable: SymbolTable,
options: CompilationOptions,
errors: IErrorReporter
): IAssemblyProgram? {
val asmgen = AsmGen6502Internal(program, symbolTable, options, errors)
val st = if(prefixSymbols) prefixSymbols(program, options, symbolTable) else symbolTable
val asmgen = AsmGen6502Internal(program, st, options, errors)
return asmgen.compileToAssembly()
private fun prefixSymbols(program: PtProgram, options: CompilationOptions, st: SymbolTable): SymbolTable {
val nodesToPrefix = mutableListOf<Pair<PtNode, Int>>() // parent + index
val functionCallsToPrefix = mutableListOf<Pair<PtNode, Int>>() // parent + index
fun prefixNamedNode(node: PtNamedNode) {
node.name = "p8_${node.name}"
fun prefixSymbols(node: PtNode) {
when(node) {
is PtAsmSub -> {
node.parameters.forEach { (_, param) -> prefixNamedNode(param) }
is PtSub -> {
node.parameters.forEach { prefixNamedNode(it) }
is PtFunctionCall -> {
val stNode = st.lookup(node.name)!!
if(stNode.astNode.definingBlock()?.noSymbolPrefixing!=true) {
val index = node.parent.children.indexOf(node)
functionCallsToPrefix += node.parent to index
is PtIdentifier -> {
var lookupName = node.name
if(node.type in SplitWordArrayTypes && (lookupName.endsWith("_lsb") || lookupName.endsWith("_msb"))) {
lookupName = lookupName.dropLast(4)
val stNode = st.lookup(lookupName)!!
if(stNode.astNode.definingBlock()?.noSymbolPrefixing!=true) {
val index = node.parent.children.indexOf(node)
nodesToPrefix += node.parent to index
is PtJump -> {
if(node.identifier!=null) {
val stNode = st.lookup(node.identifier!!.name)!!
if(stNode.astNode.definingBlock()?.noSymbolPrefixing!=true) {
val index = node.parent.children.indexOf(node)
nodesToPrefix += node.parent to index
else if(node.generatedLabel!=null) {
val stNode = st.lookup(node.generatedLabel!!)!!
if(stNode.astNode.definingBlock()?.noSymbolPrefixing!=true) {
val index = node.parent.children.indexOf(node)
nodesToPrefix += node.parent to index
is PtBlock -> prefixNamedNode(node)
is PtConstant -> prefixNamedNode(node)
is PtLabel -> prefixNamedNode(node)
is PtMemMapped -> prefixNamedNode(node)
is PtSubroutineParameter -> prefixNamedNode(node)
is PtVariable -> {
val index = node.parent.children.indexOf(node)
nodesToPrefix += node.parent to index
else -> { }
node.children.forEach { prefixSymbols(it) }
program.allBlocks().forEach { block ->
if (!block.noSymbolPrefixing) {
nodesToPrefix.forEach { (parent, index) ->
val node = parent.children[index]
when(node) {
is PtIdentifier -> parent.children[index] = node.prefix(parent, st)
is PtFunctionCall -> throw AssemblyError("PtFunctionCall should be processed in their own list, last")
is PtJump -> parent.children[index] = node.prefix(parent, st)
is PtVariable -> parent.children[index] = node.prefix(st)
else -> throw AssemblyError("weird node to prefix $node")
// reversed so inner calls (such as arguments to a function call) get processed before the actual function call itself
functionCallsToPrefix.reversed().forEach { (parent, index) ->
val node = parent.children[index]
if(node is PtFunctionCall) {
parent.children[index] = node.prefix(parent)
} else {
throw AssemblyError("expected PtFunctionCall")
return SymbolTableMaker(program, options).make()
private fun PtVariable.prefix(st: SymbolTable): PtVariable {
name = name.split('.').map {"p8_$it" }.joinToString(".")
return this
val arrayValue = value as? PtArray
return if(arrayValue!=null && arrayValue.children.any { it !is PtNumber} ) {
val newValue = PtArray(arrayValue.type, arrayValue.position)
arrayValue.children.forEach { elt ->
when(elt) {
is PtIdentifier -> newValue.add(elt.prefix(arrayValue, st))
is PtNumber -> newValue.add(elt)
is PtAddressOf -> {
else {
val newAddr = PtAddressOf(elt.position)
newAddr.children.add(elt.identifier.prefix(newAddr, st))
newAddr.parent = arrayValue
else -> throw AssemblyError("weird array value element $elt")
PtVariable(name, type, zeropage, newValue, arraySize, position)
else this
private fun PtJump.prefix(parent: PtNode, st: SymbolTable): PtJump {
val jump = if(identifier!=null) {
val prefixedIdent = identifier!!.prefix(this, st)
PtJump(prefixedIdent, address, generatedLabel, position)
} else {
val prefixedLabel = generatedLabel!!.split('.').map {"p8_$it" }.joinToString(".")
PtJump(null, address, prefixedLabel, position)
jump.parent = parent
return jump
private fun PtFunctionCall.prefix(parent: PtNode): PtFunctionCall {
val newName = name.split('.').map {"p8_$it" }.joinToString(".")
val call = PtFunctionCall(newName, void, type, position)
call.children.forEach { it.parent = call }
call.parent = parent
println("CONCAT ${this.position}")
return call
private fun PtIdentifier.prefix(parent: PtNode, st: SymbolTable): PtIdentifier {
val target = st.lookup(name)
return this
val newName = name.split('.').map { "p8_$it" }.joinToString(".")
val node = PtIdentifier(newName, type, position)
node.parent = parent
return node
class AsmGen6502Internal (
val program: PtProgram,
internal val symbolTable: SymbolTable,
@ -513,7 +676,6 @@ class AsmGen6502Internal (
private fun translate(stmt: PtIfElse) {
val condition = stmt.condition as? PtBinaryExpression
if(condition!=null) {
requireComparisonExpression(condition) // IfStatement: condition must be of form 'x <comparison> <value>'
if (stmt.elseScope.children.isEmpty()) {
val jump = stmt.ifScope.children.singleOrNull()
@ -973,18 +1135,10 @@ $repeatLabel""")
internal fun pointerViaIndexRegisterPossible(pointerOffsetExpr: PtExpression): Pair<PtExpression, PtExpression>? {
val left: PtExpression
val right: PtExpression
val operator: String
if (pointerOffsetExpr is PtBinaryExpression) {
operator = pointerOffsetExpr.operator
left = pointerOffsetExpr.left
right = pointerOffsetExpr.right
else return null
if (pointerOffsetExpr !is PtBinaryExpression) return null
val operator = pointerOffsetExpr.operator
val left = pointerOffsetExpr.left
val right = pointerOffsetExpr.right
if (operator != "+") return null
val leftDt = left.type
val rightDt = right.type
@ -1096,10 +1250,7 @@ $repeatLabel""")
internal fun findSubroutineParameter(name: String, asmgen: AsmGen6502Internal): PtSubroutineParameter? {
val stScope = asmgen.symbolTable.lookup(name)
require(stScope!=null) {
"invalid name lookup $name"
val stScope = asmgen.symbolTable.lookup(name) ?: return null
val node = stScope.astNode
if(node is PtSubroutineParameter)
return node
@ -2747,7 +2898,6 @@ $repeatLabel""")
out(" sta P8ESTACK_LO,x | dex")
is PtBinaryExpression -> {
val addrExpr = expr.address as PtBinaryExpression
if(tryOptimizedPointerAccessWithA(addrExpr, addrExpr.operator, false)) {
@ -751,7 +751,6 @@ internal class BuiltinFunctionsAsmGen(private val program: PtProgram,
is PtBinaryExpression -> {
val result = asmgen.pointerViaIndexRegisterPossible(addrExpr)
val pointer = result?.first as? PtIdentifier
if(result!=null && pointer!=null && asmgen.isZpVar(pointer)) {
@ -813,7 +812,6 @@ internal class BuiltinFunctionsAsmGen(private val program: PtProgram,
} else fallback()
is PtBinaryExpression -> {
val result = asmgen.pointerViaIndexRegisterPossible(addrExpr)
val pointer = result?.first as? PtIdentifier
if(result!=null && pointer!=null && asmgen.isZpVar(pointer)) {
@ -248,8 +248,6 @@ internal class ExpressionsAsmGen(private val program: PtProgram,
private fun translateExpression(expr: PtBinaryExpression) {
// Uses evalstack to evaluate the given expression. THIS IS SLOW AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED!
if(translateSomewhatOptimized(expr.left, expr.operator, expr.right))
@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ internal class ProgramAndVarsGen(
internal fun generate() {
val allBlocks = program.allBlocks()
if(allBlocks.first().name != "main")
throw AssemblyError("first block should be 'main'")
if(allBlocks.first().name != "p8_main" && allBlocks.first().name != "main")
throw AssemblyError("first block should be 'main' or 'p8_main'")
if(errors.noErrors()) {
program.allBlocks().forEach { block2asm(it) }
@ -139,24 +140,24 @@ internal class ProgramAndVarsGen(
"cx16" -> {
asmgen.out(" lda #4 | sta $01") // to use floats, make sure Basic rom is banked in
asmgen.out(" jsr main.start")
asmgen.out(" jsr p8_main.p8_start")
asmgen.out(" jmp sys.cleanup_at_exit")
"c64" -> {
asmgen.out(" jsr main.start | lda #31 | sta $01")
asmgen.out(" jsr p8_main.p8_start | lda #31 | sta $01")
asmgen.out(" jmp sys.cleanup_at_exit")
asmgen.out(" rts")
"c128" -> {
asmgen.out(" jsr main.start | lda #0 | sta ${"$"}ff00")
asmgen.out(" jsr p8_main.p8_start | lda #0 | sta ${"$"}ff00")
asmgen.out(" jmp sys.cleanup_at_exit")
asmgen.out(" rts")
else -> asmgen.jmp("main.start")
else -> asmgen.jmp("p8_main.p8_start")
@ -312,7 +313,9 @@ internal class ProgramAndVarsGen(
val scope = symboltable.lookupOrElse(sub.scopedName) { throw AssemblyError("lookup") }
val scope = symboltable.lookupOrElse(sub.scopedName) {
throw AssemblyError("lookup ${sub.scopedName}")
val varsInSubroutine = getVars(scope)
@ -332,7 +335,7 @@ internal class ProgramAndVarsGen(
// the main.start subroutine is the program's entrypoint and should perform some initialization logic
if(sub.name=="start" && sub.definingBlock()!!.name=="main")
if((sub.name=="start" || sub.name=="p8_start") && (sub.definingBlock()!!.name=="main" || sub.definingBlock()!!.name=="p8_main"))
if(functioncallAsmGen.optimizeIntArgsViaRegisters(sub)) {
@ -179,6 +179,8 @@ internal class AsmAssignSource(val kind: SourceStorageKind,
is PtFunctionCall -> {
val symbol = asmgen.symbolTable.lookup(value.name)
val sub = symbol!!.astNode as IPtSubroutine
val returnType = sub.returnsWhatWhere().firstOrNull { rr -> rr.first.registerOrPair != null || rr.first.statusflag!=null }?.second
?: throw AssemblyError("can't translate zero return values in assignment")
@ -158,7 +158,6 @@ internal class AssignmentAsmGen(private val program: PtProgram,
assignMemoryByte(assign.target, null, value.address as PtIdentifier)
is PtBinaryExpression -> {
val addrExpr = value.address as PtBinaryExpression
if(asmgen.tryOptimizedPointerAccessWithA(addrExpr, addrExpr.operator, false)) {
assignRegisterByte(assign.target, CpuRegister.A, false)
@ -313,7 +312,6 @@ internal class AssignmentAsmGen(private val program: PtProgram,
assignRegisterByte(assign.target, CpuRegister.A, false)
is PtBinaryExpression -> {
if(!attemptAssignOptimizedBinexpr(value, assign)) {
// All remaining binary expressions just evaluate via the stack for now.
// (we can't use the assignment helper functions (assignExpressionTo...) to do it via registers here,
@ -359,7 +357,6 @@ internal class AssignmentAsmGen(private val program: PtProgram,
private fun attemptAssignOptimizedBinexpr(expr: PtBinaryExpression, assign: AsmAssignment): Boolean {
if(expr.operator in ComparisonOperators) {
if(expr.right.asConstInteger() == 0) {
if(expr.operator == "==" || expr.operator=="!=") {
@ -1155,7 +1152,6 @@ internal class AssignmentAsmGen(private val program: PtProgram,
private fun attemptAssignToByteCompareZero(expr: PtBinaryExpression, assign: AsmAssignment): Boolean {
when (expr.operator) {
"==" -> {
when(val dt = expr.left.type) {
@ -1335,7 +1331,6 @@ internal class AssignmentAsmGen(private val program: PtProgram,
assignMemoryByteIntoWord(target, null, value.address as PtIdentifier)
is PtBinaryExpression -> {
val addrExpr = value.address as PtBinaryExpression
if(asmgen.tryOptimizedPointerAccessWithA(addrExpr, addrExpr.operator, false)) {
asmgen.out(" ldy #0")
@ -3487,7 +3482,6 @@ internal class AssignmentAsmGen(private val program: PtProgram,
addressExpr is PtBinaryExpression -> {
if(!asmgen.tryOptimizedPointerAccessWithA(addressExpr, addressExpr.operator, true))
@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ class TestCodegen: FunSpec({
// xx += cx16.r0
// }
val codegen = AsmGen6502()
val codegen = AsmGen6502(prefixSymbols = false)
val program = PtProgram("test", DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val sub = PtSub("start", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
sub.add(PtVariable("pi", DataType.UBYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, PtNumber(DataType.UBYTE, 0.0, Position.DUMMY), null, Position.DUMMY))
sub.add(PtVariable("particleX", DataType.ARRAY_UB, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, 3u, Position.DUMMY))
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class TestCodegen: FunSpec({
// define the "cx16.r0" virtual register
val cx16block = PtBlock("cx16", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val cx16block = PtBlock("cx16", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
cx16block.add(PtMemMapped("r0", DataType.UWORD, 100u, null, Position.DUMMY))
@ -105,27 +105,10 @@ internal class AssignmentGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen, private val express
} else {
if(codeGen.options.useNewExprCode) {
// X += Y -> temp = X, temp += Y, X = temp
val tempvar = codeGen.getReusableTempvar(origAssign.definingSub()!!, origAssign.target.type)
val assign = PtAssignment(origAssign.position)
val target = PtAssignTarget(origAssign.position)
val augAssign = PtAugmentedAssign(origAssign.operator, origAssign.position)
val assignBack = PtAssignment(origAssign.position)
return translateRegularAssign(assign) + translate(augAssign) + translateRegularAssign(assignBack)
} else {
value = PtBinaryExpression(origAssign.operator.dropLast(1), origAssign.value.type, origAssign.value.position)
val left: PtExpression = origAssign.target.children.single() as PtExpression
value = PtBinaryExpression(origAssign.operator.dropLast(1), origAssign.value.type, origAssign.value.position)
val left: PtExpression = origAssign.target.children.single() as PtExpression
val normalAssign = PtAssignment(origAssign.position)
@ -347,19 +330,12 @@ internal class AssignmentGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen, private val express
return Pair(result, tr.resultReg)
if(codeGen.options.useNewExprCode) {
val tr = expressionEval.translateExpression(array.index)
result += tr.chunks
addInstr(result, IRInstruction(Opcode.MUL, tr.dt, reg1=tr.resultReg, immediate = itemsize), null)
return Pair(result, tr.resultReg)
} else {
val mult: PtExpression
mult = PtBinaryExpression("*", DataType.UBYTE, array.position)
mult.children += array.index
mult.children += PtNumber(DataType.UBYTE, itemsize.toDouble(), array.position)
val tr = expressionEval.translateExpression(mult)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
return Pair(result, tr.resultReg)
val mult: PtExpression
mult = PtBinaryExpression("*", DataType.UBYTE, array.position)
mult.children += array.index
mult.children += PtNumber(DataType.UBYTE, itemsize.toDouble(), array.position)
val tr = expressionEval.translateExpression(mult)
addToResult(result, tr, tr.resultReg, -1)
return Pair(result, tr.resultReg)
@ -340,7 +340,6 @@ internal class ExpressionGen(private val codeGen: IRCodeGen) {
private fun translate(binExpr: PtBinaryExpression): ExpressionCodeResult {
val vmDt = irType(binExpr.left.type)
val signed = binExpr.left.type in SignedDatatypes
return when(binExpr.operator) {
@ -905,7 +905,6 @@ class IRCodeGen(
val goto = ifElse.ifScope.children.firstOrNull() as? PtJump
when (condition) {
is PtBinaryExpression -> {
if(condition.operator !in ComparisonOperators)
throw AssemblyError("if condition should only be a binary comparison expression")
@ -919,7 +918,6 @@ class IRCodeGen(
else -> {
// if X --> meaning: if X!=0
val irDt = irType(condition.type)
val signed = condition.type in SignedDatatypes
return if(goto!=null && ifElse.elseScope.children.isEmpty()) {
@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ class IRUnusedCodeRemover(
private fun removeUnreachable(allLabeledChunks: MutableMap<String, IRCodeChunkBase>): Int {
val entrypointSub = irprog.blocks.single { it.label=="main" }.children.single { it is IRSubroutine && it.label=="main.start" }
val entrypointSub = irprog.blocks.single { it.label=="main" }
.children.single { it is IRSubroutine && it.label=="main.start" }
val reachable = mutableSetOf((entrypointSub as IRSubroutine).chunks.first())
fun grow() {
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class TestVmCodeGen: FunSpec({
val codegen = VmCodeGen()
val program = PtProgram("test", DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val sub = PtSub("start", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
sub.add(PtVariable("pi", DataType.UBYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, PtNumber(DataType.UBYTE, 0.0, Position.DUMMY), null, Position.DUMMY))
sub.add(PtVariable("particleX", DataType.ARRAY_UB, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, 3u, Position.DUMMY))
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ class TestVmCodeGen: FunSpec({
// define the "cx16.r0" virtual register
val cx16block = PtBlock("cx16", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val cx16block = PtBlock("cx16", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
cx16block.add(PtMemMapped("r0", DataType.UWORD, 100u, null, Position.DUMMY))
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ class TestVmCodeGen: FunSpec({
val codegen = VmCodeGen()
val program = PtProgram("test", DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val sub = PtSub("start", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
sub.add(PtVariable("f1", DataType.FLOAT, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, null, Position.DUMMY))
val if1 = PtIfElse(Position.DUMMY)
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class TestVmCodeGen: FunSpec({
val codegen = VmCodeGen()
val program = PtProgram("test", DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val sub = PtSub("start", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
sub.add(PtVariable("f1", DataType.FLOAT, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, null, Position.DUMMY))
val if1 = PtIfElse(Position.DUMMY)
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ class TestVmCodeGen: FunSpec({
val codegen = VmCodeGen()
val program = PtProgram("test", DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val sub = PtSub("start", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
sub.add(PtVariable("f1", DataType.FLOAT, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, null, Position.DUMMY))
val if1 = PtIfElse(Position.DUMMY)
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class TestVmCodeGen: FunSpec({
val codegen = VmCodeGen()
val program = PtProgram("test", DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val sub = PtSub("start", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
sub.add(PtVariable("sb1", DataType.BYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, null, Position.DUMMY))
val if1 = PtIfElse(Position.DUMMY)
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ class TestVmCodeGen: FunSpec({
val codegen = VmCodeGen()
val program = PtProgram("test", DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val sub = PtSub("start", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
sub.add(PtVariable("sb1", DataType.BYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, null, Position.DUMMY))
val if1 = PtIfElse(Position.DUMMY)
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ class TestVmCodeGen: FunSpec({
val codegen = VmCodeGen()
val program = PtProgram("test", DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val sub = PtSub("start", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
sub.add(PtVariable("ub1", DataType.UBYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, null, Position.DUMMY))
val if1 = PtIfElse(Position.DUMMY)
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ class TestVmCodeGen: FunSpec({
val codegen = VmCodeGen()
val program = PtProgram("test", DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val block = PtBlock("main", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("test"), Position.DUMMY)
val romsub = PtAsmSub("routine", 0x5000u, setOf(CpuRegister.Y), emptyList(), emptyList(), false, Position.DUMMY)
val sub = PtSub("start", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
; Including memory registers, I/O registers, Basic and Kernal subroutines.
atari {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
&uword NMI_VEC = $FFFA ; 6502 nmi vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
&uword RESET_VEC = $FFFC ; 6502 reset vector, determined by the kernal if banked in
@ -9,10 +10,11 @@ atari {
sys {
; ------- lowlevel system routines --------
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const ubyte target = 8 ; compilation target specifier. 64 = C64, 128 = C128, 16 = CommanderX16, 8 = atari800XL
asmsub init_system() {
@ -216,6 +218,7 @@ _longcopy
cx16 {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
; the sixteen virtual 16-bit registers that the CX16 has defined in the zeropage
; they are simulated on the Atari as well but their location in memory is different
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
txt {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const ubyte DEFAULT_WIDTH = 40
const ubyte DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 24
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
; TODO c128 actually implement the graphics routines. Ideally a way to 'borrow' the code form the C64 version without just copy-pasting that here?
graphics {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const uword WIDTH = 320
const ubyte HEIGHT = 200
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
cbm {
; Commodore (CBM) common variables, vectors and kernal routines
%option no_symbol_prefixing
&ubyte TIME_HI = $a0 ; software jiffy clock, hi byte
&ubyte TIME_MID = $a1 ; .. mid byte
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ asmsub RDTIM16() -> uword @AY {
c64 {
; C64 I/O registers (VIC, SID, CIA)
%option no_symbol_prefixing
; the default locations of the 8 sprite pointers (store address of sprite / 64)
&ubyte SPRPTR0 = 2040
@ -294,6 +296,7 @@ c64 {
c128 {
; ---- C128 specific registers ----
%option no_symbol_prefixing
&ubyte VM1 = $0A2C ; shadow for VUC $d018 in text mode
&ubyte VM2 = $0A2D ; shadow for VIC $d018 in bitmap screen mode
@ -330,6 +333,7 @@ asmsub disable_basic() clobbers(A) {
sys {
; ------- lowlevel system routines --------
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const ubyte target = 128 ; compilation target specifier. 64 = C64, 128 = C128, 16 = CommanderX16.
@ -765,6 +769,7 @@ _longcopy
cx16 {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
; the sixteen virtual 16-bit registers that the CX16 has defined in the zeropage
; they are simulated on the C128 as well but their location in memory is different
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
txt {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const ubyte DEFAULT_WIDTH = 40
const ubyte DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 25
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
floats {
; ---- this block contains C-64 floating point related functions ----
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const float PI = 3.141592653589793
const float TWOPI = 6.283185307179586
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
; assumes bitmap screen memory is $2000-$3fff
graphics {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const uword BITMAP_ADDRESS = $2000
const uword WIDTH = 320
const ubyte HEIGHT = 200
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ cbm {
; Commodore (CBM) common variables, vectors and kernal routines
%option no_symbol_prefixing
&ubyte TIME_HI = $a0 ; software jiffy clock, hi byte
&ubyte TIME_MID = $a1 ; .. mid byte
&ubyte TIME_LO = $a2 ; .. lo byte. Updated by IRQ every 1/60 sec
@ -139,6 +141,8 @@ asmsub RDTIM16() -> uword @AY {
c64 {
; C64 I/O registers (VIC, SID, CIA)
%option no_symbol_prefixing
; the default locations of the 8 sprite pointers (store address of sprite / 64)
&ubyte SPRPTR0 = 2040
&ubyte SPRPTR1 = 2041
@ -293,6 +297,8 @@ c64 {
sys {
; ------- lowlevel system routines --------
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const ubyte target = 64 ; compilation target specifier. 64 = C64, 128 = C128, 16 = CommanderX16.
@ -732,6 +738,8 @@ _longcopy
cx16 {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
; the sixteen virtual 16-bit registers that the CX16 has defined in the zeropage
; they are simulated on the C64 as well but their location in memory is different
; (because there's no room for them in the zeropage)
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
txt {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const ubyte DEFAULT_WIDTH = 40
const ubyte DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 25
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
conv {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
; ----- number conversions to decimal strings ----
str @shared string_out = "????????????????" ; result buffer for the string conversion routines
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
%import syslib
diskio {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
ubyte drivenumber = 8
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
floats {
; ---- this block contains C-64 compatible floating point related functions ----
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const float PI = 3.141592653589793
const float TWOPI = 6.283185307179586
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
gfx2 {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
; read-only control variables:
ubyte active_mode = 0
uword width = 0
@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
graphics {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const uword WIDTH = 320
const ubyte HEIGHT = 240
@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
; Should you want to restore the default palette, you have to reinitialize the Vera yourself.
palette {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
uword vera_palette_ptr
ubyte c
ubyte cc
sub set_color(ubyte index, uword color) {
vera_palette_ptr = $fa00+(index as uword * 2)
@ -79,13 +80,13 @@ palette {
sub set_grayscale() {
vera_palette_ptr = $fa00
repeat 16 {
repeat 16 {
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, c)
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, cc)
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, c)
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, cc)
c += $11
cc += $11
@ -150,11 +151,11 @@ palette {
sub set_c64pepto() {
vera_palette_ptr = $fa00
repeat 16 {
for c in 0 to 15 {
uword cc = C64_colorpalette_pepto[c]
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, lsb(cc)) ; G, B
for cc in 0 to 15 {
uword ccp = C64_colorpalette_pepto[cc]
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, lsb(ccp)) ; G, B
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, msb(cc)) ; R
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, msb(ccp)) ; R
@ -163,11 +164,11 @@ palette {
sub set_c64light() {
vera_palette_ptr = $fa00
repeat 16 {
for c in 0 to 15 {
uword cc = C64_colorpalette_light[c]
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, lsb(cc)) ; G, B
for cc in 0 to 15 {
uword ccp = C64_colorpalette_light[cc]
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, lsb(ccp)) ; G, B
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, msb(cc)) ; R
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, msb(ccp)) ; R
@ -176,11 +177,11 @@ palette {
sub set_c64dark() {
vera_palette_ptr = $fa00
repeat 16 {
for c in 0 to 15 {
uword cc = C64_colorpalette_dark[c]
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, lsb(cc)) ; G, B
for cc in 0 to 15 {
uword ccp = C64_colorpalette_dark[cc]
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, lsb(ccp)) ; G, B
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, msb(cc)) ; R
cx16.vpoke(1, vera_palette_ptr, msb(ccp)) ; R
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
%import syslib
psg {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
; $1F9C0 - $1F9FF 16 blocks of 4 PSG registers (16 voices)
; 00 frequency word LSB
; 01 frequency word MSB. freqword = HERZ / 0.3725290298461914
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ cbm {
; Commodore (CBM) common variables, vectors and kernal routines
%option no_symbol_prefixing
; STROUT --> use txt.print
; CLEARSCR -> use txt.clear_screen
; HOMECRSR -> use txt.home or txt.plot
@ -88,6 +90,8 @@ asmsub RDTIM16() -> uword @AY {
cx16 {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
; irq, system and hardware vectors:
&uword IERROR = $0300
&uword IMAIN = $0302
@ -710,6 +714,8 @@ asmsub restore_vera_context() clobbers(A) {
sys {
; ------- lowlevel system routines --------
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const ubyte target = 16 ; compilation target specifier. 64 = C64, 128 = C128, 16 = CommanderX16.
asmsub init_system() {
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
txt {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
const ubyte DEFAULT_WIDTH = 80
const ubyte DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 60
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
%import textio
cx16logo {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
sub logo_at(ubyte column, ubyte row) {
uword strptr
for strptr in logo_lines {
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
%import syslib
diskio {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
ubyte drivenumber = 8
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
floats {
; the floating point functions shared across compiler targets
%option merge
%option merge, no_symbol_prefixing
sub print_f(float value) {
; ---- prints the floating point value (without a newline).
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
; Internal Math library routines - always included by the compiler
math {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
%asminclude "library:math.asm"
asmsub sin8u(ubyte angle @A) clobbers(Y) -> ubyte @A {
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
; Internal library routines - always included by the compiler
prog8_lib {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
%asminclude "library:prog8_lib.asm"
%asminclude "library:prog8_funcs.asm"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
; 0-terminated string manipulation routines.
string {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
asmsub length(uword string @AY) clobbers(A) -> ubyte @Y {
; Returns the number of bytes in the string.
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
%import textio
test_stack {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
asmsub test() {
%asm {{
@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ private fun compileMain(args: Array<String>): Boolean {
val startVm by cli.option(ArgType.Boolean, fullName = "vm", description = "load and run a .p8ir IR source file in the VM")
val watchMode by cli.option(ArgType.Boolean, fullName = "watch", description = "continuous compilation mode (watch for file changes)")
val varsHighBank by cli.option(ArgType.Int, fullName = "varshigh", description = "put uninitialized variables in high memory area instead of at the end of the program. On the cx16 target the value specifies the HiRAM bank (0=keep active), on other systems it is ignored.")
val useNewExprCode by cli.option(ArgType.Boolean, fullName = "newexpr", description = "use new expression code-gen (experimental)")
val splitWordArrays by cli.option(ArgType.Boolean, fullName = "splitarrays", description = "treat all word arrays as tagged with @split to make them lsb/msb split in memory")
val moduleFiles by cli.argument(ArgType.String, fullName = "modules", description = "main module file(s) to compile").multiple(999)
@ -135,7 +134,6 @@ private fun compileMain(args: Array<String>): Boolean {
asmListfile == true,
experimentalCodegen == true,
useNewExprCode == true,
splitWordArrays == true,
@ -205,7 +203,6 @@ private fun compileMain(args: Array<String>): Boolean {
asmListfile == true,
experimentalCodegen == true,
useNewExprCode == true,
splitWordArrays == true,
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ package prog8.buildversion
const val MAVEN_GROUP = "prog8"
const val MAVEN_NAME = "compiler"
const val VERSION = "9.1-SNAPSHOT"
const val GIT_REVISION = 3907
const val GIT_SHA = "c9ef777e0f15922c06921c16e794576d3146b1c0"
const val GIT_DATE = "2023-06-28T21:24:48Z"
const val GIT_BRANCH = "master"
const val BUILD_DATE = "2023-06-29T18:58:57Z"
const val BUILD_UNIX_TIME = 1688065137839L
const val GIT_REVISION = 3915
const val GIT_SHA = "bdf8aa9168e16baa29543de041c90ad8f47bba3b"
const val GIT_DATE = "2023-07-02T13:26:04Z"
const val GIT_BRANCH = "prefixing"
const val BUILD_DATE = "2023-07-02T17:14:33Z"
const val BUILD_UNIX_TIME = 1688318073184L
const val DIRTY = 1
@ -4,12 +4,11 @@ import com.github.michaelbull.result.onFailure
import prog8.ast.IBuiltinFunctions
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.base.AstException
import prog8.ast.base.FatalAstException
import prog8.ast.expressions.Expression
import prog8.ast.expressions.NumericLiteral
import prog8.ast.statements.Directive
import prog8.code.SymbolTableMaker
import prog8.code.ast.*
import prog8.code.ast.PtProgram
import prog8.code.core.*
import prog8.code.target.*
import prog8.codegen.vm.VmCodeGen
@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ class CompilerArguments(val filepath: Path,
val asmListfile: Boolean,
val experimentalCodegen: Boolean,
val varsHighBank: Int?,
val useNewExprCode: Boolean,
val compilationTarget: String,
val evalStackBaseAddress: UInt?,
val splitWordArrays: Boolean,
@ -79,7 +77,6 @@ fun compileProgram(args: CompilerArguments): CompilationResult? {
asmListfile = args.asmListfile
experimentalCodegen = args.experimentalCodegen
varsHighBank = args.varsHighBank
useNewExprCode = args.useNewExprCode
evalStackBaseAddress = args.evalStackBaseAddress
splitWordArrays = args.splitWordArrays
outputDir = args.outputDir.normalize()
@ -406,23 +403,12 @@ private fun createAssemblyAndAssemble(program: PtProgram,
val asmgen = if(compilerOptions.experimentalCodegen)
else if (compilerOptions.compTarget.machine.cpu in arrayOf(CpuType.CPU6502, CpuType.CPU65c02))
prog8.codegen.cpu6502.AsmGen6502(prefixSymbols = true)
else if (compilerOptions.compTarget.name == VMTarget.NAME)
throw NotImplementedError("no code generator for cpu ${compilerOptions.compTarget.machine.cpu}")
if(compilerOptions.useNewExprCode) {
if(compilerOptions.compTarget.machine.cpu !in arrayOf(CpuType.CPU6502, CpuType.CPU65c02)) {
// the IR code gen backend has its own, better, version of dealing with binary expressions.
throw IllegalArgumentException("'newexpr' expression rewrite should not be used with compilation target ${compilerOptions.compTarget.name}")
// printAst(program, true) { println(it) }
val stMaker = SymbolTableMaker(program, compilerOptions)
val symbolTable = stMaker.make()
val assembly = asmgen.generate(program, symbolTable, compilerOptions, errors)
@ -434,188 +420,3 @@ private fun createAssemblyAndAssemble(program: PtProgram,
private fun transformNewExpressions(program: PtProgram) {
val newVariables = mutableMapOf<PtSub, MutableList<PtVariable>>()
var countByteVars = 0
var countWordVars = 0
var countFloatVars = 0
// TODO: find a reliable way to reuse more temp vars across expressions
fun getExprVar(type: DataType, pos: Position, scope: PtSub): PtIdentifier {
val count = when(type) {
in ByteDatatypes -> {
in WordDatatypes -> {
DataType.FLOAT -> {
else -> throw FatalAstException("weird dt")
val name = "p8p_exprvar_${count}_${type.toString().lowercase()}"
var subVars = newVariables[scope]
if(subVars==null) {
subVars = mutableListOf()
newVariables[scope] = subVars
if(subVars.all { it.name!=name }) {
subVars.add(PtVariable(name, type, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, null, pos))
return PtIdentifier("${scope.scopedName}.$name", type, pos)
fun transformExpr(expr: PtBinaryExpression): Pair<PtExpression, List<IPtAssignment>> {
// depth first process the expression tree
val scope = expr.definingSub()!!
val assignments = mutableListOf<IPtAssignment>()
fun transformOperand(node: PtExpression): PtNode {
return when(node) {
is PtNumber, is PtIdentifier, is PtArray, is PtString, is PtMachineRegister -> node
is PtBinaryExpression -> {
val (replacement, subAssigns) = transformExpr(node)
else -> {
val variable = getExprVar(node.type, node.position, scope)
val assign = PtAssignment(node.position)
val target = PtAssignTarget(variable.position)
val newLeft = transformOperand(expr.left)
val newRight = transformOperand(expr.right)
// process the binexpr
val resultVar =
if(expr.type == expr.left.type) {
getExprVar(expr.type, expr.position, scope)
} else {
if(expr.operator in ComparisonOperators && expr.type in ByteDatatypes) {
// this is very common and should be dealth with correctly; byte==0, word>42
val varType = if(expr.left.type in PassByReferenceDatatypes) DataType.UWORD else expr.left.type
getExprVar(varType, expr.position, scope)
else if(expr.left.type in PassByReferenceDatatypes && expr.type==DataType.UBYTE) {
// this is common and should be dealth with correctly; for instance "name"=="john"
val varType = if (expr.left.type in PassByReferenceDatatypes) DataType.UWORD else expr.left.type
getExprVar(varType, expr.position, scope)
} else if(expr.left.type equalsSize expr.type) {
getExprVar(expr.type, expr.position, scope)
} else {
TODO("expression type differs from left operand type! got ${expr.left.type} expected ${expr.type} ${expr.position}")
if(resultVar.name!=(newLeft as? PtIdentifier)?.name) {
// resultvar = left
val assign1 = PtAssignment(newLeft.position)
val target1 = PtAssignTarget(resultVar.position)
// resultvar {oper}= right
val operator = if(expr.operator in ComparisonOperators) expr.operator else expr.operator+'='
val assign2 = PtAugmentedAssign(operator, newRight.position)
val target2 = PtAssignTarget(resultVar.position)
return Pair(resultVar, assignments)
fun isProperStatement(node: PtNode): Boolean {
return when(node) {
is PtAssignment -> true
is PtAugmentedAssign -> true
is PtBreakpoint -> true
is PtConditionalBranch -> true
is PtForLoop -> true
is PtIfElse -> true
is PtIncludeBinary -> true
is PtInlineAssembly -> true
is PtJump -> true
is PtAsmSub -> true
is PtLabel -> true
is PtSub -> true
is PtVariable -> true
is PtNop -> true
is PtPostIncrDecr -> true
is PtRepeatLoop -> true
is PtReturn -> true
is PtWhen -> true
is PtBuiltinFunctionCall -> node.void
is PtFunctionCall -> node.void
else -> false
fun transform(node: PtNode, parent: PtNode) {
if(node is PtBinaryExpression) {
node.children.toTypedArray().forEach {
transform(it, node)
val (rep, assignments) = transformExpr(node)
var replacement = rep
if(!(rep.type equalsSize node.type)) {
if(rep.type in NumericDatatypes && node.type in ByteDatatypes) {
replacement = PtTypeCast(node.type, node.position)
} else
TODO("cast replacement type ${rep.type} -> ${node.type}")
var idx = parent.children.indexOf(node)
parent.children[idx] = replacement
replacement.parent = parent
// find the statement above which we should insert the assignments
var stmt = node
stmt = stmt.parent
idx = stmt.parent.children.indexOf(stmt)
assignments.reversed().forEach {
stmt.parent.add(idx, it as PtNode)
} else {
node.children.toTypedArray().forEach { child -> transform(child, node) }
program.allBlocks().forEach { block ->
block.children.toTypedArray().forEach {
transform(it, block)
// add the new variables
newVariables.forEach { (sub, vars) ->
vars.forEach {
sub.add(0, it)
// extra check to see that all PtBinaryExpressions have been transformed
fun binExprCheck(node: PtNode) {
if(node is PtBinaryExpression)
throw IllegalArgumentException("still got binexpr $node ${node.position}")
node.children.forEach { binExprCheck(it) }
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
package prog8.compiler.astprocessing
import prog8.ast.statements.Block
import prog8.ast.statements.Label
import prog8.ast.statements.Subroutine
import prog8.ast.statements.VarDecl
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstVisitor
import prog8.code.core.ICompilationTarget
import prog8.code.target.VMTarget
class AsmInstructionNamesFinder(val target: ICompilationTarget): IAstVisitor {
val blocks = mutableSetOf<Block>()
val variables = mutableSetOf<VarDecl>()
val labels = mutableSetOf<Label>()
val subroutines = mutableSetOf<Subroutine>()
private fun isPossibleConfusingAsmName(name: String) = (name.length==3 || name.length==1) && name.all { it.isLetter() }
fun foundAny(): Boolean = blocks.isNotEmpty() || variables.isNotEmpty() || subroutines.isNotEmpty() || labels.isNotEmpty()
override fun visit(block: Block) {
if(target.name!=VMTarget.NAME && !block.isInLibrary && isPossibleConfusingAsmName(block.name)) {
blocks += block
override fun visit(decl: VarDecl) {
if(target.name!=VMTarget.NAME && !decl.definingModule.isLibrary && isPossibleConfusingAsmName(decl.name)) {
variables += decl
override fun visit(label: Label) {
if(target.name!=VMTarget.NAME && !label.definingModule.isLibrary && isPossibleConfusingAsmName(label.name)) {
labels += label
override fun visit(subroutine: Subroutine) {
if(target.name!=VMTarget.NAME && !subroutine.definingModule.isLibrary && isPossibleConfusingAsmName(subroutine.name)) {
subroutines += subroutine
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
package prog8.compiler.astprocessing
import prog8.ast.Node
import prog8.ast.Program
import prog8.ast.expressions.IdentifierReference
import prog8.ast.statements.*
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
class AsmInstructionNamesReplacer(
val program: Program,
val blocks: Set<Block>,
val subroutines: Set<Subroutine>,
val variables: Set<VarDecl>,
val labels: Set<Label>): AstWalker() {
override fun after(identifier: IdentifierReference, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if(identifier.nameInSource.size>1) {
val tgt = identifier.targetStatement(program)
if(tgt==null || tgt.definingModule.isLibrary)
return noModifications
val newName = identifier.nameInSource.map { ident ->
if((ident.length==3 || ident.length==1) && !identifier.definingModule.isLibrary) {
val blockTarget = blocks.firstOrNull { it.name==ident }
val subTarget = subroutines.firstOrNull {it.name==ident }
val varTarget = variables.firstOrNull { it.name==ident }
val labelTarget = labels.firstOrNull { it.name==ident}
if(blockTarget!=null || subTarget!=null || varTarget!=null || labelTarget!=null) {
} else
} else
return if(newName!=identifier.nameInSource)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(identifier, IdentifierReference(newName, identifier.position), parent))
override fun after(label: Label, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
return if(label in labels)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(label, Label("p8p_${label.name}", label.position), parent))
override fun after(block: Block, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
return if(block in blocks)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(block, Block("p8p_${block.name}", block.address, block.statements, block.isInLibrary, block.position), parent))
override fun after(decl: VarDecl, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
return if(decl in variables)
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(decl, decl.renamed("p8p_${decl.name}"), parent))
private val subsWithParamRefsToFix = mutableListOf<Subroutine>()
override fun applyModifications(): Int {
var count = super.applyModifications()
subsWithParamRefsToFix.forEach { subroutine ->
subroutine.statements.withIndex().reversed().forEach { (index,stmt) ->
if(stmt is VarDecl && stmt.origin==VarDeclOrigin.SUBROUTINEPARAM) {
val param = subroutine.parameters.single { it.name == stmt.name}
val decl = VarDecl.fromParameter(param)
subroutine.statements[index] = decl
return count
override fun after(subroutine: Subroutine, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
val changedParams = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, SubroutineParameter>>()
subroutine.parameters.withIndex().forEach { (index, param) ->
if((param.name.length==3 || param.name.length==1) && param.name.all { it.isLetter() } && !param.definingModule.isLibrary) {
changedParams.add(index to SubroutineParameter("p8p_${param.name}", param.type, param.position))
changedParams.forEach { (index, newParam) -> subroutine.parameters[index] = newParam }
val newName = if(subroutine in subroutines) "p8p_${subroutine.name}" else subroutine.name
return if(newName!=subroutine.name || changedParams.isNotEmpty()) {
val newSub = Subroutine(newName, subroutine.parameters, subroutine.returntypes,
subroutine.asmParameterRegisters, subroutine.asmReturnvaluesRegisters, subroutine.asmClobbers, subroutine.asmAddress, subroutine.isAsmSubroutine,
subroutine.inline, false, subroutine.statements, subroutine.position)
subsWithParamRefsToFix += newSub
listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(subroutine, newSub, parent))
} else {
subsWithParamRefsToFix += subroutine
@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
err("this directive may only occur in a block or at module level")
err("missing option directive argument(s)")
else if(directive.args.map{it.name in arrayOf("enable_floats", "force_output", "no_sysinit", "align_word", "align_page", "merge", "splitarrays")}.any { !it })
else if(directive.args.map{it.name in arrayOf("enable_floats", "force_output", "no_sysinit", "align_word", "align_page", "merge", "splitarrays", "no_symbol_prefixing")}.any { !it })
err("invalid option directive argument(s)")
else -> throw SyntaxError("invalid directive ${directive.directive}", directive.position)
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import prog8.ast.statements.VarDeclOrigin
import prog8.ast.walk.AstWalker
import prog8.ast.walk.IAstModification
import prog8.code.core.*
import prog8.code.target.VMTarget
internal fun Program.checkValid(errors: IErrorReporter, compilerOptions: CompilationOptions) {
@ -28,21 +27,6 @@ internal fun Program.processAstBeforeAsmGeneration(compilerOptions: CompilationO
if(compilerOptions.compTarget.name!=VMTarget.NAME) {
val finder = AsmInstructionNamesFinder(compilerOptions.compTarget)
if(finder.foundAny()) {
val replacer = AsmInstructionNamesReplacer(
val fixer = BeforeAsmAstChanger(this, compilerOptions, errors)
while (errors.noErrors() && fixer.applyModifications() > 0) {
@ -161,21 +161,23 @@ class IntermediateAstMaker(private val program: Program, private val options: Co
private fun transform(srcBlock: Block): PtBlock {
var alignment = PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE
var forceOutput = false
var noSymbolPrefixing = false
val directives = srcBlock.statements.filterIsInstance<Directive>()
for (directive in directives.filter { it.directive == "%option" }) {
for (arg in directive.args) {
when (arg.name) {
"align_word" -> alignment = PtBlock.BlockAlignment.WORD
"align_page" -> alignment = PtBlock.BlockAlignment.PAGE
"no_symbol_prefixing" -> noSymbolPrefixing = true
"force_output" -> forceOutput=true
"merge", "splitarrays" -> { /* ignore this one */ }
"merge", "splitarrays" -> { /* ignore this one */ }
else -> throw FatalAstException("weird directive option: ${arg.name}")
val (vardecls, statements) = srcBlock.statements.partition { it is VarDecl }
val src = srcBlock.definingModule.source
val block = PtBlock(srcBlock.name, srcBlock.address, srcBlock.isInLibrary, forceOutput, alignment, src, srcBlock.position)
val block = PtBlock(srcBlock.name, srcBlock.address, srcBlock.isInLibrary, forceOutput, noSymbolPrefixing, alignment, src, srcBlock.position)
makeScopeVarsDecls(vardecls).forEach { block.add(it) }
for (stmt in statements)
@ -434,11 +436,10 @@ class IntermediateAstMaker(private val program: Program, private val options: Co
private fun transform(src: AddressOf): PtAddressOf {
val addr = PtAddressOf(src.position)
val (name, dt) = src.identifier.targetNameAndType(program)
if(dt in SplitWordArrayTypes) {
addr.add(PtIdentifier(name+"_lsb", dt, src.identifier.position))
} else {
if(dt in SplitWordArrayTypes)
addr.add(PtIdentifier(name+"_lsb", dt, src.identifier.position)) // NOTE: assumes _lsb is first in memory! (immediately followed by _msb)
return addr
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ private fun compileTheThing(filepath: Path, optimize: Boolean, target: ICompilat
asmListfile = false,
experimentalCodegen = false,
varsHighBank = null,
useNewExprCode = false,
compilationTarget = target.name,
evalStackBaseAddress = null,
splitWordArrays = false,
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ class TestCompilerOptionSourcedirs: FunSpec({
asmListfile = false,
experimentalCodegen = false,
varsHighBank = null,
useNewExprCode = false,
compilationTarget = Cx16Target.NAME,
evalStackBaseAddress = null,
splitWordArrays = false,
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ private fun makeSt(): SymbolTable {
// first build the AST
val astProgram = PtProgram("test", DummyMemsizer, DummyStringEncoder)
val astBlock1 = PtBlock("block1", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("block1"), Position.DUMMY)
val astBlock1 = PtBlock("block1", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("block1"), Position.DUMMY)
val astConstant1 = PtConstant("c1", DataType.UWORD, 12345.0, Position.DUMMY)
val astConstant2 = PtConstant("blockc", DataType.UWORD, 999.0, Position.DUMMY)
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ private fun makeSt(): SymbolTable {
val astBfunc = PtIdentifier("msb", DataType.UBYTE, Position.DUMMY)
val astBlock2 = PtBlock("block2", null, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("block2"), Position.DUMMY)
val astBlock2 = PtBlock("block2", null, false, false, false, PtBlock.BlockAlignment.NONE, SourceCode.Generated("block2"), Position.DUMMY)
val astSub21 = PtSub("sub1", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
val astSub22 = PtSub("sub2", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
val astSub221 = PtSub("subsub", emptyList(), null, Position.DUMMY)
@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ class TestIntermediateAst: FunSpec({
val fcall = (entry.children[4] as PtAssignment).value as PtFunctionCall
fcall.void shouldBe false
fcall.type shouldBe DataType.UBYTE
printAst(ast, false, ::println)
@ -121,11 +121,11 @@ main {
sub start() {
%asm {{
lda normal
lda uw_lsb
lda uw_msb
lda sw_lsb
lda sw_msb
lda p8_normal
lda p8_uw_lsb
lda p8_uw_msb
lda p8_sw_lsb
lda p8_sw_msb
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ class TestVariables: FunSpec({
ubyte @shared bytevar = 0
%asm {{
lda arrayvar
lda stringvar
lda bytevar
lda p8_arrayvar
lda p8_stringvar
lda p8_bytevar
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import prog8.code.ast.PtAssignment
import prog8.code.ast.PtVariable
import prog8.code.core.DataType
import prog8.code.target.C64Target
import prog8.code.target.Cx16Target
import prog8.code.target.VMTarget
import prog8tests.helpers.ErrorReporterForTests
import prog8tests.helpers.compileText
@ -84,10 +85,10 @@ main {
result.codegenAst!!.name shouldBe result.compilerAst.name
result.codegenAst!!.children.size shouldBeGreaterThan 2
val start = result.codegenAst!!.entrypoint()!!
start.name shouldBe "start"
start.name shouldBe "p8_start"
start.children.size shouldBeGreaterThan 2
val seed = start.children[0] as PtVariable
seed.name shouldBe "seed"
seed.name shouldBe "p8_seed"
seed.value shouldBe null
seed.type shouldBe DataType.ARRAY_UW
val assign = start.children[1] as PtAssignment
@ -160,10 +161,8 @@ main {
qq = 16000 + c*${'$'}0008
compileText(C64Target(), true, text, writeAssembly = true, useNewExprCode = false) shouldNotBe null
compileText(VMTarget(), true, text, writeAssembly = true, useNewExprCode = false) shouldNotBe null
compileText(C64Target(), true, text, writeAssembly = true, useNewExprCode = true) shouldNotBe null
// no newexpr for IR targets: compileText(VMTarget(), true, text, writeAssembly = true, useNewExprCode = true) shouldNotBe null
compileText(C64Target(), true, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null
compileText(VMTarget(), true, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null
test("builtin func in float expression") {
@ -202,4 +201,60 @@ block2 {
compileText(C64Target(), true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null
compileText(VMTarget(), true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null
test("array with pointers") {
val src = """
main {
sub start() {
str localstr = "hello"
ubyte[] otherarray = [1,2,3]
uword[] words = [1111,2222,"three",&localstr,&otherarray]
uword @shared zz = &words
ubyte result = 2222 in words
zz = words[2]
zz = words[3]
val othertarget = Cx16Target()
compileText(othertarget, true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null
test("case sensitive symbols") {
val src = """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte bytevar = 11 ; var at 0
ubyte byteVAR = 22 ; var at 1
ubyte ByteVar = 33 ; var at 2
ubyte @shared total = bytevar+byteVAR+ByteVar ; var at 3
goto skipLABEL
bytevar = 42
val target = Cx16Target()
compileText(target, true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null
test("addresses from labels/subroutines") {
val src = """
main {
sub start() {
ubyte variable
uword @shared pointer1 = &main.start
uword @shared pointer2 = &start
uword @shared pointer3 = &main.start.mylabel
uword @shared pointer4 = &mylabel
uword[] @shared ptrs = [&variable, &start, &main.start, &mylabel, &main.start.mylabel]
compileText(Cx16Target(), true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null
@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ internal fun compileFile(
errors: IErrorReporter? = null,
writeAssembly: Boolean = true,
optFloatExpr: Boolean = true,
useNewExprCode: Boolean = false
) : CompilationResult? {
val filepath = fileDir.resolve(fileName)
@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ internal fun compileFile(
asmListfile = false,
experimentalCodegen = false,
varsHighBank = null,
useNewExprCode = useNewExprCode,
evalStackBaseAddress = null,
symbolDefs = emptyMap(),
@ -55,11 +53,10 @@ internal fun compileText(
errors: IErrorReporter? = null,
writeAssembly: Boolean = true,
optFloatExpr: Boolean = true,
useNewExprCode: Boolean = false
) : CompilationResult? {
val filePath = outputDir.resolve("on_the_fly_test_" + sourceText.hashCode().toUInt().toString(16) + ".p8")
// we don't assumeNotExists(filePath) - should be ok to just overwrite it
return compileFile(platform, optimize, filePath.parent, filePath.name,
errors=errors, writeAssembly=writeAssembly, optFloatExpr = optFloatExpr, useNewExprCode=useNewExprCode)
errors=errors, writeAssembly=writeAssembly, optFloatExpr = optFloatExpr)
@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ main {
zz = words[3]
val othertarget = Cx16Target()
compileText(othertarget, true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null
val target = VMTarget()
val result = compileText(target, true, src, writeAssembly = true)!!
val virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve(result.compilerAst.name + ".p8ir")
@ -165,10 +163,7 @@ skipLABEL:
bytevar = 42
val othertarget = Cx16Target()
compileText(othertarget, true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null
val target = VMTarget()
val result = compileText(target, true, src, writeAssembly = true)!!
val result = compileText(VMTarget(), true, src, writeAssembly = true)!!
val virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve(result.compilerAst.name + ".p8ir")
VmRunner().runAndTestProgram(virtfile.readText()) { vm ->
vm.memory.getUB(0) shouldBe 42u
@ -283,11 +278,7 @@ mylabel:
val othertarget = Cx16Target()
compileText(othertarget, true, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null
val target = VMTarget()
val result = compileText(target, false, src, writeAssembly = true)!!
val result = compileText(VMTarget(), false, src, writeAssembly = true)!!
val virtfile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve(result.compilerAst.name + ".p8ir")
val exc = shouldThrow<Exception> {
@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ class Program(val name: String,
val internedStringsModule =
Module(mutableListOf(), Position.DUMMY, SourceCode.Generated(internedStringsModuleName))
val block = Block(internedStringsModuleName, null, mutableListOf(), true, Position.DUMMY)
val directive = Directive("%option", listOf(DirectiveArg(null,"no_symbol_prefixing", null, Position.DUMMY)), Position.DUMMY)
_modules.add(0, internedStringsModule)
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ class Program(val name: String,
val entrypoint: Subroutine
get() {
val mainBlocks = allBlocks.filter { it.name == "main" }
val mainBlocks = allBlocks.filter { it.name=="main" }
return when (mainBlocks.size) {
0 -> throw FatalAstException("no 'main' block")
1 -> mainBlocks[0].subScope("start") as Subroutine
@ -92,12 +94,11 @@ class Program(val name: String,
return Pair(listOf(internedStringsModuleName, decl.name), decl)
val existingDecl = internedStringsBlock.statements.singleOrNull {
val declString = (it as VarDecl).value as StringLiteral
val existingDecl = internedStringsBlock.statements.filterIsInstance<VarDecl>().singleOrNull {
val declString = it.value as StringLiteral
declString.encoding == string.encoding && declString.value == string.value
return if (existingDecl != null) {
existingDecl as VarDecl
internedStringsReferenceCounts[existingDecl] = internedStringsReferenceCounts.getValue(existingDecl)+1
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ class Program(val name: String,
.first { it.name == internedStringsModuleName }.statements
.first { it is Block && it.name == internedStringsModuleName } as Block
removals.forEach { scopedname ->
val decl = internedStringsBlock.statements.single { decl -> (decl as VarDecl).scopedName == scopedname } as VarDecl
val decl = internedStringsBlock.statements.filterIsInstance<VarDecl>().single { decl -> decl.scopedName == scopedname } as VarDecl
val numRefs = program.internedStringsReferenceCounts.getValue(decl) - 1
program.internedStringsReferenceCounts[decl] = numRefs
@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ data class IdentifierReference(val nameInSource: List<String>, override val posi
fun targetSubroutine(program: Program): Subroutine? = targetStatement(program) as? Subroutine
fun targetNameAndType(program: Program): Pair<String, DataType> {
val target=targetStatement(program)!! as INamedStatement
val target = targetStatement(program) as? INamedStatement ?: throw FatalAstException("can't find target for $nameInSource")
val targetname: String = if(target.name in program.builtinFunctions.names)
@ -985,6 +985,8 @@ data class IdentifierReference(val nameInSource: List<String>, override val posi
val scope=decl.definingModule
return scope.name==internedStringsModuleName
fun renamed(newName: List<String>): IdentifierReference = IdentifierReference(newName, position)
class FunctionCallExpression(override var target: IdentifierReference,
@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ class Block(override val name: String,
override fun referencesIdentifier(nameInSource: List<String>): Boolean = statements.any { it.referencesIdentifier(nameInSource) }
fun options() = statements.filter { it is Directive && it.directive == "%option" }.flatMap { (it as Directive).args }.map {it.name!!}.toSet()
fun renamed(newName: String): Block = Block(newName, address, statements, isInLibrary, position)
data class Directive(val directive: String, val args: List<DirectiveArg>, override val position: Position) : Statement() {
@ -135,6 +136,7 @@ data class Label(override val name: String, override val position: Position) : S
override fun accept(visitor: IAstVisitor) = visitor.visit(this)
override fun accept(visitor: AstWalker, parent: Node) = visitor.visit(this, parent)
override fun toString()= "Label(name=$name, pos=$position)"
fun renamed(newName: String): Label = Label(newName, position)
class Return(var value: Expression?, override val position: Position) : Statement() {
@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ Directives
- ``align_page`` (in a block) will make the assembler align the start address of this block on a page boundary in memory (so, the LSB of the address is 0).
- ``merge`` (in a block) will merge this block's contents into an already existing block with the same name. Useful in library scenarios.
- ``splitarrays`` (block or module) makes all word-arrays in this scope lsb/msb split arrays (as if they all have the @split tag). See Arrays.
- ``no_symbol_prefixing`` (block) makes the compiler *not* use symbol-prefixing when translating prog8 code into assembly.
Only use this if you know what you're doing because it could result in invalid assembly code being generated.
.. data:: %asmbinary "<filename>" [, <offset>[, <length>]]
@ -210,7 +212,7 @@ Directives
If you use the correct scoping rules you can access symbols from the prog8 program from inside
the assembly code. Sometimes you'll have to declare a variable in prog8 with `@shared` if it
is only used in such assembly code. For symbols just consisting of 3 letters, prog8 will
add a special prefix to them, read more about this in :ref:`three-letter-prefixing`.
add a special prefix to them, read more about this in :ref:`symbol-prefixing`.
@ -22,20 +22,26 @@ It is possible to relocate the BSS section using a compiler option
so that more system ram is available for the program code itself.
.. _three-letter-prefixing:
.. _symbol-prefixing:
Three-letter symbols prefixing in Assembly
Symbol prefixing in generated Assembly code
Symbols consisting of three letters such as "brk" or "tax", or variables named "a", "x" or "y" could
confuse the assembler to think these are cpu instructions or registers.
It will likely fail to assemble the program correctly.
Because of this, prog8 will prefix every 1- and 3-letter symbol with "``p8p_``" automatically during compilation.
So "tax" will become "p8p_tax", "a" will become "p8p_a" in the resulting assembly code.
*All* symbols in the prog8 program will be prefixed with ``p8_`` in the generated assembly code.
This is to avoid naming conflicts with CPU registers, assembly instructions, etc.
So if you're referencing symbols from the prog8 program in inlined assembly code, you have to take
this into account. Stick a ``p8_`` in front of everything that you want to reference that is coming
from a prog8 source file.
All elements in scoped names such as ``main.routine.var1`` are prefixed so this becomes ``p8_main.p8_routine.p8_var1``.
If you're referencing symbols from the prog8 program in hand-written assembly code, you have to take
this into account. Either prefix the 1- and 3-letter symbols in the assembly with "``p8p_``" as well, or just
choose a symbol name of a different length in the first place.
.. attention::
Symbols from library modules are *not* prefixed and can be used
in assembly code as-is. So you can write::
%asm {{
lda #'a'
jsr cbm.CHROUT
Software stack for expression evaluation
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
- prog8->asm symbol name prefixing: prefix ALL symbols with p8_ Also update manual.
EXCEPTION: library symbols such as cbm.CHROUT, cx16.r0 etc. should NOT be prefixed.
Solution: add %option no_symbol_prefix to those blocks?
- fix type error with returning an array literal from a subroutine returning uword
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
%import textio
%import floats
main {
sub start() {
repeat {
sub test_val() {
; TODO c128 how do I set this in "bank 1" ? VAL() needs that...
str @shared value = "-1.23456"
uword @shared result
%asm {{
lda #<value
sta $24
lda #>value
sta $25
lda #8
jsr floats.VAL
jsr floats.FOUT
sta result
sty result+1
txt.print_uwhex(result, true)
sub test_freadsa() {
uword @shared result
%asm {{
;lda #-123
;jsr floats.FREADSA
lda #<55444
ldy #>55444
jsr floats.GIVUAYFAY
jsr floats.FOUT
sta result
sty result+1
txt.print_uwhex(result, true)
sub test_getadr() {
uword @shared value
%asm {{
lda #<23456
ldy #>23456
jsr floats.GIVAYFAY
jsr floats.GETADRAY
sta value
sty value+1
sub test_ayint() {
%asm {{
lda #<-23456
ldy #>-23456
jsr floats.GIVAYFAY
jsr floats.AYINT
word value = mkword(@($66), @($67)) as word
sub test_printf() {
@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ irq {
asmsub set_scanline_color(ubyte color_ix @Y) {
; uword color = mkword(reds[ix], (greens[ix] << 4) | blues[ix] )
%asm {{
lda blinds_lines_reds,y
lda p8_blinds_lines_reds,y
lda blinds_lines_greens,y
lda p8_blinds_lines_greens,y
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
ora blinds_lines_blues,y
ora p8_blinds_lines_blues,y
stz cx16.VERA_CTRL
@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ main {
%asm {{
sta keyhdl_scancode
sta p8_keyhdl_scancode
lda #1
sta keyhdl_event
sta p8_keyhdl_event
lda #0 ; By setting A=0 we will eat this key event. leave A unchanged to pass it through.
lda #0 ; By setting A=0 we will eat this key event. leave A unchanged to pass it through.
@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ interrupt {
asmsub wait_and_clear_aflow_semaphore() {
%asm {{
- wai
lda aflow_semaphore
lda p8_aflow_semaphore
bne -
inc aflow_semaphore
inc p8_aflow_semaphore
@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ interrupt {
; optimized loop to put 1024 bytes of data into the fifo as fast as possible
; converting unsigned wav 8 bit samples to signed 8 bit on the fly
%asm {{
lda main.start.buffer
lda p8_main.p8_start.p8_buffer
sta cx16.r0L
lda main.start.buffer+1
lda p8_main.p8_start.p8_buffer+1
sta cx16.r0H
ldx #4
- ldy #0
@ -212,9 +212,9 @@ interrupt {
asmsub uncompressed_block_16() {
; optimized loop to put 1024 bytes of data into the fifo as fast as possible
%asm {{
lda main.start.buffer
lda p8_main.p8_start.p8_buffer
sta cx16.r0L
lda main.start.buffer+1
lda p8_main.p8_start.p8_buffer+1
sta cx16.r0H
ldx #4
- ldy #0
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ char_loop:
vtui $1000 {
%option no_symbol_prefixing
%asmbinary "VTUI1.0.BIN", 2 ; skip the 2 dummy load address bytes
; NOTE: base address $1000 here must be the same as the block's memory address, for obvious reasons!
@ -2,79 +2,10 @@
%zeropage basicsafe
main {
sub start() {
uword count = 255
cx16.r0 = 0
repeat count {
repeat count {
count = 257
repeat count {
repeat count {
repeat count {
count = 1025
repeat count {
count = 65534
repeat count {
count = 65535
repeat count {
repeat count {
repeat 0 {
romsub $FFD2 = chrout(ubyte ch @ A)
sub start() {
ubyte ch = '\n'
@ -990,9 +990,9 @@ planet {
sbc #$81
asl a
lda wordlists,y
lda p8_wordlists,y
lda wordlists+1,y
lda p8_wordlists+1,y
asl a
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ class RequestParser : Take {
experimentalCodegen = false,
splitWordArrays = false,
varsHighBank = null,
useNewExprCode = false
val compilationResult = compileProgram(args)
return RsJson(Jsonding())
Reference in New Issue
Block a user