diff --git a/compiler/res/prog8lib/cx16/diskio.p8 b/compiler/res/prog8lib/cx16/diskio.p8
index 1e6c4e90c..67f79bf32 100644
--- a/compiler/res/prog8lib/cx16/diskio.p8
+++ b/compiler/res/prog8lib/cx16/diskio.p8
@@ -312,13 +312,12 @@ close_end:
list_blocks = 0 ; we reuse this variable for the total number of bytes read
- ; commander X16 supports fast block-read via MACPTR() kernal call
uword readsize
while num_bytes {
readsize = 255
if num_bytes`_.
If you're targeting the Commander X16 instead,
-download a recent emulator version (R42 or newer) for the CommanderX16, such as `x16emu `_
+download a recent emulator version for the CommanderX16, such as `x16emu `_
(preferred, this is the official emulator. If required, source code is `here `_.
There is also `Box16 `_ which has powerful debugging features.
You can select which one you want to launch using the ``-emu`` or ``-emu2`` command line options.
diff --git a/examples/cx16/diskspeed.p8 b/examples/cx16/diskspeed.p8
index 5964ff1e9..be6ef0281 100644
--- a/examples/cx16/diskspeed.p8
+++ b/examples/cx16/diskspeed.p8
@@ -6,14 +6,13 @@
main {
ubyte[256] buffer = 0 to 255
- const ubyte REPEATS = 2
sub print_speed(uword jiffies) {
if jiffies==0 {
txt.print("\n 0 jiffies measured, speed is extremely high\n")
- float speed = 65536.0 * REPEATS / (jiffies as float / 60.0)
+ float speed = floats.floor(65536.0 / (jiffies as float / 60.0))
txt.print(" jiffies = ")
@@ -22,95 +21,56 @@ main {
sub start() {
- txt.print("\n\ndisk benchmark. drive 8. repeats = ")
- txt.print_ub(REPEATS)
+ txt.print("\n\ndisk benchmark on drive 8.\n\n")
uword batchtotaltime
- txt.print("\n\nwriting 64kb using save")
- batchtotaltime = 0
- repeat REPEATS {
- cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0)
- void diskio.save("@:benchmark.dat", $100, 32768)
- void diskio.save("@:benchmark.dat", $100, 32768)
- batchtotaltime += cbm.RDTIM16()
- txt.chrout('.')
- }
- print_speed(batchtotaltime)
+ txt.print("writing 64kb using save()")
+ cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0)
+ ; save 2 times 32Kb to make it 64Kb total
+ void diskio.save("@:benchmark.dat", $100, 32768)
+ void diskio.save("@:benchmark.dat", $100, 32768)
+ print_speed(cbm.RDTIM16())
txt.print("\nwriting 64kb sequentially")
- batchtotaltime = 0
- repeat REPEATS {
- if diskio.f_open_w("@:benchmark.dat") {
- cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0)
- repeat 65536/256 {
- if not diskio.f_write(buffer, 256)
- sys.exit(1)
- }
- batchtotaltime += cbm.RDTIM16()
- diskio.f_close_w()
+ if diskio.f_open_w("@:benchmark.dat") {
+ cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0)
+ repeat 65536/256 {
+ if not diskio.f_write(buffer, 256)
+ sys.exit(1)
- txt.chrout('.')
+ diskio.f_close_w()
+ print_speed(cbm.RDTIM16())
- print_speed(batchtotaltime)
- txt.print("\nreading 64kb using load into hiram")
- batchtotaltime = 0
- repeat REPEATS {
- cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0)
- cx16.rambank(4)
- if not diskio.load("benchmark.dat", $a000)
- sys.exit(1)
- batchtotaltime += cbm.RDTIM16()
- txt.chrout('.')
- }
- print_speed(batchtotaltime)
+ txt.print("\nreading 64kb using load() into hiram")
+ cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0)
+ cx16.rambank(4)
+ if not diskio.load("benchmark.dat", $a000)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print_speed(cbm.RDTIM16())
- txt.print("\nreading 64kb using vload into videoram")
- batchtotaltime = 0
- repeat REPEATS {
- cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0)
- if not diskio.vload("benchmark.dat", 0, $0000)
- sys.exit(1)
- batchtotaltime += cbm.RDTIM16()
- txt.chrout('.')
- }
- print_speed(batchtotaltime)
+ txt.print("\nreading 64kb using vload() into vram")
+ cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0)
+ if not diskio.vload("benchmark.dat", 0, $0000)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print_speed(cbm.RDTIM16())
txt.print("\nreading 64kb sequentially")
- batchtotaltime = 0
- repeat REPEATS {
- if diskio.f_open("benchmark.dat") {
- cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0)
- repeat 65536/255 {
- if not diskio.f_read(buffer, 255)
- sys.exit(1)
- }
- batchtotaltime += cbm.RDTIM16()
- diskio.f_close()
+ if diskio.f_open("benchmark.dat") {
+ cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0)
+ repeat 65536/255 {
+ if not diskio.f_read(buffer, 255)
+ sys.exit(1)
- txt.chrout('.')
+ diskio.f_close()
+ print_speed(cbm.RDTIM16())
- print_speed(batchtotaltime)
- txt.print("\nreading 64kb sequentially (x16 optimized)")
- batchtotaltime = 0
- repeat REPEATS {
- if diskio.f_open("benchmark.dat") {
- cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0)
- repeat 65536/255 {
- if not diskio.f_read(buffer, 255)
- sys.exit(1)
- }
- batchtotaltime += cbm.RDTIM16()
- diskio.f_close()
- }
- txt.chrout('.')
- }
- print_speed(batchtotaltime)
+ diskio.delete("benchmark.dat")