proper fix for the previous commit. + fix for i/o channel reset in diskio.f_seek()

it wasn't the adressing mode, it was that it assumed the pointer variable was always in zeropage (which might not be)
This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2023-09-07 22:17:46 +02:00
parent 23a8bebd9e
commit dd2463a440
2 changed files with 22 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -740,20 +740,32 @@ internal class AssignmentAsmGen(private val program: PtProgram,
else -> {
val rightArrayIndexer = expr.right as? PtArrayIndexer
if(asmgen.isTargetCpu(CpuType.CPU65c02) && rightArrayIndexer!=null && rightArrayIndexer.type in ByteDatatypes && left.type in ByteDatatypes) {
// special optimization (available on 65c02) for bytevalue +/- bytearr[y] : no need to use a tempvar, just use adc array,y or sbc array,y
if(rightArrayIndexer!=null && rightArrayIndexer.type in ByteDatatypes && left.type in ByteDatatypes) {
// special optimization for bytevalue +/- bytearr[y] : no need to use a tempvar, just use adc array,y or sbc array,y or adc (ptr),y / sbc (ptr),y
assignExpressionToRegister(left, RegisterOrPair.A, left.type==DataType.BYTE)
asmgen.out(" pha")
if(!rightArrayIndexer.index.isSimple()) asmgen.out(" pha")
asmgen.assignExpressionToRegister(rightArrayIndexer.index, RegisterOrPair.Y, false)
asmgen.out(" pla")
val arrayvarname = if(rightArrayIndexer.usesPointerVariable)
if(!rightArrayIndexer.index.isSimple()) asmgen.out(" pla")
if(rightArrayIndexer.usesPointerVariable && !asmgen.isZpVar(rightArrayIndexer.variable)) {
ldx ${}
ldx ${}+1
stx P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1+1""")
if (expr.operator == "+")
asmgen.out(" clc | adc (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1),y")
asmgen.out(" sec | sbc (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1),y")
} else {
val arrayvarname = if (rightArrayIndexer.usesPointerVariable)
if (expr.operator == "+")
asmgen.out(" clc | adc $arrayvarname,y")
asmgen.out(" sec | sbc $arrayvarname,y")
if (expr.operator == "+")
asmgen.out(" clc | adc $arrayvarname,y")
asmgen.out(" sec | sbc $arrayvarname,y")
assignRegisterByte(target, CpuRegister.A, dt in SignedDatatypes)
} else {
assignExpressionToVariable(right, "P8ZP_SCRATCH_B1", right.type)

View File

@ -777,6 +777,7 @@ io_error:
cbm.SETLFS(15, drivenumber, 15)
void cbm.OPEN()
void cbm.CHKIN(12) ; back to the channel that f_open uses