added 'void' keyword to explicitly ignore subroutine return values (and no longer get a warning)

This commit is contained in:
Irmen de Jong 2020-02-09 01:21:23 +01:00
parent a0bc97b90c
commit e2cb031386
12 changed files with 31 additions and 6084 deletions

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@ -264,11 +264,12 @@ private fun prog8Parser.StatusregisterContext.toAst() = Statusflag.valueOf(text)
private fun prog8Parser.Functioncall_stmtContext.toAst(): Statement {
val void = this.VOID() != null
val location = scoped_identifier().toAst()
return if(expression_list() == null)
FunctionCallStatement(location, mutableListOf(), toPosition())
FunctionCallStatement(location, mutableListOf(), void, toPosition())
FunctionCallStatement(location, expression_list().toAst().toMutableList(), toPosition())
FunctionCallStatement(location, expression_list().toAst().toMutableList(), void, toPosition())

View File

@ -819,12 +819,11 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
val targetStatement = checkFunctionOrLabelExists(, functionCallStatement)
checkFunctionCall(targetStatement, functionCallStatement.args, functionCallStatement.position)
if(targetStatement is Subroutine && targetStatement.returntypes.isNotEmpty()) {
// TODO add 'void' keyword to make this explicit
if(!functionCallStatement.void && targetStatement is Subroutine && targetStatement.returntypes.isNotEmpty()) {
printWarning("result value of subroutine call is discarded", functionCallStatement.position)
printWarning("result value of subroutine call is discarded (use void?)", functionCallStatement.position)
printWarning("result values of subroutine call are discarded", functionCallStatement.position)
printWarning("result values of subroutine call are discarded (use void?)", functionCallStatement.position)
if( in setOf("lsl", "lsr", "rol", "ror", "rol2", "ror2", "swap", "sort", "reverse")) {

View File

@ -473,6 +473,7 @@ class Jump(val address: Int?,
class FunctionCallStatement(override var target: IdentifierReference,
override var args: MutableList<Expression>,
val void: Boolean,
override val position: Position) : Statement(), IFunctionCall {
override lateinit var parent: Node
override val expensiveToInline

View File

@ -191,9 +191,11 @@ internal class StatementOptimizer(private val program: Program) : IAstModifyingV
val firstTwoCharsEncoded = CompilationTarget.encodeString(string.value.take(2))
val scope = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), functionCallStatement.position)
scope.statements.add(FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("c64", "CHROUT"),,
mutableListOf(NumericLiteralValue.optimalInteger(firstTwoCharsEncoded[0].toInt(), functionCallStatement.position)), functionCallStatement.position))
mutableListOf(NumericLiteralValue.optimalInteger(firstTwoCharsEncoded[0].toInt(), functionCallStatement.position)),
functionCallStatement.void, functionCallStatement.position))
scope.statements.add(FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("c64", "CHROUT"),,
mutableListOf(NumericLiteralValue.optimalInteger(firstTwoCharsEncoded[1].toInt(), functionCallStatement.position)), functionCallStatement.position))
mutableListOf(NumericLiteralValue.optimalInteger(firstTwoCharsEncoded[1].toInt(), functionCallStatement.position)),
functionCallStatement.void, functionCallStatement.position))
return scope
@ -209,7 +211,7 @@ internal class StatementOptimizer(private val program: Program) : IAstModifyingV
val first = subroutine.statements.asSequence().filterNot { it is VarDecl || it is Directive }.firstOrNull()
if(first is Jump && first.identifier!=null) {
return FunctionCallStatement(first.identifier, functionCallStatement.args, functionCallStatement.position)
return FunctionCallStatement(first.identifier, functionCallStatement.args, functionCallStatement.void, functionCallStatement.position)
if(first is ReturnFromIrq || first is Return) {
@ -518,7 +520,8 @@ internal class StatementOptimizer(private val program: Program) : IAstModifyingV
val scope = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), assignment.position)
var numshifts = cv.toInt()
while (numshifts > 0) {
scope.statements.add(FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("lsl"), assignment.position), mutableListOf(bexpr.left), assignment.position))
scope.statements.add(FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("lsl"), assignment.position),
mutableListOf(bexpr.left), true, assignment.position))
@ -539,7 +542,8 @@ internal class StatementOptimizer(private val program: Program) : IAstModifyingV
val scope = AnonymousScope(mutableListOf(), assignment.position)
var numshifts = cv.toInt()
while (numshifts > 0) {
scope.statements.add(FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("lsr"), assignment.position), mutableListOf(bexpr.left), assignment.position))
scope.statements.add(FunctionCallStatement(IdentifierReference(listOf("lsr"), assignment.position),
mutableListOf(bexpr.left), true, assignment.position))

View File

@ -607,8 +607,8 @@ Calling a subroutine
The arguments in parentheses after the function name, should match the parameters in the subroutine definition.
It is possible to not store the return value but the compiler
will issue a warning then telling you the result values of a subroutine call are discarded.
If you want to ignore a return value of a subroutine, you should prefix the call with the ``void`` keyword.
Otherwise the compiler will issue a warning about discarding a result value.
.. caution::
Note that due to the way parameters are processed by the compiler,

View File

@ -451,14 +451,17 @@ Subroutine / function calls
You call a subroutine like this::
[ result = ] subroutinename_or_address ( [argument...] )
[ void / result = ] subroutinename_or_address ( [argument...] )
; example:
resultvariable = subroutine(arg1, arg2, arg3)
void noresultvaluesub(arg)
Arguments are separated by commas. The argument list can also be empty if the subroutine
takes no parameters. If the subroutine returns a value, you can still omit the assignment to
a result variable (but the compiler will warn you about discarding the result of the call).
takes no parameters. If the subroutine returns a value, usually you assign it to a variable.
If you're not interested in the return value, prefix the function call with the ``void`` keyword.
Otherwise the compiler will warn you about discarding the result of the call.
Normal subroutines can only return zero or one return values.
However, the special ``asmsub`` routines (implemented in assembly code or referencing

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
- option to load library files from a directory instead of the embedded ones
- @"zzz" screencode encoded strings + add this to docs too
- add 'void' keyword to explicitly ignore subroutine return values
Memory Block Operations integrated in language?

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ sub start() {
c64.MVOL = 15
c64scr.print("will play the music from boulderdash,\nmade in 1984 by peter liepa.\npress enter to start: ")
void c64.CHRIN()
while(true) {

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ main {
c64.VMCSB |= 2 ; switch lowercase chars
c64scr.print("Please introduce yourself: ")
void c64scr.input_chars(name)
c64scr.print("\n\nHello, ")
c64scr.print(".\nLet's play a number guessing game.\nI am thinking of a number from 1 to 100!You'll have to guess it!\n")
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ main {
if attempts_left>1
c64scr.print(" left.\nWhat is your next guess? ")
void c64scr.input_chars(input)
ubyte guess = lsb(c64utils.str2uword(input))
if guess==secretnumber {

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ COMMENT : ';' ~[\r\n]* -> channel(HIDDEN) ;
WS : [ \t] -> skip ;
EOL : [\r\n]+ ;
// WS2 : '\\' EOL -> skip;
VOID: 'void';
NAME : [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* ;
DEC_INTEGER : ('0'..'9') | (('1'..'9')('0'..'9')+);
HEX_INTEGER : '$' (('a'..'f') | ('A'..'F') | ('0'..'9'))+ ;
@ -183,10 +184,9 @@ directmemory : '@' '(' expression ')';
addressof : <assoc=right> ADDRESS_OF scoped_identifier ;
functioncall : scoped_identifier '(' expression_list? ')' ;
functioncall : scoped_identifier '(' expression_list? ')' ;
functioncall_stmt : scoped_identifier '(' expression_list? ')' ;
functioncall_stmt : VOID? scoped_identifier '(' expression_list? ')' ;
expression_list :
expression (',' EOL? expression)* // you can split the expression list over several lines

View File

@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
// Generated from prog8.g4 by ANTLR 4.8
package prog8.parser;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Lexer;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.TokenStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFA;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.*;
@SuppressWarnings({"all", "warnings", "unchecked", "unused", "cast"})
public class prog8Lexer extends Lexer {
static { RuntimeMetaData.checkVersion("4.8", RuntimeMetaData.VERSION); }
protected static final DFA[] _decisionToDFA;
protected static final PredictionContextCache _sharedContextCache =
new PredictionContextCache();
public static final int
T__0=1, T__1=2, T__2=3, T__3=4, T__4=5, T__5=6, T__6=7, T__7=8, T__8=9,
T__9=10, T__10=11, T__11=12, T__12=13, T__13=14, T__14=15, T__15=16, T__16=17,
T__17=18, T__18=19, T__19=20, T__20=21, T__21=22, T__22=23, T__23=24,
T__24=25, T__25=26, T__26=27, T__27=28, T__28=29, T__29=30, T__30=31,
T__31=32, T__32=33, T__33=34, T__34=35, T__35=36, T__36=37, T__37=38,
T__38=39, T__39=40, T__40=41, T__41=42, T__42=43, T__43=44, T__44=45,
T__45=46, T__46=47, T__47=48, T__48=49, T__49=50, T__50=51, T__51=52,
T__52=53, T__53=54, T__54=55, T__55=56, T__56=57, T__57=58, T__58=59,
T__59=60, T__60=61, T__61=62, T__62=63, T__63=64, T__64=65, T__65=66,
T__66=67, T__67=68, T__68=69, T__69=70, T__70=71, T__71=72, T__72=73,
T__73=74, T__74=75, T__75=76, T__76=77, T__77=78, T__78=79, T__79=80,
T__80=81, T__81=82, T__82=83, T__83=84, T__84=85, T__85=86, T__86=87,
T__87=88, T__88=89, T__89=90, T__90=91, T__91=92, T__92=93, T__93=94,
T__94=95, T__95=96, T__96=97, T__97=98, T__98=99, T__99=100, T__100=101,
T__101=102, T__102=103, T__103=104, T__104=105, T__105=106, T__106=107,
T__107=108, T__108=109, LINECOMMENT=110, COMMENT=111, WS=112, EOL=113,
public static String[] channelNames = {
public static String[] modeNames = {
private static String[] makeRuleNames() {
return new String[] {
"T__0", "T__1", "T__2", "T__3", "T__4", "T__5", "T__6", "T__7", "T__8",
"T__9", "T__10", "T__11", "T__12", "T__13", "T__14", "T__15", "T__16",
"T__17", "T__18", "T__19", "T__20", "T__21", "T__22", "T__23", "T__24",
"T__25", "T__26", "T__27", "T__28", "T__29", "T__30", "T__31", "T__32",
"T__33", "T__34", "T__35", "T__36", "T__37", "T__38", "T__39", "T__40",
"T__41", "T__42", "T__43", "T__44", "T__45", "T__46", "T__47", "T__48",
"T__49", "T__50", "T__51", "T__52", "T__53", "T__54", "T__55", "T__56",
"T__57", "T__58", "T__59", "T__60", "T__61", "T__62", "T__63", "T__64",
"T__65", "T__66", "T__67", "T__68", "T__69", "T__70", "T__71", "T__72",
"T__73", "T__74", "T__75", "T__76", "T__77", "T__78", "T__79", "T__80",
"T__81", "T__82", "T__83", "T__84", "T__85", "T__86", "T__87", "T__88",
"T__89", "T__90", "T__91", "T__92", "T__93", "T__94", "T__95", "T__96",
"T__97", "T__98", "T__99", "T__100", "T__101", "T__102", "T__103", "T__104",
"T__105", "T__106", "T__107", "T__108", "LINECOMMENT", "COMMENT", "WS",
public static final String[] ruleNames = makeRuleNames();
private static String[] makeLiteralNames() {
return new String[] {
null, "':'", "'goto'", "'%output'", "'%launcher'", "'%zeropage'", "'%zpreserved'",
"'%address'", "'%import'", "'%breakpoint'", "'%asminclude'", "'%asmbinary'",
"'%option'", "','", "'='", "'const'", "'struct'", "'{'", "'}'", "'ubyte'",
"'byte'", "'uword'", "'word'", "'float'", "'str'", "'['", "']'", "'+='",
"'-='", "'/='", "'*='", "'**='", "'&='", "'|='", "'^='", "'%='", "'<<='",
"'>>='", "'++'", "'--'", "'+'", "'-'", "'~'", "'**'", "'*'", "'/'", "'%'",
"'<<'", "'>>'", "'<'", "'>'", "'<='", "'>='", "'=='", "'!='", "'^'",
"'|'", "'to'", "'step'", "'and'", "'or'", "'xor'", "'not'", "'('", "')'",
"'as'", "'@'", "'return'", "'break'", "'continue'", "'.'", "'A'", "'X'",
"'Y'", "'AX'", "'AY'", "'XY'", "'Pc'", "'Pz'", "'Pn'", "'Pv'", "'.w'",
"'true'", "'false'", "'%asm'", "'sub'", "'->'", "'asmsub'", "'stack'",
"'clobbers'", "'if'", "'else'", "'if_cs'", "'if_cc'", "'if_eq'", "'if_z'",
"'if_ne'", "'if_nz'", "'if_pl'", "'if_pos'", "'if_mi'", "'if_neg'", "'if_vs'",
"'if_vc'", "'for'", "'in'", "'while'", "'repeat'", "'until'", "'when'",
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "'&'", null, null, null,
null, "'@zp'", "'[]'"
private static final String[] _LITERAL_NAMES = makeLiteralNames();
private static String[] makeSymbolicNames() {
return new String[] {
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
private static final String[] _SYMBOLIC_NAMES = makeSymbolicNames();
public static final Vocabulary VOCABULARY = new VocabularyImpl(_LITERAL_NAMES, _SYMBOLIC_NAMES);
* @deprecated Use {@link #VOCABULARY} instead.
public static final String[] tokenNames;
static {
tokenNames = new String[_SYMBOLIC_NAMES.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tokenNames.length; i++) {
tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getLiteralName(i);
if (tokenNames[i] == null) {
tokenNames[i] = VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(i);
if (tokenNames[i] == null) {
tokenNames[i] = "<INVALID>";
public String[] getTokenNames() {
return tokenNames;
public Vocabulary getVocabulary() {
public prog8Lexer(CharStream input) {
_interp = new LexerATNSimulator(this,_ATN,_decisionToDFA,_sharedContextCache);
public String getGrammarFileName() { return "prog8.g4"; }
public String[] getRuleNames() { return ruleNames; }
public String getSerializedATN() { return _serializedATN; }
public String[] getChannelNames() { return channelNames; }
public String[] getModeNames() { return modeNames; }
public ATN getATN() { return _ATN; }
public void action(RuleContext _localctx, int ruleIndex, int actionIndex) {
switch (ruleIndex) {
case 121:
STRING_action((RuleContext)_localctx, actionIndex);
case 122:
INLINEASMBLOCK_action((RuleContext)_localctx, actionIndex);
case 123:
SINGLECHAR_action((RuleContext)_localctx, actionIndex);
private void STRING_action(RuleContext _localctx, int actionIndex) {
switch (actionIndex) {
case 0:
// get rid of the enclosing quotes
String s = getText();
setText(s.substring(1, s.length() - 1));
private void INLINEASMBLOCK_action(RuleContext _localctx, int actionIndex) {
switch (actionIndex) {
case 1:
// get rid of the enclosing double braces
String s = getText();
setText(s.substring(2, s.length() - 2));
private void SINGLECHAR_action(RuleContext _localctx, int actionIndex) {
switch (actionIndex) {
case 2:
// get rid of the enclosing quotes
String s = getText();
setText(s.substring(1, s.length() - 1));
public static final String _serializedATN =
"\4\32\t\32\4\33\t\33\4\34\t\34\4\35\t\35\4\36\t\36\4\37\t\37\4 \t \4!"+
"\3\37\3 \3 \3 \3 \3!\3!\3!\3\"\3\"\3\"\3#\3#\3#\3$\3$\3$\3%\3%\3%\3%\3"+
"%\24\'\25)\26+\27-\30/\31\61\32\63\33\65\34\67\359\36;\37= ?!A\"C#E$G"+
"\7p\2\2\u0171\u0172\7u\2\2\u0172\u0173\7v\2\2\u0173 \3\2\2\2\u0174\u0175"+
public static final ATN _ATN =
new ATNDeserializer().deserialize(_serializedATN.toCharArray());
static {
_decisionToDFA = new DFA[_ATN.getNumberOfDecisions()];
for (int i = 0; i < _ATN.getNumberOfDecisions(); i++) {
_decisionToDFA[i] = new DFA(_ATN.getDecisionState(i), i);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff