mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 16:29:05 +00:00
@initonce variable tag to skip variable reinitialization
This commit is contained in:
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class VarConstantValueTypeAdjuster(
if (declValue != null) {
// variable is never written to, so it can be replaced with a constant, IF the value is a constant
errors.info("variable '${decl.name}' is never written to and was replaced by a constant", decl.position)
val const = VarDecl(VarDeclType.CONST, decl.origin, decl.datatype, decl.zeropage, decl.arraysize, decl.name, decl.names, declValue, decl.sharedWithAsm, decl.splitArray, decl.alignment, decl.position)
val const = VarDecl(VarDeclType.CONST, decl.origin, decl.datatype, decl.zeropage, decl.arraysize, decl.name, decl.names, declValue, decl.sharedWithAsm, decl.splitArray, decl.alignment, decl.initOnce, decl.position)
decl.value = null
return listOf(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(decl, const, parent)
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class VarConstantValueTypeAdjuster(
// variable only has a single write and it is the initialization value, so it can be replaced with a constant, IF the value is a constant
errors.info("variable '${decl.name}' is never written to and was replaced by a constant", decl.position)
val const = VarDecl(VarDeclType.CONST, decl.origin, decl.datatype, decl.zeropage, decl.arraysize, decl.name, decl.names, singleAssignment.value, decl.sharedWithAsm, decl.splitArray, decl.alignment, decl.position)
val const = VarDecl(VarDeclType.CONST, decl.origin, decl.datatype, decl.zeropage, decl.arraysize, decl.name, decl.names, singleAssignment.value, decl.sharedWithAsm, decl.splitArray, decl.alignment, decl.initOnce, decl.position)
return listOf(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(decl, const, parent),
IAstModification.Remove(singleAssignment, singleAssignment.parent as IStatementContainer)
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ internal class ConstantIdentifierReplacer(
if(targetDatatype.isArray) {
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.ARRAYLITERAL, targetDatatype.getOr(DataType.UNDEFINED),
ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "dummy", emptyList(),
assignment.value, false, false, 0u, Position.DUMMY)
assignment.value, false, false, 0u, false, Position.DUMMY)
val replaceValue = createConstArrayInitializerValue(decl)
if(replaceValue!=null) {
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(assignment.value, replaceValue, assignment))
@ -419,6 +419,21 @@ internal class ConstantIdentifierReplacer(
return null
if (decl.isArray && decl.initOnce) {
if (decl.value == null) {
// initonce array without initialization value, make an array of just zeros
val size = decl.arraysize?.constIndex()
if(size!=null) {
val zeros = Array<Expression>(size) { decl.zeroElementValue() }
val initvalue = ArrayLiteral(InferredTypes.InferredType.known(decl.datatype), zeros, decl.position)
decl.value = initvalue
} else {
errors.err("arrays with an initialization value already are initialized only once by default", decl.position)
val rangeExpr = decl.value as? RangeExpression ?: return null
// convert the initializer range expression from a range, to an actual array literal.
@ -919,6 +919,18 @@ internal class AstChecker(private val program: Program,
if(decl.datatype==DataType.STR) {
throw FatalAstException("string vars must be initonce")
if (decl.initOnce) {
if (decl.datatype != DataType.STR) {
errors.warn("non-string initonce variable: value will not be reset in subsequent subroutine invocations", decl.position)
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ class AstPreprocessor(val program: Program,
val newDecl = VarDecl(
decl.type, decl.origin, splitDt, decl.zeropage, decl.arraysize, decl.name, emptyList(),
decl.value?.copy(), decl.sharedWithAsm, true, decl.alignment, decl.position
decl.value?.copy(), decl.sharedWithAsm, true, decl.alignment, false, decl.position
return listOf(IAstModification.ReplaceNode(decl, newDecl, decl.parent))
@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ internal class BeforeAsmAstChanger(val program: Program, private val options: Co
override fun after(decl: VarDecl, parent: Node): Iterable<IAstModification> {
if (decl.type == VarDeclType.VAR && decl.value != null && (decl.datatype in NumericDatatypes || decl.datatype==DataType.BOOL))
throw InternalCompilerException("vardecls for variables, with initial numerical value, should have been rewritten as plain vardecl + assignment $decl")
if (decl.type == VarDeclType.VAR && decl.value != null && (decl.datatype in NumericDatatypes || decl.datatype==DataType.BOOL)) {
throw InternalCompilerException("vardecls for non-initonce variables, with initial numerical value, should have been rewritten as plain vardecl + assignment $decl")
return noModifications
@ -528,6 +528,8 @@ class IntermediateAstMaker(private val program: Program, private val errors: IEr
when(srcVar.type) {
VarDeclType.VAR -> {
val value = if(srcVar.value!=null) transformExpression(srcVar.value!!) else null
if(srcVar.initOnce && value==null)
throw FatalAstException("initonce without value $srcVar")
return PtVariable(
@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ internal class LiteralsToAutoVars(private val program: Program, private val erro
return VarDecl(
variable.type, variable.origin, normalDt, variable.zeropage, variable.arraysize, variable.name, emptyList(),
variable.value?.copy(), variable.sharedWithAsm, false, variable.alignment, variable.position
variable.value?.copy(), variable.sharedWithAsm, false, variable.alignment, variable.initOnce, variable.position
@ -48,6 +48,12 @@ internal class StatementReorderer(
if (decl.value == null) {
if (decl.origin==VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE && decl.allowInitializeWithZero) {
if(decl.initOnce) {
val zerovalue = decl.zeroElementValue()
decl.value = zerovalue
return noModifications
// A numeric vardecl without an initial value is initialized with zero,
// unless there's already an assignment below it, that initializes the value (or a for loop that uses it as loopvar).
// This allows you to restart the program and have the same starting values of the variables
@ -66,6 +72,9 @@ internal class StatementReorderer(
} else {
if(decl.initOnce) {
return noModifications
// Transform the vardecl with initvalue to a plain vardecl + assignment
// this allows for other optimizations to kick in.
// So basically consider 'ubyte xx=99' as a short form for 'ubyte xx; xx=99'
@ -222,6 +231,7 @@ internal class StatementReorderer(
IAstModification.ReplaceNode(it, newvar, subroutine)
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class TestMemory: FunSpec({
fun createTestProgramForMemoryRefViaVar(address: UInt, vartype: VarDeclType): AssignTarget {
val decl = VarDecl(vartype, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.BYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(address, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, Position.DUMMY)
val decl = VarDecl(vartype, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.BYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(address, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, false, Position.DUMMY)
val memexpr = IdentifierReference(listOf("address"), Position.DUMMY)
val target = AssignTarget(null, null, DirectMemoryWrite(memexpr, Position.DUMMY), null, false, Position.DUMMY)
val assignment = Assignment(target, NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(0, Position.DUMMY), AssignmentOrigin.USERCODE, Position.DUMMY)
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ class TestMemory: FunSpec({
test("regular variable not in mapped IO ram on C64") {
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.BYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), null, false, false, 0u, Position.DUMMY)
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.BYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), null, false, false, 0u, false, Position.DUMMY)
val target = AssignTarget(IdentifierReference(listOf("address"), Position.DUMMY), null, null, null, false, Position.DUMMY)
val assignment = Assignment(target, NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(0, Position.DUMMY), AssignmentOrigin.USERCODE, Position.DUMMY)
val subroutine = Subroutine("test", mutableListOf(), mutableListOf(), emptyList(), emptyList(), emptySet(), null, false, false, false, mutableListOf(decl, assignment), Position.DUMMY)
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class TestMemory: FunSpec({
test("memory mapped variable not in mapped IO ram on C64") {
val address = 0x1000u
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.MEMORY, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.UBYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(address, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, Position.DUMMY)
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.MEMORY, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.UBYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(address, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, false, Position.DUMMY)
val target = AssignTarget(IdentifierReference(listOf("address"), Position.DUMMY), null, null, null, false, Position.DUMMY)
val assignment = Assignment(target, NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(0, Position.DUMMY), AssignmentOrigin.USERCODE, Position.DUMMY)
val subroutine = Subroutine("test", mutableListOf(), mutableListOf(), emptyList(), emptyList(), emptySet(), null, false, false, false, mutableListOf(decl, assignment), Position.DUMMY)
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class TestMemory: FunSpec({
test("memory mapped variable in mapped IO ram on C64") {
val address = 0xd020u
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.MEMORY, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.UBYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(address, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, Position.DUMMY)
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.MEMORY, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.UBYTE, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(address, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, false, Position.DUMMY)
val target = AssignTarget(IdentifierReference(listOf("address"), Position.DUMMY), null, null, null, false, Position.DUMMY)
val assignment = Assignment(target, NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(0, Position.DUMMY), AssignmentOrigin.USERCODE, Position.DUMMY)
val subroutine = Subroutine("test", mutableListOf(), mutableListOf(), emptyList(), emptyList(), emptySet(), null, false, false, false, mutableListOf(decl, assignment), Position.DUMMY)
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ class TestMemory: FunSpec({
test("array not in mapped IO ram") {
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.ARRAY_UB, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), null, false, false, 0u, Position.DUMMY)
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.ARRAY_UB, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), null, false, false, 0u, false, Position.DUMMY)
val arrayindexed = ArrayIndexedExpression(IdentifierReference(listOf("address"), Position.DUMMY), ArrayIndex(NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(1, Position.DUMMY), Position.DUMMY), Position.DUMMY)
val target = AssignTarget(null, arrayindexed, null, null, false, Position.DUMMY)
val assignment = Assignment(target, NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(0, Position.DUMMY), AssignmentOrigin.USERCODE, Position.DUMMY)
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ class TestMemory: FunSpec({
test("memory mapped array not in mapped IO ram") {
val address = 0x1000u
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.MEMORY, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.ARRAY_UB, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(address, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, Position.DUMMY)
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.MEMORY, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.ARRAY_UB, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(address, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, false, Position.DUMMY)
val arrayindexed = ArrayIndexedExpression(IdentifierReference(listOf("address"), Position.DUMMY), ArrayIndex(NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(1, Position.DUMMY), Position.DUMMY), Position.DUMMY)
val target = AssignTarget(null, arrayindexed, null, null, false, Position.DUMMY)
val assignment = Assignment(target, NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(0, Position.DUMMY), AssignmentOrigin.USERCODE, Position.DUMMY)
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ class TestMemory: FunSpec({
test("memory mapped array in mapped IO ram") {
val address = 0xd800u
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.MEMORY, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.ARRAY_UB, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(address, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, Position.DUMMY)
val decl = VarDecl(VarDeclType.MEMORY, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.ARRAY_UB, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "address", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(address, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, false, Position.DUMMY)
val arrayindexed = ArrayIndexedExpression(IdentifierReference(listOf("address"), Position.DUMMY), ArrayIndex(NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(1, Position.DUMMY), Position.DUMMY), Position.DUMMY)
val target = AssignTarget(null, arrayindexed, null, null, false, Position.DUMMY)
val assignment = Assignment(target, NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(0, Position.DUMMY), AssignmentOrigin.USERCODE, Position.DUMMY)
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ class TestAsmGenSymbols: StringSpec({
val varInSub = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.UWORD, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "localvar", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(1234, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, Position.DUMMY)
val var2InSub = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.UWORD, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "tgt", emptyList(), null, false, false, 0u, Position.DUMMY)
val varInSub = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.UWORD, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "localvar", emptyList(), NumericLiteral.optimalInteger(1234, Position.DUMMY), false, false, 0u, false, Position.DUMMY)
val var2InSub = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.UWORD, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "tgt", emptyList(), null, false, false, 0u, false, Position.DUMMY)
val labelInSub = Label("locallabel", Position.DUMMY)
val tgt = AssignTarget(IdentifierReference(listOf("tgt"), Position.DUMMY), null, null, null, false, Position.DUMMY)
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class TestAsmGenSymbols: StringSpec({
val statements = mutableListOf(varInSub, var2InSub, labelInSub, assign1, assign2, assign3, assign4, assign5, assign6, assign7, assign8)
val subroutine = Subroutine("start", mutableListOf(), mutableListOf(), emptyList(), emptyList(), emptySet(), null, false, false, false, statements, Position.DUMMY)
val labelInBlock = Label("label_outside", Position.DUMMY)
val varInBlock = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.UWORD, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "var_outside", emptyList(),null, false, false, 0u, Position.DUMMY)
val varInBlock = VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.USERCODE, DataType.UWORD, ZeropageWish.DONTCARE, null, "var_outside", emptyList(),null, false, false, 0u, false, Position.DUMMY)
val block = Block("main", null, mutableListOf(labelInBlock, varInBlock, subroutine), false, Position.DUMMY)
val module = Module(mutableListOf(block), Position.DUMMY, SourceCode.Generated("test"))
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ class Program(val name: String,
val varName = "string_${internedStringsBlock.statements.size}"
val decl = VarDecl(
VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.STRINGLITERAL, DataType.STR, ZeropageWish.NOT_IN_ZEROPAGE, null, varName, emptyList(), string,
sharedWithAsm = false, splitArray = false, alignment = 0u, position = string.position
sharedWithAsm = false, splitArray = false, alignment = 0u, initOnce = true, position = string.position
@ -328,6 +328,8 @@ private fun Sub_paramsContext.toAst(): List<SubroutineParameter> =
val options = it.decloptions()
if(options.ALIGNPAGE().isNotEmpty() || options.ALIGNWORD().isNotEmpty())
throw SyntaxError("cannot use alignments on parameters", it.toPosition())
throw SyntaxError("cannot use @initonce on parameters", it.toPosition())
val zp = getZpOption(options)
var datatype = it.datatype()?.toAst() ?: DataType.UNDEFINED
if(it.ARRAYSIG()!=null || it.arrayindex()!=null)
@ -769,6 +771,7 @@ private fun VardeclContext.toAst(type: VarDeclType, value: Expression?): VarDecl
if(alignword) 2u else if(align64) 64u else if(alignpage) 256u else 0u,
dt==DataType.STR || options.INITONCE().isNotEmpty(),
@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ class VarDecl(val type: VarDeclType,
val sharedWithAsm: Boolean,
val splitArray: Boolean,
val alignment: UInt,
val initOnce: Boolean,
override val position: Position) : Statement(), INamedStatement {
override lateinit var parent: Node
var allowInitializeWithZero = true
@ -262,6 +263,7 @@ class VarDecl(val type: VarDeclType,
sharedWithAsm = false,
splitArray = false,
alignment = 0u,
initOnce = false,
position = param.position
@ -271,10 +273,15 @@ class VarDecl(val type: VarDeclType,
val arrayDt = array.type.getOrElse { throw FatalAstException("unknown dt") }
val arraysize = ArrayIndex.forArray(array)
return VarDecl(VarDeclType.VAR, VarDeclOrigin.ARRAYLITERAL, arrayDt, ZeropageWish.NOT_IN_ZEROPAGE, arraysize, autoVarName, emptyList(), array,
sharedWithAsm = false, splitArray = splitArray, alignment = 0u, position = array.position)
sharedWithAsm = false, splitArray = splitArray, alignment = 0u, initOnce = false, position = array.position)
init {
if(datatype==DataType.STR && origin!=VarDeclOrigin.SUBROUTINEPARAM)
require(initOnce) { "string variable must be initonce" }
init {
if(datatype in SplitWordArrayTypes)
@ -313,7 +320,7 @@ class VarDecl(val type: VarDeclType,
throw FatalAstException("should not copy a vardecl that still has multiple names")
val copy = VarDecl(type, origin, datatype, zeropage, arraysize?.copy(), name, names, value?.copy(),
sharedWithAsm, splitArray, alignment, position)
sharedWithAsm, splitArray, alignment, initOnce, position)
copy.allowInitializeWithZero = this.allowInitializeWithZero
return copy
@ -328,19 +335,19 @@ class VarDecl(val type: VarDeclType,
// just copy the initialization value to a separate vardecl for each component
return names.map {
val copy = VarDecl(type, origin, datatype, zeropage, arraysize?.copy(), it, emptyList(), value?.copy(),
sharedWithAsm, splitArray, alignment, position)
sharedWithAsm, splitArray, alignment, initOnce, position)
copy.allowInitializeWithZero = this.allowInitializeWithZero
} else {
// evaluate the value once in the vardecl for the first component, and set the other components to the first
val first = VarDecl(type, origin, datatype, zeropage, arraysize?.copy(), names[0], emptyList(), value?.copy(),
sharedWithAsm, splitArray, alignment, position)
sharedWithAsm, splitArray, alignment, initOnce, position)
first.allowInitializeWithZero = this.allowInitializeWithZero
val firstVar = firstVarAsValue(first)
return listOf(first) + names.drop(1 ).map {
val copy = VarDecl(type, origin, datatype, zeropage, arraysize?.copy(), it, emptyList(), firstVar.copy(),
sharedWithAsm, splitArray, alignment, position)
sharedWithAsm, splitArray, alignment, initOnce, position)
copy.allowInitializeWithZero = this.allowInitializeWithZero
@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
for releasenotes: gfx2.width and gfx2.height got renamed as gfx_lores.WIDTH/HEIGHT or gfx_hires4.WIDTH/HEIGTH constants. Screen mode routines also renamed.
regenerate symbol dump files
improve ability to create library files in prog8; for instance there's still stuff injected into the start of the start() routine AND there is separate setup logic going on before calling it.
Make up our mind! Maybe all setup does need to be put into start() ? because the program cannot function correctly when the variables aren't initialized properly bss is not cleared etc. etc.
Add a -library $xxxx command line option to preselect every setting that is required to make a library at $xxxx rather than a normal loadable and runnable program?
Need to add some way to generate a stable jump table at a given address.
Why are blocks without an addr moved BEHIND a block with an address? That's done in the StatementReorderer.
- BUG: fix @initonce for variables that end up in zeropage.
- add unit tests for @initonce variables
- add docs about variables with @initonce initialization
Improve register load order in subroutine call args assignments:
@ -21,10 +14,9 @@ Maybe this routine can be made more intelligent. See usesOtherRegistersWhileEva
Future Things and Ideas
- remove 'extsub' as a recognised alternative for 'extsub'
- Improve the SublimeText syntax file for prog8, you can also install this for 'bat': https://github.com/sharkdp/bat?tab=readme-ov-file#adding-new-syntaxes--language-definitions
- Does it make codegen easier if everything is an expression? Start with the PtProgram ast , get rid of the statements there -> expressions that have Void data type
- Can we support signed % (remainder) somehow?
- Don't add "random" rts to %asm blocks but instead give a warning about it? (but this breaks existing behavior that others already depend on... command line switch? block directive?)
- IR: implement missing operators in AssignmentGen (array shifts etc)
- instead of copy-pasting inline asmsubs, make them into a 64tass macro and use that instead.
that will allow them to be reused from custom user written assembly code as well.
@ -36,7 +28,7 @@ Future Things and Ideas
- (What, how, isn't current BSS support enough?)
- Add a mechanism to allocate variables into golden ram (or segments really) (see GoldenRam class)
- maybe treat block "golden" in a special way: can only contain vars, every var will be allocated in the Golden ram area?
- maybe or may not needed: the variables can NOT have initializfation values, they will all be set to zero on startup (simple memset)
- maybe or may not needed: the variables can NOT have initialization values, they will all be set to zero on startup (simple memset)
just initialize them yourself in start() if you need a non-zero value .
- OR.... do all this automatically if 'golden' is enabled as a compiler option? So compiler allocates in ZP first, then Golden Ram, then regular ram
- OR.... make all this more generic and use some %segment option to create real segments for 64tass?
@ -64,15 +56,15 @@ Future Things and Ideas
- gfx2: add EOR mode support like in monogfx and see PAINT for inspiration. Self modifying code to keep it optimized?
- fix the problems in atari target, and flesh out its libraries.
- c128 target: make syslib more complete (missing kernal routines)?
- pet32 target: make syslib more complete (missing kernal routines)?
- VM: implement the last diskio support (file listings)
- VM: implement more diskio support
- Optimize the IfExpression code generation to be more like regular if-else code. (both 6502 and IR) search for "TODO don't store condition as expression"
- VariableAllocator: can we think of a smarter strategy for allocating variables into zeropage, rather than first-come-first-served?
for instance, vars used inside loops first, then loopvars, then uwords used as pointers (or these first??), then the rest
- various optimizers skip stuff if compTarget.name==VMTarget.NAME. Once 6502-codegen is done from IR code,
@ -91,3 +83,13 @@ STRUCTS?
- ARRAY remains the type for an array literal (so we can keep doing register-indexed addressing directly on it)
- we probably need to have a STRBYREF and ARRAYBYREF if we deal with a pointer to a string / array (such as when passing it to a function)
the subtype of those should include the declared element type and the declared length of the string / array
Other language/syntax features to think about
- add (rom/ram)bank support to romsub. A call will then automatically switch banks, use callfar and something else when in banked ram.
challenges: how to not make this too X16 specific? How does the compiler know what bank to switch (ram/rom)?
How to make it performant when we want to (i.e. NOT have it use callfar/auto bank switching) ?
Maybe by having a %option rombank=4 rambank=22 to set that as fixed rombank/rambank for that subroutine/block (and pray the user doesn't change it themselves)
and then only do bank switching if the bank of the routine is different from the configured rombank/rambank.
@ -1,20 +1,50 @@
%import textio
%import floats
%option no_sysinit
%zeropage basicsafe
%zeropage dontuse
main {
sub start() {
float @shared fl1 = 4444.234
float @shared fl2 = -9999.111
float @shared fl3 = fl1+fl2
uword w0
uword @initonce w1
uword @initonce w2
uword @initonce w3
uword @initonce w4 = 12345
uword[4] wa
uword[] @shared wb = [1111,2222,3333,4444]
txt.print_w(fl3 as word)
sub dump() {
@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ ALIGN64: '@align64' ;
ALIGNPAGE: '@alignpage' ;
INITONCE: '@initonce' ;
ARRAYSIG : '[' [ \t]* ']' ;
NOT_IN: 'not' [ \t]+ 'in' [ \t] ;
@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ directivearg : stringliteral | identifier | integerliteral ;
vardecl: datatype (arrayindex | ARRAYSIG)? decloptions identifier (',' identifier)* ;
varinitializer : vardecl '=' expression ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user