%import textio %import test_stack main { sub start() { test_stack.test() uword @shared uw uw= 0 routine(uw+11, 22,33, true, 44) routine2(uw+11, 22,33, true, 44) test_stack.test() repeat { } } sub routine(uword num, ubyte a1, ubyte a2, ubyte switch, byte a3) { txt.print_uw(num) txt.spc() txt.print_ub(a1) txt.spc() txt.print_ub(a2) txt.spc() txt.print_ub(switch) txt.spc() txt.print_b(a3) txt.nl() } ; TODO make switch R3 use Pc instead and make that work ! asmsub routine2(uword num @AY, ubyte a1 @R1, ubyte a2 @R2, ubyte switch @R3, ubyte a3 @X) { %asm {{ sta routine.num sty routine.num+1 lda cx16.r1 sta routine.a1 lda cx16.r2 sta routine.a2 lda cx16.r3 sta routine.switch stx routine.a3 jmp routine }} } }