; Prog8 definitions for the Text I/O console routines for the Virtual Machine ; ; Written by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net) - license: GNU GPL 3.0 %import syslib txt { sub clear_screen() { syscall1(3, "\x1b[2J\x1B[H") } sub nl() { txt.chrout('\n') } sub spc() { txt.chrout(' ') } sub chrout(ubyte char) { syscall1(2, char) } sub print (str text) { syscall1(3, text) } sub print_ub0 (ubyte value) { ; ---- print the ubyte in A in decimal form, with left padding 0s (3 positions total) ; TODO use conv module? ubyte hundreds = value / 100 value -= hundreds*100 ubyte tens = value / 10 value -= tens*10 chrout(hundreds+'0') chrout(tens+'0') chrout(value+'0') } sub print_ub (ubyte value) { ; ---- print the ubyte in decimal form, without left padding 0s ; TODO use conv module? ubyte hundreds = value / 100 value -= hundreds*100 ubyte tens = value / 10 value -= tens*10 if hundreds goto print_hundreds if tens goto print_tens goto print_ones print_hundreds: chrout(hundreds+'0') print_tens: chrout(tens+'0') print_ones: chrout(value+'0') } sub print_b (byte value) { ; ---- print the byte in decimal form, without left padding 0s ; TODO use conv module? } sub print_ubhex (ubyte value, ubyte prefix) { ; ---- print the ubyte in hex form ; TODO use conv module? } sub print_ubbin (ubyte value, ubyte prefix) { ; ---- print the ubyte in binary form ; TODO use conv module? } sub print_uwbin (uword value, ubyte prefix) { ; ---- print the uword in binary form ; TODO use conv module? } sub print_uwhex (uword value, ubyte prefix) { ; ---- print the uword in hexadecimal form (4 digits) ; TODO use conv module? } sub print_uw0 (uword value) { ; ---- print the uword value in decimal form, with left padding 0s (5 positions total) ; TODO use conv module? ubyte tenthousands = value / 10000 as ubyte value -= tenthousands * 10000 ubyte thousands = value / 1000 as ubyte value -= thousands * 1000 ubyte hundreds = value / 100 as ubyte value -= hundreds*100 ubyte tens = value / 10 as ubyte value -= tens*10 chrout(tenthousands+'0') chrout(thousands+'0') chrout(hundreds+'0') chrout(tens+'0') chrout(value as ubyte + '0') } sub print_uw (uword value) { ; ---- print the uword in decimal form, without left padding 0s ubyte tenthousands = value / 10000 as ubyte value -= tenthousands * 10000 ubyte thousands = value / 1000 as ubyte value -= thousands * 1000 ubyte hundreds = value / 100 as ubyte value -= hundreds*100 ubyte tens = value / 10 as ubyte value -= tens*10 if tenthousands goto print_tenthousands if thousands goto print_thousands if hundreds goto print_hundreds if tens goto print_tens goto print_ones print_tenthousands: chrout(tenthousands+'0') print_thousands: chrout(thousands+'0') print_hundreds: chrout(hundreds+'0') print_tens: chrout(tens+'0') print_ones: chrout(value as ubyte + '0') } sub print_w (word value) { ; ---- print the (signed) word in decimal form, without left padding 0's ; TODO use conv module? } sub input_chars (uword buffer) -> ubyte { ; ---- Input a string (max. 80 chars) from the keyboard. Returns length of input. (string is terminated with a 0 byte as well) ; It assumes the keyboard is selected as I/O channel! ; TODO return 0 } }