; Prog8 definitions for the Text I/O console routines for the Virtual Machine %import conv %option ignore_unused txt { sub width() -> ubyte { %ir {{ syscall 49 (): r0.w returnr.b r0 }} } sub height() -> ubyte { %ir {{ syscall 49 (): r0.w msig.b r1,r0 returnr.b r1 }} } sub clear_screen() { str @shared sequence = "\x1b[2J\x1B[H" %ir {{ load.w r65535,txt.clear_screen.sequence syscall 3 (r65535.w) }} } sub cls() { clear_screen() } sub nl() { chrout('\n') } sub spc() { chrout(' ') } sub home() { print("\x1b[H") } sub lowercase() { ; not supported } sub uppercase() { ; not supported } sub chrout(ubyte char) { %ir {{ loadm.b r65535,txt.chrout.char syscall 2 (r65535.b) }} } sub bell() { chrout(7) } sub print (str text) { %ir {{ loadm.w r65535,txt.print.text syscall 3 (r65535.w) }} } sub print_ub0 (ubyte value) { ; ---- print the ubyte in A in decimal form, with left padding 0s (3 positions total) print(conv.str_ub0(value)) } sub print_ub (ubyte value) { ; ---- print the ubyte in decimal form, without left padding 0s print(conv.str_ub(value)) } sub print_b (byte value) { ; ---- print the byte in decimal form, without left padding 0s print(conv.str_b(value)) } sub print_bool(bool value) { if value print("true") else print("false") } sub print_ubhex (ubyte value, bool prefix) { ; ---- print the ubyte in hex form if prefix chrout('$') print(conv.str_ubhex(value)) } sub print_ubbin (ubyte value, bool prefix) { ; ---- print the ubyte in binary form if prefix chrout('%') print(conv.str_ubbin(value)) } sub print_uwbin (uword value, bool prefix) { ; ---- print the uword in binary form if prefix chrout('%') print(conv.str_uwbin(value)) } sub print_uwhex (uword value, bool prefix) { ; ---- print the uword in hexadecimal form (4 digits) if prefix chrout('$') print(conv.str_uwhex(value)) } sub print_uw0 (uword value) { ; ---- print the uword value in decimal form, with left padding 0s (5 positions total) print(conv.str_uw0(value)) } sub print_uw (uword value) { ; ---- print the uword in decimal form, without left padding 0s print(conv.str_uw(value)) } sub print_w (word value) { ; ---- print the (signed) word in decimal form, without left padding 0's print(conv.str_w(value)) } sub input_chars (uword buffer) -> ubyte { ; ---- Input a string (max. 80 chars) from the keyboard. Returns length of input. (string is terminated with a 0 byte as well) ; It assumes the keyboard is selected as I/O channel! %ir {{ loadm.w r65534,txt.input_chars.buffer load.b r65535,80 syscall 6 (r65534.w, r65535.b): r0.b returnr.b r0 }} } sub column(ubyte col) { txt.chrout(27) txt.chrout('[') txt.print_ub(col+1) txt.chrout(';') txt.chrout('G') } sub plot (ubyte col, ubyte row) { ; use ANSI escape sequence to position the cursor txt.chrout(27) txt.chrout('[') txt.print_ub(row) txt.chrout(';') txt.print_ub(col) txt.chrout('H') } sub setchr (ubyte col, ubyte row, ubyte char) { plot(col, row) txt.chrout(char) } sub petscii2scr(ubyte petscii_char) -> ubyte { ; -- convert petscii character to screencode ubyte[8] offsets = [128, 0, 64, 32, 64, 192, 128, 128] return petscii_char ^ offsets[petscii_char>>5] } sub petscii2scr_str(str petscii_string) { ; -- convert petscii string to screencodes string cx16.r0 = petscii_string while @(cx16.r0)!=0 { @(cx16.r0) = petscii2scr(@(cx16.r0)) cx16.r0++ } } }