plugins { kotlin("jvm") id("application") } val serverMainClassName = "prog8lsp.MainKt" val applicationName = "prog8-beanshell" application { mainClass.set(serverMainClassName) description = "Code completions, diagnostics and more for Prog8" // applicationDefaultJvmArgs = listOf("-DkotlinLanguageServer.version=$version") applicationDistribution.into("bin") { filePermissions { user { read=true execute=true write=true } other.execute = true group.execute = true } } } repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { implementation(files("lib/bsh-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar")) } configurations.forEach { config -> config.resolutionStrategy { preferProjectModules() } } sourceSets.main { java.srcDir("src") resources.srcDir("resources") } sourceSets.test { java.srcDir("src") resources.srcDir("resources") } tasks.startScripts { applicationName = "prog8-beanshell" } tasks.register("fixFilePermissions") { // When running on macOS or Linux the start script // needs executable permissions to run. onlyIf { !System.getProperty("").lowercase().contains("windows") } commandLine("chmod", "+x", "${tasks.installDist.get().destinationDir}/bin/prog8-beanshell") } tasks.withType() { testLogging { events("failed") exceptionFormat = org.gradle.api.tasks.testing.logging.TestExceptionFormat.FULL } } tasks.installDist { finalizedBy("fixFilePermissions") } { finalizedBy("installDist") } val javaVersion: String by project kotlin { jvmToolchain { languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(javaVersion.toInt()) } }