%import c64lib %import c64graphics %zeropage basicsafe main { sub start() { graphics.enable_bitmap_mode() draw_lines() draw_circles() forever { } } sub draw_circles() { ubyte xx for xx in 3 to 7 { graphics.circle(xx*50-100, 10+xx*16, (xx+6)*4) graphics.disc(xx*50-100, 10+xx*16, (xx+6)*2) } } sub draw_lines() { ubyte i for i in 0 to 255 step 4 { ; uword x1 = (320-256)/2 + sin8u(i) uword x1 = ((320-256)/2 as uword) + sin8u(i) ; TODO fix the need for a cast here uword y1 = (200-128)/2 + cos8u(i)/2 uword x2 = ((320-64)/2 as uword) + sin8u(i)/4 ; TODO fix the need for a cast here uword y2 = (200-64)/2 + cos8u(i)/4 graphics.line(x1, lsb(y1), x2, lsb(y2)) } } }