; backup/restore the ZeroPage ; this is in a separate file so it can be omitted completely if it's not needed. _il65_save_zeropage lda #%00101111 sta _il65_zp_backup ; default value for $00 lda #%00100111 sta _il65_zp_backup+1 ; default value for $01 ldx #2 sei - lda $00,x sta _il65_zp_backup,x inx bne - cli rts _il65_restore_zeropage php pha txa pha sei lda $a0 ; save the current jiffy clock sta _il65_zp_backup+$a0 lda $a1 sta _il65_zp_backup+$a1 lda $a2 sta _il65_zp_backup+$a2 ldx #0 - lda _il65_zp_backup,x sta $00,x inx bne - cli pla tax pla plp rts _il65_zp_backup .fill 256