; **experimental** buffer data structures, API subject to change!! %option no_symbol_prefixing, ignore_unused smallringbuffer { ; -- A ringbuffer (FIFO queue) that occupies a single page in memory, containing 255 bytes maximum. ; You can store and retrieve words too. ; It's optimized for speed and depends on the byte-wrap-around feature when doing incs and decs. ubyte fill ubyte head ubyte tail ubyte[256] buffer sub init() { ; -- (re)initialize the ringbuffer, you must call this before using the other routines head = fill = 0 tail = 255 } sub put(ubyte value) -> bool { ; -- store a byte in the buffer, returns success if fill==255 return false buffer[head] = value head++ fill++ return true } sub putw(uword value) -> bool { ; -- store a word in the buffer, returns success if fill>=254 return false fill += 2 buffer[head] = lsb(value) head++ buffer[head] = msb(value) head++ return true } sub get() -> ubyte { ; -- retrieves a byte from the buffer. Also sets Carry flag: set=success, clear=buffer was empty if fill==0 { sys.clear_carry() return 0 } fill-- tail++ sys.set_carry() return buffer[tail] } sub getw() -> uword { ; -- retrieves a word from the buffer. Also sets Carry flag: set=success, clear=buffer was empty if fill<2 { sys.clear_carry() return 0 } fill -= 2 tail++ cx16.r0L = buffer[tail] tail++ cx16.r0H = buffer[tail] sys.set_carry() return cx16.r0 } } ringbuffer { ; -- A ringbuffer (FIFO queue) that occupies a single page in memory, containing 8 KB maximum. ; You can store and retrieve words too. uword fill uword head uword tail uword buffer_ptr = memory("ringbuffer", 8192, 0) sub init() { ; -- (re)initialize the ringbuffer, you must call this before using the other routines head = fill = 0 tail = 8191 } sub put(ubyte value) -> bool { ; -- store a byte in the buffer, returns success if fill==8192 return false buffer_ptr[head] = value inc_head() fill++ return true } sub putw(uword value) -> bool { ; -- store a word in the buffer, returns success if fill>=8191 return false fill += 2 buffer_ptr[head] = lsb(value) inc_head() buffer_ptr[head] = msb(value) inc_head() return true } sub get() -> ubyte { ; -- retrieves a byte from the buffer. Also sets Carry flag: set=success, clear=buffer was empty if fill==0 { sys.clear_carry() return 0 } fill-- inc_tail() cx16.r0L = buffer_ptr[tail] sys.set_carry() return cx16.r0L } sub getw() -> uword { ; -- retrieves a word from the buffer. Also sets Carry flag: set=success, clear=buffer was empty if fill<2 { sys.clear_carry() return 0 } fill -= 2 inc_tail() cx16.r0L = buffer_ptr[tail] inc_tail() cx16.r0H = buffer_ptr[tail] sys.set_carry() return cx16.r0 } sub inc_head() { head++ if msb(head)==$20 head=0 } sub inc_tail() { tail++ if msb(tail)==$20 tail=0 } } ; TODO ringbuffer (FIFO queue) should use banked ram on the X16, but still work on virtual ; TODO stack (LIFO queue) using more than 1 page of ram (maybe even banked ram on the x16)