%import textio %zeropage basicsafe ; $3d5 main { ubyte counter uword wcounter ubyte end uword wend sub start() { end=10 for cx16.r2L in 0 to end-1 { txt.print_ub(cx16.r2L) txt.spc() } txt.nl() cx16.r2L=0 labeltje: txt.print_ub(cx16.r2L) txt.spc() cx16.r2L++ if cx16.r2L!=end goto labeltje txt.nl() cx16.r0=0 forloops() txt.print_uw(cx16.r0) txt.nl() cx16.r0=0 untilloops() txt.print_uw(cx16.r0) txt.nl() } sub forloops() { end=10 for counter in 0 to end { cx16.r0++ } for counter in 0 to end-1 { cx16.r0++ } end=0 for counter in 0 to end { cx16.r0++ } for counter in 0 to end-1 { cx16.r0++ } end=255 for counter in 0 to end { cx16.r0++ } for counter in 0 to end-1 { cx16.r0++ } wend=1000 for wcounter in 0 to wend { cx16.r0++ } for wcounter in 0 to wend-1 { cx16.r0++ } } sub untilloops() { end=10 counter = 0 repeat { cx16.r0++ if counter==end break counter++ } counter = 0 do { cx16.r0++ counter++ } until counter==end end=0 counter = 0 repeat { cx16.r0++ if counter==end break counter++ } counter = 0 do { cx16.r0++ counter++ } until counter==end counter = 0 end=255 repeat { cx16.r0++ if counter==end break counter++ } counter = 0 do { cx16.r0++ counter++ } until counter==end wcounter = 0 wend=1000 repeat { cx16.r0++ if wcounter==wend break wcounter++ } wcounter = 0 do { cx16.r0++ wcounter++ } until wcounter==wend } }