package prog8tests.codegeneration import import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe import io.kotest.matchers.shouldNotBe import io.kotest.matchers.string.shouldContain import import import prog8tests.helpers.ErrorReporterForTests import prog8tests.helpers.compileText import class TestArrayThings: FunSpec({ test("assign prefix var to array should compile fine and is not split into inplace array modification") { val text = """ main { sub start() { byte[5] array byte bb array[1] = -bb } } """ compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null compileText(VMTarget(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("array in-place negation (integer types)") { val text = """ main { byte[10] foo ubyte[10] foou word[10] foow uword[10] foowu sub start() { foo[1] = 42 foo[1] = -foo[1] foow[1] = 4242 foow[1] = -foow[1] } }""" compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null compileText(VMTarget(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("array in-place negation (float type) vm target") { val text = """ %import floats main { float[10] flt sub start() { flt[1] = 42.42 flt[1] = -flt[1] } }""" compileText(VMTarget(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("array in-place negation (float type) 6502 target") { val text = """ %import floats main { float[10] flt sub start() { flt[1] = 42.42 flt[1] = -flt[1] } }""" compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("array in-place invert") { val text = """ main { ubyte[10] foo uword[10] foow sub start() { foo[1] = 42 foo[1] = ~foo[1] foow[1] = 4242 foow[1] = ~foow[1] } }""" compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null compileText(VMTarget(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("split only for word arrays") { val srcGood = """ main { uword[10] @split sw word[10] @split sw2 sub start() { } }""" compileText(C64Target(), false, srcGood, writeAssembly = false) shouldNotBe null val srcWrong1 = """ main { ubyte[10] @split sb sub start() { } }""" compileText(C64Target(), false, srcWrong1, writeAssembly = false) shouldBe null val srcWrong2 = """ main { float[10] @split sf sub start() { } }""" compileText(C64Target(), false, srcWrong2, writeAssembly = false) shouldBe null } test("split word arrays in asm as lsb/msb") { val text = """ main { uword[10] @split @shared uw word[10] @split @shared sw uword[10] @shared normal sub start() { %asm {{ lda p8v_normal lda p8v_uw_lsb lda p8v_uw_msb lda p8v_sw_lsb lda p8v_sw_msb }} } }""" compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null compileText(VMTarget(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("split array assignments") { val text = """ main { sub start() { str name1 = "name1" str name2 = "name2" uword[] @split names = [name1, name2, "name3"] uword[] @split names2 = [name1, name2, "name3"] uword[] addresses = [0,0,0] names = [1111,2222,3333] addresses = names names = addresses names2 = names } }""" compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null compileText(VMTarget(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("array target with expression for index") { val text = """ main { sub start() { ubyte[] array = [1,2,3] array[cx16.r0L+1] += 42 cx16.r0L = array[cx16.r0L+1] } }""" compileText(VMTarget(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("split array in zeropage is okay") { val text = """ main { sub start() { uword[3] @zp @split @shared thearray } }""" val result = compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true)!! val assemblyFile = result.compilationOptions.outputDir.resolve( + ".asm") val assembly = assemblyFile.readText() assembly shouldContain "thearray_lsb" assembly shouldContain "thearray_msb" } test("indexing str or pointervar with expression") { val text = """ main { sub start() { str name = "thing" modify(name) sub modify(str arg) { ubyte n=1 uword pointervar arg[n+1] = arg[1] pointervar[n+1] = pointervar[1] } } }""" compileText(C64Target(), false, text, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("address of a uword pointer array expression") { val src=""" main { sub start() { set_state(12345, 1) } sub set_state(uword buffer, ubyte i) { uword addr = &buffer[i] addr++ } }""" compileText(C64Target(), false, src, writeAssembly = true) shouldNotBe null } test("negative array index variables are not allowed, but ptr indexing is allowed") { val src=""" main { sub start() { uword @shared pointer ubyte[10] array str name = "hello" byte sindex array[sindex] = 10 cx16.r0L = array[sindex] name[sindex] = 0 cx16.r0L = name[sindex] pointer[sindex] = 10 cx16.r0L=pointer[sindex] } }""" val errors = ErrorReporterForTests() compileText(VMTarget(), false, src, writeAssembly = false, errors = errors) shouldBe null errors.errors.size shouldBe 4 errors.errors[0] shouldContain "signed variables" errors.errors[1] shouldContain "signed variables" errors.errors[2] shouldContain "signed variables" errors.errors[3] shouldContain "signed variables" } test("bounds checking for both positive and negative indexes, correct cases") { val src=""" main { sub start() { ubyte[10] array array[0] = 0 array[9] = 0 array[-1] = 0 array[-10] = 0 } }""" compileText(VMTarget(), false, src, writeAssembly = false) shouldNotBe null } test("bounds checking on strings, correct cases") { val src=""" main { sub start() { str name = "1234567890" name[0] = 0 name[9] = 0 } }""" compileText(VMTarget(), false, src, writeAssembly = false) shouldNotBe null } test("bounds checking for positive indexes, invalid case") { val src=""" main { sub start() { ubyte[10] array array[10] = 0 } }""" val errors = ErrorReporterForTests() compileText(VMTarget(), false, src, writeAssembly = false, errors = errors) shouldBe null errors.errors.size shouldBe 1 errors.errors[0] shouldContain "out of bounds" } test("bounds checking for negative indexes, invalid case") { val src=""" main { sub start() { ubyte[10] array array[-11] = 0 } }""" val errors = ErrorReporterForTests() compileText(VMTarget(), false, src, writeAssembly = false, errors = errors) shouldBe null errors.errors.size shouldBe 1 errors.errors[0] shouldContain "out of bounds" } test("bounds checking on strings invalid cases") { val src=""" main { sub start() { str name = "1234567890" name[10] = 0 name[-1] = 0 name[-11] = 0 } }""" val errors = ErrorReporterForTests() compileText(VMTarget(), false, src, writeAssembly = false, errors = errors) shouldBe null errors.errors.size shouldBe 3 errors.errors[0] shouldContain "out of bounds" errors.errors[1] shouldContain "out of bounds" errors.errors[2] shouldContain "out of bounds" } })