; Experimental Vera FX support. ; Docs: ; https://github.com/X16Community/x16-docs/blob/master/VERA%20FX%20Reference.md ; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q34uWOiM3Be2pnaHRVgSdHySI-qsiQWPTo_gfE54PTg/edit verafx { ; unsigned multiplication just passes the values as signed to muls ; if you do this yourself in your call to muls, it will save a few instructions. sub mult(uword value1, uword value2) -> uword { return muls(value1 as word, value2 as word) as uword } asmsub muls(word value1 @R0, word value2 @R1) -> word @AY { %asm {{ lda #(2 << 1) sta cx16.VERA_CTRL ; $9F25 stz cx16.VERA_FX_CTRL ; $9F29 (mainly to reset Addr1 Mode to 0) lda #%00010000 sta cx16.VERA_FX_MULT ; $9F2C lda #(6 << 1) sta cx16.VERA_CTRL ; $9F25 lda cx16.r0 ldy cx16.r0+1 sta cx16.VERA_FX_CACHE_L ; $9F29 sty cx16.VERA_FX_CACHE_M ; $9F2A lda cx16.r1 ldy cx16.r1+1 sta cx16.VERA_FX_CACHE_H ; $9F2B sty cx16.VERA_FX_CACHE_U ; $9F2C lda cx16.VERA_FX_ACCUM_RESET ; $9F29 (DCSEL=6) ; Set the ADDR0 pointer to $1f9bc and write our multiplication result there ; (these are the 4 bytes just before the PSG registers start) lda #(2 << 1) sta cx16.VERA_CTRL lda #%01000000 ; Cache Write Enable sta cx16.VERA_FX_CTRL lda #$bc sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_L lda #$f9 sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_M lda #$01 sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_H ; no increment stz cx16.VERA_DATA0 ; multiply and write out result lda #%00010001 ; $01 with Increment 1 sta cx16.VERA_ADDR_H ; so we can read out the result stz cx16.VERA_FX_CTRL ; Cache write disable lda cx16.VERA_DATA0 ldy cx16.VERA_DATA0 rts ; we skip the upper 16 bits of the result: ; lda cx16.VERA_DATA0 ; sta $0402 ; lda cx16.VERA_DATA0 ; sta $0403 }} } }