/* IL65 combined lexer and parser grammar NOTES: - whitespace is ignored. (tabs/spaces) - every position can be empty, be a comment, or contain ONE statement. */ grammar il65; LINECOMMENT : [\r\n][ \t]* COMMENT -> channel(HIDDEN); COMMENT : ';' ~[\r\n]* -> channel(HIDDEN) ; WS : [ \t] -> skip ; EOL : [\r\n]+ ; NAME : [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* ; DEC_INTEGER : ('0'..'9') | (('1'..'9')('0'..'9')+); HEX_INTEGER : '$' (('a'..'f') | ('A'..'F') | ('0'..'9'))+ ; BIN_INTEGER : '%' ('0' | '1')+ ; FLOAT_NUMBER : FNUMBER (('E'|'e') ('+' | '-')? FNUMBER)? ; // sign comes later from unary expression fragment FNUMBER : ('0' .. '9') + ('.' ('0' .. '9') +)? ; fragment STRING_ESCAPE_SEQ : '\\' . | '\\' EOL; STRING : '"' ( STRING_ESCAPE_SEQ | ~[\\\r\n\f"] )* '"' { // get rid of the enclosing quotes String s = getText(); setText(s.substring(1, s.length() - 1)); } ; INLINEASMBLOCK : '{{' .+? '}}' { // get rid of the enclosing double braces String s = getText(); setText(s.substring(2, s.length() - 2)); } ; module : (modulestatement | EOL)* EOF ; modulestatement: directive | block ; block: '~' identifier integerliteral? statement_block EOL ; statement : directive | varinitializer | vardecl | constdecl | memoryvardecl | assignment | augassignment | unconditionaljump | postincrdecr | functioncall_stmt | if_stmt | subroutine | inlineasm | labeldef | returnstmt // @todo forloop, whileloop, repeatloop ; labeldef : identifier ':' ; unconditionaljump : 'goto' (integerliteral | identifier | scoped_identifier) ; directive : directivename=('%output' | '%launcher' | '%zeropage' | '%address' | '%import' | '%breakpoint' | '%asminclude' | '%asmbinary' | '%option') (directivearg? | directivearg (',' directivearg)*) ; directivearg : stringliteral | identifier | integerliteral ; vardecl: datatype arrayspec? identifier ; varinitializer : datatype arrayspec? identifier '=' expression ; constdecl: 'const' varinitializer ; memoryvardecl: 'memory' varinitializer; datatype: 'byte' | 'word' | 'float' | 'str' | 'str_p' | 'str_s' | 'str_ps' ; arrayspec: '[' expression (',' expression)? ']' ; assignment : assign_target '=' expression ; augassignment : assign_target operator=('+=' | '-=' | '/=' | '*=' | '**=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '<<@=' | '>>@=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=') expression ; assign_target: register | identifier | scoped_identifier ; postincrdecr : assign_target operator = ('++' | '--') ; expression : '(' expression ')' | expression arrayspec | functioncall | prefix = ('+'|'-'|'~') expression | left = expression bop = '**' right = expression | left = expression bop = ('*' | '/' ) right = expression | left = expression bop = ('+' | '-' ) right = expression | left = expression bop = ('<<' | '>>' | '<<@' | '>>@' ) right = expression | left = expression bop = ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=') right = expression | left = expression bop = ('==' | '!=') right = expression | left = expression bop = '&' right = expression | left = expression bop = '^' right = expression | left = expression bop = '|' right = expression | rangefrom = expression 'to' rangeto = expression // create separate rule once for-loops are here? | left = expression bop = 'and' right = expression | left = expression bop = 'or' right = expression | left = expression bop = 'xor' right = expression | prefix = 'not' expression | literalvalue | register | identifier | scoped_identifier ; functioncall : (identifier | scoped_identifier) '(' expression_list? ')' ; functioncall_stmt : (identifier | scoped_identifier) '(' expression_list? ')' ; expression_list : expression (',' expression)* ; returnstmt : 'return' expression_list? ; identifier : NAME ; scoped_identifier : NAME ('.' NAME)+ ; register : 'A' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'AX' | 'AY' | 'XY' | 'Pc' | 'Pi' | 'Pz' | 'Pn' | 'Pv' ; integerliteral : DEC_INTEGER | HEX_INTEGER | BIN_INTEGER ; booleanliteral : 'true' | 'false' ; arrayliteral : '[' expression (',' expression)* ']' ; stringliteral : STRING ; floatliteral : FLOAT_NUMBER ; literalvalue : integerliteral | booleanliteral | arrayliteral | stringliteral | floatliteral ; inlineasm : '%asm' INLINEASMBLOCK; subroutine : 'sub' identifier '(' sub_params? ')' '->' '(' sub_returns? ')' (sub_address | (statement_block EOL)) ; statement_block : '{' EOL (statement | EOL) * '}' ; sub_address : '=' integerliteral ; sub_params : sub_param (',' sub_param)* ; sub_param: identifier ':' register; sub_returns : '?' | ( sub_return (',' sub_return)* ) ; sub_return: register '?'? ; if_stmt : 'if' '(' expression ')' EOL? (statement | statement_block) EOL? else_part? EOL ; // statement is constrained later else_part : 'else' EOL? (statement | statement_block) ; // statement is constrained later