""" Programming Language for 6502/6510 microprocessors, codename 'Sick' This is the code generator for assignment statements. Written by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net) - license: GNU GPL 3.0 """ from typing import Callable from ..plyparse import Scope, Assignment, AugAssignment, Register, LiteralValue, SymbolName, VarDef, Dereference from . import CodeError, preserving_registers, to_hex, Context from ..datatypes import REGISTER_BYTES, VarType, DataType from ..compile import Zeropage def generate_assignment(ctx: Context) -> None: assert isinstance(ctx.stmt, Assignment) assert not isinstance(ctx.stmt.right, Assignment), "assignment should have been flattened" ctx.out("\v\t\t\t; " + ctx.stmt.lineref) ctx.out("\v; @todo assignment: {} = {}".format(ctx.stmt.left.nodes, ctx.stmt.right)) # @todo assignment def generate_aug_assignment(ctx: Context) -> None: # for instance: value += 3 (value = 0-255 for now) # left: Register, SymbolName, or Dereference. right: Expression/LiteralValue out = ctx.out stmt = ctx.stmt assert isinstance(stmt, AugAssignment) out("\v\t\t\t; " + stmt.lineref) lvalue = stmt.left rvalue = stmt.right if isinstance(lvalue, Register): if isinstance(rvalue, LiteralValue): if type(rvalue.value) is int: if 0 <= rvalue.value <= 255: if stmt.operator not in ("<<=", ">>=") or rvalue.value != 0: _generate_aug_reg_int(out, lvalue, stmt.operator, rvalue.value, "", ctx.scope) else: raise CodeError("aug. assignment value must be 0..255", rvalue) else: raise CodeError("constant integer literal or variable required for now", rvalue) # XXX elif isinstance(rvalue, SymbolName): symdef = ctx.scope.lookup(rvalue.name) if isinstance(symdef, VarDef): if symdef.vartype == VarType.CONST: if symdef.datatype.isinteger() and 0 <= symdef.value.const_value() <= 255: # type: ignore _generate_aug_reg_int(out, lvalue, stmt.operator, symdef.value.const_value(), "", ctx.scope) # type: ignore else: raise CodeError("aug. assignment value must be integer 0..255", rvalue) elif symdef.datatype == DataType.BYTE: _generate_aug_reg_int(out, lvalue, stmt.operator, 0, symdef.name, ctx.scope) else: raise CodeError("variable must be of type byte for now", rvalue) # XXX else: raise CodeError("can only use variable name as symbol for aug assign rvalue", rvalue) elif isinstance(rvalue, Register): if lvalue.datatype == DataType.BYTE and rvalue.datatype == DataType.WORD: raise CodeError("cannot assign a combined 16-bit register to a single 8-bit register", rvalue) _generate_aug_reg_reg(out, lvalue, stmt.operator, rvalue, ctx.scope) elif isinstance(rvalue, Dereference): if isinstance(rvalue.operand, (LiteralValue, SymbolName)): if isinstance(rvalue.operand, LiteralValue): what = to_hex(rvalue.operand.value) else: symdef = rvalue.my_scope().lookup(rvalue.operand.name) if isinstance(symdef, VarDef) and symdef.vartype == VarType.MEMORY: what = to_hex(symdef.value.value) # type: ignore else: what = rvalue.operand.name out("\vpha\n\vtya\n\vpha") # save A, Y on stack out("\vlda " + what) out("\vsta il65_lib.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1") out("\vlda {:s}+1".format(what)) out("\vsta il65_lib.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1") out("\vldy #0") out("\vlda (il65_lib.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1), y") a_reg = Register(name="A", sourceref=stmt.sourceref) # type: ignore _generate_aug_reg_reg(out, lvalue, stmt.operator, a_reg, ctx.scope) out("\vst{:s} il65_lib.SCRATCH_ZP1".format(lvalue.name.lower())) out("\vpla\n\vtay\n\vpla") # restore A, Y from stack out("\vld{:s} il65_lib.SCRATCH_ZP1".format(lvalue.name.lower())) elif isinstance(rvalue.operand, Register): assert rvalue.operand.datatype == DataType.WORD if rvalue.datatype != DataType.BYTE: raise CodeError("aug. assignment value must be a byte, 0..255", rvalue) reg = rvalue.operand.name out("\vst{:s} il65_lib.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1".format(reg[0].lower())) out("\vst{:s} il65_lib.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1+1".format(reg[1].lower())) out("\vpha\n\vtya\n\vpha") # save A, Y on stack out("\vldy #0") out("\vlda (il65_lib.SCRATCH_ZPWORD1), y") a_reg = Register(name="A", sourceref=stmt.sourceref) # type: ignore _generate_aug_reg_reg(out, lvalue, stmt.operator, a_reg, ctx.scope) if lvalue.name != 'X': out("\vst{:s} il65_lib.SCRATCH_ZP1".format(lvalue.name.lower())) out("\vpla\n\vtay\n\vpla") # restore A, Y from stack if lvalue.name != 'X': out("\vld{:s} il65_lib.SCRATCH_ZP1".format(lvalue.name.lower())) else: raise CodeError("invalid dereference operand type", rvalue) else: raise CodeError("invalid rvalue type", rvalue) else: raise CodeError("aug. assignment only implemented for registers for now", stmt.sourceref) # XXX def _generate_aug_reg_int(out: Callable, lvalue: Register, operator: str, rvalue: int, rname: str, scope: Scope) -> None: if rname: right_str = rname else: # an immediate value is provided in rvalue right_str = "#" + to_hex(rvalue) if operator == "+=": _gen_aug_plus_reg_int(lvalue, out, right_str, scope) elif operator == "-=": _gen_aug_minus_reg_int(lvalue, out, right_str, scope) elif operator == "&=": _gen_aug_and_reg_int(lvalue, out, right_str, scope) elif operator == "|=": _gen_aug_or_reg_int(lvalue, out, right_str, scope) elif operator == "^=": _gen_aug_xor_reg_int(lvalue, out, right_str, scope) elif operator == ">>=": _gen_aug_shiftright_reg_int(lvalue, out, rname, rvalue, scope) elif operator == "<<=": _gen_aug_shiftleft_reg_int(lvalue, out, rname, rvalue, scope) else: raise ValueError("invalid operator", operator) def _generate_aug_reg_reg(out: Callable, lvalue: Register, operator: str, rvalue: Register, scope: Scope) -> None: if operator == "+=": _gen_aug_plus_reg_reg(lvalue, out, rvalue, scope) elif operator == "-=": _gen_aug_minus_reg_reg(lvalue, out, rvalue, scope) elif operator == "&=": _gen_aug_and_reg_reg(lvalue, out, rvalue, scope) elif operator == "|=": _gen_aug_or_reg_reg(lvalue, out, rvalue, scope) elif operator == "^=": _gen_aug_xor_reg_reg(lvalue, out, rvalue, scope) elif operator == ">>=": _gen_aug_shiftright_reg_reg(lvalue, out, rvalue, scope) elif operator == "<<=": _gen_aug_shiftleft_reg_reg(lvalue, out, rvalue, scope) else: raise ValueError("invalid operator", operator) def _gen_aug_shiftleft_reg_int(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, rname: str, rvalue: int, scope: Scope) -> None: if rname: assert lvalue.name in REGISTER_BYTES, "only single registers for now" # @todo <<=.word if lvalue.name == "A": preserve_regs = {'X'} elif lvalue.name == "X": preserve_regs = {'A'} out("\vtxa") elif lvalue.name == "Y": preserve_regs = {'A', 'X'} out("\vtya") with preserving_registers(preserve_regs, scope, out): out("\vldx " + rname) out("\vjsr il65_lib.asl_A_by_X") # out("\vbeq +") # out("-\vasl a") # out("\vdex") # out("\vbne -") # put A back into target register if lvalue.name == "X": out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": out("\vtay") else: def shifts_A(times: int) -> None: if times >= 8: out("\vlda #0") else: for _ in range(min(8, times)): out("\vasl a") if lvalue.name == "A": shifts_A(rvalue) elif lvalue.name == "X": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") shifts_A(rvalue) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") shifts_A(rvalue) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo <<=.word def _gen_aug_shiftright_reg_int(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, rname: str, rvalue: int, scope: Scope) -> None: if rname: assert lvalue.name in REGISTER_BYTES, "only single registers for now" # @todo >>=.word if lvalue.name == "A": preserve_regs = {'X'} elif lvalue.name == "X": preserve_regs = {'A'} out("\vtxa") elif lvalue.name == "Y": preserve_regs = {'A', 'X'} out("\vtya") with preserving_registers(preserve_regs, scope, out): out("\vldx " + rname) out("\vjsr il65_lib.lsr_A_by_X") # put A back into target register if lvalue.name == "X": out("\vtax") if lvalue.name == "Y": out("\vtay") else: def shifts_A(times: int) -> None: if times >= 8: out("\vlda #0") else: for _ in range(min(8, times)): out("\vlsr a") if lvalue.name == "A": shifts_A(rvalue) elif lvalue.name == "X": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") shifts_A(rvalue) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") shifts_A(rvalue) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo >>=.word def _gen_aug_xor_reg_int(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, right_str: str, scope: Scope) -> None: if lvalue.name == "A": out("\veor " + right_str) elif lvalue.name == "X": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\veor " + right_str) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\veor " + right_str) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo ^=.word def _gen_aug_or_reg_int(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, right_str: str, scope: Scope) -> None: if lvalue.name == "A": out("\vora " + right_str) elif lvalue.name == "X": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\vora " + right_str) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\vora " + right_str) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo |=.word def _gen_aug_and_reg_int(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, right_str: str, scope: Scope) -> None: if lvalue.name == "A": out("\vand " + right_str) elif lvalue.name == "X": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\vand " + right_str) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\vand " + right_str) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo &=.word def _gen_aug_minus_reg_int(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, right_str: str, scope: Scope) -> None: if lvalue.name == "A": out("\vsec") out("\vsbc " + right_str) elif lvalue.name == "X": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\vsec") out("\vsbc " + right_str) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\vsec") out("\vsbc " + right_str) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo -=.word def _gen_aug_plus_reg_int(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, right_str: str, scope: Scope) -> None: if lvalue.name == "A": out("\vclc") out("\vadc " + right_str) elif lvalue.name == "X": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\vclc") out("\vadc " + right_str) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\vclc") out("\vadc " + right_str) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo +=.word def _gen_aug_shiftleft_reg_reg(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, rvalue: Register, scope: Scope) -> None: if rvalue.name not in REGISTER_BYTES: raise CodeError("unsupported rvalue register for aug assign", str(rvalue)) # @todo <<=.word if lvalue.name == "A": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) out("\vasl " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) elif lvalue.name == "X": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\vasl " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\vasl " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported lvalue register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo <<=.word def _gen_aug_shiftright_reg_reg(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, rvalue: Register, scope: Scope) -> None: if rvalue.name not in REGISTER_BYTES: raise CodeError("unsupported rvalue register for aug assign", str(rvalue)) # @todo >>=.word if lvalue.name == "A": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) out("\vlsr " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) elif lvalue.name == "X": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\vlsr " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\vlsr " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported lvalue register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo >>=.word def _gen_aug_xor_reg_reg(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, rvalue: Register, scope: Scope) -> None: if rvalue.name not in REGISTER_BYTES: raise CodeError("unsupported rvalue register for aug assign", str(rvalue)) # @todo ^=.word if lvalue.name == "A": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) out("\veor " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) elif lvalue.name == "X": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\veor " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\veor " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported lvalue register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo ^=.word def _gen_aug_or_reg_reg(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, rvalue: Register, scope: Scope) -> None: if rvalue.name not in REGISTER_BYTES: raise CodeError("unsupported rvalue register for aug assign", str(rvalue)) # @todo |=.word if lvalue.name == "A": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) out("\vora " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) elif lvalue.name == "X": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\vora " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\vora " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported lvalue register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo |=.word def _gen_aug_and_reg_reg(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, rvalue: Register, scope: Scope) -> None: if rvalue.name not in REGISTER_BYTES: raise CodeError("unsupported rvalue register for aug assign", str(rvalue)) # @todo &=.word if lvalue.name == "A": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) out("\vand " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) elif lvalue.name == "X": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\vand " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\vand " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported lvalue register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo &=.word def _gen_aug_minus_reg_reg(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, rvalue: Register, scope: Scope) -> None: if rvalue.name not in REGISTER_BYTES: raise CodeError("unsupported rvalue register for aug assign", str(rvalue)) # @todo -=.word if lvalue.name == "A": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) out("\vsec") out("\vsbc " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) elif lvalue.name == "X": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\vsec") out("\vsbc " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\vsec") out("\vsbc " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported lvalue register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo -=.word def _gen_aug_plus_reg_reg(lvalue: Register, out: Callable, rvalue: Register, scope: Scope) -> None: if rvalue.name not in REGISTER_BYTES: raise CodeError("unsupported rvalue register for aug assign", str(rvalue)) # @todo +=.word if lvalue.name == "A": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) out("\vclc") out("\vadc " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) elif lvalue.name == "X": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtxa") out("\vclc") out("\vadc " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtax") elif lvalue.name == "Y": out("\vst{:s} {:s}".format(rvalue.name.lower(), to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1))) with preserving_registers({'A'}, scope, out): out("\vtya") out("\vclc") out("\vadc " + to_hex(Zeropage.SCRATCH_B1)) out("\vtay") else: raise CodeError("unsupported lvalue register for aug assign", str(lvalue)) # @todo +=.word