package prog8.codegen.intermediate import prog8.code.core.IErrorReporter import prog8.intermediate.* class IRPeepholeOptimizer(private val irprog: IRProgram) { fun optimize(optimizationsEnabled: Boolean, errors: IErrorReporter) { if(!optimizationsEnabled) return optimizeOnlyJoinChunks() peepholeOptimize() val remover = IRUnusedCodeRemover(irprog, errors) var totalRemovals = 0 do { val numRemoved = remover.optimize() totalRemovals += numRemoved } while(numRemoved>0 && errors.noErrors()) if(totalRemovals>0) { irprog.linkChunks() // re-link again. } } private fun optimizeOnlyJoinChunks() { irprog.foreachSub { sub -> joinChunks(sub) removeEmptyChunks(sub) joinChunks(sub) } irprog.linkChunks() // re-link } private fun peepholeOptimize() { irprog.foreachSub { sub -> joinChunks(sub) removeEmptyChunks(sub) joinChunks(sub) sub.chunks.withIndex().forEach { (index, chunk1) -> // we don't optimize Inline Asm chunks here. val chunk2 = if(index>): Boolean { var changed = false indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) -> if (ins.opcode == Opcode.CONCAT) { // if the previous instruction loads a zero in the msb, this can be turned into EXT.B instead val prev = indexedInstructions[idx-1].value if(prev.opcode==Opcode.LOAD && prev.immediate==0 && prev.reg1==ins.reg2) { chunk.instructions[idx] = IRInstruction(Opcode.EXT, IRDataType.BYTE, reg1 = ins.reg1, reg2 = ins.reg3) chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx-1) changed = true } } } return changed } private fun removeEmptyChunks(sub: IRSubroutine) { if(sub.chunks.isEmpty()) return /* Empty Code chunk with label -> If next chunk has no label -> move label to next chunk, remove original If next chunk has label -> label name should be the same, remove original. Otherwise merge both labels into 1. If is last chunk -> keep chunk in place because of the label. Empty Code chunk without label -> should not have been generated! ERROR. */ val relabelChunks = mutableListOf>() val removeChunks = mutableListOf() val replaceLabels = mutableMapOf() sub.chunks.withIndex().forEach { (index, chunk) -> if(chunk is IRCodeChunk && chunk.instructions.isEmpty()) { if(chunk.label==null) { removeChunks += index } else { if (index < sub.chunks.size - 1) { val nextchunk = sub.chunks[index + 1] if (nextchunk.label == null) { // can transplant label to next chunk and remove this empty one. relabelChunks += Pair(index + 1, chunk.label!!) removeChunks += index } else { // merge both labels into 1 except if this is the label chunk at the start of the subroutine if(index>0) { if (chunk.label == nextchunk.label) removeChunks += index else { removeChunks += index replaceLabels[chunk.label!!] = nextchunk.label!! replaceLabels.entries.forEach { (key, value) -> if (value == chunk.label) replaceLabels[key] = nextchunk.label!! } } } } } } } } relabelChunks.forEach { (index, label) -> val chunk = IRCodeChunk(label, null) val subChunk = sub.chunks[index] chunk.instructions += subChunk.instructions if(subChunk is IRCodeChunk) chunk.appendSrcPositions(subChunk.sourceLinesPositions) sub.chunks[index] = chunk } removeChunks.reversed().forEach { index -> sub.chunks.removeAt(index) } sub.chunks.forEach { chunk -> chunk.instructions.withIndex().forEach { (idx, instr) -> instr.labelSymbol?.let { if(instr.opcode in OpcodesThatBranch) { replaceLabels.forEach { (from, to) -> if (it == from) { chunk.instructions[idx] = instr.copy(labelSymbol = to) } else { val actualPrefix = "$from." if (it.startsWith(actualPrefix)) chunk.instructions[idx] = instr.copy(labelSymbol = "$to.") } } } } } } } private fun joinChunks(sub: IRSubroutine) { // Subroutine contains a list of chunks. Some can be joined into one. if(sub.chunks.isEmpty()) return fun mayJoinCodeChunks(previous: IRCodeChunkBase, chunk: IRCodeChunkBase): Boolean { if(chunk.label!=null) return false if(previous is IRCodeChunk && chunk is IRCodeChunk) { // if the previous chunk doesn't end in a jump or a return, flow continues into the next chunk val lastInstruction = previous.instructions.lastOrNull() if(lastInstruction!=null) return lastInstruction.opcode !in OpcodesThatJump return true } return false } val chunks = mutableListOf() chunks += sub.chunks[0] for(ix in 1 until sub.chunks.size) { val lastChunk = chunks.last() val candidate = sub.chunks[ix] when(candidate) { is IRCodeChunk -> { if(mayJoinCodeChunks(lastChunk, candidate)) { lastChunk.instructions += candidate.instructions = if(lastChunk is IRCodeChunk) lastChunk.appendSrcPositions(candidate.sourceLinesPositions) } else chunks += candidate } is IRInlineAsmChunk -> { if(candidate.label!=null) chunks += candidate else if(lastChunk.isEmpty()) { val label = lastChunk.label if(label!=null) chunks += IRInlineAsmChunk(label, candidate.assembly, candidate.isIR, else chunks += candidate } } is IRInlineBinaryChunk -> { if(candidate.label!=null) chunks += candidate else if(lastChunk.isEmpty()) { val label = lastChunk.label if(label!=null) chunks += IRInlineBinaryChunk(label,, else chunks += candidate } } } } sub.chunks.clear() sub.chunks += chunks } private fun cleanupPushPop(chunk: IRCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List>): Boolean { // push followed by pop to same target, or different target->replace with load var changed = false indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) -> if(ins.opcode== Opcode.PUSH) { if(idx < chunk.instructions.size-1) { val insAfter = chunk.instructions[idx+1] if(insAfter.opcode == Opcode.POP) { if(ins.reg1==insAfter.reg1) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) } else { chunk.instructions[idx] = IRInstruction(Opcode.LOADR, ins.type, reg1=insAfter.reg1, reg2=ins.reg1) chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx+1) } changed = true } } } } return changed } private fun removeDoubleSecClc(chunk: IRCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List>): Boolean { // double sec, clc // sec+clc or clc+sec var changed = false indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) -> if(ins.opcode== Opcode.SEC || ins.opcode== Opcode.CLC) { if(idx < chunk.instructions.size-1) { val insAfter = chunk.instructions[idx+1] if(insAfter.opcode == ins.opcode) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } else if(ins.opcode== Opcode.SEC && insAfter.opcode== Opcode.CLC) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } else if(ins.opcode== Opcode.CLC && insAfter.opcode== Opcode.SEC) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } } } } return changed } private fun removeWeirdBranches(chunk: IRCodeChunk, nextChunk: IRCodeChunkBase?, indexedInstructions: List>): Boolean { var changed = false indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) -> val labelSymbol = ins.labelSymbol // remove jump/branch to label immediately below (= next chunk if it has that label) if(ins.opcode== Opcode.JUMP && labelSymbol!=null) { if(idx==chunk.instructions.size-1 && ins.branchTarget===nextChunk) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } } // remove useless RETURN if(idx>0 && (ins.opcode == Opcode.RETURN || ins.opcode==Opcode.RETURNR)) { val previous = chunk.instructions[idx-1] if(previous.opcode in OpcodesThatJump) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } } // replace subsequent opcodes that jump by just the first if(idx>0 && (ins.opcode in OpcodesThatJump)) { val previous = chunk.instructions[idx-1] if(previous.opcode in OpcodesThatJump) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } } // replace call + return --> jump // This can no longer be done here on the IR level, with the current CALL opcode that encodes the full subroutine call setup. // If machine code is ever generated from this IR, *that* should possibly optimize the JSR + RTS into a JMP. // if(idx>0 && ins.opcode==Opcode.RETURN) { // val previous = chunk.instructions[idx-1] // if(previous.opcode==Opcode.CALL) { // chunk.instructions[idx-1] = IRInstruction(Opcode.JUMP, address = previous.address, labelSymbol = previous.labelSymbol, branchTarget = previous.branchTarget) // chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) // changed = true // } // } } return changed } private fun removeNeedlessCompares(chunk: IRCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List>): Boolean { // a CMPI with 0, after an instruction like LOAD that already sets the status bits, can be removed. // but only if the instruction after it is not using the Carry bit because that won't be set by a LOAD instruction etc. var changed = false indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) -> if(idx>0 && idx<(indexedInstructions.size-1) && ins.opcode==Opcode.CMPI && ins.immediate==0) { val previous = indexedInstructions[idx-1].value if(previous.reg1==ins.reg1) { if (previous.opcode in OpcodesThatSetStatusbitsIncludingCarry) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } else if (previous.opcode in OpcodesThatSetStatusbitsButNotCarry) { val next = indexedInstructions[idx + 1].value if (next.opcode !in OpcodesThatDependOnCarry) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } } } } // a SNZ etc. whose target register is not used can be removed altogether if(ins.opcode in OpcodesThatSetRegFromStatusbits) { val usages = regUsages(ins.reg1!!) if(usages.toList().sumOf { it.second } <= 1) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } } } return changed } private fun regUsages(register: Int): Map { val chunks = mutableMapOf() irprog.foreachSub { sub -> sub.chunks.forEach { chunk -> val used = chunk.usedRegisters() val numUsages = used.readRegs.getOrDefault(register, 0) + used.writeRegs.getOrDefault(register, 0) if(numUsages>0) { chunks[chunk] = numUsages } } } return chunks } private fun removeUselessArithmetic(chunk: IRCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List>): Boolean { // note: this is hard to solve for the non-immediate instructions atm because the values are loaded into registers first var changed = false indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) -> when (ins.opcode) { Opcode.DIV, Opcode.DIVS, Opcode.MUL, Opcode.MOD -> { if (ins.immediate == 1) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } } Opcode.ADD, Opcode.SUB -> { if (ins.immediate == 1) { chunk.instructions[idx] = IRInstruction( if (ins.opcode == Opcode.ADD) Opcode.INC else Opcode.DEC, ins.type, ins.reg1 ) changed = true } else if (ins.immediate == 0) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } } Opcode.AND -> { if (ins.immediate == 0) { chunk.instructions[idx] = IRInstruction(Opcode.LOAD, ins.type, reg1 = ins.reg1, immediate = 0) changed = true } else if (ins.immediate == 255 && ins.type == IRDataType.BYTE) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } else if (ins.immediate == 65535 && ins.type == IRDataType.WORD) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } } Opcode.OR -> { if (ins.immediate == 0) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } else if ((ins.immediate == 255 && ins.type == IRDataType.BYTE) || (ins.immediate == 65535 && ins.type == IRDataType.WORD)) { chunk.instructions[idx] = IRInstruction(Opcode.LOAD, ins.type, reg1 = ins.reg1, immediate = ins.immediate) changed = true } } Opcode.XOR -> { if (ins.immediate == 0) { chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) changed = true } } else -> {} } } return changed } private fun removeNops(chunk: IRCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List>): Boolean { var changed = false indexedInstructions.reversed().forEach { (idx, ins) -> if (ins.opcode == Opcode.NOP) { changed = true chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) } } return changed } private fun removeDoubleLoadsAndStores(chunk: IRCodeChunk, indexedInstructions: List>): Boolean { var changed = false indexedInstructions.forEach { (idx, ins) -> if(ins.opcode==Opcode.STOREM) { val prev = indexedInstructions[idx-1].value if(prev.opcode==Opcode.LOADM) { // loadm.X rX,something | storem.X rX,something ?? -> get rid of the store. if(ins.labelSymbol!=null && ins.labelSymbol==prev.labelSymbol && ins.labelSymbolOffset==prev.labelSymbolOffset) { changed=true chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) } else if(ins.address!=null && ins.address==prev.address) { changed=true chunk.instructions.removeAt(idx) } } } /* Possible other optimizations: // detect multiple loads to the same target registers, only keep first (if source is not I/O memory) // detect multiple stores to the same target, only keep first (if target is not I/O memory) // detect multiple float ffrom/fto to the same target, only keep first // detect subsequent same xors/nots/negs, remove the pairs completely as they cancel out // detect multiple same ands, ors; only keep first // detect multiple registers being assigned the same value (and not changed) - use only 1 of them (hard!) // ... */ } return changed } }