; Cx16 specific disk drive I/O routines. ; ; Written by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net) - license: GNU GPL 3.0 %import diskio cx16diskio { ; Use kernal LOAD routine to load the given program file in memory. ; This is similar to Basic's LOAD "filename",drive / LOAD "filename",drive,1 ; If you don't give an address_override, the location in memory is taken from the 2-byte file header. ; If you specify a custom address_override, the first 2 bytes in the file are ignored ; and the rest is loaded at the given location in memory. ; Returns the end load address+1 if successful or 0 if a load error occurred. ; You can use the load_size() function to calcuate the size of the file that was loaded. sub load(ubyte drivenumber, uword filenameptr, ubyte bank, uword address_override) -> uword { cx16.rambank(bank) return diskio.load(drivenumber, filenameptr, address_override) } ; Use kernal LOAD routine to load the given file in memory. ; INCLUDING the first 2 bytes in the file: no program header is assumed in the file. ; This is different from Basic's LOAD instruction which always skips the first two bytes. ; The load address is mandatory. Returns the number of bytes loaded. ; Returns the end load address+1 if successful or 0 if a load error occurred. ; You can use the load_size() function to calcuate the size of the file that was loaded. sub load_raw(ubyte drivenumber, uword filenameptr, ubyte bank, uword address) -> uword { cx16.rambank(bank) return diskio.load_raw(drivenumber, filenameptr, address) } ; For use directly after a load or load_raw call (don't mess with the ram bank yet): ; Calculates the number of bytes loaded (files > 64Kb ar truncated to 16 bits) sub load_size(ubyte startbank, uword startaddress, uword endaddress) -> uword { return $2000 * (cx16.getrambank() - startbank) + endaddress - startaddress } }