%target cx16 %import gfx2 %import textio %import test_stack main { sub start() { gfx2.screen_mode(5) ; demo1() ; sys.wait(3*60) demo2() gfx2.screen_mode(0) txt.print("done!\n") test_stack.test() } sub demo1() { uword pixels = memory("pixels", 320) uword yy = 10 uword xx uword pp uword cnt pp=pixels gfx2.monochrome_stipple(true) gfx2.disc(320,240,200,1) for xx in 0 to 639 { gfx2.vertical_line(xx, 0, 480, 1) } for xx in 0 to 639 { gfx2.vertical_line(xx, 0, 480, 0) } for cnt in 0 to 319 { @(pp) = 255 pp++ } xx=gfx2.width/2 yy=10 gfx2.monochrome_stipple(false) linesy() linesx() gfx2.monochrome_stipple(true) linesy() linesx() sub linesx() { repeat 8 { gfx2.horizontal_line(10,yy,300,3) yy++ } yy+=4 repeat 8 { gfx2.line(10,yy,309,yy,4) yy++ } yy+=4 repeat 8 { for cnt in 10 to 309 { gfx2.plot(cnt, yy, 1) } yy+=1 } yy += 4 repeat 8 { gfx2.horizontal_line(10,yy,100,3) yy++ } yy+=4 repeat 8 { gfx2.line(10,yy,109,yy,4) yy++ } yy+=4 repeat 8 { for cnt in 10 to 109 { gfx2.plot(cnt, yy, 1) } yy++ } yy+=4 } sub linesy() { repeat 8 { gfx2.vertical_line(xx,10,300,3) xx++ } xx+=4 repeat 8 { gfx2.line(xx,10, xx, 309, 4) xx++ } xx+=4 repeat 8 { for cnt in 10 to 309 { gfx2.plot(xx, cnt, 1) } xx+=1 } xx += 4 repeat 8 { gfx2.vertical_line(xx,10,100,3) xx++ } xx+=4 repeat 8 { gfx2.line(xx,10,xx,109,4) xx++ } xx+=4 repeat 8 { for cnt in 10 to 109 { gfx2.plot(xx, cnt, 1) } xx++ } xx+=4 } } sub demo2 () { gfx2.text_charset(3) ubyte[] modes = [4, 1, 5] ubyte mode for mode in modes { gfx2.screen_mode(mode) draw() sys.wait(200) } } sub draw() { gfx2.rect(10,10, 1, 1, 4) gfx2.rect(20,10, 2, 1, 4) gfx2.rect(30,10, 3, 1, 4) gfx2.rect(40,10, 1, 2, 4) gfx2.rect(50,10, 1, 3, 4) gfx2.rect(60,10, 2, 2, 4) gfx2.rect(70,10, 3, 3, 4) gfx2.rect(80,10, 4, 4, 4) gfx2.rect(90,10, 5, 5, 4) gfx2.rect(100,10, 8, 8, 4) gfx2.rect(110,10, 20, 5, 4) gfx2.rect(80, 80, 200, 140, 4) gfx2.fillrect(10,40, 1, 1, 5) gfx2.fillrect(20,40, 2, 1, 5) gfx2.fillrect(30,40, 3, 1, 5) gfx2.fillrect(40,40, 1, 2, 5) gfx2.fillrect(50,40, 1, 3, 5) gfx2.fillrect(60,40, 2, 2, 5) gfx2.fillrect(70,40, 3, 3, 5) gfx2.fillrect(80,40, 4, 4, 5) gfx2.fillrect(90,40, 5, 5, 5) gfx2.fillrect(100,40, 8, 8, 5) gfx2.fillrect(110,40, 20, 5, 5) gfx2.fillrect(82, 82, 200-4, 140-4, 5) ubyte i for i in 0 to 254 step 4 { uword x1 = ((gfx2.width-256)/2 as uword) + sin8u(i) uword y1 = (gfx2.height-128)/2 + cos8u(i)/2 uword x2 = ((gfx2.width-64)/2 as uword) + sin8u(i)/4 uword y2 = (gfx2.height-64)/2 + cos8u(i)/4 gfx2.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, i+1) } sys.wait(60) gfx2.clear_screen() ubyte radius for radius in 110 downto 8 step -4 { gfx2.circle(gfx2.width/2, (gfx2.height/2 as ubyte), radius, radius) } gfx2.disc(gfx2.width/2, gfx2.height/2, 80, 2) ubyte tp for tp in 0 to 15 { gfx2.text(19+tp,20+tp*11, 5, @"ScreenCODE text! 1234![]<>#$%&*()") } } }