%import textio %option no_sysinit %zeropage basicsafe ; simple test program for the "VTUI" text user interface library ; see: https://github.com/JimmyDansbo/VTUIlib main { sub start() { vtui.initialize() store_logo() ; capture logo before boxes are drawn txt.lowercase() vtui.screen_set(0) vtui.clr_scr('%', $50) vtui.gotoxy(5,5) vtui.fill_box(':', 70, 50, $c6) store_where_logo_was() ; after vtui draws boxes, initialize replacement screen values as logo moves vtui.gotoxy(10,10) vtui.border(1, 40, 6, $47) vtui.gotoxy(12,12) vtui.print_str2(sc:"Hello, world! vtui from Prog8!", $f2, false) vtui.gotoxy(12,13) vtui.print_str2("Hello, world! vtui from Prog8!", $f2, true) str inputbuffer = "?" * 20 ; txt.print_uwhex(inputbuffer, 1) ; txt.chrout(':') ; txt.print(inputbuffer) ; txt.chrout('\n') vtui.gotoxy(5,20) vtui.print_str2(sc:"Enter your name: ", $e3, false) ubyte length = vtui.input_str(inputbuffer, len(inputbuffer), $21) vtui.gotoxy(8,22) vtui.print_str2(sc:"Your name is: ", $e3, false) ;vtui.print_str2(inputbuffer, $67, $00) vtui.print_str(inputbuffer, length, $67, $00) ; txt.uppercase() ; kills vtui? logo_mover() } sub store_logo() { vtui.gotoxy(0, 0) vtui.save_rect($80, true, $0000, 7, 7) } sub store_where_logo_was() { vtui.gotoxy(0, 0) vtui.save_rect($80, true, $0100, 7, 7) } sub logo_mover() { ubyte xcoord = 0 ubyte ycoord = 0 ubyte newx = 0 ubyte newy = 0 ;vtui.screen_set(2) vtui.gotoxy(30, 32) vtui.print_str2("arrow keys to move!", $61, true) char_loop: ubyte char void, char = cbm.GETIN() if char==0 goto char_loop when char { $91 -> { if newy!=0 { newy-- move_logo() } } $11 -> { if newy<53 { newy++ move_logo() } } $9d -> { if newx!=0 { newx-- move_logo() } } $1d -> { if newx<70 { newx++ move_logo() } } } goto char_loop sub move_logo() { vtui.gotoxy(xcoord, ycoord) vtui.rest_rect($80, true, $0100, 7, 7) vtui.gotoxy(newx, newy) vtui.save_rect($80, true, $0100, 7, 7) vtui.gotoxy(newx, newy) vtui.rest_rect($80, true, $0000, 7, 7) xcoord = newx ycoord = newy } } } vtui $1000 { %option no_symbol_prefixing %asmbinary "VTUI1.2.BIN", 2 ; skip the 2 dummy load address bytes ; NOTE: base address $1000 here must be the same as the block's memory address, for obvious reasons! ; The routines below are for VTUI 1.0 const uword vtjmp = $1002 extsub vtjmp - 2 = initialize() clobbers(A, X, Y) extsub vtjmp + 0*3 = screen_set(ubyte mode @A) clobbers(A, X, Y) extsub vtjmp + 1*3 = set_bank(bool bank1 @Pc) clobbers(A) extsub vtjmp + 2*3 = set_stride(ubyte stride @A) clobbers(A) extsub vtjmp + 3*3 = set_decr(bool incrdecr @Pc) clobbers(A) extsub vtjmp + 4*3 = clr_scr(ubyte char @A, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(Y) extsub vtjmp + 5*3 = gotoxy(ubyte column @A, ubyte row @Y) extsub vtjmp + 6*3 = plot_char(ubyte char @A, ubyte colors @X) extsub vtjmp + 7*3 = scan_char() -> ubyte @A, ubyte @X extsub vtjmp + 8*3 = hline(ubyte char @A, ubyte length @Y, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(A) extsub vtjmp + 9*3 = vline(ubyte char @A, ubyte height @Y, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(A) extsub vtjmp + 10*3 = print_str(str txtstring @R0, ubyte length @Y, ubyte colors @X, ubyte convertchars @A) clobbers(A, Y) extsub vtjmp + 11*3 = fill_box(ubyte char @A, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(A, Y) extsub vtjmp + 12*3 = pet2scr(ubyte char @A) -> ubyte @A extsub vtjmp + 13*3 = scr2pet(ubyte char @A) -> ubyte @A extsub vtjmp + 14*3 = border(ubyte mode @A, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2, ubyte colors @X) clobbers(Y) ; NOTE: mode 6 means 'custom' characters taken from r3 - r6 extsub vtjmp + 15*3 = save_rect(ubyte ramtype @A, bool vbank1 @Pc, uword address @R0, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2) clobbers(A, X, Y) extsub vtjmp + 16*3 = rest_rect(ubyte ramtype @A, bool vbank1 @Pc, uword address @R0, ubyte width @R1, ubyte height @R2) clobbers(A, X, Y) extsub vtjmp + 17*3 = input_str(uword buffer @R0, ubyte buflen @Y, ubyte colors @X) clobbers (A) -> ubyte @Y ; Y=length of input extsub vtjmp + 18*3 = get_bank() clobbers (A) -> bool @Pc extsub vtjmp + 19*3 = get_stride() -> ubyte @A extsub vtjmp + 20*3 = get_decr() clobbers (A) -> bool @Pc ; -- helper function to do string length counting for you internally, and turn the convertchars flag into a boolean again asmsub print_str2(str txtstring @R0, ubyte colors @X, bool convertchars @Pc) clobbers(A, Y) { %asm {{ lda #0 bcs + lda #$80 + pha lda cx16.r0 ldy cx16.r0+1 jsr prog8_lib.strlen pla jmp print_str }} } }