; ; This program can stream a regular .wav file from the sdcard. ; It can be uncompressed or IMA-adpcm compressed (factor 4 lossy compression). ; See the "adpcm" module source for tips how to create those files. ; ; Note that 8 bit wav files are *unsigned* values whereas Vera wants *signed* values ; so these have to be converted on the fly. 16 bit wav files are signed already. ; ; The playback is done via AFLOW irq handler that fills the audio fifo buffer ; with around 1 Kb of new audio data. (copies raw pcm data or decodes adpcm block) ; In the meantime the main program loop reads new data blocks from the wav file ; as it is being played. ; ; NOTE: stripping the wav header and just having the raw pcm data in the file ; is slightly more efficient because the data blocks are then sector-aligned on the disk ; %import diskio %import floats %import adpcm %import wavfile %import textio %option no_sysinit main { str MUSIC_FILENAME = "?"*32 uword vera_rate_hz ubyte vera_rate sub start() { ;; diskio.fastmode(1) txt.print("name of .wav file to play on drive 8: ") while 0==txt.input_chars(MUSIC_FILENAME) { ; until user types a name... } prepare_music() txt.print("\ngood file! playback starts! ") cx16.rombank(0) ; activate kernal bank for faster calls interrupts.wait() interrupts.set_handler() play_stuff() txt.print("done!\n") repeat { } } sub error(str msg) { txt.print(msg) repeat { } } sub prepare_music() { txt.print("\nchecking ") txt.print(MUSIC_FILENAME) txt.nl() bool wav_ok = false if diskio.f_open(MUSIC_FILENAME) { void diskio.f_read(music.buffer, 128) wav_ok = wavfile.parse_header(music.buffer) diskio.f_close() } if not wav_ok error("no good wav file!") calculate_vera_rate() txt.print("wav format: ") txt.print_ub(wavfile.wavefmt) txt.print("\nchannels: ") txt.print_ub(wavfile.nchannels) txt.print("\nsample rate: ") txt.print_uw(wavfile.sample_rate) txt.print("\nbits per sample: ") txt.print_uw(wavfile.bits_per_sample) txt.print("\ndata size: ") txt.print_uwhex(wavfile.data_size_hi, true) txt.print_uwhex(wavfile.data_size_lo, false) txt.print("\nvera rate: ") txt.print_ub(vera_rate) txt.print(" = ") txt.print_uw(vera_rate_hz) txt.print(" hz\n") if wavfile.wavefmt==wavfile.WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM { txt.print("adpcm block size: ") txt.print_uw(wavfile.block_align) txt.nl() } if wavfile.nchannels>2 or (wavfile.wavefmt!=wavfile.WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM and wavfile.wavefmt!=wavfile.WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) or wavfile.sample_rate > 48828 or wavfile.bits_per_sample>16 error("unsupported format!") if wavfile.wavefmt==wavfile.WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM { if(wavfile.block_align!=256) { error("unsupported block alignment!") } } cx16.VERA_AUDIO_RATE = 0 ; halt playback cx16.VERA_AUDIO_CTRL = %10101011 ; mono 16 bit, volume 11 if wavfile.nchannels==2 cx16.VERA_AUDIO_CTRL = %10111011 ; stereo 16 bit, volume 11 if(wavfile.bits_per_sample==8) cx16.VERA_AUDIO_CTRL &= %11011111 ; set to 8 bit instead repeat 1024 cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = 0 ; fill buffer with short silence } sub calculate_vera_rate() { const float vera_freq_factor = 25e6 / 65536.0 vera_rate = (wavfile.sample_rate as float / vera_freq_factor) + 1.0 as ubyte vera_rate_hz = (vera_rate as float) * vera_freq_factor as uword } sub play_stuff() { if diskio.f_open(MUSIC_FILENAME) { uword block_size = 1024 if wavfile.wavefmt==wavfile.WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM block_size = wavfile.block_align * 2 ; read 2 adpcm blocks at a time (512 bytes) void diskio.f_read(music.buffer, wavfile.data_offset) ; skip to actual sample data start music.pre_buffer(block_size) cx16.VERA_AUDIO_RATE = vera_rate ; start audio playback str progress_chars = "-\\|/-\\|/" ubyte progress = 0 repeat { interrupts.wait() if interrupts.aflow { interrupts.aflow=false if not music.load_next_block(block_size) break ; Note: copying the samples into the fifo buffer is done by the aflow interrupt handler itself. txt.chrout(progress_chars[progress/2 & 7]) txt.chrout($9d) ; cursor left progress++ } } diskio.f_close() } else { error("load error") } cx16.VERA_AUDIO_RATE = 0 ; halt playback } } interrupts { sub set_handler() { sys.set_irqd() cbm.CINV = &handler ; irq handler for AFLOW cx16.VERA_IEN = %00001000 ; enable AFLOW only sys.clear_irqd() } bool aflow inline asmsub wait() { %asm {{ wai }} } sub handler() { ; we only handle aflow in this example. if cx16.VERA_ISR & %00001000 !=0 { ; Filling the fifo is the only way to clear the Aflow irq. ; So we do this here, otherwise the aflow irq will keep triggering. ; Note that filling the buffer with fresh audio samples is NOT done here, ; but instead in the main program code that triggers on the 'aflow' being true! cx16.save_virtual_registers() music.aflow_play_block() cx16.restore_virtual_registers() aflow = true } %asm {{ ply plx pla rti }} } } music { uword @requirezp nibblesptr uword buffer = memory("buffer", 1024, 256) sub pre_buffer(uword block_size) { ; pre-buffer first block void diskio.f_read(buffer, block_size) } sub aflow_play_block() { ; play block that is currently in the buffer if wavfile.wavefmt==wavfile.WAVE_FORMAT_DVI_ADPCM { nibblesptr = buffer if wavfile.nchannels==2 { adpcm_block_stereo() adpcm_block_stereo() } else { adpcm_block_mono() adpcm_block_mono() } } else if wavfile.bits_per_sample==16 uncompressed_block_16() else uncompressed_block_8() } sub load_next_block(uword block_size) -> bool { ; read next block from disk into the buffer, for next time the irq triggers return diskio.f_read(buffer, block_size) == block_size } asmsub uncompressed_block_8() { ; copy 1024 bytes of audio data from the buffer into vera's fifo, quickly! ; converting unsigned wav 8 bit samples to signed 8 bit on the fly. %asm {{ lda p8v_buffer sta _loop+1 sta _lp2+1 lda p8v_buffer+1 sta _loop+2 sta _lp2+2 ldx #4 ldy #0 _loop lda $ffff,y eor #$80 ; convert to signed sta cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA iny _lp2 lda $ffff,y eor #$80 ; convert to signed sta cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA iny bne _loop inc _loop+2 inc _lp2+2 dex bne _loop rts }} ; original prog8 code: ; uword @requirezp ptr = main.start.buffer ; ubyte @requirezp sample ; repeat 1024 { ; sample = @(ptr) - 128 ; cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = sample ; ptr++ ; } } asmsub uncompressed_block_16() { ; copy 1024 bytes of audio data from the buffer into vera's fifo, quickly! %asm {{ lda p8v_buffer sta _loop+1 sta _lp2+1 lda p8v_buffer+1 sta _loop+2 sta _lp2+2 ldx #4 ldy #0 _loop lda $ffff,y sta cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA iny _lp2 lda $ffff,y sta cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA iny bne _loop inc _loop+2 inc _lp2+2 dex bne _loop ; !notreached! }} ; original prog8 code: ; uword @requirezp ptr = main.start.buffer ; repeat 1024 { ; cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = @(ptr) ; ptr++ ; } } sub adpcm_block_mono() { ; refill the fifo buffer with one decoded adpcm block (1010 bytes of pcm data) adpcm.init(peekw(nibblesptr), @(nibblesptr+2)) cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = lsb(adpcm.predict) cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = msb(adpcm.predict) nibblesptr += 4 ubyte @zp nibble repeat 252/2 { unroll 2 { nibble = @(nibblesptr) ; note: when calling decode_nibble(), the upper nibble in the argument needs to be zero adpcm.decode_nibble(nibble & 15) ; first word cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = lsb(adpcm.predict) cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = msb(adpcm.predict) adpcm.decode_nibble(nibble>>4) ; second word cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = lsb(adpcm.predict) cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = msb(adpcm.predict) nibblesptr++ } } } sub adpcm_block_stereo() { ; refill the fifo buffer with one decoded adpcm block (1010 bytes of pcm data) adpcm.init(peekw(nibblesptr), @(nibblesptr+2)) ; left channel cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = lsb(adpcm.predict) cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = msb(adpcm.predict) adpcm.init_second(peekw(nibblesptr+4), @(nibblesptr+6)) ; right channel cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = lsb(adpcm.predict_2) cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA = msb(adpcm.predict_2) nibblesptr += 8 repeat 248/8 decode_nibbles_unrolled() } sub decode_nibbles_unrolled() { ; decode 4 left channel nibbles ; note: when calling decode_nibble(), the upper nibble in the argument needs to be zero uword[8] left uword[8] right ubyte @requirezp nibble = @(nibblesptr) adpcm.decode_nibble(nibble & 15) ; first word left[0] = adpcm.predict adpcm.decode_nibble(nibble>>4) ; second word left[1] = adpcm.predict nibble = @(nibblesptr+1) adpcm.decode_nibble(nibble & 15) ; first word left[2] = adpcm.predict adpcm.decode_nibble(nibble>>4) ; second word left[3] = adpcm.predict nibble = @(nibblesptr+2) adpcm.decode_nibble(nibble & 15) ; first word left[4] = adpcm.predict adpcm.decode_nibble(nibble>>4) ; second word left[5] = adpcm.predict nibble = @(nibblesptr+3) adpcm.decode_nibble(nibble & 15) ; first word left[6] = adpcm.predict adpcm.decode_nibble(nibble>>4) ; second word left[7] = adpcm.predict ; decode 4 right channel nibbles nibble = @(nibblesptr+4) adpcm.decode_nibble_second(nibble & 15) ; first word right[0] = adpcm.predict_2 adpcm.decode_nibble_second(nibble>>4) ; second word right[1] = adpcm.predict_2 nibble = @(nibblesptr+5) adpcm.decode_nibble_second(nibble & 15) ; first word right[2] = adpcm.predict_2 adpcm.decode_nibble_second(nibble>>4) ; second word right[3] = adpcm.predict_2 nibble = @(nibblesptr+6) adpcm.decode_nibble_second(nibble & 15) ; first word right[4] = adpcm.predict_2 adpcm.decode_nibble_second(nibble>>4) ; second word right[5] = adpcm.predict_2 nibble = @(nibblesptr+7) adpcm.decode_nibble_second(nibble & 15) ; first word right[6] = adpcm.predict_2 adpcm.decode_nibble_second(nibble>>4) ; second word right[7] = adpcm.predict_2 nibblesptr += 8 %asm {{ ; copy to vera PSG fifo buffer ldy #0 - lda p8v_left_lsb,y sta cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA lda p8v_left_msb,y sta cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA lda p8v_right_lsb,y sta cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA lda p8v_right_msb,y sta cx16.VERA_AUDIO_DATA iny iny cpy #16 bne - }} } }