%import textio ; The "Byte Sieve" test. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_Sieve main { sub start() { uword count uword i uword prime uword k const uword SIZEPL = 8191 uword @zp flags_ptr = memory("flags", SIZEPL, $100) txt.print("calculating...\n") sys.memset(flags_ptr, SIZEPL, 1) count = 0 for i in 0 to SIZEPL-1 { if flags_ptr[i] { prime = i + i + 3 k = i + prime while k <= SIZEPL-1 { flags_ptr[k] = false k += prime } txt.print_uw(prime) txt.nl() count++ } } txt.nl() txt.print_uw(count) txt.print(" primes\n") } }