%import textio %import gfx2 %import gfx_lores %option no_sysinit %zeropage basicsafe main { sub start() { gfx_lores.graphics_mode() ; gfx2.screen_mode(1) gfx_lores.text_charset(1) for cx16.r9L in 0 to 10 { gfx_lores.text(50+cx16.r9L, 20+cx16.r9L, cx16.r9L, sc:"the quick brown fox 12345") } gfx_lores.text_charset(2) for cx16.r9L in 0 to 10 { gfx_lores.text(50+cx16.r9L, 40+cx16.r9L, cx16.r9L, sc:"the quick brown fox 12345") } gfx_lores.text_charset(3) for cx16.r9L in 0 to 10 { gfx_lores.text(50+cx16.r9L, 60+cx16.r9L, cx16.r9L, sc:"the quick brown fox 12345") } gfx_lores.text_charset(4) for cx16.r9L in 0 to 10 { gfx_lores.text(50+cx16.r9L, 80+cx16.r9L, cx16.r9L, sc:"the quick brown fox 12345") } gfx_lores.text_charset(5) for cx16.r9L in 0 to 10 { gfx_lores.text(50+cx16.r9L, 100+cx16.r9L, cx16.r9L, sc:"the quick brown fox 12345") } repeat { } } }