%import textio %import syslib %zeropage basicsafe main { struct Color { ubyte red ubyte green ubyte blue } ; Color c1 = [11,22,33] ; TODO fix crash ; Color c2 = [11,22,33] ; TODO fix crash ; Color c3 = [11,22,33] ; TODO fix crash ; uword[] colors = [ c1, c2, c3] ; TODO should contain pointers to (the first element) of each struct str[] names = ["aap", "noot", "mies", "vuur"] uword[] names3 = ["aap", "noot", "mies", "vuur"] ubyte[] values = [11,22,33,44] uword[] arrays = [names, names3, values] sub start() { Color c1 = [11,22,33] Color c2 = [11,22,33] Color c3 = [11,22,33] uword[] colors = [ c1, c2, c3] ; TODO should contain pointers to (the first element) of each struct c1.red = 100 c1.green = 100 c1.blue = 100 ; c1 = [11,22,33] ; TODO rewrite into individual struct member assignments uword s for s in names { txt.print(s) txt.chrout('\n') } txt.chrout('\n') txt.print(names[2]) txt.chrout('\n') txt.print(names[3]) txt.chrout('\n') repeat { txt.print(names3[rnd()&3]) txt.chrout(' ') } } }