%import graphics %import floats %import test_stack %zeropage floatsafe ; Draw a mandelbrot in graphics mode (the image will be 256 x 200 pixels). ; NOTE: this will take an eternity to draw on a real c64. A CommanderX16 is a bit faster. ; even in Vice in warp mode (700% speed on my machine) it's slow, but you can see progress ; Note: this program can be compiled for multiple target systems. main { const uword width = 320 const ubyte height = 200 const ubyte max_iter = 16 sub start() { graphics.enable_bitmap_mode() uword pixelx ubyte pixely for pixely in 0 to height-1 { float yy = (pixely as float)/0.4/height - 1.0 for pixelx in 0 to width-1 { float xx = (pixelx as float)/0.3/width - 2.2 float xsquared = 0.0 float ysquared = 0.0 float x = 0.0 float y = 0.0 ubyte iter = 0 while iter