%import textio %zeropage basicsafe main { sub start() { txt.lowercase() ; uword ww = goatsoup.getword($a3, 2) goatsoup.set_seed($2211, $f19e) goatsoup.planet_name = "saturn" goatsoup.print_soup() txt.chrout('\n') repeat 20 { txt.print(goatsoup.random_name()) txt.chrout(' ') } } asmsub testX() { %asm {{ stx _saveX lda #13 jsr txt.chrout lda _saveX jsr txt.print_ub lda #13 jsr txt.chrout ldx _saveX rts _saveX .byte 0 }} } } goatsoup { %option force_output str[] words81 = ["fabled", "notable", "well known", "famous", "noted"] str[] words82 = ["very", "mildly", "most", "reasonably", ""] str[] words83 = ["ancient", "\x95", "great", "vast", "pink"] str[] words84 = ["\x9E \x9D plantations", "mountains", "\x9C", "\x94 forests", "oceans"] str[] words85 = ["shyness", "silliness", "mating traditions", "loathing of \x86", "love for \x86"] str[] words86 = ["food blenders", "tourists", "poetry", "discos", "\x8E"] str[] words87 = ["talking tree", "crab", "bat", "lobst", "\xB2"] str[] words88 = ["beset", "plagued", "ravaged", "cursed", "scourged"] str[] words89 = ["\x96 civil war", "\x9B \x98 \x99s", "a \x9B disease", "\x96 earthquakes", "\x96 solar activity"] str[] words8A = ["its \x83 \x84", "the \xB1 \x98 \x99","its inhabitants' \x9A \x85", "\xA1", "its \x8D \x8E"] str[] words8B = ["juice", "brandy", "water", "brew", "gargle blasters"] str[] words8C = ["\xB2", "\xB1 \x99", "\xB1 \xB2", "\xB1 \x9B", "\x9B \xB2"] str[] words8D = ["fabulous", "exotic", "hoopy", "unusual", "exciting"] str[] words8E = ["cuisine", "night life", "casinos", "sit coms", " \xA1 "] str[] words8F = ["\xB0", "The planet \xB0", "The world \xB0", "This planet", "This world"] str[] words90 = ["n unremarkable", " boring", " dull", " tedious", " revolting"] str[] words91 = ["planet", "world", "place", "little planet", "dump"] str[] words92 = ["wasp", "moth", "grub", "ant", "\xB2"] str[] words93 = ["poet", "arts graduate", "yak", "snail", "slug"] str[] words94 = ["tropical", "dense", "rain", "impenetrable", "exuberant"] str[] words95 = ["funny", "wierd", "unusual", "strange", "peculiar"] str[] words96 = ["frequent", "occasional", "unpredictable", "dreadful", "deadly"] str[] words97 = ["\x82 \x81 for \x8A", "\x82 \x81 for \x8A and \x8A", "\x88 by \x89", "\x82 \x81 for \x8A but \x88 by \x89","a\x90 \x91"] str[] words98 = ["\x9B", "mountain", "edible", "tree", "spotted"] str[] words99 = ["\x9F", "\xA0", "\x87oid", "\x93", "\x92"] str[] words9A = ["ancient", "exceptional", "eccentric", "ingrained", "\x95"] str[] words9B = ["killer", "deadly", "evil", "lethal", "vicious"] str[] words9C = ["parking meters", "dust clouds", "ice bergs", "rock formations", "volcanoes"] str[] words9D = ["plant", "tulip", "banana", "corn", "\xB2weed"] str[] words9E = ["\xB2", "\xB1 \xB2", "\xB1 \x9B", "inhabitant", "\xB1 \xB2"] str[] words9F = ["shrew", "beast", "bison", "snake", "wolf"] str[] wordsA0 = ["leopard", "cat", "monkey", "goat", "fish"] str[] wordsA1 = ["\x8C \x8B", "\xB1 \x9F \xA2","its \x8D \xA0 \xA2", "\xA3 \xA4", "\x8C \x8B"] str[] wordsA2 = ["meat", "cutlet", "steak", "burgers", "soup"] str[] wordsA3 = ["ice", "mud", "Zero-G", "vacuum", "\xB1 ultra"] str[] wordsA4 = ["hockey", "cricket", "karate", "polo", "tennis"] uword[] wordlists = [ words81, words82, words83, words84, words85, words86, words87, words88, words89, words8A, words8B, words8C, words8D, words8E, words8F, words90, words91, words92, words93, words94, words95, words96, words97, words98, words99, words9A, words9B, words9C, words9D, words9E, words9F, wordsA0, wordsA1, wordsA2, wordsA3, wordsA4] str pairs0 = "abouseitiletstonlonuthnoallexegezacebisousesarmaindirea.eratenbe" ubyte[4] goatsoup_rnd = [0, 0, 0, 0] ubyte[4] goatsoup_seed = [0, 0, 0, 0] str planet_name = " " ; 8 max sub set_seed(uword s1, uword s2) { goatsoup_seed[0] = lsb(s1) goatsoup_seed[1] = msb(s1) goatsoup_seed[2] = lsb(s2) goatsoup_seed[3] = msb(s2) reset_rnd() } sub reset_rnd() { goatsoup_rnd[0] = goatsoup_seed[0] goatsoup_rnd[1] = goatsoup_seed[1] goatsoup_rnd[2] = goatsoup_seed[2] goatsoup_rnd[3] = goatsoup_seed[3] } sub random_name() -> str { ubyte ii str name = " " ; 8 chars max ubyte nx = 0 for ii in 0 to gen_rnd_number() & 3 { ubyte x = gen_rnd_number() & $3e if pairs0[x] != '.' { name[nx] = pairs0[x] nx++ } if pairs0[x+1] != '.' { name[nx] = pairs0[x+1] nx++ } } name[nx] = 0 name[0] |= 32 ; uppercase first letter return name } sub gen_rnd_number() -> ubyte { ubyte x = goatsoup_rnd[0] * 2 uword a = x as uword + goatsoup_rnd[2] if goatsoup_rnd[0] > 127 a ++ goatsoup_rnd[0] = lsb(a) goatsoup_rnd[2] = x x = goatsoup_rnd[1] ubyte ac = x + goatsoup_rnd[3] + msb(a) goatsoup_rnd[1] = ac goatsoup_rnd[3] = x return ac } sub print_soup() { str source = "\x8F is \x97." reset_rnd() ubyte c for c in source { if c == $00 break else if c <= $80 txt.chrout(c) else { if c <= $a4 { ubyte rnr = gen_rnd_number() ubyte wordNr = (rnr >= $33) + (rnr >= $66) + (rnr >= $99) + (rnr >= $CC) str source2 source2 = getword(c, wordNr) ; TODO good error message ; TODO recursive call...: ; print_soup(source2) } else { if c == $b0 { txt.chrout(planet_name[0] | 32) txt.print(&planet_name + 1) } else if c == $b1 { ; planet name + ian txt.chrout(planet_name[0] | 32) ubyte ni for ni in 1 to len(planet_name) { ubyte cc = planet_name[ni] if cc=='e' or cc=='o' or cc==0 break else txt.chrout(cc) } txt.print("ian") } else if c == $b2 { txt.print(random_name()) } ; else BAD CHAR DATA } } } } asmsub getword(ubyte list @A, ubyte wordidx @Y) -> str @AY { %asm {{ sty P8ZP_SCRATCH_REG sec sbc #$81 asl a tay lda wordlists,y sta P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1 lda wordlists+1,y sta P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1+1 lda P8ZP_SCRATCH_REG asl a tay lda (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1),y pha iny lda (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W1),y tay pla rts }} } }