TODO ==== For next compiler release (7.7) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - perhaps also optimize testNonzeroComparisonAndJump() ? - copying floats around: do it with a subroutine rather than 5 lda/sta pairs . is slower but floats are very slow already anyway and this should take a lot less program size. -> assignVariableFloat() + assignConstantFloat() - don't remove dead variable assignment if it contains a function call - optimize codegen of pipe operator to avoid needless assigns to temp var - why is this using stack evaluation: bb = ww>0 (if ww>0 is not using stack!) Need help with ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - c128 target: various machine specific things (free zp locations, how banking works, getting the floating point routines working, ...) - other targets such as Atari 800XL: all required details about the machine, I have no clue whatsoever - see the Porting Guide in the documentation for this. Blocked by an official Commander-x16 r39 release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - simplify cx16.joystick_get2() once this cx16 rom issue is resolved: (I hope this will be included into the r39 roms when they get released) Future Things and Ideas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - can we promise a left-to-right function call argument evaluation? without sacrificing performance - unify FunctioncallExpression + FunctioncallStatement and PipeExpression + Pipe statement, may require moving Expression/Statement into interfaces instead of abstract base classes - for the pipe operator: recognise a placeholder (``?`` or ``%`` or ``_``) in a non-unary function call to allow things as ``4 |> mkword(?, $44) |> print_uw`` - make it possible to use cpu opcodes such as 'nop' as variable names by prefixing all asm vars with something such as ``v_`` then we can get rid of the instruction lists in the machinedefinitions as well? - fix the asm-labels problem (github issue #62) - make it possible to inline non-asmsub routines that just contain a single statement (return, functioncall, assignment) but this requires all identifiers in the inlined expression to be changed to fully scoped names - simplifyConditionalExpression() should not split expression if it still results in stack-based evaluation - simplifyConditionalExpression() sometimes introduces needless assignment to r9 tempvar - consider adding McCarthy evaluation to shortcircuit and and or expressions. First do ifs by splitting them up? Then do expressions that compute a value? - improve testability further, add more tests - use more of Result<> and Either<> to handle errors/ nulls better - rethink the whole "isAugmentable" business. Because the way this is determined, should always also be exactly mirrorred in the AugmentableAssignmentAsmGen or you'll get a crash at code gen time. - can we get rid of pieces of asmgen.AssignmentAsmGen by just reusing the AugmentableAssignment ? generated code should not suffer - c64: make the graphics.BITMAP_ADDRESS configurable (VIC banking) - optimize several inner loops in gfx2 even further? - add modes 2 and 3 to gfx2 (lowres 4 color and 16 color)? - add a flood fill routine to gfx2? - add a diskio.f_seek() routine for the Cx16 that uses its seek dos api? - make it possible for diskio to read and write from more than one file at the same time (= use multiple io channels)? - fix problems in c128 target - add (u)word array type (or modifier?) that puts the array into memory as 2 separate byte-arrays 1 for LSB 1 for MSB -> allows for word arrays of length 256 - [problematic due to 64tass:] add a compiler option to not remove unused subroutines. this allows for building library programs. But this won't work with 64tass's .proc ... Perhaps replace all uses of .proc/.pend by .block/.bend will fix that? (but we lose the optimizing aspect of the assembler where it strips out unused code. There's not really a dynamic switch possible as all assembly lib code is static and uses one or the other) - get rid of all TODO's in the code ;) More optimization ideas ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - if a for loop's loopvariable isn't referenced in the body, replace by a repeatloop - automatically convert if statements that test for multiple values (if X==1 or X==2..) to if X in [1,2,..] statements, instead of just a warning - byte typed expressions should be evaluated in the accumulator where possible, without (temp)var for instance value = otherbyte >> 1 --> lda otherbite ; lsr a; sta value - rewrite expression tree evaluation such that it doesn't use an eval stack but flatten the tree into linear code that uses a fixed number of predetermined value 'variables' - this removes the need for the BinExprSplitter? (which is problematic and very limited now) - introduce byte-index operator to avoid index multiplications in loops over arrays? see github issue #4