""" Programming Language for 6502/6510 microprocessors These are the Abstract Syntax Tree node classes that form the Parse Tree. Written by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net) License: GNU GPL 3.0, see LICENSE """ from .symbols import SourceRef, SymbolTable, SubroutineDef, SymbolDefinition, SymbolError, DataType, \ STRING_DATATYPES, REGISTER_SYMBOLS, REGISTER_BYTES, REGISTER_SBITS, check_value_in_range from typing import Dict, Set, List, Tuple, Optional, Union, Generator, Any __all__ = ["_AstNode", "Block", "Value", "IndirectValue", "IntegerValue", "FloatValue", "StringValue", "RegisterValue", "MemMappedValue", "Comment", "Label", "AssignmentStmt", "AugmentedAssignmentStmt", "ReturnStmt", "InplaceIncrStmt", "InplaceDecrStmt", "IfCondition", "CallStmt", "InlineAsm", "BreakpointStmt"] class _AstNode: def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None: self.sourceref = sourceref.copy() @property def lineref(self) -> str: return "src l. " + str(self.sourceref.line) class Block(_AstNode): _unnamed_block_labels = {} # type: Dict[Block, str] def __init__(self, name: str, sourceref: SourceRef, parent_scope: SymbolTable) -> None: super().__init__(sourceref) self.address = 0 self.name = name self.statements = [] # type: List[_AstNode] self.symbols = SymbolTable(name, parent_scope, self) @property def ignore(self) -> bool: return not self.name and not self.address @property def label_names(self) -> Set[str]: return {symbol.name for symbol in self.symbols.iter_labels()} @property def label(self) -> str: if self.name: return self.name if self in self._unnamed_block_labels: return self._unnamed_block_labels[self] label = "il65_block_{:d}".format(len(self._unnamed_block_labels)) self._unnamed_block_labels[self] = label return label def lookup(self, dottedname: str) -> Tuple[Optional['Block'], Optional[Union[SymbolDefinition, SymbolTable]]]: # Searches a name in the current block or globally, if the name is scoped (=contains a '.'). # Does NOT utilize a symbol table from a preprocessing parse phase, only looks in the current. try: scope, result = self.symbols.lookup(dottedname) return scope.owning_block, result except (SymbolError, LookupError): return None, None def all_statements(self) -> Generator[Tuple['Block', Optional[SubroutineDef], _AstNode], None, None]: for stmt in self.statements: yield self, None, stmt for sub in self.symbols.iter_subroutines(True): for stmt in sub.sub_block.statements: yield sub.sub_block, sub, stmt class Value(_AstNode): def __init__(self, datatype: DataType, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None, constant: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(sourceref) self.datatype = datatype self.name = name self.constant = constant def assignable_from(self, other: 'Value') -> Tuple[bool, str]: if self.constant: return False, "cannot assign to a constant" return False, "incompatible value for assignment" class IndirectValue(Value): # only constant integers, memmapped and register values are wrapped in this. def __init__(self, value: Value, type_modifier: DataType, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None: assert type_modifier super().__init__(type_modifier, sourceref, value.name, False) self.value = value def __str__(self): return "".format(self.value, self.datatype, self.name) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.datatype, self.name, self.value)) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, IndirectValue): return NotImplemented elif self is other: return True else: vvo = getattr(other.value, "value", getattr(other.value, "address", None)) vvs = getattr(self.value, "value", getattr(self.value, "address", None)) return (other.datatype, other.name, other.value.name, other.value.datatype, other.value.constant, vvo) == \ (self.datatype, self.name, self.value.name, self.value.datatype, self.value.constant, vvs) def assignable_from(self, other: Value) -> Tuple[bool, str]: if self.constant: return False, "cannot assign to a constant" if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE: if other.datatype == DataType.BYTE: return True, "" if self.datatype == DataType.WORD: if other.datatype in {DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD} | STRING_DATATYPES: return True, "" if self.datatype == DataType.FLOAT: if other.datatype in {DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT}: return True, "" if isinstance(other, (IntegerValue, FloatValue, StringValue)): rangefault = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, "", 1, other.value) if rangefault: return False, rangefault return True, "" return False, "incompatible value for indirect assignment (need byte, word, float or string)" class IntegerValue(Value): def __init__(self, value: Optional[int], sourceref: SourceRef, *, datatype: DataType = None, name: str = None) -> None: if type(value) is int: if datatype is None: if 0 <= value < 0x100: datatype = DataType.BYTE elif value < 0x10000: datatype = DataType.WORD else: raise OverflowError("value too big: ${:x}".format(value)) else: faultreason = check_value_in_range(datatype, "", 1, value) if faultreason: raise OverflowError(faultreason) super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, True) self.value = value elif value is None: if not name: raise ValueError("when integer value is not given, the name symbol should be speicified") super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, True) self.value = None else: raise TypeError("invalid data type") def __hash__(self): return hash((self.datatype, self.value, self.name)) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, IntegerValue): return NotImplemented elif self is other: return True else: return (other.datatype, other.value, other.name) == (self.datatype, self.value, self.name) def __str__(self): return "".format(self.value, self.name) class FloatValue(Value): def __init__(self, value: float, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None) -> None: if type(value) is float: super().__init__(DataType.FLOAT, sourceref, name, True) self.value = value else: raise TypeError("invalid data type") def __hash__(self): return hash((self.datatype, self.value, self.name)) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, FloatValue): return NotImplemented elif self is other: return True else: return (other.datatype, other.value, other.name) == (self.datatype, self.value, self.name) def __str__(self): return "".format(self.value, self.name) class StringValue(Value): def __init__(self, value: str, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None, constant: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(DataType.STRING, sourceref, name, constant) self.value = value def __hash__(self): return hash((self.datatype, self.value, self.name, self.constant)) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, StringValue): return NotImplemented elif self is other: return True else: return (other.datatype, other.value, other.name, other.constant) == (self.datatype, self.value, self.name, self.constant) def __str__(self): return "".format(self.value, self.name, self.constant) class RegisterValue(Value): def __init__(self, register: str, datatype: DataType, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None) -> None: assert datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD) assert register in REGISTER_SYMBOLS super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, False) self.register = register def __hash__(self): return hash((self.datatype, self.register, self.name)) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, RegisterValue): return NotImplemented elif self is other: return True else: return (other.datatype, other.register, other.name) == (self.datatype, self.register, self.name) def __str__(self): return "".format(self.register, self.datatype, self.name) def assignable_from(self, other: Value) -> Tuple[bool, str]: if isinstance(other, IndirectValue): if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE: if other.datatype == DataType.BYTE: return True, "" return False, "(unsigned) byte required" if self.datatype == DataType.WORD: if other.datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD): return True, "" return False, "(unsigned) byte required" return False, "incompatible indirect value for register assignment" if self.register in ("SC", "SI"): if isinstance(other, IntegerValue) and other.value in (0, 1): return True, "" return False, "can only assign an integer constant value of 0 or 1 to SC and SI" if self.constant: return False, "cannot assign to a constant" if isinstance(other, RegisterValue): if other.register in {"SI", "SC", "SZ"}: return False, "cannot explicitly assign from a status bit register alias" if len(self.register) < len(other.register): return False, "register size mismatch" if isinstance(other, StringValue) and self.register in REGISTER_BYTES | REGISTER_SBITS: return False, "string address requires 16 bits combined register" if isinstance(other, IntegerValue): if other.value is not None: range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, self.register, 1, other.value) if range_error: return False, range_error return True, "" if self.datatype == DataType.WORD: return True, "" return False, "cannot assign address to single register" if isinstance(other, FloatValue): range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, self.register, 1, other.value) if range_error: return False, range_error return True, "" if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE: if other.datatype != DataType.BYTE: return False, "(unsigned) byte required" return True, "" if self.datatype == DataType.WORD: if other.datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD) or other.datatype in STRING_DATATYPES: return True, "" return False, "(unsigned) byte, word or string required" return False, "incompatible value for register assignment" class MemMappedValue(Value): def __init__(self, address: Optional[int], datatype: DataType, length: int, sourceref: SourceRef, name: str = None, constant: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(datatype, sourceref, name, constant) self.address = address self.length = length assert address is None or type(address) is int def __hash__(self): return hash((self.datatype, self.address, self.length, self.name, self.constant)) def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, MemMappedValue): return NotImplemented elif self is other: return True else: return (other.datatype, other.address, other.length, other.name, other.constant) == \ (self.datatype, self.address, self.length, self.name, self.constant) def __str__(self): addr = "" if self.address is None else "${:04x}".format(self.address) return "" \ .format(addr, self.datatype, self.length, self.name, self.constant) def assignable_from(self, other: Value) -> Tuple[bool, str]: if self.constant: return False, "cannot assign to a constant" if isinstance(other, IndirectValue): if self.datatype == other.datatype: return True, "" return False, "data type of value and target are not the same" if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE: if isinstance(other, (IntegerValue, RegisterValue, MemMappedValue)): if other.datatype == DataType.BYTE: return True, "" return False, "(unsigned) byte required" elif isinstance(other, FloatValue): range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, "", 1, other.value) if range_error: return False, range_error return True, "" else: return False, "(unsigned) byte required" elif self.datatype in (DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT): if isinstance(other, (IntegerValue, FloatValue)): range_error = check_value_in_range(self.datatype, "", 1, other.value) if range_error: return False, range_error return True, "" elif isinstance(other, (RegisterValue, MemMappedValue)): if other.datatype in (DataType.BYTE, DataType.WORD, DataType.FLOAT): return True, "" else: return False, "byte or word or float required" elif isinstance(other, StringValue): if self.datatype == DataType.WORD: return True, "" return False, "string address requires 16 bits (a word)" if self.datatype == DataType.BYTE: return False, "(unsigned) byte required" if self.datatype == DataType.WORD: return False, "(unsigned) word required" return False, "incompatible value for assignment" class Comment(_AstNode): def __init__(self, text: str, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None: super().__init__(sourceref) self.text = text class Label(_AstNode): def __init__(self, name: str, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None: super().__init__(sourceref) self.name = name class AssignmentStmt(_AstNode): def __init__(self, leftvalues: List[Value], right: Value, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None: super().__init__(sourceref) self.leftvalues = leftvalues self.right = right def __str__(self): return "".format(str(self.right), ",".join(str(lv) for lv in self.leftvalues)) _immediate_string_vars = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]] def desugar_immediate_string(self, containing_block: Block) -> None: if self.right.name or not isinstance(self.right, StringValue): return if self.right.value in self._immediate_string_vars: blockname, stringvar_name = self._immediate_string_vars[self.right.value] if blockname: self.right.name = blockname + '.' + stringvar_name else: self.right.name = stringvar_name else: stringvar_name = "il65_str_{:d}".format(id(self)) value = self.right.value containing_block.symbols.define_constant(stringvar_name, self.sourceref, DataType.STRING, value=value) self.right.name = stringvar_name self._immediate_string_vars[self.right.value] = (containing_block.name, stringvar_name) def remove_identity_lvalues(self) -> None: for lv in self.leftvalues: if lv == self.right: print("{}: removed identity assignment".format(self.sourceref)) remaining_leftvalues = [lv for lv in self.leftvalues if lv != self.right] self.leftvalues = remaining_leftvalues def is_identity(self) -> bool: return all(lv == self.right for lv in self.leftvalues) class AugmentedAssignmentStmt(AssignmentStmt): SUPPORTED_OPERATORS = {"+=", "-=", "&=", "|=", "^=", ">>=", "<<="} # full set: {"+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "//=", "**=", "&=", "|=", "^=", ">>=", "<<="} def __init__(self, left: Value, operator: str, right: Value, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None: assert operator in self.SUPPORTED_OPERATORS super().__init__([left], right, sourceref) self.operator = operator def __str__(self): return "".format(str(self.leftvalues[0]), self.operator, str(self.right)) class ReturnStmt(_AstNode): def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef, a: Optional[Value] = None, x: Optional[Value] = None, y: Optional[Value] = None) -> None: super().__init__(sourceref) self.a = a self.x = x self.y = y class InplaceIncrStmt(_AstNode): def __init__(self, what: Value, howmuch: Union[None, int, float], byname: Optional[str], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None: super().__init__(sourceref) assert howmuch is None or howmuch > 0 self.what = what self.howmuch = howmuch self.float_var_name = byname class InplaceDecrStmt(_AstNode): def __init__(self, what: Value, howmuch: Union[None, int, float], byname: Optional[str], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None: super().__init__(sourceref) assert howmuch is None or howmuch > 0 self.what = what self.howmuch = howmuch self.float_var_name = byname class IfCondition(_AstNode): SWAPPED_OPERATOR = {"==": "==", "!=": "!=", "<=": ">=", ">=": "<=", "<": ">", ">": "<"} IF_STATUSES = {"cc", "cs", "vc", "vs", "eq", "ne", "true", "not", "zero", "pos", "neg", "lt", "gt", "le", "ge"} def __init__(self, ifstatus: str, leftvalue: Optional[Value], operator: str, rightvalue: Optional[Value], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None: assert ifstatus in self.IF_STATUSES assert operator in (None, "") or operator in self.SWAPPED_OPERATOR if operator: assert ifstatus in ("true", "not", "zero") super().__init__(sourceref) self.ifstatus = ifstatus self.lvalue = leftvalue self.comparison_op = operator self.rvalue = rightvalue def __str__(self): return "".format(self.ifstatus, self.lvalue, self.comparison_op, self.rvalue) def make_if_true(self) -> bool: # makes a condition of the form if_not a < b into: if a > b (gets rid of the not) # returns whether the change was made or not if self.ifstatus == "not" and self.comparison_op: self.ifstatus = "true" self.comparison_op = self.SWAPPED_OPERATOR[self.comparison_op] return True return False def swap(self) -> Tuple[Value, str, Value]: self.lvalue, self.comparison_op, self.rvalue = self.rvalue, self.SWAPPED_OPERATOR[self.comparison_op], self.lvalue return self.lvalue, self.comparison_op, self.rvalue class CallStmt(_AstNode): def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef, target: Optional[Value] = None, *, address: Optional[int] = None, arguments: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = None, outputs: List[Tuple[str, Value]] = None, is_goto: bool = False, preserve_regs: bool = True, condition: IfCondition = None) -> None: if not is_goto: assert condition is None super().__init__(sourceref) self.target = target self.address = address self.arguments = arguments self.outputvars = outputs self.is_goto = is_goto self.condition = condition self.preserve_regs = preserve_regs self.desugared_call_arguments = [] # type: List[AssignmentStmt] self.desugared_output_assignments = [] # type: List[AssignmentStmt] class InlineAsm(_AstNode): def __init__(self, asmlines: List[str], sourceref: SourceRef) -> None: super().__init__(sourceref) self.asmlines = asmlines class BreakpointStmt(_AstNode): def __init__(self, sourceref: SourceRef) -> None: super().__init__(sourceref)