%import textio %import mcf %zeropage basicsafe main { sub start() { uword duration ubyte[256] bonkbuffer set_screen_mode() cbm.SETTIM(0,0,0) mcf.set_callbacks(mcf_get_buffer, mcf_process_chunk) ; not needed if the stream has no custom chunk types mcf.set_bonkbuffer(bonkbuffer) if mcf.open("demo.mcf", 8, 2) { repeat { mcf.stream() if_cs { break ; EOF reached, stop the streaming loop } else { ; PAUSE chunk encountered, code is in cx16.r0 } } mcf.close() } duration = cbm.RDTIM16() cbm.CINT() txt.print("done. ") txt.print_uw(duration) txt.print(" jiffies.\n") } sub set_screen_mode() { ; 640x400 16 colors cx16.VERA_DC_VIDEO = (cx16.VERA_DC_VIDEO & %11001111) | %00100000 ; enable only layer 1 cx16.VERA_DC_HSCALE = 128 cx16.VERA_DC_VSCALE = 128 cx16.VERA_CTRL = %00000010 cx16.VERA_DC_VSTART = 20 cx16.VERA_DC_VSTOP = 400 /2 -1 + 20 ; clip off screen that overflows vram cx16.VERA_L1_CONFIG = %00000110 ; 16 colors bitmap mode cx16.VERA_L1_MAPBASE = 0 cx16.VERA_L1_TILEBASE = %00000001 ; hires } asmsub mcf_get_buffer(ubyte chunktype @A, uword size @XY) -> ubyte @A, uword @XY, bool @Pc { %asm {{ ldx #<$a000 ldy #>$a000 lda #10 clc rts }} } asmsub mcf_process_chunk() -> bool @Pc { ; process the chunk that was loaded in the location returned by the previous call to mcf_get_buffer() %asm {{ clc rts }} } }