$1000 69 01 adc #$01 $1002 65 02 adc $02 $1004 75 03 adc $03,x $1006 6d 05 04 adc $0405 $1009 7d 07 06 adc $0607,x $100c 79 09 08 adc $0809,y $100f 61 0a adc ($0a,x) $1011 71 0b adc ($0b),y $1013 29 0c and #$0c $1015 25 0d and $0d $1017 35 0e and $0e,x $1019 2d 10 0f and $0f10 $101c 3d 12 11 and $1112,x $101f 39 14 13 and $1314,y $1022 21 15 and ($15,x) $1024 31 16 and ($16),y $1026 0a asl a $1027 06 17 asl $17 $1029 16 18 asl $18,x $102b 0e 1a 19 asl $191a $102e 1e 1c 1b asl $1b1c,x $1031 90 1d bcc $1050 $1033 b0 1e bcs $1053 $1035 f0 1f beq $1056 $1037 24 20 bit $20 $1039 2c 22 21 bit $2122 $103c 30 23 bmi $1061 $103e d0 24 bne $1064 $1040 10 25 bpl $1067 $1042 00 brk $1043 50 26 bvc $106b $1045 70 27 bvs $106e $1047 18 clc $1048 d8 cld $1049 58 cli $104a b8 clv $104b c9 28 cmp #$28 $104d c5 29 cmp $29 $104f d5 2a cmp $2a,x $1051 cd 2c 2b cmp $2b2c $1054 dd 2e 2d cmp $2d2e,x $1057 d9 30 2f cmp $2f30,y $105a c1 31 cmp ($31,x) $105c d1 32 cmp ($32),y $105e e0 33 cpx #$33 $1060 e4 34 cpx $34 $1062 ec 36 35 cpx $3536 $1065 c0 37 cpy #$37 $1067 c4 38 cpy $38 $1069 cc 3a 39 cpy $393a $106c c6 3b dec $3b $106e d6 3c dec $3c,x $1070 ce 3e 3d dec $3d3e $1073 de 40 3f dec $3f40,x $1076 ca dex $1077 88 dey $1078 49 41 eor #$41 $107a 45 42 eor $42 $107c 55 43 eor $43,x $107e 4d 45 44 eor $4445 $1081 5d 47 46 eor $4647,x $1084 59 49 48 eor $4849,y $1087 41 4a eor ($4a,x) $1089 51 4b eor ($4b),y $108b e6 4c inc $4c $108d f6 4d inc $4d,x $108f ee 4f 4e inc $4e4f $1092 fe 51 50 inc $5051,x $1095 e8 inx $1096 c8 iny $1097 4c 53 52 jmp $5253 $109a 6c 55 54 jmp ($5455) $109d 20 57 56 jsr $5657 $10a0 a9 58 lda #$58 $10a2 a5 59 lda $59 $10a4 b5 5a lda $5a,x $10a6 ad 5c 5b lda $5b5c $10a9 bd 5e 5d lda $5d5e,x $10ac b9 60 5f lda $5f60,y $10af a1 61 lda ($61,x) $10b1 b1 62 lda ($62),y $10b3 a2 63 ldx #$63 $10b5 a6 64 ldx $64 $10b7 b6 65 ldx $65,y $10b9 ae 67 66 ldx $6667 $10bc be 69 68 ldx $6869,y $10bf a0 6a ldy #$6a $10c1 a4 6b ldy $6b $10c3 b4 6c ldy $6c,x $10c5 ac 6e 6d ldy $6d6e $10c8 bc 70 6f ldy $6f70,x $10cb 4a lsr a $10cc 46 71 lsr $71 $10ce 56 72 lsr $72,x $10d0 4e 74 73 lsr $7374 $10d3 5e 76 75 lsr $7576,x $10d6 ea nop $10d7 09 77 ora #$77 $10d9 05 78 ora $78 $10db 15 79 ora $79,x $10dd 0d 7b 7a ora $7a7b $10e0 1d 7d 7c ora $7c7d,x $10e3 19 7f 7e ora $7e7f,y $10e6 01 80 ora ($80,x) $10e8 11 81 ora ($81),y $10ea 48 pha $10eb 08 php $10ec 68 pla $10ed 28 plp $10ee 2a rol a $10ef 26 82 rol $82 $10f1 36 83 rol $83,x $10f3 2e 85 84 rol $8485 $10f6 3e 87 86 rol $8687,x $10f9 6a ror a $10fa 66 88 ror $88 $10fc 76 89 ror $89,x $10fe 6e 8b 8a ror $8a8b $1101 7e 8d 8c ror $8c8d,x $1104 40 rti $1105 60 rts $1106 e9 8e sbc #$8e $1108 e5 8f sbc $8f $110a f5 90 sbc $90,x $110c ed 92 91 sbc $9192 $110f fd 94 93 sbc $9394,x $1112 f9 96 95 sbc $9596,y $1115 e1 97 sbc ($97,x) $1117 f1 98 sbc ($98),y $1119 38 sec $111a f8 sed $111b 78 sei $111c 85 99 sta $99 $111e 95 9a sta $9a,x $1120 8d 9c 9b sta $9b9c $1123 9d 9e 9d sta $9d9e,x $1126 99 a0 9f sta $9fa0,y $1129 81 a1 sta ($a1,x) $112b 91 a2 sta ($a2),y $112d 86 a3 stx $a3 $112f 96 a4 stx $a4,y $1131 8e a6 a5 stx $a5a6 $1134 84 a7 sty $a7 $1136 94 a8 sty $a8,x $1138 8c aa a9 sty $a9aa $113b aa tax $113c a8 tay $113d ba tsx $113e 8a txa $113f 9a txs $1140 98 tya $1141 02 ??? $1142 12 ??? $1143 22 ??? $1144 32 ??? $1145 42 ??? $1146 52 ??? $1147 62 ??? $1148 72 ??? $1149 92 ??? $114a b2 ??? $114b d2 ??? $114c f2 ??? $114d 7a nop $114e 5a nop $114f 1a nop $1150 3a nop $1151 da nop $1152 fa nop $1153 80 00 nop #$00 $1155 82 00 nop #$00 $1157 89 00 nop #$00 $1159 c2 00 nop #$00 $115b e2 00 nop #$00 $115d 04 00 nop $00 $115f 64 00 nop $00 $1161 44 00 nop $00 $1163 0c 00 00 nop $0000 $1166 14 00 nop $00,x $1168 34 00 nop $00,x $116a 54 00 nop $00,x $116c 74 00 nop $00,x $116e d4 00 nop $00,x $1170 f4 00 nop $00,x $1172 1c 00 00 nop $0000,x $1175 3c 00 00 nop $0000,x $1178 5c 00 00 nop $0000,x $117b 7c 00 00 nop $0000,x $117e dc 00 00 nop $0000,x $1181 fc 00 00 nop $0000,x $1184 ab 00 lax #$00 $1186 a7 00 lax $00 $1188 b7 00 lax $00,y $118a af 00 00 lax $0000 $118d bf 00 00 lax $0000,y $1190 a3 00 lax ($00,x) $1192 b3 00 lax ($00),y $1194 87 00 sax $00 $1196 97 00 sax $00,y $1198 8f 00 00 sax $0000 $119b 83 00 sax ($00,x) $119d eb 00 sbc #$00 $119f c7 00 dcp $00 $11a1 d7 00 dcp $00,x $11a3 cf 00 00 dcp $0000 $11a6 df 00 00 dcp $0000,x $11a9 db 00 00 dcp $0000,y $11ac c3 00 dcp ($00,x) $11ae d3 00 dcp ($00),y $11b0 e7 00 isc $00 $11b2 f7 00 isc $00,x $11b4 ef 00 00 isc $0000 $11b7 ff 00 00 isc $0000,x $11ba fb 00 00 isc $0000,y $11bd e3 00 isc ($00,x) $11bf f3 00 isc ($00),y $11c1 27 00 rla $00 $11c3 37 00 rla $00,x $11c5 2f 00 00 rla $0000 $11c8 3f 00 00 rla $0000,x $11cb 3b 00 00 rla $0000,y $11ce 23 00 rla ($00,x) $11d0 33 00 rla ($00),y $11d2 67 00 rra $00 $11d4 77 00 rra $00,x $11d6 6f 00 00 rra $0000 $11d9 7f 00 00 rra $0000,x $11dc 7b 00 00 rra $0000,y $11df 63 00 rra ($00,x) $11e1 73 00 rra ($00),y $11e3 07 00 slo $00 $11e5 17 00 slo $00,x $11e7 0f 00 00 slo $0000 $11ea 1f 00 00 slo $0000,x $11ed 1b 00 00 slo $0000,y $11f0 03 00 slo ($00,x) $11f2 13 00 slo ($00),y $11f4 47 00 sre $00 $11f6 57 00 sre $00,x $11f8 4f 00 00 sre $0000 $11fb 5f 00 00 sre $0000,x $11fe 5b 00 00 sre $0000,y $1201 43 00 sre ($00,x) $1203 53 00 sre ($00),y $1205 0b 00 anc #$00 $1207 2b 00 anc #$00 $1209 4b 00 alr #$00 $120b 6b 00 arr #$00 $120d 8b 00 xaa #$00 $120f 93 00 ahx ($00),y $1211 9f 00 00 ahx $0000,y $1214 9b 00 00 tas $0000,y $1217 9e 00 00 shx $0000,y $121a 9c 00 00 shy $0000,x $121d bb 00 00 las $0000,y $1220 cb 00 axs #$00