""" Programming Language for 6502/6510 microprocessors, codename 'Sick' This is the main program that drives the rest. Written by Irmen de Jong (irmen@razorvine.net) - license: GNU GPL 3.0 """ import time import os import re import argparse import subprocess from .compile import PlyParser from .optimize import optimize from .emit.generate import AssemblyGenerator from .plylex import print_bold from .plyparse import ProgramFormat class Assembler64Tass: def __init__(self, format: ProgramFormat) -> None: self.format = format def assemble(self, inputfilename: str, outputfilename: str) -> None: args = ["64tass", "--ascii", "--case-sensitive", "-Wall", "-Wno-strict-bool", "--dump-labels", "--vice-labels", "-l", outputfilename+".vice-mon-list", "--no-monitor", "--output", outputfilename, inputfilename] if self.format in (ProgramFormat.PRG, ProgramFormat.BASIC): args.append("--cbm-prg") elif self.format == ProgramFormat.RAW: args.append("--nostart") else: raise ValueError("don't know how to create code format "+str(self.format)) try: if self.format == ProgramFormat.PRG: print("\nCreating C-64 prg.") elif self.format == ProgramFormat.RAW: print("\nCreating raw binary.") try: subprocess.check_call(args) except FileNotFoundError as x: raise SystemExit("ERROR: cannot run assembler program: "+str(x)) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as x: raise SystemExit("assembler failed with returncode " + str(x.returncode)) def generate_breakpoint_list(self, program_filename: str) -> str: breakpoints = [] vice_mon_file = program_filename + ".vice-mon-list" with open(vice_mon_file, "rU") as f: for line in f: match = re.fullmatch(r"al (?P
\w+) \S+_il65_breakpoint_\d+.?", line, re.DOTALL) if match: breakpoints.append("$" + match.group("address")) with open(vice_mon_file, "at") as f: print("; vice monitor breakpoint list now follows", file=f) print("; {:d} breakpoints have been defined here".format(len(breakpoints)), file=f) print("del", file=f) for b in breakpoints: print("break", b, file=f) return vice_mon_file def main() -> None: description = "Compiler for IL65 language, code name 'Sick'" ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) ap.add_argument("-o", "--output", help="output directory") ap.add_argument("-no", "--nooptimize", action="store_true", help="do not optimize the parse tree") ap.add_argument("-sv", "--startvice", action="store_true", help="autostart vice x64 emulator after compilation") ap.add_argument("sourcefile", help="the source .ill/.il65 file to compile") args = ap.parse_args() assembly_filename = os.path.splitext(args.sourcefile)[0] + ".asm" program_filename = os.path.splitext(args.sourcefile)[0] + ".prg" if args.output: os.makedirs(args.output, mode=0o700, exist_ok=True) assembly_filename = os.path.join(args.output, os.path.split(assembly_filename)[1]) program_filename = os.path.join(args.output, os.path.split(program_filename)[1]) print("\n" + description) start = time.perf_counter() print("\nParsing program source code.") parser = PlyParser() parsed_module = parser.parse_file(args.sourcefile) if parsed_module: if args.nooptimize: print_bold("Optimizations disabled!") else: print("\nOptimizing code.") optimize(parsed_module) print("\nGenerating assembly code.") cg = AssemblyGenerator(parsed_module) cg.generate(assembly_filename) assembler = Assembler64Tass(parsed_module.format) assembler.assemble(assembly_filename, program_filename) mon_command_file = assembler.generate_breakpoint_list(program_filename) duration_total = time.perf_counter() - start print("Compile duration: {:.2f} seconds".format(duration_total)) size = os.path.getsize(program_filename) print("Output size: {:d} bytes".format(size)) print_bold("Output file: " + program_filename) print() if args.startvice: print("Autostart vice emulator...") # "-remotemonitor" cmdline = ["x64", "-moncommands", mon_command_file, "-autostartprgmode", "1", "-autostart-warp", "-autostart", program_filename] with open(os.devnull, "wb") as shutup: subprocess.call(cmdline, stdout=shutup)