; source code for a stackvm program ; init memory bytes/words/strings %memory 0400 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 22 33 44 55 66 0500 1111 2222 3333 4444 1000 "Hello world!\n" %end_memory ; init global var table with bytes/words/floats/strings %variables main.var1 str "This is main.var1" main.var2 byte aa main.var3 word ea44 main.var4 float 3.1415927 main.textcolor byte 0 input.prompt str "Enter a number: " input.result word 0 %end_variables ; instructions and labels %instructions nop syscall WRITE_MEMSTR w:1000 loop: inc_var "main.textcolor" syscall RANDOM syscall RANDOM push_var "main.textcolor" syscall GFX_PIXEL ; syscall WRITE_VAR "input.prompt" ; syscall INPUT_VAR "input.result" ; syscall WRITE_VAR "input.result" ; push b:8d ; syscall WRITE_CHAR jump loop %end_instructions