%target c64 %import textio ; bitmap pixel graphics module for the C64 ; only black/white monchrome 320x200 for now ; assumes bitmap screen memory is $2000-$3fff graphics { const uword BITMAP_ADDRESS = $2000 const uword WIDTH = 320 const ubyte HEIGHT = 200 sub enable_bitmap_mode() { ; enable bitmap screen, erase it and set colors to black/white. c64.SCROLY |= %00100000 c64.VMCSB = (c64.VMCSB & %11110000) | %00001000 ; $2000-$3fff clear_screen(1, 0) } sub clear_screen(ubyte pixelcolor, ubyte bgcolor) { memset(BITMAP_ADDRESS, 320*200/8, 0) txt.fill_screen(pixelcolor << 4 | bgcolor, 0) } sub line(uword @zp x1, ubyte @zp y1, uword @zp x2, ubyte @zp y2) { ; Bresenham algorithm. ; This code special cases various quadrant loops to allow simple ++ and -- operations. ; TODO rewrite this in optimized assembly if y1>y2 { ; make sure dy is always positive to avoid 8 instead of just 4 special cases swap(x1, x2) swap(y1, y2) } word @zp d = 0 ubyte positive_ix = true word @zp dx = x2 - x1 as word word @zp dy = y2 as word - y1 as word if dx < 0 { dx = -dx positive_ix = false } dx *= 2 dy *= 2 internal_plotx = x1 if dx >= dy { if positive_ix { repeat { internal_plot(y1) if internal_plotx==x2 return internal_plotx++ d += dy if d > dx { y1++ d -= dx } } } else { repeat { internal_plot(y1) if internal_plotx==x2 return internal_plotx-- d += dy if d > dx { y1++ d -= dx } } } } else { if positive_ix { repeat { internal_plot(y1) if y1 == y2 return y1++ d += dx if d > dy { internal_plotx++ d -= dy } } } else { repeat { internal_plot(y1) if y1 == y2 return y1++ d += dx if d > dy { internal_plotx-- d -= dy } } } } } sub circle(uword xcenter, ubyte ycenter, ubyte radius) { ; Midpoint algorithm ubyte @zp ploty ubyte @zp xx = radius ubyte @zp yy = 0 byte @zp decisionOver2 = 1-xx as byte while xx>=yy { internal_plotx = xcenter + xx ploty = ycenter + yy internal_plot(ploty) internal_plotx = xcenter - xx internal_plot(ploty) internal_plotx = xcenter + xx ploty = ycenter - yy internal_plot(ploty) internal_plotx = xcenter - xx internal_plot(ploty) internal_plotx = xcenter + yy ploty = ycenter + xx internal_plot(ploty) internal_plotx = xcenter - yy internal_plot(ploty) internal_plotx = xcenter + yy ploty = ycenter - xx internal_plot(ploty) internal_plotx = xcenter - yy internal_plot(ploty) yy++ if decisionOver2<=0 decisionOver2 += 2*yy+1 else { xx-- decisionOver2 += 2*(yy-xx)+1 } } } sub disc(uword xcenter, ubyte ycenter, ubyte radius) { ; Midpoint algorithm, filled ubyte xx = radius ubyte yy = 0 byte decisionOver2 = 1-xx as byte while xx>=yy { ubyte ycenter_plus_yy = ycenter + yy ubyte ycenter_min_yy = ycenter - yy ubyte ycenter_plus_xx = ycenter + xx ubyte ycenter_min_xx = ycenter - xx for internal_plotx in xcenter to xcenter+xx { internal_plot(ycenter_plus_yy) internal_plot(ycenter_min_yy) } for internal_plotx in xcenter-xx to xcenter-1 { internal_plot(ycenter_plus_yy) internal_plot(ycenter_min_yy) } for internal_plotx in xcenter to xcenter+yy { internal_plot(ycenter_plus_xx) internal_plot(ycenter_min_xx) } for internal_plotx in xcenter-yy to xcenter { internal_plot(ycenter_plus_xx) internal_plot(ycenter_min_xx) } yy++ if decisionOver2<=0 decisionOver2 += 2*yy+1 else { xx-- decisionOver2 += 2*(yy-xx)+1 } } } ; here is the non-asm code for the plot routine below: ; sub plot_nonasm(uword px, ubyte py) { ; ubyte[] ormask = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1] ; uword addr = BITMAP_ADDRESS + 320*(py>>3) + (py & 7) + (px & %0000000111111000) ; @(addr) |= ormask[lsb(px) & 7] ; } asmsub plot(uword plotx @XY, ubyte ploty @A) clobbers (A, X, Y) { %asm {{ stx internal_plotx sty internal_plotx+1 jmp internal_plot }} } ; for efficiency of internal algorithms here is the internal plot routine ; that takes the plotx coordinate in a separate variable instead of the XY register pair: uword internal_plotx ; 0..319 ; separate 'parameter' for internal_plot() asmsub internal_plot(ubyte ploty @A) clobbers (A, X, Y) { ; internal_plotx is 16 bits 0 to 319... doesn't fit in a register %asm {{ tay lda internal_plotx+1 sta P8ZP_SCRATCH_W2+1 lsr a ; 0 sta P8ZP_SCRATCH_W2 lda internal_plotx pha and #7 tax lda _y_lookup_lo,y clc adc P8ZP_SCRATCH_W2 sta P8ZP_SCRATCH_W2 lda _y_lookup_hi,y adc P8ZP_SCRATCH_W2+1 sta P8ZP_SCRATCH_W2+1 pla ; internal_plotx and #%11111000 tay lda (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W2),y ora _ormask,x sta (P8ZP_SCRATCH_W2),y rts _ormask .byte 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 ; note: this can be even faster if we also have a 256 byte x-lookup table, but hey. ; see http://codebase64.org/doku.php?id=base:various_techniques_to_calculate_adresses_fast_common_screen_formats_for_pixel_graphics ; the y lookup tables encodes this formula: BITMAP_ADDRESS + 320*(py>>3) + (py & 7) (y from 0..199) ; We use the 64tass syntax for range expressions to calculate this table on assembly time. _plot_y_values := $2000 + 320*(range(200)>>3) + (range(200) & 7) _y_lookup_lo .byte <_plot_y_values _y_lookup_hi .byte >_plot_y_values }} } }