%import c64lib %import c64utils %import c64flt %zeropage basicsafe ~ main { sub start() { ; set text color and activate lowercase charset c64.COLOR = 13 c64.VMCSB |= 2 ; use optimized routine to write text c64scr.print("Hello!\n") ; use iteration to write text str question = "How are you?\n" for ubyte char in question c64.CHROUT(char) ; use indexed loop to write characters str bye = "Goodbye!\n" for ubyte c in 0 to len(bye) c64.CHROUT(bye[c]) float clock_seconds = ((mkword(c64.TIME_LO, c64.TIME_MID) as float) + (c64.TIME_HI as float)*65536.0) / 60 float hours = floor(clock_seconds / 3600) clock_seconds -= hours*3600 float minutes = floor(clock_seconds / 60) clock_seconds = floor(clock_seconds - minutes * 60.0) ; @todo implement strcpy/strcat/strlen? c64scr.print("system time in ti$ is ") c64flt.print_f(hours) c64.CHROUT(':') c64flt.print_f(minutes) c64.CHROUT(':') c64flt.print_f(clock_seconds) c64.CHROUT('\n') } }