%import c64utils %import c64lib ~ main { sub start() { c64.SCROLY &= %11101111 ; blank the screen c64utils.set_rasterirq_excl(40) while(true) { } } } ~ irq { const ubyte barheight = 4 ubyte[13] colors = [6,2,4,5,15,7,1,13,3,12,8,11,9] ubyte color = 0 ubyte ypos = 0 sub irq() { Y++ ; slight timing delay to avoid rasterline transition issues ubyte rasterpos = c64.RASTER if color!=len(colors) { c64.EXTCOL = colors[color] color++ c64.RASTER = rasterpos+barheight } else { ypos += 2 c64.EXTCOL = 0 color = 0 c64.RASTER = sin8u(ypos)/2+40 } } }