%import textio %import palette %import string %import gfx2 ; Mockup of a classic Amiga Workbench screen. ; TODO make everything 4 colors main { sub start() { palette.set_monochrome($0aaa, $0000) gfx2.screen_mode(5) ; select 640*480 mode cx16.VERA_DC_VSCALE = 64 ; have the vertical resolution so it is 640*240 - more or less Amiga's default non interlaced mode cx16.mouse_config(1, 1) ; enable mouse TODO make it an Amiga mouse pointer if possible gfx2.text_charset(3) gfx2.monochrome_stipple(true) gfx2.fillrect(0,11,gfx2.width,gfx2.height/2-11,1) gfx2.monochrome_stipple(false) screen_titlebar() window_workbench() window_system() window_shell() gfx2.text(280, 220, 1, @"Mockup drawn using Prog8 gfx2 library") repeat { } } sub screen_titlebar() { ; TODO white box gfx2.text(8,1, 1, @"AmigaOS 3.1 2,002,448 graphics mem 16,504,384 other mem") gfx2.horizontal_line(0, 10, gfx2.width, 1) widget.window_order_icon(gfx2.width-widget.window_order_icon.width, 0, false) } sub window_workbench() { const uword win_x = 10 const uword win_y = 16 const uword width = 600 const uword height = 220 widget.window_titlebar(win_x, win_y, width, @"Workbench", true) gfx2.fillrect(win_x+3, win_y+11, width-4, height-11-2,0) ; clear window pane widget.window_leftborder(win_x, win_y, height, true) widget.window_bottomborder(win_x, win_y, width, height) widget.window_rightborder(win_x, win_y, width, height, true) vector_v(win_x+width - 380, win_y+height-20) vector_v(win_x+width - 380 -14, win_y+height-20) widget.icon(45,40, @"Ram Disk") widget.icon(45,90, @"Workbench3.1") } sub vector_v(uword x, uword y) { gfx2.horizontal_line(x, y, 12, 1) gfx2.horizontal_line(x+16, y+16, 12,1) gfx2.line(x,y,x+16,y+16,1) gfx2.line(x+11,y,x+16+6,y+10,1) gfx2.line(x+16+6,y+10,x+48,y-16,1) gfx2.line(x+16+11,y+16,x+48+11,y-16,1) } sub window_system() { const uword width = 300 const uword height = 120 const uword win_x = 320 const uword win_y = 40 widget.window_titlebar(win_x, win_y, width, @"System", false) gfx2.fillrect(win_x+3, win_y+11, width-4, height-11-2,0) ; clear window pane widget.window_leftborder(win_x, win_y, height, false) widget.window_bottomborder(win_x, win_y, width, height) widget.window_rightborder(win_x, win_y, width, height, false) widget.icon(win_x+16, win_y+14, @"FixFonts") widget.icon(win_x+16+80, win_y+14, @"NoFastMem") widget.icon(win_x+16, win_y+56, @"Format") widget.icon(win_x+16+80, win_y+56, @"RexxMast") widget.icon(win_x+16+160, win_y+56, @"Shell") } sub window_shell() { const uword win_x = 64-4 const uword win_y = 140 const uword width = 500 const uword height = 65 widget.window_titlebar(win_x, win_y, width, @"AmigaShell", false) gfx2.fillrect(win_x+3, win_y+11, width-4, height-11-2,0) ; clear window pane widget.window_leftborder(win_x, win_y, height, false) widget.window_bottomborder(win_x, win_y, width, height) widget.window_rightborder(win_x, win_y, width, height, false) gfx2.text(win_x+5, win_y+12, 1, @"New Shell process 3") gfx2.text(win_x+5, win_y+12+8, 1, @"3.Workbench3.1:>") gfx2.fillrect(win_x+5+17*8, win_y+12+8, 8, 8, 1) ; cursor } } widget { sub highlightedrect(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height, ubyte active) { ; TODO white gfx2.horizontal_line(x, y, width, 1) gfx2.vertical_line(x, y+1, height-1, 1) ; TODO black gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1, y+1, height-1, 1) gfx2.horizontal_line(x+1, y+height-1, width-2, 1) } sub icon(uword x, uword y, uword caption) { const ubyte width = 56 const ubyte height = 28 highlightedrect(x, y, width, height, false) uword middlex = x+width/2+1 ubyte halfstring = string.length(caption) * 4 gfx2.text(middlex-halfstring,y+height+1,1,caption) gfx2.monochrome_stipple(true) gfx2.disc(x+width/4+4, y+height/2, height/2-4, 1) gfx2.monochrome_stipple(false) gfx2.circle(x+width/4+4, y+height/2, height/2-4, 1) gfx2.fillrect(x+20,y+12,width/2,height/2-4,1) } sub window_titlebar(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword titlestr, ubyte active) { const ubyte height = 11 gfx2.fillrect(x,y,width,height-1,0) widget.highlightedrect(x+widget.window_close_icon.width, y, width-62, height, active) gfx2.text(x+32, y+1, 1, titlestr) widget.window_close_icon(x, y, active) widget.window_order_icon(x+width-22, y, active) widget.window_flipsize_icon(x+width-44, y, active) } sub window_flipsize_icon(uword x, uword y, ubyte active) { const uword width = 22 const uword height = 11 highlightedrect(x, y, width, height, active) gfx2.rect(x+5, y+2, width-9, height-4, 1) gfx2.rect(x+5, y+2, width-15, height-7, 1) } sub window_order_icon(uword x, uword y, ubyte active) { ; TODO background filled box const uword width = 22 const uword height = 11 highlightedrect(x, y, width, height, active) gfx2.fillrect(x+4, y+2, 10, 5, 1) ; grey back ; TODO black border gfx2.fillrect(x+8, y+4, 10, 5, 1) ; white front ; TODO black border } sub window_close_icon(uword x, uword y, ubyte active) { ; TODO background filled box const uword width = 20 const uword height = 11 highlightedrect(x, y, width, height, active) gfx2.fillrect(x+7, y+3, 5, 5, 1) ; TODO black border } sub window_leftborder(uword x, uword y, uword height, ubyte active) { gfx2.vertical_line(x, y, height, 1) gfx2.vertical_line(x+1, y+11, height-11, 1) gfx2.vertical_line(x+2, y+11, height-11, 1) } sub window_bottomborder(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height) { gfx2.horizontal_line(x+3, y+height-2, width-3, 1) gfx2.horizontal_line(x, y+height-1, width, 1) } sub window_rightborder(uword x, uword y, uword width, uword height, ubyte active) { ; TODO scrollbar and scroll icons gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1-16, y+11, height-13,1) gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1, y+11, height-11,1) gfx2.fillrect(x+width-1-15, y+height-10, 15, 9, 0) gfx2.horizontal_line(x+width-1-13, y+height-3, 11,1) gfx2.vertical_line(x+width-1-3, y+height-3-5, 5,1) gfx2.line(x+width-1-13,y+height-3, x+width-1-3, y+height-3-5, 1) gfx2.horizontal_line(x+width-1-16, y+height-10, 16,1) } }