Irmen de Jong a735939d1e removed confusing GPL software license reference and copyright header from library files. (because of exclusion in output files)
Reworded software license and exclusion clause somewhat again in attempt to make it even clearer.
2022-05-30 20:12:20 +02:00

207 lines
4.7 KiB

; Prog8 definitions for the Virtual Machine
sys {
; ------- lowlevel system routines --------
const ubyte target = 255 ; compilation target specifier. 64 = C64, 128 = C128, 16 = CommanderX16, 8 = atari800XL, 255 = virtual
sub reset_system() {
; Soft-reset the system back to initial power-on Basic prompt.
%asm {{
syscall 0
sub wait(uword jiffies) {
; --- wait approximately the given number of jiffies (1/60th seconds)
%asm {{
loadm.w r0, {sys.wait.jiffies}
syscall 13
sub waitvsync() {
; --- busy wait till the next vsync has occurred (approximately), without depending on custom irq handling.
%asm {{
syscall 14
sub internal_stringcopy(uword source, uword tgt) {
; Called when the compiler wants to assign a string value to another string.
while @(source) {
@(tgt) = @(source)
sub memcopy(uword source, uword tgt, uword count) {
repeat count {
@(tgt) = @(source)
sub memset(uword mem, uword numbytes, ubyte value) {
repeat numbytes {
@(mem) = value
sub memsetw(uword mem, uword numwords, uword value) {
repeat numwords {
pokew(mem, value)
sub exit(ubyte returnvalue) {
; -- immediately exit the program with a return code in the A register
%asm {{
loadm.b r0,{sys.exit.returnvalue}
syscall 1
sub set_carry() {
%asm {{
sub clear_carry() {
%asm {{
sub gfx_enable(ubyte mode) {
%asm {{
loadm.b r0, {sys.gfx_enable.mode}
syscall 8
sub gfx_plot(uword xx, uword yy, ubyte color) {
%asm {{
loadm.w r0, {sys.gfx_plot.xx}
loadm.w r1, {sys.gfx_plot.yy}
loadm.b r2, {sys.gfx_plot.color}
syscall 10
cx16 {
; the sixteen virtual 16-bit registers that the CX16 has defined in the zeropage
; they are simulated on the VirtualMachine as well but their location in memory is different
; the sixteen virtual 16-bit registers in both normal unsigned mode and signed mode (s)
&uword r0 = $0002
&uword r1 = $0004
&uword r2 = $0006
&uword r3 = $0008
&uword r4 = $000a
&uword r5 = $000c
&uword r6 = $000e
&uword r7 = $0010
&uword r8 = $0012
&uword r9 = $0014
&uword r10 = $0016
&uword r11 = $0018
&uword r12 = $001a
&uword r13 = $001c
&uword r14 = $001e
&uword r15 = $0020
&word r0s = $0002
&word r1s = $0004
&word r2s = $0006
&word r3s = $0008
&word r4s = $000a
&word r5s = $000c
&word r6s = $000e
&word r7s = $0010
&word r8s = $0012
&word r9s = $0014
&word r10s = $0016
&word r11s = $0018
&word r12s = $001a
&word r13s = $001c
&word r14s = $001e
&word r15s = $0020
&ubyte r0L = $0002
&ubyte r1L = $0004
&ubyte r2L = $0006
&ubyte r3L = $0008
&ubyte r4L = $000a
&ubyte r5L = $000c
&ubyte r6L = $000e
&ubyte r7L = $0010
&ubyte r8L = $0012
&ubyte r9L = $0014
&ubyte r10L = $0016
&ubyte r11L = $0018
&ubyte r12L = $001a
&ubyte r13L = $001c
&ubyte r14L = $001e
&ubyte r15L = $0020
&ubyte r0H = $0003
&ubyte r1H = $0005
&ubyte r2H = $0007
&ubyte r3H = $0009
&ubyte r4H = $000b
&ubyte r5H = $000d
&ubyte r6H = $000f
&ubyte r7H = $0011
&ubyte r8H = $0013
&ubyte r9H = $0015
&ubyte r10H = $0017
&ubyte r11H = $0019
&ubyte r12H = $001b
&ubyte r13H = $001d
&ubyte r14H = $001f
&ubyte r15H = $0021
&byte r0sL = $0002
&byte r1sL = $0004
&byte r2sL = $0006
&byte r3sL = $0008
&byte r4sL = $000a
&byte r5sL = $000c
&byte r6sL = $000e
&byte r7sL = $0010
&byte r8sL = $0012
&byte r9sL = $0014
&byte r10sL = $0016
&byte r11sL = $0018
&byte r12sL = $001a
&byte r13sL = $001c
&byte r14sL = $001e
&byte r15sL = $0020
&byte r0sH = $0003
&byte r1sH = $0005
&byte r2sH = $0007
&byte r3sH = $0009
&byte r4sH = $000b
&byte r5sH = $000d
&byte r6sH = $000f
&byte r7sH = $0011
&byte r8sH = $0013
&byte r9sH = $0015
&byte r10sH = $0017
&byte r11sH = $0019
&byte r12sH = $001b
&byte r13sH = $001d
&byte r14sH = $001f
&byte r15sH = $0021